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There have been 353 items by ChiliPepperFender (Search limited from 13-May 97)

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#245822 Star Wars Rebel Trooper Blaster Mk. 2

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 August 2009 - 04:12 PM in Modifications

Wow, that was the coolest write-up I've ever seen. Nice use of the expo board too and good drawings.

#149420 Spy Gear Signal Launcher

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 April 2008 - 12:32 AM in Modifications

You should try pumping the plug on that thing. Nice mod too.

#149522 Spy Gear Signal Launcher

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 April 2008 - 05:28 PM in Modifications

You should try pumping the plug on that thing. Nice mod too.

I think you mean, "plugging the pump", pumping the plug sounds totally different. But does'nt that thing cost $20? And is it accurate with those sights you put on the top? (If they are even sights.)

I think he was just trying to mock Keef.

Keef isn't the only one who's made that mistake. Plenty of people on the boards say it frequently.

Looks good though. They do still sell these in stores, and the only complaint I have about it is the funky trigger. It is usable and you could get used to it pretty fast.

I wasn't trying to mock keef, and I did make that mistake. Thanks for pointing it out though.

#151744 Spongebob

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 17 April 2008 - 08:54 PM in Off Topic

Why is there a forum about spongebob on a nerf website.... Anyways, I've lost interest in spongebob like 3 years ago, but I remember the classics.

#144277 Spidey Dtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 March 2008 - 11:33 PM in Modifications

Alright, thanks for the advice keef. Also, vegatable oil doesn't sound like the kind of item you would want to use in a nerf gun. That is unless you were cooking it. :D

#144235 Spidey Dtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 March 2008 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

Thanks for all the input guys, I think I'll buy some silicone spray or grease.

#144268 Spidey Dtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 March 2008 - 09:57 PM in Modifications

O-ring lubricant at the hardware store in the plumbing section. It comes in a blue container. You can see what the container looks like in the LNL video. Silicone spray lubricants have given me alot of problems.

I'll take your word for it and not get the silicone spray, and I'll check out that video for the lubricant.

Stop posting about a gun you don't have. Vegetable oil just makes it smell, and isn't worth the pain. If you pumped the plug, its going to be a bitch to pump. Unplugging it will help. Mine now has a leak because of pumping it too much because I didn't know how much to pump it. I'm trying to double barrel it, but things aren't working out.

I don't like the SMDTB's that much, they are ok for a backup, but who even uses a sidearm that much?

Um, if the first sentence was directed to me, I do have the gun. Also I didn't pump the plug because I'm not so sure about how to do that on this gun(I don't normally work with air guns). The SMDTG's are for an integration I'm planning as opposed to a sidearm.

For the record Captain, the Venom one does look way more badass then the Spider Man one.

#144184 Spidey Dtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 March 2008 - 01:02 AM in Modifications

Ok guys, a few months back I bought a SMDTG set, and opened up one of the blasters, and did the normal mods to it. But, this gun is noticably harder to pump than the gun I have not opened up. Is this because I need to lube up around the pump? If so, I read that silicone based is the best and not to use Jigaloo slicone spray. Are there any exact brand name recomendations for my SMDTG?

Any help is appreciated!

#176346 Sought-after Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 10 September 2008 - 12:10 AM in General Nerf

Sercret Shot 2's are the sauce. Get one, now. Crazy range. Pistol package, what's not to like?

#242336 Sof Seattle War

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 July 2009 - 10:08 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm assuming people going to this war would be interested in some guns right? I might show up with some guns to sell.

#211452 Sof Seattle War

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 February 2009 - 05:05 PM in Nerf Wars

My vote is MaryMoor and I'm hoping to be there.

#208319 Sof Seattle War

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 31 January 2009 - 05:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll vote the war to be at Marymoor. Also, if nothing comes up that date, I'll try to make it.

#152726 Smdtg Secret Reveled

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 22 April 2008 - 10:40 PM in General Nerf

Nice find! If people don't get in the high ranges after doing the simple mods, this will definently help them out.

#151374 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 15 April 2008 - 10:08 PM in Modifications

Your running around a field with a bunch of college aged kids shooting foam darts at each other. Don't worry about it working weird.

