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#74696 Scope Mod!

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2006 - 07:43 PM in Modifications

I've never tried using a scope and don't plan to. As Talio once said, this is a perfect thread for identifying who Nerfs and who talks about Nerf.

This isn't an attack on the starter of the thread, if you did it for cosmetics alone then good job, kind of reminds me of the "Ultimate NF" a while ago.

Angel, we get that you play in games of Nerf assassin, and that sometimes things like scopes can help you out, but 99% of us here play in wars among friends, during the day, and shoot from 40' or less. Stealth has NEVER played any part in a war I've been in; I understand Nerf assassins and Nerfing are two different things, but for everyone's purpose here who's argued against the use of scopes, they're totally useless.

But Maybe the scope might not be useful for a nf, but it might possibly be effective,for the longshot. If it can get good ranges.

No, it won't, not for any actual war, where you're actually Nerfing. Some people can utilize stealth in games and like to use scopes, but you know what I call them? Wusses.

I completely disagree. This allows you to watch the enenmy's location while having a weapon ready.

Please. Why would you want to watch someone in a Nerf war from such a distance that you need a freaking scope? Why not just play, that's what makes the game fun, not waiting and watching people from a distance with scopes and other things.

EDIT: No-ID, lighten up pal. Thirst was joking around, notice the note he put at the bottom of his text. It's called a sense of humor, get one.

#74733 Scope Mod!

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2006 - 09:33 PM in Modifications

Like I said, I wasn't attacking the creator of the mod, I think it's kickass. Read my post, dude. I was talking to you when I spoke about looking through scopes or binoculars. It was kind of why I quoted you.

Sixo, I like the mod, just because it looks nice. I've heard about people putting scopes on their guns but never really seen it. Looks really sexy, I just don't see the practical use of it but if it's for cosmetics, job well done.

#130630 Ohio War Planning

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 November 2007 - 12:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Pretty much any day after Christmas works for me. I don't know when my break starts but I will be in PA on the 23rd.

I'm game for another war. What city were you thinking?

#130836 Ohio War Planning

Posted by NerfMonkey on 27 November 2007 - 10:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm not too into the golf course idea. Might be too big, and there wouldn't be a whole lot of cover. I could probably do 3 hours to Columbus (I will probably be driving part of the way) so that would probably work, I'd just prefer a nice park-type area.

Whetstone could probably work but rose bushes + legs = pain. I'm not sure about the sports park, what does it look like? I tried Google imaging it but all I got was pictures of buildings and shit.

I'd be content with a location like the place we played at in June with the field with the big bush in it.

#130954 Ohio War Planning

Posted by NerfMonkey on 29 November 2007 - 07:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Once again I have been screwed out of going.

I will be 8 hours from here until at least the 29th, and probably the 30th also. I'm not sure what's going on but really doubt I have any chance of going.

No other Saturdays work anyway because I have speech tournaments.

#130640 Ohio War Planning

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 November 2007 - 02:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Weekends in December:

Weekends in January:

I assume we'll want to do it on a weekend for people that have to work but if a weekday works that would leave more options open.

#130711 Ohio War Planning

Posted by NerfMonkey on 26 November 2007 - 04:33 PM in Nerf Wars


I've got a lot of shit going on all through that month. The 28th might work for me, I don't know yet. My brother and his girlfriend are moving to VA and want to be all settled in by the 28th, so my mom will probably not be here. I might still be able to get a ride.

I should have a driver's license by now (not that it would matter because I wouldn't be able to drive that far alone), but I am a lazy bastard.

#112070 A Really Fucking Old Nerf Gun

Posted by NerfMonkey on 19 June 2007 - 08:27 PM in General Nerf

If it's purple it's a Master Blaster.
If it's brown it's a Pulsator.

Don't bother modding it because it will suck dick no matter what. If you seriously want to mod a ballgun, buy a Reactor.

#64594 Your Armory

Posted by NerfMonkey on 29 September 2005 - 04:51 PM in General Nerf

Ren, what is that odd looking gun in your pictures, bottom right in the first pic that has a reddish barrel that looks like it's from a ballgun and has a neato handle and AK-47 magazine...thing?

#83746 Your Armory

Posted by NerfMonkey on 24 June 2006 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

Stop reprimanding newbs for crappy grammar or posting in old threads. Leave it to the people whose jobs it is to yell at people. You're getting on my nerves.

#64598 Your Armory

Posted by NerfMonkey on 29 September 2005 - 05:06 PM in General Nerf

Sorry, I'm a retard. I meant bottom left. Sorry about that.

#143083 Nonstandard Game Types - Ideas, Rules, Etc.

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2008 - 08:20 PM in Nerf Wars

My friends and I used to play a game like that about three years back and it worked just fine with only three people. The VIP wasn't allowed any weapons at all and could only walk, not run. One person was his bodyguard and the other an assassin; usually the VIP would end up getting pwned but I used to be allowed to dual wield NFs to protect him, which made it a lot of fun.

I don't think this could be applied to a very big war, mostly for the reason that everyone would forget about the VIP and just start shooting each other; just saying that it is a fun game with a limited amount of people.

