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#187196 Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 03 November 2008 - 11:59 AM in Off Topic

Medieval 2: Total war.

Effeminate game. Basically, you take command of an empire, build buildings, recruit soldiers 70 at a time, and use them in battle. It is a RTS game, the campaign map is turn based, but when you fight battles, it goes to a battle map, where you take control of your soldiers. I love this game. I have the expansion pack for it too, which is even better, focusing on one part of europe/asia at a time, not the whole medditeranean region at once.

#185290 Groovin' Hard

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 24 October 2008 - 11:41 AM in Off Topic

Happy birthday, but I was going to buy the SF in badger's thread!!. Oh well, thanks for everything you do for the NIC.

#175634 Guide To All Guns Directory

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 07 September 2008 - 11:16 AM in General Nerf

I can think of many harder mods than the doomsayer. This should be a lvl 8 maybe. I attempted it with nothing but a LS AR removal under my belt, and found it quite easy, but could not finish it due to not having any pushnuts. I think something like the eyes of fire, or angel's LS mod would be harder, but that is just my oppinion. I love this idea, and here is one of my own you may want to consider

Longshot Cs6
>Stock ranges: 20-25ft
>Possible ranges: 80-100ft
>Modding difficulty: 5-9, depending on wether the breech is replaced or not, or integrations
>Avg. price: 30$-40$
>Standard position: Primary.
>Rate Of Fire: Medium/high (uses clips)
>Notes: Very popular primary, due to large plunger volume and high rate of fire due to clips. Quite innacurate unless the breech is replaced with brass, or it is singled with CPVC. Sidearm is often integrated into the front.

#260675 Guide To Barrel Material

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 04 January 2010 - 05:19 PM in Modifications

I don't think it specifically says "thinwall" on it, but I use Genova Flowguard brand CPVC. It has a larger inside diameter than other types I've tried. I find it at Lowe's.

Chances are, it will not be labeled as thinwall, yeah. You just have to test it. It might depend on what kind of drill bit you use too, perhaps the drill bit I used was not the best one for the job.

You need to use one of the lower end 1/2 inch bits, not the ones that are wavy. Yes, the wavy ones are MUCH easier to use, but they really cut up the inside of the CPVC, to the point where it starts hurting ranges and accuracy.

You want one that looks like This and not one that looks like this.

#260602 Guide To Barrel Material

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 03 January 2010 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

I just tried Cheezy's advice on the CPVC, it worked great. No uneveness. I can now make a CPVC RFDG that actually works with foam I have.
Now time to go drill out 12 10 inch long pieces. Joy.

#194821 Gun Combinations

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 08 December 2008 - 07:18 PM in General Nerf

Ok seriously use the edit button. There is no need to double post, let alone triple post unless you are bumping your own sale's thread. The admins really don't like this stuff, obey the CoC and you will last a while here.

#194810 Gun Combinations

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 08 December 2008 - 06:34 PM in General Nerf

Currently, PAS unisex coupler'd and 1st gen NF. PAS is going to be replaced with my new xbow once it gets here.
I sometimes strap a very minimized triple shot titan to my back. I keep it pumped and whip it out to counter a rush as both PAS and xbow are useless at countering those.

Dumpster: Have you got that damn SF to work yet?

#142000 Gun Names

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 22 February 2008 - 05:01 PM in General Nerf

I named my LongShot "Cutthroat Bitch", after the character from House.


Yea Cutty is really bitchy.
Thinks everything house does is bad.
When he said that he was still at the hospital at 3am to meet a hooker in his office.

#203663 Guns In The Cold

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 15 January 2009 - 07:37 PM in Modifications

I would use an unplugged BBBB or the like with CPVC. Darts shring insanely in the cold, so if your darts fit PETG like mine do, they will fit CPVC quite nicely. I wouldn't pump any gun more than 5 times plugged, to reduce your chance of making a short range mortar out of it. Also, do not use hot glue to glue the CPVC/coupler onto the gun, because hot glue breaks off REALLY easily in the cold (when I have hot glue on something and I want to get it off, I stuff it in the freezer).

#220438 Guru Mk. iii

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 29 March 2009 - 11:01 AM in Homemades

I think I just JIZZED IN MY PANTS!

Way to go everyone, stealing my idea.... Check out my first post in the tread.

Anyway, Slug, I came up with a few questions:
1. I noticed there was no spring rest reinforcement. I couldn't tell if your new plunger setup bypassed the need for them, or what, but if not, I would HIGHLY suggest reinforcing them. It may not be as pretty opening up the gun, but it's hella worth it.
2. Due to the unique vocabulary used in the write up, I was unable to tell whether you used any type of glue/solvent/adheisive of any kind to attach the SF. Is it all held on by the bracket?