Anyways, thank you for posting a write-up for I have not seen a SMDTG write up yet. Man I really need to get a BS/Hornet/SMDTG.

I'm only 14...Also I think it'd be awkward to have to switch each turret everytime. Along with that, it won't fit in with the integration I'm doing with this. Thanks for the compliment, I screwed up my first SMDTG and thought they totally sucked after that, so I traded one to Sam. I then bought another pack (3 actually) and I am now in love with them. If you can get them, I'd definently recomend them.

#151661 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 17 April 2008 - 05:06 PM in Modifications

Renegademilitia15: Epoxy would probably work much better, I just always forget to get it at the store.

Dayko: I live in Redmond, Washington which is a little east of Seattle. The Mclendon's I'm talking about is in Woodinville.

#151448 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 April 2008 - 03:27 PM in Modifications

Have you noticed that all Nerf guns have "age 6-12" on them? It's sort of like saying "We take no responsibility for you looking like an idiot while using this product if over age 12."

Anyways, I'm glad someone finally made a basic SMDTG mod, and yes, they rock. I bought three packs, but only have five blasters left. I'm going to have to scour my stores for them, or buy a few packs online.


2 in a pack * 3 packs = 6 guns. Doesn't that mean you have just used one?

He probably traded it to someone or broke it, I broke my first one. Thanks for the compliments everyone. Also, there are tabs on the inside of the gray tubes where you stick in the brass, I didn't sand those out. I'm not sure if that would help or hurt the ranges.

#151555 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 April 2008 - 09:57 PM in Modifications

I am not sure exactly what you mean, but if I understand what you are saying, I sanded out the little tabs inside the part that the stock barrel attaches to and then put petg with etape on it inside that. On the other, I didn't sand it. Both shoot about the same distance.

Hmm, are you darts a loose or tight fit? The darts I have that are tighter, seem to get better ranges. Maybe etape isn't the way to go with SMDTG, I did the exact same thing as you and got poor ranges before I did this.

Dayko: You live in Washington right? Well I get mine from MClendon's hardware. It's a local hardware store, I think they have a few in WA.

#151361 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 15 April 2008 - 09:21 PM in Modifications

I'm probably am going to integrate these on something, you'll see. Also, that'd be awesome with some at2k turrets. It would look very weird though.

#151358 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 15 April 2008 - 09:13 PM in Modifications

Recently I was looking through the modification directory and I saw that there wasn't a mod for a SMDTG. Although, I believe Bag's may have done something with it. Anyway here's my SMTDG mod.

-1 ft of17/32 brass
-Hot glue
-Hot glue gun
-A tool to cut brass (dremel)

Here is one of the guns completely stock:
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First open it up:
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After this there is a semi-hidden screw right here:
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Here is the op vavle, you can hot glue it or cover it with tape:
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Next, take out the air restrictor's and the peg which are here:
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You take out the ar's and peg by removing the screw that was previously shown. Removing the screw, took off the stock orange barrels. This is what it looks like with the ar's/peg in and no stock barrels on:
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Don't forget to take out the springs too!
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Now cut your brass into four 4 inch sections like so:
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After this, hot glue them inside of the gray part of the gun. This was where the stock barrels was on. Now reasemble your gun with the new barrels. It should look like this when done.
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This is a very simple and easy mod that gets good ranges. My barrels are slanted downwards, however, which made the results less. Not to mention the fact it's 45 degrees and rainy in Washington. Ranges were roughly 55-65 ft flat with 15 pumps. I'm definently going to do this mod to my other gun, as well as integrate these into something spectacular. Hope you liked it!

Questions, Comments, Flames?

#151461 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 April 2008 - 05:09 PM in Modifications

I figured I'd ask this here so I didn't have to make a new topic.
I may have just gotten a really junky set, but both of my smdtg's are awful. I plugged the op valve on both of them, and I tried 15-20 pumps, and I only got about 30 feet (which is what I got when they were stock), and I usually get 30' from the first and last shot, but I only get about 15 from the middle shot. I then tried 30 pumps, and I still only got about 40' (and I still get the lame half distance shot). I used taggers in 3" of petg. I also tried cdtd's, and the results weren't much better. Is there something I am missing? Is it just because I'm not shooting stefans? Does everybody add 20' to their ranges?