#87777 Don't Take Away My Crossbow, Mommy!

Posted by NerfMonkey on 18 August 2006 - 02:37 PM in Articles

Actually this article was originally written by Spoon in the late '90s or early '00s. I can't see any changes ever being made to it because it's mostly for historical purposes I believe, though it and the other articles contain some very useful information.

Even before the LS came out, breeches, clips and magazines were being used on single-shot guns such as the Crossbow (think of ompa's clip). Another example is the 3B, which has been modded in several ways to allow many shots to be fired in succession because of its unique cocking motion. PissBacon's "PissBow" comes to mind, and more recently Carrtoon's mod using air pressure to ready the next dart with each movement of the gun being cocked. This is a concept that has even been applied to the NF.

So, what I'm saying is basically that the Longshot doesn't deserve as much credit as it gets for "revolutionizing" the Nerf scene, thanks to such mods being done. However I can understand that from a collector's standpoint who doesn't mod and only has stock guns, the LS seems much more revolutionary than to people who participate in wars with modded weapons.

#87419 Don't Take Away My Crossbow, Mommy!

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 August 2006 - 05:53 PM in Articles

No. Don't post because you have never been involved in a "real" Nerf war.
"Sn¡pers" do not exist in the "real" Nerf wars, I don't know about yours but until you have been to one of these "real" wars, don't post about them.

Forgive me for being so blunt.

#70993 Buzz Bee Double Shot

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 January 2006 - 10:26 AM in Modifications

Another from longer ago. Set your search parameters to get more results.

http://nerfhaven.com...1&hl=shell mod/

#68121 Speedloader Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 22 November 2005 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

This gun makes me think of the SneakShot because of the gears used to operate the cocking mech.

I love your mod; all I'll be using is 2ks for a while now, I have to save up for Christmas gifts. B)

65'+? Wow, that's close to a 3k's performance with two extra shots. I'd use that beast any time.

Good mod, thanks for the writeup Ren.

#54882 Show Me What You're Working With

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 May 2005 - 08:29 PM in General Nerf

Robonerfer, that is one of the coolest looking guns I've ever seen. Have you battle tested it yet? I like the "choppy" look of it, actually. Makes it look more deadly, like it's a mutated monster or something. Nice.

#51402 Show Me What You're Working With

Posted by NerfMonkey on 02 April 2005 - 07:08 PM in General Nerf

BMZ, that Rapid Fire 20 is so awesome. How did you make the turret rounded like that, just wrap tape around the barrels and paint it silver? Oh man, that's so sweet. I'll post a picture of my NF as soon as I get the digicam. Keep up the good work, everybody! :D

#58919 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 08 July 2005 - 10:14 PM in Modifications

This is one of the best modifications I've seen in a long time. Tell us when you get some good Stefans to test with; I imagine those will get tons better range. And that accuracy surprised me. I know none of my guns are 100% accurate at 45'. Good job and a very nice find. Thanks Starbuck.

#59026 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 10 July 2005 - 02:53 PM in Modifications

Ha! That's amazing. Better ranges than any other pistol ever made for sure. Good job Noid. I wish I could get one of those beasts. Nice handywork.

#147285 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 27 March 2008 - 03:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Don't go by the previous thread, go by the one we're currently using. It's not hard, check the first post of this thread for all the information you need.

I'll be there at like 9:30 playing my DS.

#146649 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 24 March 2008 - 03:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Weather.com forecast as of now:

48F, mostly cloudy, chance of rain 10%.

#146052 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 20 March 2008 - 10:11 PM in Nerf Wars

I still have a bunch of darts from the list Dayton war.

Do we have any times?

-Start time should be 10, so we'll probably start at 10:30;
-Set lunch breaks are gay so I think we'll all just eat when we start getting hungry;
-Stop when everyone gets tired.

Boisie, I still have enough foam left to make another 50-70 darts so if you need some you're welcome to them, but my foam's thick and my darts are only of semi-decent quality.

#145966 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 20 March 2008 - 02:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Diablow, I'll be driving part of the trip. Bitch.

I assume we're not cancelling this because of rain. Fuck that.

#147295 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 27 March 2008 - 04:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Well, the problem with that plan is that there's also a Nerf war planned for that same day, at 10, in that same location. So I'm not sure if that's gonna work out dude.

#147398 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 27 March 2008 - 09:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Shut up and stop posting this here. Continue your argument over PMs, and do not fuck up this war with your bickering.

#148200 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 30 March 2008 - 06:48 PM in Nerf Wars

So what happened to Diablo?

I shot some bitches and got to meet some cool people. That location was awesome.

I only have one welt on the inside of my right leg. I'm sunburnt and everything from the bottoms of my feet to my kidneys is sore. My cats are pissed at me for leaving them for two days. It was a good weekend.

#150581 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 April 2008 - 06:11 PM in Nerf Wars

The war's kinda been over for 2 weeks so I don't really see a need to post about it. That's why I haven't.

#147475 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 March 2008 - 11:18 AM in Nerf Wars

Leaving in 40 minutes. (I realize it's not until tomorrow.)

