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#53845 Los Angeles, Mexico

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 April 2005 - 04:02 PM in Off Topic

BK, that's a pathetic argument. You're saying that teens shouldn't express opinions simply because they cannot affect the government?

I'm sorry, I don't do that "children should be seen but not heard" thing.

You've got it backward. Teens can't vote because they aren't mature enough to make an informed decision.

Amen. I was simply saying that our job right now is our school, and maybe a part time job. We can't vote because we aren't informed enough, rational enough, mature enough to vote. A NERF forum is no place for political arguements by minors. If you wanna do that that's what a debate team or a government club is for. I'm not saying teens shouldn't be making opinoins at all, hell I'm the head lobbyist for Alabama's Youth and Government program. But Off topic for light humor and informed on what we are interested in. Not C-SPAN....Like I said. Get informed. Get your information straight. That way when your voice REALLY coundts, people will listen.

We don't have the right to vote because THE MAJORITY of us aren't mature enough to handle it. But there are some exceptions. I personally feel that I am mature enough to have my own opinions (saying that makes me feel like a friggen 4 year old) on politics.

Me and two of my friends love discussing politics amongst each other, but not with anybody else. We live in a town where like 80% of the people are extreme hardcore republicans, and most people say their side then don't listen to the other person's argument. Almost every kid here listens to the crap their parents feed them, and actually believe it. I know people who will use immaterial, off-the-subject, irrelevant crap to promote the opinions they got from their mother. Almost everybody here has a biased opinion, and most of the opinions aren't even theirs.

Every election me and my two friends will watch the news for more time than we spend watching TV the rest of the year. We gather the stuff they say, then pull the information from the irrevelant stuff. We form our own opinions and research politics all the time. We have minds of our own. In fact, one of my friends comes from a family of six: a mother, a father, two daughters, two sons. His parents are republicans and voted for Bush, his sisters are democrats and voted for Nader, his brother and him are going to be democrats when they are old enough. So you see, the children are mature and smart enough that they don't go one way because their parents or friends did. They have minds of their owns.

All three of us are 13 years old. We debate fairly, we listen to the other opinions and perpsectives.

BK, Langley, you're being kind of stereotypical. We can't vote for a reason, but we can still discuss politics and form our own thoughts.

#52607 Do You Recommend The Maverick?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

I haven't seen that mod, but what if you could make a Maverick that had interchangable (sp) clip/turret thingies (Like the powerclip)? That would be schweet.

You can.

#52933 More New Writeups

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 09:26 PM in News

You know it'd be funny. Face it- middle of a fast dance someone gets nailed in the head, and it's so crowded nobody knows where it came from- except me and my buddies laughing by the punch bowls.


Not just any "someone," how about the prom queen? :P

That RSCB barrel thing looks interesting... I think it'd be unweildy and too heavy, but that's just me. And why do you have to point the gun down while pumping?

#63209 Prototype Trampoline Spring Nerf Cannon

Posted by MattPaintballer on 06 September 2005 - 06:20 PM in Homemades

Hmm, interesting idea.

I wonder how powerful it will be. I remember when I was helping put our trampoline together it was pretty hard to stretch the springs from the tarp to the base ring thing. I had to use the hook from a bungie cord to do it.

Yeah I was thinking of the spring flying out, too. On a trampoline the springs are already pulled a bit so they don't fly off and kill somebody in the face, but you're not going to be holding the spring back all the time (that would hurt after a while).

By the way, I'm digging your signature.

#54772 Where To Buy Lanard Products

Posted by MattPaintballer on 12 May 2005 - 09:58 PM in General Nerf

No but they responded to my e-mail with a very kind reply and answered all of my questions. I would buy from them, they don't seem shady at all.

Edit: Prices

XE is your friend in currency conversions

1 Max Shot is $16.4770 (~$16.50)

And yes they ship internationally.

Edit2: No they only ship to Europe, US, and Canada.

#54757 Where To Buy Lanard Products

Posted by MattPaintballer on 12 May 2005 - 08:32 PM in General Nerf

I just found out a place to buy Lanard products - all of the X-Stream Air guns, AND AMMUNITION! That's right, ammunition - everything from balls to discs to Max Shot bombs and Blast Bazooka Missiles!