How did you put in your new petg barrels? Did you sand out the sides? When I first screwed up my SMDTG, I sanded out the barrels, and put e-tape around the barrels and got about 20-30 ft.

#151941 Smdtg

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 19 April 2008 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

Don't get your hopes too high. Sometimes when I go there all they have is maybe 1-2 pieces, but then other times they have 3 pieces of each (19/32.9/16.17/32). So it's pretty much like hit and miss.

#151222 Sm750mav

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 April 2008 - 10:49 PM in Modifications

You could epoxy some wood or other material to the trigger then attach it to the metal firing pin by way of epoxying that too. I remember somebody used a broken tape measure case to extend their trigger, but can't remember exactly who.

#157503 Sm750 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 May 2008 - 10:00 PM in Modifications

This writeup is essentially the one in the "modifications" part of the website but this one is the older version gun and could have different results. On the to write-up.

First here's the gun stock, well mines not completely stock.
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Anyway, you open up the gun by prying off the orange cap by the barrel as well as the one by the pump.
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Now take out the pump, and plug it using hot glue.
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Replace the barrel with about 5 inches of PETG or another barrel of your choice, and add vast amounts of etape untill it is a snug fit inside of the airtank.
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Put everything back together inside the gun.
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Screw on the screws and your done.
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Range test results:
Ok, I've seen a couple other sm750 mods and they're getting in the 90's with 2-3 pumps, that's not the case for mine.

I've found that you need 7 pumps, which is when it starts to get hard to pump, to acheive ranges of 90'.

Stefan with 7 pumps:

Stefan with 3 pumps:

This was used a a 1.5 inch stefan that has a 3/0 fishing weight inside of it. The accuracy and velocity is fantastic with this gun. Comparable to my crossbow's.

For fun, I did a range test with a streamline with 7 pumps and here's what I got:

I was really surprised to see the darts soar that far, they were extremely unaccurate, but they twirled around and stayed up for a remarkable distance. Obviously, the 68' one, twirled straight into the ground. Also, all of these range test were done on a flat surface with a 0 degree angle on the gun.

Any questions, comments, flames?

#157510 Sm750 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 May 2008 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

It should be noted that the barrel should not go all the way to bottom of the airtank.

Otherwise, Nice Wright up.

Well the end of the air tank has a small white barrel around it and that's what I meant, sorry for any confusion.


Same gun, same mod.

Also, if anyone says you get more than 90 with a SM750, your lying, its not even possible I think, a 2k one is bigger and gets better ranges. I usually get 70 feet if I'm lucky.

I know it's the same gun, and mod, but's it's a different version of the gun, I also stated that in the first sentence of the write up.

90ft? It's possible. If it's not then I'm lying, and so is this guy. http://nerfhaven.com...wtopic=5448&hl= He says that with 3-4 pumps he gets this. If 90 ft isn't possible, than cxwq is also lying. You probably have something wrong with your 750 that you don't know about, because with 7 pumps those are dead on measurements for me. I don't think you can achieve 90 ft with 3 pumps though. I was only hitting 50'.

#162515 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 12 July 2008 - 01:39 PM in Modifications

The hotglue trigger mod is when you put hotglue on the trigger spring, basically making it the same thing as a bic pen mod.

So ya your right.

Edit- Really nice gun BTW. But it seems like loading the dart into the breech would be a little difficult. How far is the plastic from the brass breech. In the pic it looks like it's an inch, so what happens if you miss the breech? Or maybe the pic's decieving....

When relocating the air tank, you get rid of the trigger spring so you can't really do the BIC pen/hot glue mod.

In the begining I only cut the plastic for the breech to go about 1.25 in. so I redid and cut more, as you can see in my latest pictures. Now it will open 1.75 in. My darts being 1.5 in this is a perfect size.

#162377 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 12:33 PM in Modifications

Thaygor: Thanks!