#220420 Guru Mk. iii

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 29 March 2009 - 06:46 AM in Homemades

WOW!!! I can't believe I didn't see this a few days ago. This is spectacular. It makes my xbow, which I have put probably 10 hours of work into, look like a hunk of decaying plastic that somehow gets 120ft. I can't believe you COMPLETELY RE-MADE THE INTERNALS!!
I like how you affixed the SF to the xbow without piles of hot glue. Very clean.
I hope to be shot with this someday.

#137171 Halo 3 Montage

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 25 January 2008 - 09:58 AM in Off Topic

wow. Thats all I can say.
Add me my online name is IPWNOOBZ
We shud play sometime :)

#254396 Happy B-day To Groove!

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 23 October 2009 - 07:23 PM in Off Topic

Happy birthday Groove!! May your Guru serve you well in battle, and may you come up to Canada some day to Nerf with us!

#202469 Happy Birthday Badger!

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 10 January 2009 - 08:25 PM in Off Topic

Happy birthday Badger, Thanks for selling me cool guns at HbH2.
Ps: Im really sorry about your cat, I know that hit you hard.

#186774 Happy Birthday Forsaken!

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 01 November 2008 - 06:07 AM in Off Topic

Happy Birthday!

#200278 Happy New Year

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 01 January 2009 - 06:41 PM in Off Topic

Happy new year everyone. I was really sick, so I didn't do much, I slept mostly. I watched valkyrie earlier in the day, so I guess I did SOMETHING to celebrate the new year (I almost never go to movies).

#192329 Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 27 November 2008 - 09:01 PM in Off Topic

Happy thanksgiving everyone, even if my thanksgiving happened a month and a half ago (October 13th for Canadians)

#139652 Hasbro Releases Recon On Website

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 11 February 2008 - 08:02 PM in General Nerf

I checked the nerf website, where they are now advertizing the recon. I think this means that it will now be available everywhere within the next two weeks.
If someone has already posted this, please delete.

#217586 Headshots

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 12 March 2009 - 03:27 AM in General Nerf

I think they should count as valid hits, but if someone is constantly getting them, and it is obvious they are aiming for the head unpurpose, then they should be asked to stop. Uncle Fester and I have a little history of headshots, and believe me, they hurt like hell from 70ft away with a BBBB (HbH2). Im sure he didn't mean to hti me in the head, but neither did I when I hit him in the head with K9's AT2K at massacre 2. It was a bad dart, and it spiraled up. They are sometimes unavioidable. He then proceeded to get a 150ft+ headshot on me, but I can't believe he actually aimed for my head at that a distance. Hitting me at all would have been an achievement. They should count as valid hits, but at the war I plan to host this summer, if anyone gets headshot, they should tell me who did it, and the person gets 3 strikes. After the third headshot, they sit out a round. It can be very dangerous, expecially if the person in question is over 18 and not using eye protection, as many wars allow.

EDIT: I think a good rule of thumb is to aim for the upper stomach/lower chest. You won't get any dangerous shots doing that. I do that, and that gives a good amount of clearance for dart deformities/barrel crookedness to likely avoid the face and genital region. Sure, I have hit people in the head and nuts by accident, but I have only ever got 1 headshot, and 2 nutshots. Most hit the stomach/chest, and no harm done. Or I miss the person completely, that happens a lot too.

#251132 Hell Before Halloween #3

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 21 September 2009 - 06:44 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm in.

#185914 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 27 October 2008 - 07:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Let me get a few things straight, and this is the LAST TIME I am posting in this thread.
I asked Blink if I could see his gun, he gave me permission to do so. So it wasn't like I just grabbed it and started using it irresponsibly, and broke it. The leaky SM1.5k is CROOKED's, not FA_24's. I remember they are identically modded. I pointed out to FA_24 that it wasn't working, and he said that it was crooked's and pointed out a working one that I could use.
It said pump 4-5 times on the side in silver sharpie, I pumped it 5. I cannot remember every shot I took, and cannot guarantee that I didn't maybe exceed that. I definitely DID NOT pump it enough times to cause tank damage, and I have owned these things in the past, I damaged mine at 12 pumps. I guarantee that I did not pump it that many times.

#190024 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 16 November 2008 - 01:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Those are awesome pictures. In Picture #9, I am asking badger "Got tape?" he says yes, I shoot, I miss and he pegs me in the nuts with his NF.

#185682 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 26 October 2008 - 04:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah he missed me at 20ft a nf.

Plus taking the frankenmod and prettifying it.


Ah, so did I. My mom didn't really want me going, so I knew I grateful to be there, and I didn't make her wait for that. That was embarrasing, that shot with an NF. I missed one of FA_24's friend's head by a couple inches at 15ft with the same NF.
Yes, the frankenmod will serve you well. Hopefully you can prettify it. I am amazed at how far the SM750 shoots stock, about 30ft.
Another lowlight that I thought of was Tank Rat shooting me WHILE FA_24 was yelling "game on" He hadn't finished saying it, I hadn't started running, and smack! Maxshot shot to the elbow.

