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There have been 353 items by ChiliPepperFender (Search limited from 13-May 97)

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#156816 Vortex Tornado

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 May 2008 - 01:14 PM in Modifications

The Vortex tornado is basically impossible to mod to fire darts, and I don't even really know how it fires the little rings either. Internal Pic.

That's the Firestorm not the tornado.

#156784 Tech Target Gun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 May 2008 - 12:25 AM in Modifications

Ok, I finished the paintjob, I put masking tape where the original green was and then put a coat of rustoleum blue, which is mettalic blue. Next, I put a "fade" of silver on it.
Posted Image

#156676 Tech Target Gun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 May 2008 - 01:25 AM in Modifications

Here's my TTG mod that I've done to my gun.

First, here's the gun stock, it's ranges are about 25-30ft stock.
Posted Image

Okay, so open it up:
Posted Image

Next, take out the barrel assembly with the plunger tube:
Posted Image

Here it is exploaded:
Posted Image

You don't need any of the items that are orange, and can throw those away. Now, take the plunger tube and get a 3" piece of barrel material. I chose PETG.
Posted Image

Hot glue/epoxy it on the plunger tube as straight as possible now:
Posted Image

Put the gun back together and such:
Posted Image

My TTG is currently being painted right now, so I'll show the final result in a day or two. The ranges of this gun after this mod is about 65ft with rubber bands, depending on the strength of them.

Questions, comments, flames?

#156674 Lancer

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 May 2008 - 12:54 AM in Modifications

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
Has anyone else seen it yet?

Yeah, I saw it, I like his paintjob, but where are the lights? I knew someone was going to do this, I'm kind of amazed of how cleanly he did it though, it's actually pretty good. Not better than the original, but still good.

#156661 Use Of Stock Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 22 May 2008 - 09:22 PM in General Nerf

The best Stock blaster is the ERTL Rapid Fire Shotgun. It's range and accuracy are unmatched in the realm of stock blasters. That's the one i would go with in a stock only war.

Are you serious? When I bought that gun and shot it stock, it went about 15ft.
Anyways, with me I never use a stock gun unless it's an indoor war with my friends, which then I use a Magstrike.

#155425 2008 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 May 2008 - 01:02 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm thinkin about getting a Washington Nerf war started.... NWNO has a nice ring to it.

Edit: I'm asking if anyone would be interested?

I'd be interested, I know there a few other people from washington here on the boards. Also, someone on NerfHQ is hosting a Washington war in Everett. There isn't an official date yet, if you need the link pm me.

#155344 Discussion: Comfortable Blaster Shells

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 10 May 2008 - 01:44 PM in General Nerf

Being one that owns both a crossbow and a sawtooth, I can vouch that they both are very comfortable. The only problem with the sawtooth is that it's stock is a little flimsy, nevertheless still comfortable though. The only problem with the suggestions people will give you, is that it's comfortable to THEM. That doesn't mean it will be comfortable to YOU.

It's your desicion on weather or not to mod your crossbow, but I say mod it. You'll have way more fun modding it and nerfing with it for another year, then leaving it stock and having it's value rise 0-50$. It's all personal choice though.

#155009 A Breath Of Fresh Air

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 May 2008 - 12:25 AM in News

I'm definently going to attend my first war this summer. I can finally try out all of my modded guns.

#154864 Crossbow Plunger Head

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 May 2008 - 12:06 AM in Modifications

Epoxy Putty!

If adding a screw doesn't work out with the plunger head, does this sound sensable, to epoxy the plunger head to the plunger then add epoxy putty? Or would adding the putty do nothing? This is all of course, if the screw thing doesn't work out.

#154849 Crossbow Plunger Head

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 May 2008 - 10:23 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the help everyone, I'll try that this week.

EDIT: After looking at the end of my plunger where there is no plunger head, it is extremely small, less than a quarter inch. I guess I'll have to find a small screw.

#154814 Crossbow Plunger Head

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 May 2008 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

I can make you a custom plunger if you want. PM for details.