Salmon: I wasn't trying to make the gun look like an MP5. It's just my MP5 in COD4 has Blue Tiger camo which looks exactly like this. I was also suprised how easy this mod actually was. Who knows though, maybe I just got lucky and didn't screw anything up. I don't know if I put it in the description, but I also plugged the pump.

Doubleshot: Yeah, SM5k's are definently good. I have tried a telescoping barrel on my darts before and they results weren't good. But it's probably the way I'm making it or something.

MoonMaster: I know this gun has collectors value, I traded my Larami 1k for it. Thanks for pointing it out though.

Galaxy: Thanks for the compliments!

Uncle Hammer: Your right the Small Soldiers version isn't getting that rare. On ebay a couple of months ago I got a NIB SS SM500 for 25$ plus shipping off buy it now. Yeah I don't think I'm going to sell this gun though. Thanks for the compliments too.

#162332 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 12:48 AM in Modifications

Ok, so recently I traded Orange a Larami 1k for a SM5k and I'm happy about it. I would have never wanted to mod the 1k in fear of something that rare breaking. When I got this gun it was awesome. The stock feels perfect and I even got 1 pink and green larami to try out the gun. It shot around 20 ft. I read over Frost Vectron's and Silent Blade's SM5k write-up's alot so I basically knew what I was going to do with the gun before I ever got it. I did the regular tank relocation mod and I was very suprised at how easily and smooth that was. Next, I had to shorten the tubing and add some plumbers goop to seal it up.
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I also wanted to do a breech like FV's but I approached it so differently. He helped me with the better barrel size I used and I chose 9/16 brass with a 19/32 brass barrel making a seal. Like FV I put 3 in. of pvc over the 3in 19/32 brass. Although, instead of using a PVC endcap and such. I used a nail. Different, but it works. I put a crapload of epoxy putty around that, and believe me, that's not going to fall off. Ok, everyone knows that nails hurt, so I then put some crappy frost king foam on the nail. To add to appearence, I then added some e-tape to it.
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The breech itself is just a 9/16 brass barrel with 2.5 inches cut out of it, to put in the dart. Then 19/32 nested brass barrel to cover the main barrel. And as previous stated with the nail ect.. Now the way I cut the shell, I cut it a bit short so I can only see 1.5 inches of the insides of the 9/16 barrel, but it doesn't matter because my darts are 1.5 inches and I slide them to the back with the breech. Here's the shell cut down fit for the breech, also the scope with I cut off.
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Here's anoter picture of the awesome breech opened.
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Now to secure the barrel and make sure that it is straight, I did something that Silent Blade did. I put etape around the end of the barrel. Pic time.
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Also, what SB did, for looks.
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Here's the awesome detachtable stock, but I'll never take it off.
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The final product:
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This gun is literally the shit. The best gun I've modded so far and my best work. I'd like to thank Frost Vectron for the help and Silent Blade for the basic mod and inspiration.

Now the 9/16 is a bit big for my darts but the 17/32 is way too tight so ultimately I chose 9/16 which is probably why my results aren't the best 5k ranges but they get the job done. Also, my OP valve takes a little big longer to kick in also. With 10 pumps I am acheiving 150' but that's pushingit. 7 pumps is more like it and I'm getting around 120'. These ranges aren't exact ranges, so please don't flame me for them. Anyway, the best part about this gun, is the way it feels. I'd have to put it up there with a crossbow. I own both guns so I'm not just going off what people say. The stock on this gun is extremely comfy. Also, this gun isn't that loud either, other than a small pop.

Sorry for the horrible quality pictures too. Camera phones suck.
Oh yeah, about the name. I've recently bought COD4 and I have a MP5 with Blue Tiger camo and I thought that name suits this gun perfectly. Thank you for reading this if you actually did too. I'm sure there's some mistakes, but I'll fix'em later.

Wow, this took a long time to write. So finally, any questions, comments, flames?

EDIT: I don't want to make a new topic so I'll just post it here, buy my chainblazer!

#162402 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 03:28 PM in Modifications

Retiate: Thanks for the compliments! This is the exact same stuff I used. Same package and everything. I got this from Mclendon's Hardware in Kirkland, since you live in WA that's probably near you. The nail as a handle is holding on very well. The putty is like a rock, it's not coming off.

