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There have been 31 items by Morally Challenged (Search limited from 13-May 97)

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#288539 Nerf Humans Vs. Zombies Theatrical Trailer 2010

Posted by Morally Challenged on 17 November 2010 - 09:12 PM in General Nerf

Nerf Humans vs. Zombies Theatrical Trailer 2010

#223506 Byob

Posted by Morally Challenged on 13 April 2009 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

Guys I sorry to say that is NOT A DART GUN!!!! It is a toy gun that only makes noise.

perhapes you should try reading the fine print before making such bold statements. It states clearly

Hasbro took the idea of "Build Your Own Lightsaber" and translated it into a pretty nifty (and sizeable at 2.5 feet long!) blaster rifle that can come apart, be reconfigured, fires soft darts and includes light and sound effects when your re-attach the parts! Some pretty cool features that are new to the Star Wars toy galaxy that should please fans of all ages.

#222115 Byob

Posted by Morally Challenged on 06 April 2009 - 11:37 PM in General Nerf

that's what they say more or less on the star war's site

#222113 Byob

Posted by Morally Challenged on 06 April 2009 - 11:20 PM in General Nerf

Found this on Entertainment Earth and on the star wars site
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#220371 Air Zone 2009

Posted by Morally Challenged on 28 March 2009 - 09:10 PM in General Nerf

I bought a A2 Quickload Power Blaster 2 months ago and not only didn't if fire far you are lucky to be able to fire it at all, the clip wouldn't line up so that it could actually shoot. I couldn't get ride of the POS fast enough

#211929 Everything You Should Never Do

Posted by Morally Challenged on 13 February 2009 - 03:50 AM in General Nerf

what's worse is if you listen close they mention that they had to put something metal into it so it would fire

#211927 Everything You Should Never Do

Posted by Morally Challenged on 13 February 2009 - 03:27 AM in General Nerf

I was on dvice and came across a nerf video, I was truely horafied with what I found. and came across a nerf video, I was truly horrified with what I found. This has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve seen in a long time and could adversely effect the hobby of nerfing.


#168434 Discovery Power Welder

Posted by Morally Challenged on 12 August 2008 - 01:36 PM in Modifications

There is only one problem with that welder, you need an air compressor to make it work (greatly increasing the price)

And I already have a compressor, so I might buy it.

<- tool addict

is jealous of said tools. On a side note (I know this should be in homemade) there is a new service for people who don't have access to a prototyper shapeways. They will build any design you can make in a 3D program then ship it to you (they charge around 50 to 100$ depending on the piece)

#168194 Discovery Power Welder

Posted by Morally Challenged on 11 August 2008 - 06:24 PM in Modifications

wanna cheap real plastic welder here ya go.


There is only one problem with that welder, you need an air compressor to make it work (greatly increasing the price)

#167836 Discovery Power Welder

Posted by Morally Challenged on 10 August 2008 - 02:47 PM in Modifications

As to whether or not this is the right forum, it is an item that would be used to mod nerf blaster; I guess it's a judgment call on that. I most likely be getting this sometime in the next month and I'll let you all know how well it works. (Though I would love to hear from someone with a little more experience in the subject before committing myself to a $30+ charge)

#167817 Discovery Power Welder

Posted by Morally Challenged on 10 August 2008 - 02:05 PM in Modifications

I was surfing one of the tech blog sites and came across something that might be useful for modding. Is there anyone out there who knows more about welding plastic that can enlighten us as to the feasibility of using this?

Discovery Power Welder

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#167667 Nerf Products Discount Code:

Posted by Morally Challenged on 09 August 2008 - 08:46 PM in General Nerf

I am curious as to why there is a 40 day wait on shipping? This looked like it could be a great deal until I saw that.

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#163863 Ar-15 Spring

Posted by Morally Challenged on 23 July 2008 - 12:08 PM in Homemades

Is this the kind of spring you are talking about?

#163594 The Vulcan

Posted by Morally Challenged on 21 July 2008 - 06:15 PM in General Nerf

HasbroToyShop.com just sent me an ad for this, thought that some of you would be interested.

This is the ad Free Shipping - introducing New Toys and Games

#148019 Possible Nerf Web Store

Posted by Morally Challenged on 30 March 2008 - 01:55 AM in General Nerf

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If we want to make sure he is trustworthy, contact his company. Ok Meester man what company do you work for?

If I worked for Hasbro I wouldn't be active in Nerf nor would I live in Virginia.

