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#143953 Arsenal Pictures

Posted by sputnik on 05 March 2008 - 12:44 AM in General Nerf

WTF is up with that BBB stock?

Haha, that was the very first gun I modded, I didn't know much then and tried taping it on. I should probally just rip it off, but that's the gun I let my friends use and for some reason they like it.

I was wondering if anyone would notice, nice job, lol.

It looks like pure dagnasty evil.

#151423 Arsenal Aprassial Thread

Posted by sputnik on 16 April 2008 - 12:22 PM in General Nerf

Don't post in old topics.

Use this thread for arsenal listing.

#146829 Arrow Storm?

Posted by sputnik on 25 March 2008 - 12:19 PM in General Nerf

Its not hard to mod...maybe try this.

#202102 Armageddon X

Posted by sputnik on 09 January 2009 - 05:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Myself and 4 others are currently in negotiation with family, but put me and Zippy765 down as a yes.

#209228 Armageddon X

Posted by sputnik on 03 February 2009 - 03:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Question-my buddy's PAS is painted matte black, and he doesn't want to repaint it or anything...
Would brightly colored e-tape in enough places suffice?


#211005 Armageddon X

Posted by sputnik on 09 February 2009 - 10:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Question-my buddy's PAS is painted matte black, and he doesn't want to repaint it or anything...
Would brightly colored e-tape in enough places suffice?


most likely, although don't be surprised when someone with a Neon Pink gun that sparkles calls his blaster Gay.

Please do.

In all honesty, it looks retarded.

#131860 Any Texas Nerfers Out There?

Posted by sputnik on 09 December 2007 - 10:59 PM in Nerf Wars

DFW=Dallas/Fort Worth

And yeah I live in San Angelo, and NOBODY around here nerfs.

it sucks.

#136248 Airtech 1000 X2

Posted by sputnik on 17 January 2008 - 03:09 PM in Modifications

It looks like it's maybe trying to emulate the BBB's cocking mechanism. Which wouldn't be a terrible thing, especially if he used the internals of a second gun to expand the plunger and plunger tube

That actually would could be cool, at least with a barrel replacement and some other basic mods.

#151843 Air Compressor + Nerf = Fun

Posted by sputnik on 18 April 2008 - 03:44 PM in Homemades


Become enlightened.

#134492 Adding Another Spring To The Recon

Posted by sputnik on 31 December 2007 - 02:16 AM in Modifications

Very Nicely Done!

What store did you get it from?

#143644 Adding A Spell Checker

Posted by sputnik on 03 March 2008 - 03:20 PM in Site Feedback

I think you should find a grammar and punctuation checker.

Much better Flantre!

#140532 Absolver- Titan Modification

Posted by sputnik on 16 February 2008 - 01:15 AM in Modifications

Very clean, very nice.
All in all, a good first post.

And i love your username.

#206772 A Way To Eliminate The Goo Gauge?

Posted by sputnik on 26 January 2009 - 10:05 PM in Modifications

I've never thought about it, usually I cut out the crap and just goop the tubing like so.
No drilling or anything.
Usually it takes several tries, but once it's airtight, you're golden.
Posted Image
^1/8 Tubing^

As far as a barbed connector goes, well...
Posted Image
Use a crapload of Goop, and connect the pump last.

Hope I helped, and good luck!

#144592 A Thought On The Longshot

Posted by sputnik on 10 March 2008 - 04:40 PM in Modifications

Kaitlin, try this.

#149359 A Simple Question.

Posted by sputnik on 04 April 2008 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

A brain into your head.

#140111 A Semi-auto, No-priming Springer

Posted by sputnik on 13 February 2008 - 11:41 PM in Homemades

Is this the gun?

Posted Image

#186405 A New Form For A Double Night Finder... Maybe?

Posted by sputnik on 29 October 2008 - 11:47 PM in Modifications

Fuck you nerfer9, go mod something first, then complain about other people's mods.

#179211 A Little Petg Problem

Posted by sputnik on 23 September 2008 - 08:25 PM in Modifications

Questions? Comments? Smart Remarks?

Yeah, one question.
What the fuck did you just say?

#186288 A Gift.

Posted by sputnik on 29 October 2008 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

Videos are superior because you actually get to see the mod.

#186230 A Gift.

Posted by sputnik on 29 October 2008 - 12:07 PM in Modifications

Damn angel.

I seriously need to make a Karen 2.0


#150048 A Few Simple Questions

Posted by sputnik on 08 April 2008 - 03:03 PM in Modifications

Im a noob, and I don't really know how nerf guns work so I was wondering what a longer barrel does because doesn't it make it go less distance? Also, why do people minimize their guns? What does that do to make the gun better? Lastly, I have a longshot and I was wondering where you can find another o-ring that fits it without breaking another Longshot. Thanks.

O-Ring-Take the stock plunger head and o-ring with you to Ace or Lowe's, or any hardware store, and look through the o-rings until you find one that fits around the plunger head.
buy two of these.