#180645 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 30 September 2008 - 02:00 PM in Nerf Wars

MSDFS: No point blank Doomsayer shots? I will have you know that I shot a kid in the teeth with Doomsayer at about 30 feet at APOC this year. There will be no Mercy from me to the new or experienced. + bows are perfectly legal. I went up against 2 of them at APOC. Bring as many of them as you like. RF20? I hope your friend likes to run a lot. I also hope he likes to get shot a lot.

Rambo: Good man, now we have some extra seats to sit some more Americans that actually have the guts to come up here.


Do not post in this thread unless you plan on coming.

It took a bit of convincing to get him to come. He finds the thought of grown men shooting nerf guns at each other kind of amusing. He will have a baptism in the fires of hell by the sounds of it. He will not be using his RF20, I told him this is not that kind of war. I believe the guy you shot in the teeth was Keef.
Great, can't wait.

#182544 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 09 October 2008 - 06:55 AM in Nerf Wars

Hey all. My buddy who I am bringing had a few questions. He wanted to know about paintball masks:
Is there a taboo against those, like cardboard armor? He also wanted to know about plugging the pump on his BBBB, that despite 90ft ranes, he is still displeased with. I told him it wouldn't be okay, but he wanted me to check here.
MAn, we are going to be capital F FUCKED after that day, we are climbing the CN tower at 5:30 that morning, for our Venturers group as a fitness check.

#182748 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 09 October 2008 - 08:39 PM in Nerf Wars

I am going to highly recommend he does not bring his paintball mask.

I seriously do not want people to think we are paint balling and then someone calls the cops and then I have to take time out of my war to explain everything to them.

Also plugged Big blasts and LBB's will not be allowed.

It's kind of funny your buddy wants to max out his Big blast to shoot others, yet he wants to wear a big dirty paintball face shield.

Now this next part I am not saying it's mandatory.
But if everyone would like to help out, bring $5 to donate.
This will cover the cost of the permit as well as the portable cover Crooked and I will be purchasing in the next little bit.

xeorogue: We only needed our drivers licenses to get into the States. Passports are good to have too. But they are not required until maybe 2009 that have been pushing off the date for passport requirements for a while by land. If you are going by air you do need your passport.

Thanks, I explained this to him, and he understands. Can't wait. What is your policy on SM5ks? I am aquiring one, and would like to use it, but am unsure of it's legality. Maybe I don't plug the pump?

#180499 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 29 September 2008 - 06:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Thanks, Angel. My Friend is totally psyched. I gave and modded him a RF20 for his bday in april, and I have rarely seen him without it since. He has never been to a nerf war before (neither have I for that matter) and has NO clue what to expect. Please introduce him to this gently (no point blank doomsayer shots)
How about the legality of +bows? I plan on using one, but I know that some consider them too powerful. What is your take? Are they legit?.

#180133 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 28 September 2008 - 12:53 PM in Nerf Wars

I am bringing a friend. He doesn't have any guns, so I am modding him a big blast and a nitefinder. Big blasts are allowed, right? I don't plan on plugging the pump.

#167830 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 10 August 2008 - 02:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Count me in, I talked to my folks awhile back, they seem to be okay with the idea, if they can come just to see how everything works.

#178025 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 17 September 2008 - 09:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I am counting down the days, believe me. Im going to start saving my dough to buy some of your modified guns that you mentionned, because I know they are reliable. I will definitely take some of that FBR. I need to silence my LS. It's damn loud. I can't wait to see your unveiling of the top secret guns. Should be awesome.

#182814 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 10 October 2008 - 11:09 AM in Nerf Wars

Great, thanks. Will not plug it.

#183501 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 13 October 2008 - 05:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Im sorry to double post, but I believe this is significant. This is the 14 day trend from the weather network.
It shows rain for the 25th. Angel, what is your policy towards rain? Do we play on, or what?

#185607 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 26 October 2008 - 08:42 AM in Nerf Wars

It was my first war too, and also a great one.

Getting several hits, and not getting injured in any way
Tagging FA_24 with my 2k.
Getting an amazing hit on Cardiac Kid, from at least 125ft away.
Shooting Rune Hawk in the balls at 15ft, and him not seeming to notice, and him not admitting to being tagged.
Meeting FA_24, Badger, Rambo, Dumpster, K9, Oodalumps.
Buying an Assload of new guns, including and Arrowstorm for 5$.
Shooting Rambo in the foot on two occasions.
Selling my LS to K9, who really needed a primary, was good to help a brother out.

