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#355304 Spinsanity Mod

Posted by bdelong498 on 01 August 2016 - 05:29 AM in Modifications

I love my spinsanity, only thing missing is a stock to make it fantastic.

Before you re-glued on the rubber did you happen to try and put a nerf dart threw the flywheels?

I didn't, but I think it would be possible.  You'd have to build a loading mech from scratch though...

Great write up. Was the spinsanity on sale at a local retailer, or on a website?

I picked mine up off of Amazon for $12.99 as part of a larger order (Hmm..., one more item and I get free shipping.  How about the Spinsanity)  I've also seen them on Target's website for the same price.

#355277 Spinsanity Mod

Posted by bdelong498 on 30 July 2016 - 02:27 PM in Modifications

The Spinsanity has been on clearance for around $13 for a while now, so I decided to pick one up and see what could be done with it. I opened it up, wired it for 4 IMR cells, and revved it up. Sure enough, the rubber portion of the flywheels began to expand outward from the flywheels and very quickly separated from the plastic portions with a pop. No damage, but I did have to be put back together.


I then tried gluing the three sections of the flywheels together. I revved the blaster again, but this time the rubber stayed put. I quickly put it back together and took it out for testing. Chronograph readings came in at 132 fps average. Even better was the range test - 30 degree angle, no wind and it averaged 172 feet with a top shot at 183 feet!


Here is a overview of the mod:


#351684 Rhino motors

Posted by bdelong498 on 22 February 2016 - 12:31 PM in General Nerf

The Rhino's should handle this pack just fine.  I've run a pair at 16 volts (4S) for a while now in the second stage of a four flywheel setup and had no problems.


That said 12-13 volts is a bit higher voltage than is optimum for Rhinos, IMO.  I'd offer that an 8 cell NiMH pack at 9.6 volts would be just about right for a two flywheel setup.