Barrel question.
In general, longer barrels are used with stefans (homemade darts), and these darts are much more snug in the barrel, increasing range.
Stock barrels, like the LongShot, are much bigger than the darts, which means that they bounce around on there before they come out.

Minimization: i don't know, because they like it better that way? Usually doesn't make any performance difference, but looks/feels better.
Any more questions?

#185139 A Few Questions

Posted by sputnik on 23 October 2008 - 05:50 PM in Modifications

As far as the NF goes, there are no burrs or anything obstructing the darts.

I sprung for the extra 60 cents and replaced both o-rings for the LS.
Perfect seal, no problems.

As for the BnA, I'm just curious.
How crazy would it look with a trigger?

#186447 A Few Questions

Posted by sputnik on 30 October 2008 - 02:04 PM in Modifications

Updated first post.

New question.

1) Has anyone come up with a way to implement the effect of tightening rings on brass for PETG?
Short of a dart stop obviously.

My only idea was to make four 1 inch cuts at the end of the PETG and wrap that section in e-tape to slightly narrow the diameter.

#185088 A Few Questions

Posted by sputnik on 23 October 2008 - 01:42 PM in Modifications

New question.

1) Has anyone come up with a way to implement the effect of tightening rings on brass for PETG?
Short of a dart stop obviously.

My only idea was to make four 1 inch cuts at the end of the PETG and wrap that section in e-tape to slightly narrow the diameter.

Ok, I've been here about a year, and I've been modding for much longer.
Hopefully I've answered a few questions over that time, and now it's me asking for help.

2) My first Gen. Nitefinder is shooting high. I have replaced the barrel, my stefans fit, and the barrel is straight.
Any ideas on how to fix it?

And yes I searched. This is what I found.

3) On the Longshot plunger head, one of the o-rings is slightly larger than the other. This makes the seal great, but does it have a negative effect on range?

No search result for that whatsoever.

4) Lastly, on the BnA, has anyone added a trigger?

No results for that either.

Any help/advice/slaps upside the head would be greatlt appreciated.

#201413 A Couple Questions

Posted by sputnik on 06 January 2009 - 12:52 AM in Modifications

1. You need to glue in a strong spring.
Posted Image
Posted Image

2. You need to sand down the Epoxy putty on the trigger a little.

#201405 A Couple Questions

Posted by sputnik on 06 January 2009 - 12:27 AM in Modifications

Do you have a pic of the trigger spring?

#201411 A Couple Questions

Posted by sputnik on 06 January 2009 - 12:41 AM in Modifications

Is it a torsion spring or a regular spring glued on?

#201416 A Couple Questions

Posted by sputnik on 06 January 2009 - 01:12 AM in Modifications

So I need to add another big spring in addition to the rather large torsion spring? And sand the putty down how?

I assume you also reinforced the cocking bar?

When you cock the gun, the cocking bar is pushing back the reinforced trigger down, but the putty is keeping the nub from catching.
Sand down the putty on the top until it is flush with the stock nub.

And yes, add a small pen spring to the trigger.

#205709 3k Pin Leak

Posted by sputnik on 23 January 2009 - 05:32 PM in Modifications

So far, all searching got me was Radio's thread, which didn't help.

Any advice from some vets?
I'm sure this has happened to a bunch of y'all.


#205722 3k Pin Leak

Posted by sputnik on 23 January 2009 - 05:54 PM in Modifications

I've been messing with it, and if I nudge the pin up, the hissing stops.
If I don't hold the pin there, it will leak again.
I'll get pics if anybody really needs it.

#151626 200+ Feet? How?

Posted by sputnik on 17 April 2008 - 02:36 PM in Modifications

My LBB gets about 175' with a 30 degree angle.
I can imagine a Titan or a Nat Geo gun getting 200' flat with relative ease.

#211619 +bow Vs Longshot

Posted by sputnik on 11 February 2009 - 09:56 PM in General Nerf

But I will always stick with my longshot. I've had it for 6 years.

The Longshot was released in 2006.


#133350 +bow

Posted by sputnik on 21 December 2007 - 09:32 PM in Homemades


#197989 "the Professional" By Airzone

Posted by sputnik on 22 December 2008 - 11:12 AM in Modifications

Code Of Conduct

Be careful posting in old topics man. I hate to see people get banned.

That was a legit update to the topic.

I've seen then too, they're god for that last stand sorta thing.

#149058 '9999'

Posted by sputnik on 03 April 2008 - 11:25 AM in Off Topic

In fact, ambassadors cannot even read the IP addresses of founders.

It is for the best my child. For were you to read that figure in it's complete form the true number of the beast would lay naked before your eyes! The cosmos would cease to spin around you and, momentarily, be still! The KNOWLEDGE of ALL things DEAD and YET to come would FLOOD your MORTAL MIND…

Holy crap! VACC's a Scientologist!

No silly, VACC is clearly an immaterial being from another dimension that we can never fully understand!
Wait..same thing..damn.