Getting shot in the throat with Blink182's SM5k.
Getting shot in the head from 40ft away with a big blast.
Getting shot in the neck with the Doomsayer
My Ghettotech2k breaking before the war, and again during it.
My SF barrels being too tight, so I was unable to use it.
A bunch of People bailing.
Not being able to spend that much time at badger's sale, because my mom wanted to leave.
Having to leave early.
K9 tagging me with a MAV!!!!
Somehow blowing Blink's 5k with 4 pumps.... Not sure how that happened.

#185824 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 27 October 2008 - 11:57 AM in Nerf Wars

Angel said a few things that I forgot. Yeah the darts colliding was insane. That was my dart that hit his, I almost pissed myself laughing.
The washrooms being locked sucked. I think Antonio just took a piss off at the side at one point.
Tank Rat: THanks for the coffees, Im not sure how you walked all those things back from tim's.

Blink: I am REALLY sorry about your 5k. I SWEAR I only pumped the thing 4 times. We could have probably worked something out where I reimbursed you in some way, but you left before we could talk about that, the last time I saw you was when you were beginning to take the thing apart, I didn't know the thing was completely beyond repair until today.

Im pissed that I didn't see any of the secret mods.

#185830 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 27 October 2008 - 01:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Thanks Bob. It might help to state that the only reason blink's 5k was allowed was that it was INSANELY leaky, so leaky that he had to practically shoot as soon as he had finished pumping. When he let me hold it, I loaded a dart, pumped 4 times and shot. The dart left the barrel. Then, I tried to repeat the process, and the gun would not hold any pressure. Blink proceeded to take the gun apart, and I left to go look for some darts/shoot around some more. When I came back, he was walking away, towards the parking lot and that is the last I saw of him.

Blink: As sorry as I am for your loss, I do not appreciate you publicly insulting me, calling me immature and saying that I should not be allowed back. Yes, Im new, I have never handled a 5k before. As Bob seems to have stated, your already serious leak probably just worstened over time:

QUOTE(Another thought (and another reason why I don't care for plugging), is that overpumping will not always result in immediate failure. Chambers may crack and weaken, and only break some time later - even under just "normal" use. If modded Nerf blasters were aircraft, they would all have to be rated "experimental" - like the shuttle.)/QUOTE

I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. It was my misfortune to be holding the gun at the time. I am sure you won't agree with me on this, it being your primary for so long.This is the only appology you will get, after your public flaming of me. I am sorry, but it wasn't my fault your gun decided to fail at that particualr moment.

#185388 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 24 October 2008 - 08:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Well, I am so excited that I am literally shitting PLATINUM bars (Beat that angel). But I have to climb the CN tower, then race to my car and get to wildwood, which isn't all that close to the CN tower...
As for nerfing in the rain, I am bringing waterproof pants, a raincoat and an extra pair of socks/shoes.
My dad is going to be coming, just to check things out at the beginning. Im the short kid with the plaid lumberjack coat, and the huge black trunk full of nerf stuff, oh and the duct tape/CPVC bandolier.
See you, for tomorrow, we dine in hell!!!!

#184819 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 21 October 2008 - 09:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow. Only a few days to go. I am totally psyched. I have a question. Can anyone coming bring me a can of silicone lube? The spray stuff? I will need to dissasemble my +bow before the war to lube it, as it doesn't fire as of now, and all the hardware stores around me don't carry the stuff. I asked badger, but he is really busy and can guarantee nothing. If you can, Pm me.
Also, be prepared for some cold. It actually snowed today in west end Toronto. I wouldn't worry about airtanks, I was shooting my pump plugged 2k at 6 pumps no problem. Dart shrinkage wasn't a problem either.
Just dress warmly.

EDIT: I will obviously reimburse said person for said can of lube. I am sorry for not making that clear.

#183530 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 13 October 2008 - 07:02 PM in Nerf Wars

As will I.

#184320 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 17 October 2008 - 04:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Angel: You might want to take my friend off the list. He has had some family issues, and is pretty sure he can't come. I will update you, but as of now, he is out.

#185887 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 27 October 2008 - 05:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Easy there pumpkin - I was not my intent to come off as a jerk...I'm just pissed. The gun was leakey from the rear firing pin. The spray of lube fixed the rear o-ring and it was all sealed up again. The problem with the gun after further inspection was the front pin that pulls the valve back. It was not the action of pumping that blew the gun but the trigger pulled the pin and the top portion snapped. Ask me how...I have no idea.

And You never said a thing to me afterwards. I was there for about 20min after my gun broke...

Thats fine. You didn't seem like a jerk at the war. You had had the gun for years, possible that it was just weak from all the use. All I told you was how many times I pumped the gun. I went off and looked for darts, and to do another round after that. Im happy there are no real hard feelings. I understand you are pissed, and I would be too. Team_Slaya was selling a SM5K tank. He had 2 but said one was broken, the front sealing piece was gone. Perhaps you could buy that and replace your broken part. He did have a working one too.
Hope this helps.