If I want to make sure a person is trustworthy I will either look at their track record over time or meet them in person and spend some time determining their level of trustworthiness first hand. The person that started this thread has neither working in their favor right now. What I see is fishy.
Your track record isn't particularly great either, but that's not what we're discussing right now.

What I am pointing out is that his idea has absolutely no merit. He is not offering to inventory the items he is putting up for sale in his "store" so therefore he is not offering to do anything that the Trading section doesn't already do and yet he still wants a percentage of the sale.

eBay is a different story because it reaches a significantly more vast audience. This is both good and bad at the same time.

The store would sell
1. ) guns people have already modded and want to sell
2. ) people could also take commissions from people wanting a custom guns (but only if they are able to provide them in a timely manner
3. ) yes we would be able to sell parts and mod options for people to mod their own guns (kind of like how captainslug was selling his shotgun foregrip mod) and
4. ) as long as you don’t misrepresent yourself you can sell almost anything that you have bought (much as you would sell something on eBay)

1. Which they would have absolutely no problem doing themselves here without you taking a percentage
2. Which they would have absolutely no problem doing themselves here without you taking a percentage
3. Which I have had absolutely no problem doing myself here without you taking a percentage
4. Which they would have absolutely no problem doing themselves here without you taking a percentage

Seeing a trend yet?
Aside from a pretty storefront you don't bring anything to the table. And "hey, I have a store setup" is not enough to warrant people trusting you with their transactions. And you're not offering anything that makes transactions more secure or more convenient in any way.

People sell through forums rather than eBay because they know they are offering items that the community is interested in. In dealing with individuals they may have the same amount of risk as selling on eBay, but potential trouble sources are somewhat easier to identify because of their visible track record on the forum itself.
Those that buy and sell more frequently within the forum community will begin to know and trust each other.

IF we had a problem with the conduct of those in the Trading section there are plenty of things the Admins could do to increase security, but they haven't had to. Some forums have strict rules concerning trading sections. And those rules can be anything from requiring legitimate e-mail addresses, forcing members to verify their identity in their first trade, requiring the use of heatware, and so on.

Your offer would only make sense if you were offering to purchase the items from the people that want to sell them so that they are in your inventory so you can sell and ship them yourself. That is the only situation where you would be facilitating the sale and be justified in earning a profit.
However, since these items are exclusively priced very low there's no feasible way for you to make a profit doing so. And with generally low-priced items the risk factor is much smaller when dealing with individuals.

And that is why I think this is a stupid idea.

You've convinced me, I still trust him (that being that I watch too many humanity is good shit and that I am young and naive) But I totally see your other point, the trading forum works and if it ain't broken, don't fix it. There really is no reason other than the storefront would be ever so slightly easier to use.

#147624 Possible Nerf Web Store

Posted by Morally Challenged on 28 March 2008 - 10:24 PM in General Nerf

A few points for clarification; yes legality is a real word; the store would sell A) guns people have already modded and want to sell B) people could also take commissions from people wanting a custom guns (but only if they are able to provide them in a timely manner C) yes we would be able to sell parts and mod options for people to mod their own guns (kind of like how captainslug was selling his shotgun foregrip mod) and D) as long as you don’t misrepresent yourself you can sell almost anything that you have bought (much as you would sell something on eBay)

P.S.: the second site was just a mock up to see what I could do with the software I had on hand.

#147571 Possible Nerf Web Store

Posted by Morally Challenged on 28 March 2008 - 08:00 PM in General Nerf

How would this differ from the For Sale / Trade forum?

Well for one thing it would be an actual store where one could order items. It would also be backed by a well known company so there would be trust in the brand as it were. It would also have the infrastructure to be able to get things done and come off as a log more professional then just buying items from a forum. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it would give us a level of legitimacy.

#147555 Possible Nerf Web Store

Posted by Morally Challenged on 28 March 2008 - 06:42 PM in General Nerf

I would be very interested. Do you think modded MS clips could be sold?

I don't see why not, as long as whatever is being sold is of good quality then I would be willing to sell any kind of nerf mod (and as long as it's safe, no mods that would shoot anything else but foam darts). The only other thing I would require is that any modded guns would have to leave the orange tip on the front to cover my ass legally.