Later today I'm going to try and get some higher quality pictures, since yesterday I've made some changes after range testing last night. I opened up the gun again because everytime I'd open the breech the barrel would move, to fix this I filled the end of the barrel with FBR to keep it nice and straight.
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Also, I wanted to be able to open the breech farther so I cut the casing a bit more, now it works much better!
Posted Image

#162414 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 05:05 PM in Modifications

10 pumps??? Wow, I've only pumped mine up 5 before and even then it can break glass with a dart tag dart. I can't imagine going that far.

Literally, four pumps from my sm5k is big blast power. I'm amazed that you can safely pump yours up that far. I wonder what the difference is?

Did you do the hot glue on the trigger mod? So it lets all the air out at once?

The OP valve kicks in around 7-8 pumps.

I'm intrigued. Hot glue on the trigger mod? Like a BIC pen mod? Please explain.

#162554 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 12 July 2008 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

Knud-Hansen: Thanks, I was actually suprised too, all I need to do is glue it one.

Retitate & Renegademilitia15: I'll try to make it out, but I've got to convince my mom to drive 2-3 hours for a nerf war though. W@MM was my best bet...considering I live up the hill from MaryMoor, but I had 2 baseball games that day so I couldn't make it...Anyway, I'll post in your thread if I can make it or not in a couple of days.

#151027 Singled Shotgun Titan Modification

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 13 April 2008 - 09:21 PM in Modifications

I don't really see the point of putting multi barrels on a titan. On my Titan, I just singled it with a 2 foot barrel. Then to shotgun it, just stuff 3-6 darts down the long barrel. Shoots nicely and is a lot easier than multi-barrels. Anyways, good job.

You could do that, but in my experience range is less, and there isn't much of a spread or accuracy (as much accuracy as you can get with a shotgun attachment...)

Anyways, Foam, good job. Nice and clear.


Along with what Of All' said, most wars don't allow singled titans, so it's better to multi-barrel them.

#180974 Singled Maverick Link?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 October 2008 - 12:36 AM in Modifications

The only reason you should EVER single a maverick is if your using the turret for something else or if the turret broke. Otherwise it completely defeats the purpose of the maverick, and makes it even more useless than before. It's excessively small plunger tube is not worth singling. You're giving up a high ROF and shit ranges for a terrible ROF and still shit ranges. There's no point.

Actually, there is a point. Maybe, just maybe, he wants to have fun with his friends and have a 'cool' looking gun. NERF modding isn't all about having the best gun possible, and what's practical in an organized NERF war. Sometimes, you want to have fun and don't need the best gun.

#151312 Singled Airtech 2000 Petg Modification

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 15 April 2008 - 06:18 PM in Modifications

The "white thing" is actually the air tank. I'm guessing the ranges are normal? 80-90ft? Nice mod.

#153184 Shopping Sites

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 25 April 2008 - 11:05 PM in General Nerf

I ussually use ebay, and sell big items, like guitars, on craigslist. I sell more expensive things locally on craigslist. Ebay is where I like to "shop" though and look around for items.

#145478 Semi-automatic Nerf Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 March 2008 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

Well, chainblazers and arrowstorms are fun and all, but when it comes down to it, they just aren't that accurate. There are better guns out there, just try a few.

What would you reccomend Captain?

#184033 Secret Strike? Where Do You Buy It?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 15 October 2008 - 10:02 PM in General Nerf

Fred Myer, I've found around 10-15 just sitting there.

#150005 Scout Paintjob

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 08 April 2008 - 12:19 AM in Modifications

Wow. Nice paintjobs. Those are very clean.

#247132 Sano

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 15 August 2009 - 02:21 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, I'm wanting to go, but I have no ride. Can anyone pick me up?? Pm me.

I live close to MM too, btw.

#153836 Retro Thing

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 04:57 PM in Off Topic

It's like ye olden technology shoppe.

English please. Modern that is.

#153226 Remote Controlled Cars..

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 01:15 PM in Off Topic

I like getting the ones from TRU and then smashing them with my friends. Basically we just use the cars to run into each other. You should try it someone.