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#194855 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Cannonball on 08 December 2008 - 09:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Man, I'm psyched up. It's safe to say the HB guys bring the cavalry to the wars. Right on. My buddy who's gone to the last 2 wars with me (You should know him bags, he goes to your school) just got his hands on an xbow too so I should have him set by saturday. I'm pumped! Got some more darts made and probably another buddy to drag along to boot. It should turn out to be a day of Effeminate proportions.

#179197 Holiday L A N O 2008

Posted by Cannonball on 23 September 2008 - 08:06 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll check my calendar. Hopefully we won't get kicked out of sellers this time around. My buddy I brought to the last war is my driving buddy so I'll check with him too.

#326657 Armageddon XIV

Posted by Cannonball on 11 February 2013 - 01:23 AM in Nerf Wars

I've been off the grid for a while so it's been hard to keep track of things. I will be there if it makes the window between the Youth group's high school camp and my trip to Kenya on the 30th. I was able to do it last year, but just barely. Fingers crossed.

#145634 War In The Oc: Nano (april)

Posted by Cannonball on 18 March 2008 - 12:07 AM in Nerf Wars

I thought I'd put myself down for this war just so I don't forget later. I'm coming unless my hand gets infected and has to be amputated. That doesn't look like it's going to happen though.

#149271 War In The Oc: Nano (april)

Posted by Cannonball on 04 April 2008 - 10:45 AM in Nerf Wars

So are we meeting in the parking lot or something tomorrow morning? Or are we just going to wander around the park until we find people shooting each other with nerf guns? This is my first big war outside my church so I don't know how it's done yet.

#148290 War In The Oc: Nano (april)

Posted by Cannonball on 31 March 2008 - 01:23 AM in Nerf Wars

I am scrambling like mad to put together a crap load of stefans. I am hoping my order of petg comes in soon so I can make a double breech barrel or whatever it's called for my crossbow. I'm completely flustered and may get lost on the way to the war but I will be there.

#257416 Airtech 4000 Overhaul

Posted by Cannonball on 27 November 2009 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

I don't think a store bought dual action bike pump is going to cut down on the number of pumps too much. I think it might actually tire you out a lot faster, considering the dual bike pumps are a heck of a lot smaller than the ball pumps. I personally believe the ball pump would be a better bet, if it actually works at least. You might be able to find larger dual action pumps online though. I worked at a bike shop for quite sometime and all of our dual action pumps were pretty much the same. They are just made to cut down on space.

#125913 Zombie Games.

Posted by Cannonball on 12 October 2007 - 12:31 AM in General Nerf

Since you bumped it already, and we are still on the topic of playing at night and using some kind of illumination, I'd like to share a link to a good flashlight site. www.surefire.com.

Their G2 Nitrolon is pretty affordable and is one of the best flashlights you could possibly get. It's drastically brighter then a large maglite but fits in your palm. I own one myself, not just for the nerfing/airsofting, but for camping and stuff. I'm positive this light would have a greater effect on people then a camera flash.

Just thought I'd share something that might help a bit.

#132881 Nerf Recon In Hand. I Have Zee Pics.

Posted by Cannonball on 17 December 2007 - 10:47 PM in General Nerf

I called the walmart next to my house. they carry them, but they happened to be out of stock. I checked another one and they didn't even have room on the shelves for them. I think I'm just going to wait until the craze dies down.

#132907 Nerf Recon In Hand. I Have Zee Pics.

Posted by Cannonball on 18 December 2007 - 01:28 AM in General Nerf

well it wasn't physically next to my house so I couldn't just walk over. Gas isn't cheap either my friend so I'd rather eliminate what I can and save myself some time and money that can be spent on that Recon. Lazy, hardly.

#310864 Another Simple 3D Printed Blaster

Posted by Cannonball on 07 February 2012 - 07:31 PM in Homemades

I think there is something to the idea of having printed lower and upper receivers. You don't even need to print them as functional blasters. you can just print shells that join in the middle via pins (like an AR15). The lower could just be a trigger and or a stock, and the upper can just be a plunger tube and a catch. How they are customized could be left up to the end user. You can make uppers with plunger tubes just large enough for pistol rounds, or ones large enough to be considered primaries. I guess the advantage to the system would be you have a dedicated lower with features you are already used to, with interchangeable uppers you can use to adjust to different scenarios. That way you are used to the ergonomics of the blaster regardless of the round. This should help with your aim. But I guess this doesn't matter too much since we are dealing with nerf darts here.

