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There have been 353 items by ChiliPepperFender (Search limited from 13-May 97)

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#165279 Give Mr Tubb A New Sig

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 July 2008 - 09:33 PM in Off Topic

Or, I could not have a signature, and you could stop feeling my butthole ever so softly.

#243746 Guess The Amount.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 July 2009 - 11:18 PM in Off Topic


#153882 Other Hobbies Aside From Nerfing?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 07:33 PM in Off Topic

Play Baseball, guitar, and listen to music.

#150401 Your Biggest Nerf Regret

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 10 April 2008 - 04:54 PM in General Nerf

Packing up all my NERF guns today and pulling a Manta Ray off the top shelf of my closet and cringing as it hit the ground and broke into four pieces!

Please say that's not the one I'm getting....
Another regret of mine is driving an hour and thirty minutes to good will, hoping to find anything, and not finding one single nerf gun.

#150237 Your Biggest Nerf Regret

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 09 April 2008 - 03:19 PM in General Nerf

Not getting into Nerf sooner.

#155425 2008 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 May 2008 - 01:02 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm thinkin about getting a Washington Nerf war started.... NWNO has a nice ring to it.

Edit: I'm asking if anyone would be interested?

I'd be interested, I know there a few other people from washington here on the boards. Also, someone on NerfHQ is hosting a Washington war in Everett. There isn't an official date yet, if you need the link pm me.

#158031 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 June 2008 - 05:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Both the 20th and the 27th are good for me.

Ok, Blacksunshine said Friday's are fine for him. So if we get the same amount of people we would have on Saturday hopefully we can change the date to a Friday as this would be a better day for me. I'd like to hear more responses, I know Bomberman and Dayko live in Washington too.

#158027 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 June 2008 - 04:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey would June 20th or 27th work for anyone else?

#158176 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 June 2008 - 07:56 PM in Nerf Wars

The 27th and the 20th will work for me. If I had to chose. The 27th.

#158897 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 June 2008 - 09:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Will anyone else be bringing items to sell/trade? I know Blacksunshine is bringing stefans, but how about others? I have alot to trade/sell and I want to get rid of it.

Also, put me as a maybe now. I had 5 games canceled due to rain and we're rescheduling them in the last week of June, hopefully not on the 27th though!

#208691 The End Of The Cold War

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 01 February 2009 - 05:18 PM in General Nerf

Good luck in the navy. Your probably my biggest inspiration as a modder in Nerf.

#160678 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 June 2008 - 03:33 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be able to make this one. If I come expect to see me around 3-4. I have no idea what I might be using though.

#157916 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 June 2008 - 04:53 PM in Nerf Wars

The 21st for me is the same as the 28th. I have a game that day and won't be able to come until around 3:30. You pm'd me saying Friday's and Saturday's right? Well the 20th and the 27th are looking good for me right now.

#157014 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 May 2008 - 12:19 PM in Nerf Wars

This sucks, I live in Redmond and won't even be able to go. I have a Baseball game that day at noon and will most likey not be attending that day. How long will the war last? I'll probably get home around 3:00-4:00, and I might be able to make it for a few hours, because it's just a short 2 min. drive down to Marymoor.

#164886 Chubbs

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 28 July 2008 - 12:20 AM in Modifications

Was that supposed to be a write up? It was pretty vague in the begining. Do you have any official ranges? Nice mod and hybrid, but one question. WTF, why did you make it an alligator? IMO it now looks ugly as hell, though, creative? Very. If you like it that's all that matters.

EDIT: Also can you resize the pictures, they're large and blurry.

#147199 Is Nerf Teaching Us That Guns Are Fun/cool?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 March 2008 - 10:16 PM in General Nerf

Think of it this way. If children who play with NERF guns ever have to be soldiers, they will already have basic skills with weapons and stuff, although I don't think that it is hasbro's intention to train future soldiers.

Are you serious? Playing with nerf guns will not give any skills that has to do with weapons or firearms. Other than the fact of pulling the trigger.

