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#112003 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 19 June 2007 - 02:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Doubtful but I may show.

#51630 Nite Finder Mod, German Style ;)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 April 2005 - 04:12 PM in Modifications

That's one of the nicest mod writeups I've ever seen! Very nice Lorschpriester. "Nite Finder Mod German Style..." That's awsome. Great job dude, good luck with future mods!

#71691 Rf20 Cpvc Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 January 2006 - 09:03 PM in Modifications

I couldn't visibly see my hand moving and I steadied the gun to prevent that very thing. I don't think my hand was jerking. When the 4" of snow outside melt off I'll retest and steady the gun against my shoulder to prevent any jumping of my hands.

#71644 Rf20 Cpvc Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 January 2006 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

Wow.... 62 feet speaks for itself. Do i have to say more? Well done!

You're my new favourite member, NerfMonkey!

Why thank you.

I am digging the mod. The ranges are pretty messed up but hey its a full auto.

I'm not sure why it's so inconsistent either. It's a lot wider of a range than before from shortest to longest, maybe it has something to do with the seal, like it's better on the inner ring than the outer?

The barrels on the outside dont look straight. How is the accuracy?

Yes, the outer row is very crooked but it doesn't kill the accuracy too much. The main side effect of this mod I noticed was a bit of a slowdown in how fast the gun fires, but from 2.5 to 3.5 seconds isn't that big of a difference. The accuracy on this gun wasn't superb in the first place and with 15-20' more range I don't really mind a bit of a loss in that department anyway.

#71622 Rf20 Cpvc Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 24 January 2006 - 10:26 PM in Modifications

I've read posts about people wanting to do barrel mods on their RF20s, but never seen a writeup or even any results of these mods. I've been wondering whether or not to do this mod for a while, but since I have thinner FBR than most people, I figured why not? It was worth it.


40" of 1/2" CPVC
PVC cutters/hacksaw/pipe cutters
Hot glue
Phillipshead screwdriver


First, open up your RF20 enough to get to the turret and get it out of the gun. This mod doesn't involve any internal mods so you don't have to worry about opening the whole thing.

Posted Image

Next, unscrew your turret so you have two halves. This is simple and you shouldn't need a picture.

Now the good part (with pictures). Cut your 40" of CPVC in to approximately 2" sections, these will be the barrels. Be sure to cut them as straight as possible so they go on the turret straight. They should look something like this:

Posted Image

Now, once you've got all these cut (I *highly* recommend PVC cutters, they make it so much easier), start to glue them on to ONLY the bottom half of your turret, not the actual barrel part.

Posted Image

Make SURE you do the inner row first, it will make it much, much easier later on.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Once you've finished the inner row, do the outer one. Here's the finished turret.

Posted Image

The videos will show how the gun looks when finished, it's just an RF20 with whitish barrels.

Firing 1
Firing 2

The first video shows my point of view and where most of the darts landed. The second is to show that the darts really do get these ranges, as if you look closely you should be able to see them falling in front of the camera on the ground.

RANGES: Done with 20 approx. 1.5" Stefan micros weighted with a 1/4" slingshot ball each. I measured these and put them in order from shortest to longest. The average is listed below. I don't know why the gun is so inconsistent, but I'm happy with it.

1. 35' 1"
2. 37' 8.5"
3. 41' 8"
4. 43' 11"
5. 45' 2"
6. 45' 5"
7. 47' 1"
8. 47' 6"
9. 48' 1"
10. 48' 1"
11. 48' 2"
12. 48' 5"
13. 51' 8.5"
14. 52' 0"
15. 53' 4"
16. 53' 9"
17. 56' 11"
18. 57' 3.5"
19. 60' 8.5"
20. 62' 10.5"

Average: 49.24375' ~ 49' 2" FLAT

Of course there was a bit of dart skip, probably under 5' though.

#81121 Crossfinder

Posted by NerfMonkey on 02 May 2006 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

NinjZ's been Nerfing for years, I think he knows what he's talking about. It's not that hard to do a catch with something like this; add an extention to the trigger to engage the NF catch and fire the gun. If you can't figure that out through common sense maybe it would be wise not to attempt it.