#360817 Armageddon XVIII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (6/24/17) NOW RECAPPING

Posted by Cannonball on 28 June 2017 - 09:26 AM in Nerf Wars

Armageddon was awesome, as it always is. It's been incredible having so many people come to visit us from across the country, especially these past few years. The East Coast contingent in particular comes with a good attitude and brings their A game. Glad I've gotten to know you fine folks over the years. You couldn't ask for a greater group of people to nerf/hang out with. I look forward to seeing you all next year. Maybe some day we'll return the favor and invade APOC!

Really, everyone who came out this year were awesome. The mood was light and fun. Thanks for making it so, everyone!

Let's start with some CONS: back pain slowing me down this year. Didn't do nearly as much running. Had fun regardless!

- Ice9 is an excellent host. Our current war site is tops, and he makes sure we still have access to it year round. Thanks for all the hard work, man!
- Langley flying out to visit and just naturally assuming the role of co-host. I appreciate not having to yell at adults/teens/children once during my week, so thank you!
- getting to ZING BOW with some success (sorry Shmmee) but mostly just comedic results (sorry again, Shmmee).
- Face cards vs all. We were the "vet group," but experience didn't save us. Thought we had it at one point too!
- JLEGO and I trading shots behjnd trees while trying to get a bead on each other through the window of the back bungalow.
- Running my Khaos as a secondary was pretty satisfying. Makes me want that Nemesis real bad though.
- dart sweep went great this year.
- the two scrambles for free stuff were hilarious
- getting a free garbage bag full of unclaimed elite darts! I'll never have to buy darts for my students again. Thanks for leaving them, guys!

At the end of the day Armageddon was worth all of the hype this year and then some. If you went to any other war, you messed up. Looking forward to next year!

#354244 Armageddon XVII: SoCal's Largest NIC War (2016)

Posted by Cannonball on 15 June 2016 - 07:29 PM in Nerf Wars

What a great nerf war! I was looking forward to Armageddon all year and it did not disappoint! Huge thanks to Ice9 and all the other people who made sure the war ran smoothly.

I think I should apologize for all those China darts I was slinging around. Just got them and was rotating through them and my K'nex darts. Would've put them away for good had I know it was harshing the vibe. My bad everyone!

My only other Con is that this war is only one day a year.

1. Familiar faces- nerfing with you guys is always a blast. Thanks for making the trip out again.
2. New guys - always amazed by the new people showing up, young and old. You guys are a blast. Keep it up. Come back next year!
3. Clicker deathmatch was excellent.
4. Dueling Hoongfu all day. I got a few lucky shots in!
5. Freezetag is always great, even when the CVN guys are lighting you up when you foolishly decide to take cover behind the picnic table closest to them. I've still got welts...
6. Three team Carpe was awesome. Our "runners" did work. Freed me up to try and steal from the corner team. I got one!
7. The weather was great.

This war was awesome. Plenty of cool stories to tell. I'm having a hard time remembering them all. I can't wait for next year!

#271363 'geddon 'leven Date Set July 10, 2010

Posted by Cannonball on 05 April 2010 - 01:52 AM in Nerf Wars

All of the dates work for me.

#280179 'geddon 'leven Date Set July 10, 2010

Posted by Cannonball on 13 July 2010 - 09:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Ah, where do I begin? Such a good day of nerf. I don't think I can think of any definitie cons, so I'll just do highlights.

-Team hopper clip
-Team maximizer
-Pretty much solid teams all day
-Got a few good barrel taps in during the day
-Awesome weather
-Getting chased by a whole team around the school at one point
-eliminated by the Urukai bow with a jury-rigged Rscb. kind of inspires me to dust off my bna now.
-"gangsta shot!"
- shooting the breeze around the tables in between rounds and after the war.

Good times were had all around.

#346398 Armageddon XVI

Posted by Cannonball on 23 April 2015 - 12:06 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there with at least one guest

#290785 Scun December 18th War: Christ

Posted by Cannonball on 13 December 2010 - 12:13 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm thinking I'll have a +2/+3. One is not sure, but definitely a +2 of my regular crew. I'm psyched. I need to get my gear together whenever I'm not preoccupied with finals.

#290101 Scun December 18th War: Christ

Posted by Cannonball on 04 December 2010 - 11:55 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in. I might be able to wrangle up some of my crew.