Posted Image

Posted Image]

Order Form (Has guns and other stuff, no ammo)

I've never seen a Big Salvo or Blast Bazooka in those colors.

Also, they now seem to have a SSPB knock-off and a Gyro Strike knock-off. Interesting.

#54800 Where To Buy Lanard Products

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 May 2005 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

Hmm I didn't notice that. I'll e-mail them.

#46201 Guass Gun/coil Rifle

Posted by MattPaintballer on 16 January 2005 - 01:22 AM in Homemades

If you guys want a cool electromagnetic "gun," try a rail gun with a circular track, which would allow you to accelerate the ammunition over a period of time before actually firing.

That website (http://scitoys.com) says that rail guns on circular tracks are impractical.

#55329 Larami Dart Size

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 May 2005 - 05:23 PM in General Nerf

Yes that would probably work. You would also need to take a hot glue gun and burn the back end of the dart for a bigger hole, otherwise it will not fit over the air restrictors. Or you could just take them out, making your gun better. Another reason for taking out the air restrictors is that it actually damages the back end of the foam, which reduces the life of your darts. Make sure to cut the tip down because on a Larami, the part the suction cup attaches to is slightly less in diamater than the diamater of the foam, and the suction cup is slightly larger in diamater than the foam. And yes, it would probably work. You can also make Stefans, here is a tutorial.

Larami dart specifications specifications:

Foam length: 6cm/2.4 in.
Dart length: 6.6cm/2.6 in.
Tip length: 0.6cm/0.24 in.

#62153 Firefly In Stock At Walmart.com And Dart Tag

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 August 2005 - 08:50 PM in General Nerf

I saw them at the TRU in Vegas near the mall.

Dart Tag: $41.99
Firefly: $24.99

I think those are the highest prices we've seen aren't they?

#62371 Firefly In Stock At Walmart.com And Dart Tag

Posted by MattPaintballer on 21 August 2005 - 10:55 PM in General Nerf

That would be really hard to get the timing right though. It is timed so that the turret rotates and shoots for every trigger pull, which is perfect for the FF but its trigger pull is most likely different than that of an AT2K.

What you could do to remedy this though is to hook up the FF's cocking mechanism to the firing pin of the AT2K, so you pull back the orange slider to shoot, and just pull the trigger to line up the barrels. This would only work if the turret mechanism is like the Maverick's - a full trigger pull (not the release) lines up the barrels, and a full trigger release gets them unaligned.

#42843 Titan Refills

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 10:52 PM in General Nerf

Three good reasons why I shouldn't do that:

1. I'm not a rich punk.
2. I don't like wasting money.
3. If Hasbro/Nerf doesn't give replacement parts and doesn't have any good customer support, then they don't need my money.

#42813 Titan Refills

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 07:00 PM in General Nerf

Does anybody know if Nerf sells spare parts? I need a new Titan barrel!!!

#42903 Titan Refills

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 November 2004 - 05:56 PM in General Nerf

I'm not asking for a free one, I just want a new Titan barrel because the one that came in the box is screwed up. They should at least offer to sell me a new one! I'm not spending $40 just for a barrel from a company who makes plastic toys. I think that some of you are taking what I typed out of context, and that might be my fault because of what I typed. I have yet to demand anything of Nerf, all I did was post asking if Nerf sells replacement parts, and when I found out that they won't, I said that they should. I didn't mean to whine or anything like that. Anyways, I'm going to do what Jangadance suggested, and make my own barrel.

#50084 Ipods

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 March 2005 - 01:50 PM in Off Topic

1) What's the difference between the 1st and 2nd generation iPods? As far as I can tell, I don't see any physical changes.

2) The 4GB iPod Mini claims to hold 1,000 songs. Now, say I have 3,000 songs but they still only take up 4GB. Does the iPod mini run on capacity or does it just stop accepting new songs once it reaches 1,000?

3) If you were to make a suggestion, should I get the 3rd generation touch sensitive iPod or the 4th generation click-wheel?

4) Where's the best place to get a good price on an iPod?