#42479 N-strike Maverick

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 November 2004 - 12:36 PM in General Nerf

Hello. I am new to this website and this is my first post. The Nerf Maverick looks sweet! I have seen a few pictures. Does anyone know when it will be released? Please tell me if anyone knows. Sorry if this is already answered.Thanks.

#208724 Chicago Area Nerf Out

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 February 2009 - 07:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry Ice, we already had the first CANO up in Cleveland over a year ago. You guys are gonna have to find a new name for your war.

#97802 Turreted Big Blast...of Doom

Posted by NerfMonkey on 06 January 2007 - 12:19 PM in Modifications

What is it with the West Coast and putting turrets on everything? It doesn't matter how many shots you have loaded if you CAN'T HIT SHIT TO BEGIN WITH! I swear to god, if I see an SSPB with a 2k turret I just might hang up my hat.

PS, set a date for Armageddon. I'll show you AGAIN why turrets aren't necessary.

That was priceless. It goes in my quotes collection.

Falcon, you did a nice job on this. I've got a DTB turret that I've been meaning to add some CPVC barrels to and use missiles on so it would be like a fast grenade/missile launcher.

Have you had any problems with the trigger snapping or do you mainly keep it to fewer than ten pumps?


#145474 Cpvced Tek Ten

Posted by NerfMonkey on 16 March 2008 - 09:08 PM in Modifications

How come all these new people dont read the coc and keep posting in old topics?

Your posts were utter shit until a few days ago so I would suggest not making worthless posts in topics you don't care about, just to complain about new people not following the rules.

Just a little advice.

#197757 Winter Ohio War

Posted by NerfMonkey on 21 December 2008 - 02:35 PM in Nerf Wars

There's another war coming up in March?

I regret missing this one so I'll try to make it if there is another one coming up.

#83419 Titan With Stopping Power.

Posted by NerfMonkey on 18 June 2006 - 07:37 PM in Modifications

The Stefans are made of 1" FBR. I have never seen another write up involving these and think I am the first to use them. We have nanos 3/8", Micros 1/2" Megas 5/8" and now Mongo's 1". Mongos sounded appropriate to me.

There are also the 3/4" ones which I believe are called jumbos but 1/2" and 5/8" will always be the only true Stefans to me.

If you took longer sections of this foam you could make homemade arrows as well. Someone did this a long time ago. You could simply make a missile instead of an arrow and leave off the fins. That would make good homemade Titan missiles.

#57307 At2k Shotgun

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 June 2005 - 11:51 PM in Modifications

Wow. Just...wow. That thing is seck-sy. I love it, especially with all that E-tape all over it. It looks really nice and comfortable to hold. I like the keychain trigger too, very nice dude. That is by far the most unusual and original mod on a 2k I've ever seen. I love it. Good job Snake.

Edit: Kirby, I doubt you could keep the trigger and still keep the gun that compact and small, as it would require a case to hold the trigger assembly, otherwise it would fall off. Once again, nice job.

#86557 Magstrike Cpvc Clip Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 August 2006 - 02:19 PM in Modifications

Have you seen this particular Magstrike?

Do you have this particular FBR?

Didn't think so. His gun got about 10' flat with Stefans with no pegs and a banded bladder, the CPVC was necessary.

#86563 Magstrike Cpvc Clip Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 August 2006 - 03:41 PM in Modifications

Sunchip didn't start this thread.

The thickness of the FBR also had nothing to do with how bad the Stefans did in the gun, my Powerclip shoots fine with thin FBR. The stock barrels are just weird on this gun. Everything sucks out of it: tagger darts, suction darts, Stefans and every other type of ammo. The only reason I mentioned the FBR was because that COULD be the problem, but I'm pretty sure it's not since even the stock darts that came with it suck in the gun. So piss off.

If you want to continue being a douchebag, PM me. I'm done ruining this thread, even if you're not.

#101285 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 21 March 2007 - 09:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Nothing like waiting till the last minute.

On that note, I've got about 150 more Stefans to make and am running on empty. I guess it's coffee time.

Two more days!

#101213 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 19 March 2007 - 08:20 PM in Nerf Wars


Only five more days. And four until I leave. Prepare to get blasted by my Fag Cannon.

EDIT: Wldworld told me he's bringing 2-5 people. Hope we don't have to move from the Gauntlet. This is a minimum of like 15 people.