#290903 Scun December 18th War: Christ

Posted by Cannonball on 14 December 2010 - 09:25 PM in Nerf Wars

It's not like we haven't played in the rain before or anything.

I'm just saying something along the lines of:

Don't show up in a tank top and shorts, or there is a good chance you will be miserable. Bring a jacket, or better yet, an awesome umbrella hat. Man, I hope they sell those at the 99 cent store.

Good point. Let's make crazy ponchos...

#291273 Scun December 18th War: Christ

Posted by Cannonball on 21 December 2010 - 01:55 AM in Nerf Wars

Making Jake's blaster go off was pretty funny. He'd been smacking my darts out of the air with his xbow for a while before then.


-Not cracking my head open by sliding around in the rain
-getting the new hopper to fire pretty consistently. Just needed a better end cap.
-Some awesome TPB in the rain.
-Nor-cal guys coming down. The more the merrier.
-putting my ball gun to good use

-breaking the trigger on my ball gun. the Polycarbonate happened to be a little too thin.

Pretty good day of nerfing.

#290890 Scun December 18th War: Christ

Posted by Cannonball on 14 December 2010 - 05:08 PM in Nerf Wars

It's not like we haven't played in the rain before or anything.

#152949 For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

Posted by Cannonball on 24 April 2008 - 05:24 PM in Off Topic

I agree with everyone else in saying that your criticism is not misplaced and that you do help people out. With that said, I think you should press that condescending/douchebag/angry criticism button a little more sparingly. In some situations where people are asking for help, they simply have no idea how to do something or are just asking a simple question, the meanness is unecessary. People can't be expected to know everything or be as profficient as you are in putting stuff together and so forth. Just thought I'd say that bit. You're being honest with everybody though, and it takes a real man to do that. Keep up the good work slug and I hope things get easier on ya.

#300982 Armageddon XII Planning Thread

Posted by Cannonball on 04 July 2011 - 02:58 AM in Nerf Wars

So did that photographer just abscond with our group photo? I hope that kid's on the forums...

anywho, it was a pretty good day.

Kind of sad that my Maximizer broke though. looks like I'm in the market for one.

- awesome attendance. Glad we had some new faces. Sorry I couldn't remember all your names all the time. Make sure you new guys stay in contact with us. We do wars monthly. So let's repeat the fun!
- some old faces. Glad we've got such an awesome nerfing group here, fellas.
- camping at the top of the slide was fun while it lasted.
- missile crisis was pretty fun
- running up on Wesley with my ball gun as the other team looked on.
- Pirate captains is always fun
- That whole multi-team game was pretty fun. I had a fun team to play with at least.

Kind of bummed that I had to leave before the day was through, but I had fun anyway. Can't wait till next year.

#298647 Armageddon XII Planning Thread

Posted by Cannonball on 26 May 2011 - 01:05 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm more of a maybe now. Family reunion in wisconsin may run longer than I thought. I might be back the night before the war, which would work out perfectly. So we'll see.

#297220 Armageddon XII Planning Thread

Posted by Cannonball on 16 April 2011 - 09:25 PM in Nerf Wars

The only dates I can make with certainty are the 2nd and 9th of July. I'm booked for the rest.

#299952 Armageddon XII Planning Thread

Posted by Cannonball on 16 June 2011 - 04:33 PM in Nerf Wars

I can make it! So it'll be me plus 2-3 if I'm lucky.

#155822 Fiction

Posted by Cannonball on 14 May 2008 - 05:33 PM in Off Topic

Good, I'm not the only one who has worked out a potential escape route in the off chance of an undead uprising. I still need to buy world war Z though.

#137254 Heath Ledger Is Dead

Posted by Cannonball on 25 January 2008 - 09:21 PM in Off Topic

I kind of liked jack nicholson as the joker. Do you think Heath ledger did any better?

#282739 Halo: Reach Pistol Nf

Posted by Cannonball on 10 August 2010 - 03:56 PM in Homemades

I would totally be interested as well!

#160179 Eye Protection

Posted by Cannonball on 23 June 2008 - 10:45 PM in Nerf Wars

Grow a pair. Glasses are for pussies.

That may be, but after a war I will be certain that I'm a pussy who can see from both eyes still.

In any case, I use these impact resistant shades I picked up at my local home depot. They are tinted and have this green reflective coating on the front that I think looks cool. It doesn't make me see green though. They've served me pretty well so far.