5) Is the 5th generation iPod going to arrive soon? If so, should I wait until it comes out before ordering one?

6) Does the iPod shuffle allow you to choose a playlist or is it completely random?

7) What's the difference between the regular iPod and the iPod+HP?

1. Like cx said, who cares? Get a new one, they're much better.

2. The iPod "4GB" iPod Mini only actually has 3.75 GB once it is formatted. I suggest you get the new "6GB" Mini which should have between 4.75 and 5.75 GB once formatted. That is, if you want a Mini. I got the 19.75 GB "20 GB" 4th gen. Also, if you like your music to sound good, 1,000 sounds isn't going to fit on the 4 GB model.

3. Well, it depends. They are both the same price, but the 3rd gen comes with more goodies. The 3rd gen, in the box, has everything the 4th gen has, plus a dock and a remote thing. Personally, I have no use for either of those items. Also, the 4th gen has a much better scrolling and playing system, the click wheel.

4. All prices on iPods are the same, unless you buy one used (I don't reccomend this). I suggest you get it at an Apple store or Best Buy because they give you better warranties.

5. It's like buying anything else that's popular, after a while a new version will come out and yours will become slightly outdated.

6. The iPod Shuffle does neither. You can not choose a playlist, but it isn't exactly random either. Like taita_cakes said, people have reported of times when the same song was repeated 8 times in a row. Most CD and MP3 players, unlike the iPod Shuffle, are programmed so that when they are put on the "shuffle" or "random" setting, they will not play the previous song again until a different song is played.

7. It's really just a marketting gimmick. According to iPodLounge, you shouldn't buy the iPod+HP even though it supposedly has more features. The regular iPod has just about the same features as the iPod+HP does, and some more. The iPod+HP doesn't have a warranty, can not get a warranty, and will not be serviced by Apple or HP. Just get the Apple version.

#54461 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 May 2005 - 11:28 PM in Off Topic

And a BBB in the Music video of Electric Six - Dance Commander.

Here's your proof.

I like Electric Six but hadn't seen that video before. Pretty crazy.

That was a weird video.

There's a BnA in Mrs. Doubtfire. When Daniel throws a party for his son and Miranda comes home, Daniel and his son are dancing on a table. When they turn and see Miranda, a kid runs in front of them and shoots a BnA.

Edit: Whoa holy crap, didn't realize this was so old.

#47732 TV Show Nerf Sightings

Posted by MattPaintballer on 21 February 2005 - 09:24 PM in Off Topic

I think there was a WildFire in the box on Friends? Can't remember.

#43857 Christmas Day Poll

Posted by MattPaintballer on 12 December 2004 - 12:19 PM in Off Topic

Well, technically I will be skiing on Christmas Eve and coming home early Christmas Day, but its so early that I put with family because either way, I'm with the family, and we'll be around the tree about 7 hours after we get home.

And btw Ompa, iRivers are not worth their money. The battery lasts only about 4 hours, and sometimes it will stop playing for no reason. Just get an iPod. More bang for your buck, easier to use, and it actually works.

I just got a 20 GB iPod for my b-day yay!!! It was actually 3 days early, but whatever! Now I just need to get some music on it... Crap. I have too much music! Wait, that's kind of a good thing... I still don't have enough to fill my 'Pod up though.

#47200 Instruments

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 February 2005 - 10:46 PM in Off Topic

Guitar, but I couldn't vote because I selected guitar and then pressed view results (null vote) instead of submit or whatever. I want to learn how to play cello and bass guitar.

#47422 Instruments

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 February 2005 - 05:44 PM in Off Topic


Don't say that word around me! You'll make me sing the Jumbone song from the commercial! Ahh!

#46824 Primary Weapons

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 February 2005 - 06:09 PM in General Nerf

I seriously like the Hornet from the N-Strike Trinity (it dosent say on the box but the inventory list at Target calls it the "trinity").  The Big Salvo is also pretty good, only problem is that its hard to use. You really have to train you trigger finger for that thing.

I think you've been watching "The Matrix" too much. It's actually called the N-Strike Unity Power System. I'll agree with you though; the Hornet is a great primary weapon. I'm going to integrate an AT2K on/in one just for good measure :lol:.