There is no real solution to fixing this. Anything will eventually break overtime causing frustration. A homemade plunger is your best bet.

Thanks, I'll pm you.

#154811 Crossbow Plunger Head

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 May 2008 - 08:46 PM in Modifications

If you are intent on using the stock plunger, may I suggest attemping to create another plunger rod out of polycarbonate and then holding the stock head on with a some kind of fastening device?

I've never machined anything out of polycarbonate. I'll keep that in mind.

I'd recommend screwing it in from the front, and then epoxy-ing the crap out of it, as it will probably have some exposed threads.

What do you mean by screwing it in the front?

#154807 Maxshot?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 May 2008 - 08:39 PM in General Nerf

Keep checking amazon. They stock them sometimes, that's how I got mine.

#154780 Crossbow Plunger Head

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 May 2008 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

I'm still using the stock spring, I thought about making my own plunger but if possible I'd like to keep the stock one.

#154775 Crossbow Plunger Head

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 May 2008 - 07:18 PM in Modifications

I recently got a Crossbow from Mayhem(Thank you), and there is only one thing wrong with it. The plunger head broke off. I haven't seen anyone else have this problem. Does anyone know my best bet in connecting the two pieces back on? I was thinking glue, maybe gorrilla glue? I don't have any experience with epoxy or plumber's goop, but I know they're strong. Keep in mind, the glue has to be able to hold alot, i.e. when the spring is compressed over and over again. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about how it is broken.
Posted Image

Thanks in advanced for your help.

#154703 Airtech 2000 Stock Add On

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 May 2008 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

Can you still open up the gun or did you epoxy it shut? I like the idea of a crutch as a stock, but I don't think many people have crutch's laying around. Nice mod by the way.

#154411 Melee Weapons

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 May 2008 - 03:14 PM in Homemades

If your going to make a melee weapon, at least make it look somewhat good. Honestly, in the first picture, it looks like a giant yellow piece of crap(literally). I still don't get what you were trying to make on the second either. On a side note: Dangaard that thing looks awesome, I'd like to see some of your more recent stuff.

#154312 Nib Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 May 2008 - 07:37 PM in General Nerf

Nice. Where'd you get all that? Thank you for actually posting a picture too.

#154300 Who Knows?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 May 2008 - 05:57 PM in Off Topic

What was that? Didn't really make sense to me.

#154287 Nib Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 May 2008 - 05:07 PM in General Nerf

I have those nitefinders because I just never got around to modding them. The SMDTG's because I bought a shitload at my local store a while back.

#154214 Nib Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 01 May 2008 - 11:24 PM in General Nerf

After cleaning my room I noticed I had quite a few NIB guns, so here's a thread to show off what you have.

Posted Image
I have:
4 AT2K's
2 NF's
1 Small Soldiers 500

#154149 Opening The Sawtooth?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 01 May 2008 - 04:06 PM in Modifications

I bought one (a sawtooth) from poo a while back, and asked him how to get it off. The best way to do so is get a flathead screwdriver and bend two of the three tabs inside the metal rod in the orange handles. There have also been a few topics about this. Like this one and this one.

#154082 Kool-aid

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 April 2008 - 11:01 PM in Off Topic

After reading this thread I bought kool-aid packs, for the first time in a few years. It was too sugary, but I just added more water to it. Taste's great!

#153882 Other Hobbies Aside From Nerfing?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 07:33 PM in Off Topic

Play Baseball, guitar, and listen to music.

#153845 R Thare Any Conyers, Ga Nerfers?!?!?!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 05:21 PM in Off Topic

Stupid noob read the code of conduct.

Wow. Maybe you should too.

On topic:
I know there are a few Georgia nerfers. I think Zaxby's is one. At least on his HQ profile it says he lives there. Try contacting him for more people.

Check out this topic there was one last year. http://nerfhaven.com...9561&hl=Georgia

#153838 Barret .50 Cal Idea

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 05:00 PM in Modifications

I think this could turn out good. Paint the gun also though.