#127618 Do You Think We Kind Of Have An Anarchy?

Posted by Cannonball on 26 October 2007 - 10:50 PM in General Nerf

There's no problems at NerfHaven.

Only uptight members and trolls from airsoft and paintball who want to prove something, somehow, by messing with the normal members' minds.

No fences or walls holding any of us in. We are free to leave if we don't like how things are done here.

Or, we can show you the door...that method usually comes with lots of fanfare, sometimes quite silently.

No problems.


hey hey, not all of the airsoft trolls are douche bags, or am I the only exception?

#130779 Are You Kidding Me?

Posted by Cannonball on 27 November 2007 - 02:37 AM in General Nerf

Some things, Like the Crossbow, need to be left to retire and die. A re-release, as stated by almost everyone (who matters) above would be terrible. That's like a terrible sequel to a really good movie/movies. Like Jurassic Park 3. way to kill something I loved since I was a kid. Or a better example: The next Indiana Jones movie. You can't bring it back after so long. It just won't be the same.

#130772 Are You Kidding Me?

Posted by Cannonball on 27 November 2007 - 01:09 AM in General Nerf

I guess no one is desperate enough to take that xbow off that guy's hands. You'd think he'd learn by now.

#141196 Pop Point Integrations

Posted by Cannonball on 19 February 2008 - 12:15 AM in Modifications

I don't know guys, I think I am being compelled to just go out and buy a crossbow and see how many guns I can stick to it before I fall over. I have a question though cole, how are you turreting all of the spidey dart tag barrels? and are the ranges worth the turreting? I know I've separated the barrels so that I have 3 individual ones but did you lengthen the tubing too?

#141575 Pop Point Integrations

Posted by Cannonball on 20 February 2008 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

on the subject of those pop points, I was looking through home depot today and they have these snap on saddle pieces for less than a dollar which come in 1/2 and 3/4 sizes. They'd work the exact same way I assume but they are threaded on an end too. may come in handy.

#146536 Sm1500 Assault Rifle

Posted by Cannonball on 23 March 2008 - 11:56 PM in Modifications

The tank doesn't have to be pumped via an external pump...it's just a lot easier that way. I can pump it up at the beginning of the war (i.e. in the morning before starting) and then just keep pumping throughout the day. It doesn't take too much effor to keep it filled, getting filled is the burden (a few minutes of straight pumping). I do agree with you that "unfairness" shouldn't be grounds for banning a gun.

Oh i know you don't have to refill it with an external tank. I was just saying that I thought it'd be better to make one that required only the use of the built in pump with a not so large amount of pumping. That was my fault though, I didn't explain myself to clearly. I'm going to run out tomorrow actually to the hardware store and check out the piping and stuff to see what I can do with my at3k. thanks for the inspiration.

#146457 Sm1500 Assault Rifle

Posted by Cannonball on 23 March 2008 - 03:25 PM in Modifications

I'm not sure if your gun should be banned or not. It isn't exactly a titan but there is that some what rapid firing going on. (as in, you can continue to pull the trigger, not like say a rapidfire 20 where you can hold the trigger down) I could see where that would seem unfair with that kind of distance going for it as well.

I do have to say that I'm not too fond of having to fill the tank with something other than the pump built in. I think a more practical one should have a smaller tank and be able to be filled by the built in pump. Sure the number of shots decrease, but I think it would be less likely to be banned. If anything though, I don't think it should be banned just because it's unfair and people didn't think of doing that to their own guns.

#146399 Sm1500 Assault Rifle

Posted by Cannonball on 23 March 2008 - 01:33 AM in Modifications

I like it. Personally, I've been trying to figure out a way to do something like that with the spare at3k I've got laying around. I may experiment with what you've done a bit. I've got a question though. Are you filling the tank up with the pump on the blaster or a compressor? and if its the pump, how many pumps to fill it to get 30 shots out of it?

#159028 Nerf Swords

Posted by Cannonball on 12 June 2008 - 10:31 PM in Off Topic

You, are, built!

And you have a punchingbag, a laptop, an air hockey table, a dart board, a sweet couch and a bunch of nerf guns.

And a sweet sword.

looks like you've got an admirer kossaxx

#138245 Long Shot Homemade Clips

Posted by Cannonball on 02 February 2008 - 04:25 PM in Modifications

If I recall correctly, I think someone started on a drum magazine using one of those cylindrical rewritable cd cases.