With my DS.

#144377 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 08 March 2008 - 08:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Bpso86 and I were referring to the snow that we got in the past few days. Weather.com tells me for the next ten days it's going to be 40+ degrees in Dayton and this should be the last snow storm of the winter.

#143114 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 February 2008 - 10:33 PM in Nerf Wars

I lied. I'm pretty sure I will be able to go now and maybe also make the Columbus one. I'll be bringing quite a load of guns so if anybody needs a loaner or is interested in buying something it's no problem.

30 days.

#65868 Nf Coupler Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 15 October 2005 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

Here? That would be my clan's webpage (if you can even call it that), and I posted it on the Quilted Northern forums, but if you've seen it somewhere else please tell me where.

#65850 Nf Coupler Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 15 October 2005 - 06:00 PM in Modifications

NF Coupler Mod

Materials: 1 NF, 1 1/2" CPVC coupler, about 4.5" of 1/2" CPVC, electrical tape, Dremel, drill, 3/8" bit, lots of hot glue, epoxy or Plumber's Goop.


1. Take apart the NF. You shouldn't need a picture for this one.

2. Take out the plunger tube, take out the whole barrel assembly and toss it (unless you want it) and take out the small cap like thing in the end of the plunger tube, take your drill and 3/8" bit (anything will do actually) and put a hole through the "X" on the cap. You're going to need to Super Glue it (or epoxy, any kind of extremely strong glue) back into the end of the plunger tube, as we'll be putting a LOT of stress on it. It doesn't matter which side of the cap is facing out, they're basically the same.

3. Take out your plunger and take off the o-ring on the plunger head and wrap as many layers of electrical tape around it, until it fits very snugly in the tube and you know there's no air getting out.

Here's the plunger wrapped in tape:

Posted Image

4. Take out your coupler and glue it on the plunger cap thing as good as you can. Use massive amounts of whatever you're using because this is hard to get to stay on. You might want to wrap it in e-tape when you're done gluing/epoxying/Gooping. Now add your CPVC barrel in the coupler. Don't glue it because the whole point of this mod is for changable barrels.

Here's the barrel assembly:

Posted Image

5. Now we need to Dremel out the case. I used one of those little sander type things and just went right in where the stock barrel used to sit up against (I'd already done a minimization on mine) and shaved it down...way down. But NOT so much that the coupler fits easily, we want the opposite, so that it doesn't move.

You have to look close, but you can tell it's been Dremeled:

Posted Image

6. Reassemble it! I don't think you need a picture for this either. Careful with the screw ports on the plunger tube though, mine all snapped and now the whole tube shifts whenever I fire or load the gun. Make sure you add a few bands to it so that the plunger can move through the tube - with all the tape on there it may not work right.

Range: 60-65' flat average, sometimes spikes over 70'
Accuracy: Excellent (can consistently hit a Tide bottle from 30' one-handed)
ROF: Good

I love this gun. The accuracy is superb, range is better than any other pistol I've got and the feel of it is just amazing. I've produced about ten barrels to date, which is plenty. I love to pop the barrel in and out and the beautiful noise the gun makes when I fire.

Oh, and I'm sorry for the garbage pictures; Sqiggs took those for me while he was over here with his cheapy little camera.

Hope you like it!

#66098 Nf Coupler Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 18 October 2005 - 10:15 PM in Modifications

The barrels are tight enough in the coupler that the barrel makes a seal and range isn't compromised; they're loose enough that the barrel comes out easily.

I'll try to get a picture of the finished gun (actually another gun because I painted it) by tomorrow. If not then, two days.

EDIT: Sorry chris, didn't see the rest of your post...if you have CPVC and CPVC couplers, they should go in airtight, but you should still be able to twist them out again - the barrels, that is. If you could get a picture of the couplers and barrel I could help you more, but just make sure you have 1/2" CPVC couplers for your 1/2" CPVC obviously.

#143263 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 29 February 2008 - 11:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Anybody else feel like posting here so we can get an accurate headcount? I know there were more people than this that posted in the planning thread.

#143393 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 March 2008 - 09:27 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm usually fine with 100 but if you take a lot of shots make 200. I usually find about half of my darts I started with and we will probably have dart pickups at least once or twice, so you should be fine with 150 or so.

#144161 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 06 March 2008 - 09:04 PM in Nerf Wars

I might bring a DV camera but that could mean sitting out a round, and I'm not going to do that. If anybody else feels like taping it for a while I'll bring one.

Who else is planning on coming? We (I, since I'm traveling 4 hours) seriously need you to post so we can get a headcount. I know a lot more than this posted in the planning thread so speak up guys.

#143680 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 March 2008 - 06:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I think saying someone even at the age of 10 has virgin ears is a tad naïve, don't you?

I'll try to keep my vulgarity level to a minimum anyway.

#143403 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 March 2008 - 11:50 PM in Nerf Wars

You're lucky then; I've yet to start making any or fixing up my guns.

Just to make this post meaningful...


#144319 Spring Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 08 March 2008 - 02:33 PM in Nerf Wars

See first post for up-to-date headcount