#153836 Retro Thing

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 04:57 PM in Off Topic

It's like ye olden technology shoppe.

English please. Modern that is.

#153765 "alternate Fire Modes"

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 28 April 2008 - 11:31 PM in General Nerf

On-topic, I'm personally working on a 2k-LS integration that allows me to still use a pump-action foregrip; I remember the last DCNO there were many-a-time when I wished I had a quick second shot ready to hit the person after a dodge. Given, a pump-action LS is pretty quick, but I'm talking about on the magnitude of within a second. Also, a shot to cover me while I reload the clips seemed like a good idea. It doesn't quite classify as an alternate-fire per say, but it does fall under the realm of a gun that is fitting for a greater variety of situations/extending the usefulness of the gun. After all, 2 medium-long range shots are better than one, eh?


I made a longshot 2k, it's in my signature. I made the pump so it's pump action. It was not the best looking but it got the job done, at a few of the wars I went to.

On topic though: I like Cmdramack's idea of integrating Big Salvo's on other guns. That along with imaseolman's idea with the SMDTG trigger. n fact, I'm working on something like that right now.

#153732 Dt3 Pistol Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 28 April 2008 - 08:27 PM in Modifications

Nice mod, nice write up.

#153588 Odd Water Blaster...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 10:54 PM in Modifications

Good find, how much did it cost?

#153542 Airtight Sealness...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 08:21 PM in Modifications

Epoxy or Plumbers Goop would be your best bet.

#153538 Airtight Sealness...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

Do you have a leak or what?

#153535 Airtight Sealness...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 08:12 PM in Modifications

Forever is 24-48 hours for drying time. I've used gorrilla glue for combining things like guns, don't do it because as you know it expands thus making it look horrible. It wasn't rock solid, but it held. I don't know how it would work for sealing something airtight though. What exactly is this for?

#153530 Airtight Sealness...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 08:06 PM in Modifications

Sealant as in adhesive? If so then epoxy.

What's an adhesive?


ad·he·sive Audio Help /ædˈhisɪv, -zɪv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ad-hee-siv, -ziv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. coated with glue, paste, mastic, or other sticky substance: adhesive bandages.
2. sticking fast; sticky; clinging.

So, in a nutshell, glue.

Edit: In response to Scotch's: I forgot about plumbers goop, if your sealing something airtight, plumbers goop is the way to go.

#153525 Airtight Sealness...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 08:02 PM in Modifications

Sealant as in adhesive? If so then epoxy.

#153505 Are You Serious?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 07:30 PM in General Nerf

Who cares if he's lying or not, let him believe what he wants. I say everyone should stop posting "BS!BS!BS!". I think we get the picture here.

#153497 Different Take On A Doubled Up Nf

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 April 2008 - 07:16 PM in Modifications

I like it, nice job. How did you keep the two plunger tubes straight when you epoxied them together?

#153354 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 10:51 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the quick response, nice mod too.

#153349 Daedalus: Super Nf

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 10:39 PM in Modifications

@Chili: You can buy a screen door closer and break it apart if you wanted to. I just had a broken one around. The plunger tube is ~7", including the plunger face. There are actually 3 different rods there, connected by gluing 5/32" music wire in the grooves. The plunger head is entirely different, if that's what you mean.
@g-force: There is very little left of the actual NF, but yes.
@Green: It is exactly like it. I just went and 1-up'd it by using a larger diameter(more volume) plunger tube, and new spring and plunger head.

EDIT @ Green: It has a coupler, and I still want access to the internals. I am gonna paint it at some point I'm sure but right now I am still tweaking.

Concerning my question, what is exactly did you make the plunger head out of? Also do you have any pictures of said plunger head?

EDIT: I saw the pic but what's it made out of?

#153348 Triple Strike Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 April 2008 - 10:34 PM in Modifications

Very nice. Consider it added.

EDIT: You were the first to do a write up for this gun.

Actually, g-force did one, it just never got added.

That's the wrong link. Also nice mod, I never saw g-forces so I'll consider yours the first.