#149000 Is Nerf Teaching Us That Guns Are Fun/cool?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 April 2008 - 12:05 AM in General Nerf

Always remember your trigger discipline and gun safety guys. And never give your gun to a baby or a cat.

Sweet I can read some of that because I'm taking Japanese this year. Anyway, nerf guns don't teach you shit, except that you can shoot foam at each other, and it won't hurt you.

#166846 Wall War

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 August 2008 - 03:15 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be most likely attending this. Possibly with a guest.

#166995 Wall War

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 August 2008 - 11:11 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there but I have a tryout from 10-12 so I'll be leaving around 12 to go to Port Orchard. Probably arriving around 1:30- 2:00 because of the 90 min drive.

#167510 Wall War

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 08 August 2008 - 10:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, real fucking lame. I can't go, well I can but I'd arrive at around 5:00. As you know I had a conflict that wouldn't let me leave untill around 12:15, the ferry leaves at 12:45 so I couldn't make that considering it takes around an hour to get there. The next latest ferry leaves at 4:00 so I'm screwed. Real sorry, this sucks, please take me off the list. I swear though I will attend my first war by the end of this year.

#181069 Official "show Off Your Longshot" Thread

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 October 2008 - 06:55 PM in Modifications

Thus this thread was born

And thus it should now die.

#146025 What Nerf Guns Could Be The Crossbows Of The Future?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 20 March 2008 - 08:07 PM in General Nerf

The only problem with the Nitefinder becoming the Crossbow of the future is that they keep remaking it. There's the old edition and the ex-3. They also keep changing the colors too. As opposed to the Crossbow was one edition and one color.

My two cents.

#146034 What Nerf Guns Could Be The Crossbows Of The Future?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 20 March 2008 - 08:35 PM in General Nerf

The only problem with the Nitefinder becoming the Crossbow of the future is that they keep remaking it. There's the old edition and the ex-3. They also keep changing the colors too. As opposed to the Crossbow was one edition and one color.

My two cents.

So what you're saying is, they're going to remake it so many times that it won't be sought after at all because they are so popular as a basic nerf gun, that everyone has one. Even though that's pretty much how things are now already.

Um, sure.
If you think about it a majority of the people on this site have a nitefinder and even multiples of this gun.(myself having four) Which is why I don't think it will ever become as rare or "legendary" as a Crossbow.

#151921 The New Shall Replace The Old

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 18 April 2008 - 09:57 PM in Off Topic

I'm glad to see people are reading these, even now. I should start a series or something.

Well, it's pretty interesting considering many people have different perspectives about this. Mine? Well, I'd vote depends. I say this because I personally haven't had an older gun that is great, like a crossbow or splitfire, but I still know there are good.

#198974 Merry Christmas!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 December 2008 - 01:37 PM in Off Topic

I never knew how COOL vulcans were untill I actually got one. That was one of my presents along with a Line 6 Floor Pod Plus (Guitar effects multi pedal), some cash, itunes cards, snowboard, and earphones.

#146174 Music

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 21 March 2008 - 05:05 PM in Off Topic

You can't beat the classics like Zeppelin, Nugent, and Floyd!

Ha Ha good one.

Ted Nugent is crazy, literally and at playing the guitar. For some reason I knew someone was going to do something like that and comment about him.

#143952 Arsenal Pictures

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 March 2008 - 12:36 AM in General Nerf

WTF is up with that BBB stock?

Haha, that was the very first gun I modded, I didn't know much then and tried taping it on. I should probally just rip it off, but that's the gun I let my friends use and for some reason they like it.

I was wondering if anyone would notice, nice job, lol.

#153838 Barret .50 Cal Idea

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 05:00 PM in Modifications

I think this could turn out good. Paint the gun also though.