#101108 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 15 March 2007 - 08:51 PM in Nerf Wars


Updated the list. It still looks like a decent turnout. See you all there.

#100764 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 March 2007 - 11:05 AM in Nerf Wars


-Ted/Dark Shrimp
-Jordan/Groove (+2 or 3)
-Wldworld (+2-5)


-Substance Abuse (in need of a ride)




Anyone not on this list is DEFINITELY NOT COMING.


Sorry if I'm forgetting anyone here, I only looked back at the posts made after the final date was determined. Looks like a good turnout.

DCNO in three two weeks eleven nine eight five two days tomorrow, w00t!

#101387 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 24 March 2007 - 11:13 PM in Nerf Wars

I did okay. I sucked during the first quarter of the day, then I got better.

I got Hersh out singlehandedly one round. I'm proud.

Steve was awesome.

Eric, thanks for bringing drinks.


#101411 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 March 2007 - 05:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Make sure you reinforce the hell out of the triggers because as you remember (Hersh) mine fucking ripped in half in one of the last rounds of the day.

Very nice video. Good war. Worth the trip and worth the soreness.

Thanks for the PETG, Hornet and NF knockoff Hersh and Ted. And thanks to Steve for reassembling the Longshot in about two minutes.

#99690 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 February 2007 - 07:03 PM in Nerf Wars

I just want to remind everyone that Nerfmonkey, Evil, and me all waited for you guys to come back. Well over an hour. Then you guys argued for another 10 minutes about the shortage of money when you got back. All I wanted to do was nerf, but no I never get what I want!

Yeah, you dirty bitches cost us well over an hour of Nerf. Bernie lost one of my balls and then I had to sit on my ass and wait.

But it's all good, I'm coming. I'll see you all there.

Oh, and I'll probably be bringing 90% shit-tacular guns, but don't think that means I won't still diddle.

#101466 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 27 March 2007 - 02:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Wldworld? I spoke to him a few days ago. As we already knew he had some kind of practice, didn't get home until 12 and it was raining where he lives. So he assumed we would only keep going for another hour and that we would be having shitty weather at the war site, so he said fuck it and stayed home.

So...when's the next one? :)

#101329 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 22 March 2007 - 10:39 PM in Nerf Wars

34 hours and 21 minutes until DCNO!

If anyone needs eye protection I've got extra. I'm bringing around 5 pairs of safety glasses.

And sorry to hear you can't make it badger. I was looking forward to meeting you. Maybe next time.

#99185 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 February 2007 - 11:14 AM in Nerf Wars

The 17th is just as good as any other day for me also. I've got a really good chance of going this time. Still haven't missed one yet, keep your fingers crossed.

I might be bringing a friend too.

Don't get lost this time Paul. :)

#99082 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 February 2007 - 03:32 PM in Nerf Wars


I don't know which specific days would work better, I'll discuss it with my people and let you know as soon as possible.

#99297 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 February 2007 - 10:42 PM in Nerf Wars

All right, I'll be there for sure. I'll be bringing a shitload of extra guns too so if anyone (Eric?) needs a couple to use it's no problem.

17th it is?

#99555 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 10 February 2007 - 01:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I have nothing going on the weekend of the 24th that I know of.

I have bronchitis and if it takes a long time to get over it I'd prefer a later date. As long as we can decide on something soon and get it finalized I'm happy.

#99375 Sping Dcno 2007

Posted by NerfMonkey on 06 February 2007 - 12:13 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm probably good for the 10th. It also won't interfere with my brother going back to school, which is nice.

I think I can make that date.

#98199 One Pump At3k

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 January 2007 - 07:55 PM in Modifications

Good. Now add a pump-operated breech on there and a clip and you've got yourself a beast.

#84840 Longshot Is Even Cooler

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 July 2006 - 02:40 AM in General Nerf

Did anybody else notice in the other pics on NHQ that the plunger stroke looks to only be about 3 or 4"? That's not from looking at the movement of the bolt, I looked at an internal picture and the distance from the back of the plunger tube to the catch mech doesn't look to be very far.

The plunger reminds me of that of a Maxshot. I've got just the spring for this gun.