SuperMAXX 1500's are great. The Hornet and the SM1500 (old version) are the two most powerful stock guns I've ever used. I'm pretty sure AT2K's are the exact same thing as SM1500's, though they have a smaller case and seem to have a worse seal with the turret?

RF20's and WildFires are so much fun... does anybody know if you can fire the RF20 without emptying the turret?

Good Sidearms:
Nite Finder, Lock 'n' Load, SuperMAXX 750, SharpShooter II.

Edit: Added more guns.

#46827 Primary Weapons

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 February 2005 - 07:10 PM in General Nerf

Last_Man_Standin_, maybe you got a dud or something. Try some airjet micros or Stefans in it. I put some red airjet micros in my stock Hornet and I was in awe when I found out my range was doubled.

#47403 Vinyl VS. Compact Disc

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 February 2005 - 10:32 AM in Off Topic

I've never heard vinyl :huh:...

#53400 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 April 2005 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Not really, that's how I decided on Space Marines...

#53218 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 22 April 2005 - 06:40 PM in Off Topic

Well, it depends. I sucked when I first started painting them. I mean I REALLY sucked. But after, I don't know, two, three weeks, I was pretty good. My hand is a lot steadier now, and I go as much in detail as I can. I guess once you get the hang of it, and master the different techniques like drybrushing and inking, it's not that hard. The paintbrush has become like an extension of my fingers now. Here's a tip, if you ever mess up, clean it off with a Q-tip so you don't have to start over. (I know some players who, before I told them this, would actually start all over again if they messed up)

#53200 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 22 April 2005 - 04:53 PM in Off Topic

My brother and I sometimes play. My brother is more into it though. I like painting the models the most. I would rather paint, take pictures, then re-paint, take pics, etc. than have a war. But I think that's because the people I play with always take soooo long.

Orcs and Gobbos - Me
Lizardmen - My brother

Space Marines - Me
Tau - My brother

I'm not really that serious into it. But I really like painting so this is the perfect way to hone my skills and have fun painting.

#53305 Warhammer 40k

Posted by MattPaintballer on 23 April 2005 - 11:47 PM in Off Topic

bottom line is, it may seem nerdy to some people, but once you get past all that shit it's a blast.

You can't really listen to what other people say. I've noticed that most "nerdy" games are the fun ones. Nerf, lacrosse, Warhammer just to name a few. All fun, and all considered nerdy or geeky (at least here they are)

#55104 My Finished Maverick

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 May 2005 - 04:33 PM in Modifications

It matches the Warhammer 40K Space Marine Dark Templar paint scheme.


#47084 Lock N Load M4?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 10 February 2005 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

Milsim sucks.

Sheesh, I thought I was the only one who thought that!

#55997 Brass Eagle Blade02 Mod

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 May 2005 - 10:47 PM in Modifications


Dude, that's costly. It's usually $30 for the gun, 10 cents for a Stefan, and ~20 cents for one shot out of the little cartridge. That's ~30 cents for every shot, though Stefans are reusable. Still, ~20 cents a shot WILL add up quickly if you consider how good the RoF of this thing is.

It's still cool though. Way cool. I think it's good that you added air restriction. What ranges are you getting? I would restrict it to about 50' flat because of it's insane RoF for a single-shot gun and it's mad accuracy.

#47463 Why Nerf Is The Ulitimate Sport

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 February 2005 - 11:44 PM in General Nerf

WebbZter Nerfs, if that counts. And quit being an ***, Evil. Nerf is a sport, paintball is a sport, and airsoft is a sport, whether you like it or not.

#52560 Favorite Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 09:26 AM in General Nerf

I still want some other guns that look cool. These include:


The Expand-a-blast may look cool, but in a nerf war it's not a very effective gun. Trust me that gun sucks in nerf wars of any kind, but I've only used it unmodified. So it may be good enough to use in a nerf war if it's modified.

Modified, the thing kicks. Cxwq used it as his primary for a while.