#143945 Arsenal Pictures

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 March 2008 - 11:31 PM in General Nerf

Here's my arsenal:
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Spidey Dart Tag set unopened-saving for when I need it
Longshot AT2K-ranges 70-90ft and 60-70ft-estimation
Stock recon-new, better laser added-probally going to do chefdave's mod when he post write up!
BBB-new spring, brass barrel, ranges about 75-90ft
Stock Magstrike- Not sure what to do about this one yet, but it's very fun to play with.
PETG Nitefinder- ranges about 50-70ft
Stock AT2k-Saving for when I need it
3x- Secret shot pocket blasters
Hornet internals-works fine

Not to mention my failed WIP Doomsayer
Also my Broken ls I can salvage for peices

#146035 Music

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 20 March 2008 - 08:43 PM in Off Topic

Hey shadowkid33, if you didn't get enough money for your strat, then you could get a Ibanez RG4 series one. I just sold one on craigslist for 250. It had a real nice tone to it, not as good as my strat or Les Paul, but still very nice for the price of it.
On topic:
The music I play is classic hard rock and anything Red Hot Chili Peppers. You can't beat the classics like Zeppelin, Nugent, and Floyd!

#153349 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 10:39 PM in Modifications

@Chili: You can buy a screen door closer and break it apart if you wanted to. I just had a broken one around. The plunger tube is ~7", including the plunger face. There are actually 3 different rods there, connected by gluing 5/32" music wire in the grooves. The plunger head is entirely different, if that's what you mean.
@g-force: There is very little left of the actual NF, but yes.
@Green: It is exactly like it. I just went and 1-up'd it by using a larger diameter(more volume) plunger tube, and new spring and plunger head.

EDIT @ Green: It has a coupler, and I still want access to the internals. I am gonna paint it at some point I'm sure but right now I am still tweaking.

Concerning my question, what is exactly did you make the plunger head out of? Also do you have any pictures of said plunger head?

EDIT: I saw the pic but what's it made out of?

#153310 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

Do you know where you can get the spring from? I don't really want to tear apart my screen door for one. Also, how long is the plunger tube, and what did you use to connect the two plunger rods? I have two stock nitefinders at the moment and was thinking about doing something like this. Did you use the stock end piece for the plunger rod from a nitefinder or did you make a different one? Nice mod by the way, incredible ranges too.

#154082 Kool-aid

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 April 2008 - 11:01 PM in Off Topic

After reading this thread I bought kool-aid packs, for the first time in a few years. It was too sugary, but I just added more water to it. Taste's great!

#153354 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 10:51 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the quick response, nice mod too.

#153163 For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 25 April 2008 - 09:22 PM in Off Topic

Wow you ignorant americans.

Go fuck yourself.

Yay! American pride, you tell 'em Dark Shrimp.

#160511 Demotivational Posters

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 June 2008 - 03:32 PM in Off Topic

The pic is also my avatar on my youtube account.


That's not a demotivator. That's a quote. A stupid quote.

I know, I know, I just think the picture is funny. I could'nt really think of much else.
EDIT: Here's another. http://mymotivatr.com/view/624

Once again, that's not a demotivator. It doesn't even have a title, and it's just stupid.


#152447 Pistol Tommy 20 Mod (no Writeup)

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 21 April 2008 - 04:53 PM in Modifications

I've never owned a MT20 so I may be wrong, but since it's on your bike you may want to try to make it rear loading for an easier re-load time.

#161268 Subliminal (hidden) Messaging

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 July 2008 - 04:35 PM in Off Topic

Thanks, VACC. My statement wasn't directed at you, though. I actually have never played Super Mario Galaxies. Anyway, maybe I said it wrong, but they started a lot of things in gaming. They started things like lock-targeting and such.

Someone told me that the Hilary Duff albums can be played backwards to hear a famous Nazi Speech or something, but I highly doubt it.

I knew it! I knew hilary duff was a nazi! She must be Hitlers great granddaughter.

HAHAHA!...Your not funny at all!!

#144434 Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 09 March 2008 - 01:21 PM in Off Topic

If this is for the Wii, do you like stand up and wave around the controlers like the other Wii games? Or is it like the old gamecube games where you just sit down and play it? Anyway, I wanna play this game, it sounds fun. Plus, who didn't like the old Super Smash Bros. games?

#144633 Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 10 March 2008 - 08:39 PM in Off Topic

Yoshi all the way, he's always the best in the games. Which is my opinion.