Carrtoon: 100'? Maybe singled but that would be pointless. With the clip system intact, I'm thinking maybe 70', optimistically. Barrel mod to the clips, possible spring replacement, this is all speculation of course but with a plunger stroke of that distance, and with a somewhat shitty seal with the clips, it would suck. But with a new spring and clip mod, that range seems possible to me.

But, that trigger worries me; it's so long it looks like it might snap or bend with a spring replacement or maybe even just with repeated use. I don't know but it bothers me how long and thin that rod on the trigger is...

Thanks for posting the pictures here guys!

#84698 Longshot Is Even Cooler

Posted by NerfMonkey on 10 July 2006 - 09:53 PM in General Nerf

That's pretty sleek-looking. It looks way too cumbersome for my liking, but since it is the Longest Nerf Blaster Ever, I guess that's to be expected.

Thanks for posting this for those of us that don't check NHQ.

EDIT: Vyperaeon, Hasbro doesn't measure their ranges flat. It's at a slight angle and some height off the ground. I forget exactly but it's definitely not flat.

#123321 Fall Dcno

Posted by NerfMonkey on 17 September 2007 - 03:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Can't do 6/7.

Later in October would probably be better for me since I have to march at football games every Friday night and that will probably last through early October.

#123440 Fall Dcno

Posted by NerfMonkey on 18 September 2007 - 07:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Looks like I'm out. All of October and probably November are a no-go for me.

Oh well, maybe I could get to another winter war.

#99339 Hasbro Reveals Nerf N-strike Disk Shot (nerf Skeet Shooting)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 February 2007 - 07:51 PM in General Nerf

Haha, skeet.

#131181 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 December 2007 - 10:56 PM in Off Topic

I guess it must be to help keep Xmas as Corpratalism Day/Season...

When was the first/last time you saw a gift labeled "From: Jesus?"

Actually, "Xmas" started out to be the birthday celebration of Jesus, and since He was a gift to us, we started giving gifts to each other as a tradition. That, like other Christian traditions, is being smothered with secular stuff. Slowly they try to change Christmas to something not so religious. Like stupid stores that sell, "holiday trees" [wonder what holiday that is?] and "family trees" [I guess if your orphaned you can't buy one] And then they went slaphappy with the "happy holidays".

It's just a big movement to put Christianity out of America, and put in evolutionary/life is a party beliefs.

I wish they would do something similar to Islam.

If you feel offended over this and want to argue with me, please PM me rather than letting us fuck up this thread, but that was the single stupidest thing I've ever heard from anyone. Ever. I think the whole political correctness thing is going a bit too far, but nobody that I know of wants to put Christianity out of America, it's just because people are super sensitive these days and nobody wants to offend non-Christians.

You have a problem with people trying to "put Christianity out of America," but you wish the same thing to happen to other religions? Way to go, people like you give Christianity a bad name.

#70698 Artemis Arms Bulldog (nf)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 09 January 2006 - 08:25 PM in Modifications

I realize that. But 10' less isn't much when I'm saying that mine got only 10' flat. I'm not doubting your ranges, just wondering how you did it. I'll try replacing my NF spring with a TTG spring and tell you how it goes with CPVC and micro Stefans.

#70696 Artemis Arms Bulldog (nf)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 09 January 2006 - 07:39 PM in Modifications

How did you get those ranges? My impression of the TTG spring is that it's not that much tougher than that of the NF. I tried a PVC mod on my NF with the stock spring and got about 10' flat. I don't see how you're achieving these ranges.

Rip32, it's a new edition, not an old edition.

EDIT: My mod was done with the old edition spring, not the new edition.

#66070 4b - The Bacon Bow (semi-automatic Bbb)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 18 October 2005 - 03:50 PM in Modifications


The BBB is one of my favorite guns and I use it a lot. The ROF sucks but with your mod that's been improved. Great job Piss. You could've called it the Piss Bow or something though. ^_^

Looks great man, awesome job. I also like the paintjob.

#65718 Problems With My Nerf Guns

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 October 2005 - 07:41 PM in General Nerf

This is a stupid mistake, but make sure you cock the Hornet's "reset slide" on the front of the gun BEFORE pumping it. I made this mistake with mine and didn't realize it until about six months after I had it. I know, I suck.

Good luck.