The good thing is my friend has one unmodded, along with a Vortex Firestorm and 2 Blastfires, and he doesn't know a thing about nerf or what anything is worth :). I'm gonna give him like $15 for the whole lot, and he'll probaby take it.

#51963 Favorite Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 April 2005 - 05:02 PM in General Nerf

SM1500 and SM750, so far.

I still want some other guns that look cool. These include:

Big Bad Bow
Max Shot

I like to do integrations, and I really like improving on certain aspects of guns. For example, a problem with the BBB is that it takes a long time to reload, leaving you vulnerable. Being the short, small, young person that I am, the BBB is probably higher than my waist, which makes reloading even harder. That being said, I plan on integrating an AT2K into the front handle, and an SM750 into the scope. (if/when I get a BBB)

General Primevil, why would you single barrel your AT3K? They have (or had) 6 barrels so it would have a higher RoF.

#59981 Rubber Bands And Ranges (or Other Stretchy Things)

Posted by MattPaintballer on 23 July 2005 - 02:23 PM in General Nerf

Sorry, stupid question. How do I tie two rubber bands together?

#45677 Music Genres

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 January 2005 - 12:35 AM in Off Topic

Dangit! Nowadays there are too many music genres! I was putting more music on my iPod, and I noticed that it's all categorized in three places: (I only put like 4 CD's on it so far... don't worry I'll put more!) Metal, Rock, and Alternative and Punk. What the hell? I know metal is like heavy-ish rock, but what the hell is alternative? An alternative to rock? What?! And punk? What the crap!?! Can somebody tell me what these different genres are? Lost Prophets is under metal, Aerosmith is under rock, and the Used and My Chemical Romance are under alternative and punk. I just want to know what the genres mean and stuff.


#46333 Maverick Issues

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 January 2005 - 04:24 PM in Modifications

Would the forwards-style plunger add range or anything? I'm assuming the Maverick is like the Scout, in that after you cock it the slider goes forward again after disconnecting from the plunger. This makes it so you can't put rubber bands on the slider. Is there any way to fix it, like by making the slider stay back until you pull the trigger, and having it not disconnect from the plunger? This would reduce RoF slightly because you have to wait for the slider to move forward before you could cock it again, but it would increase range because of the plunger being pushed faster. The RoF decrease wouldn't be that bad, especially with the bands on there, because the bands will make the slider slide forward faster.

#46336 Maverick Issues

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 January 2005 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

If you removed the slide, you could do the traditional keyring as on the Lock 'n' Load, or you could use one of those cheap plastic toothbrushes that look like gummy bears. You cut off the toothbrush part, then dip the whole thing in hot water for a couple seconds. Pull it out, shape it in the form of an oval, circle, or whatever you desire, and epoxy it onto the the cocking mechanism. I'm pretty sure it was Uriel who did this to one of his Lock 'n' Loads. Uriel was the first person to do this. He attached a Colgate toothbrush to his Lock 'n' Load plunger arm. It looks fantastic! Check it out: Here is the original post.

#63206 Homade Pump-action Rifle

Posted by MattPaintballer on 06 September 2005 - 06:11 PM in Homemades

In other news, I have been noticing a recent trend.  New members that use the baby stewie avatar get the 9999 special an overwhelming amount of times.  Whereas the users that have the Peter Griffin avatar are just annoying as hell.  Anyone else notice this trend?

Hey! Sorry if I'm annoying. I'm going to go change my avatar... Those PM's are funny, Shindig.

Nice one cx.

#54895 Yard Sales?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 May 2005 - 12:07 AM in General Nerf

The local Boy Scout Troop just had a rummage sale today, and there was NOTHING. It was all crap.

One time, my friend got two kinda trashy Secret Shot 1s at a garage sale for like $3. That's about it though.

#49517 Supermaxx 5000

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 March 2005 - 02:15 PM in Modifications

Cool, but I'm not sure I like how it looks. Oh well, whatever floats your boat. Do you have any ranges? Wait a minute. If you pull back on the thing that sticks out, doesn't that make it a plunger weapon? I thought SM5K's were pump guns. I'm confused. It's cool though.

Edit: Whoa, 115-125 feet? That's good. Is it accurate to those ranges? And are they angled or flat?