#147551 Possible Nerf Web Store

Posted by Morally Challenged on 28 March 2008 - 06:20 PM in General Nerf

I just started a job with a webhosting company (who will remain nameless for the moment) and with the job I was given a free domain, webhosting and a store for the next 10 years. I would like to know if there would be any interest in a store that could sell items, mods and modding supplies for members. I would do it as a commission (very small) for anyone wanting a safe and secure way of selling their stuff without having to rely on eBay or the like. It would be easy to set it up so that a customer could pick the blaster they want, the mods they want and then the colors and whoever was offering it could then get an order for said modded gun and get it out to the customer. The site is called http://nerfninja.com/ if anyone wants to look at it (there is just a rough page there for now)

If anyone has an interest in this you can message me from here or at morally_challenged@nerfninja.com

For an example of what we can do I set up a mock up site during training that should give you an idea of what can be done (I set it up in just a couple of hours)


#146811 Colored Hot Glue

Posted by Morally Challenged on 25 March 2008 - 09:42 AM in General Nerf

I wasn't able to find it on their website (http://www.Michaels.com) but I have gotten colored hot glue sticks at Michael's crafts. if you don't have one near you they should have them at most craft stores. They come in a pack of like 20 with a few different colors. And they also have glitter in them if you don't mind that kind of thing.

#144586 Cutting Plexiglass?

Posted by Morally Challenged on 10 March 2008 - 04:24 PM in Homemades

Has anyone thought about using a Rotozip to cut plastics? they "say" that the multipurpose bit is good for wood and plastics (though I'm not so sure about that since most multiuse things tend to suck equally)

A coping saw would take forever.
Plexiglass cutters are time consuming to use and not well suited for making curved cuts.
A jigsaw in my experience is likely to get stuck, lead to a lot of melting, or crack the sheet edges. Even if you are using the right blade. If you want to use a jigsaw you will have to use alot of cutting oil or a steady stream of compressed air on the blade to prevent melting.
I have close to 7 years of practice machining plastics now and the only tools I would trust for cutting acrylic are scroll saws or band saws.

In my technology class I use a bandsaw to make curves, I use 7-10 speed.

Using a band saw you can do wide curves easily, but in order to make narrow ones you will have to make several passes.

#143136 Pneumatic Blow (air) Gun Tool

Posted by Morally Challenged on 28 February 2008 - 11:47 PM in Homemades

How much did they cost? If they are over $10 they are probably unreasonable and you might as well just use a hose sprayer thingy mabober. But, if they are cheap, they do look cool.

just looking around with out looking all that hard I found them between 4 to 10 bucks

#143120 Pneumatic Blow (air) Gun Tool

Posted by Morally Challenged on 28 February 2008 - 10:57 PM in Homemades

I've been reading a lot of the posts on the Homemades forums lately and have come across many posts talking about what to use as a trigger when they build nerf guns using air pressure rather than springs. This has been kind of staring me in the face for a while and just the other day it struck me when I was going though the tool section of Home Despot for some good glue for my Recon mod I was working on. I was looking though the section that sold air tools and it struck me. The blower attachments would be perfect to act as a trigger. It opens quickly enough to not waist air or make the dart launch before enough pressure has built up.

here are some examples of what I'm talking about.

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#141864 The Dark Knight Wayne Tech Tri-fire Blaster

Posted by Morally Challenged on 21 February 2008 - 11:37 PM in General Nerf

looks like http://www.entertainmentearth.com/ no longer has this on their site. Though there is some good news, I've found a much better photo that will give us all a better idea of what it look like and how it may work.

here is a vid of it from the 2008 toy fair (it's about 24 seconds in)

close up: http://us.st11.yimg...._1987_531506086

this is another possible nerf like gun (doesn’t look very practical)
close up: http://us.st11.yimg...._1987_531343349

#141809 Cheap Spider-man Vs. Venom Dart Tag

Posted by Morally Challenged on 21 February 2008 - 08:25 PM in General Nerf

I don't know how much longer the sale is going on but I picked up my Spider-Man vs. Venom Dart Tag set for only 13 bucks. Currently they are all tagged at 28.00$ with a 50% off at the check stand. I went to 3 different Fredds’s and they all were on sale. (this might just be in the Portland area)

#135671 The Dark Knight Wayne Tech Tri-fire Blaster

Posted by Morally Challenged on 11 January 2008 - 10:13 PM in General Nerf

I'm sure that once it actually comes out that we will be able to find it other places much cheaper.

#135668 The Dark Knight Wayne Tech Tri-fire Blaster

Posted by Morally Challenged on 11 January 2008 - 09:58 PM in General Nerf


I found this wile doing more normal surfing for new toys. It looks kind of bulky but who knows how well it will work.

#128489 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by Morally Challenged on 03 November 2007 - 08:37 PM in News

With the bolt coming out the way it does and having a clip it looks like the mechanics might work more like the Rapid Fire Rifle just without the lever action, I've been working on mine and will load the mod pics once it's done, I just need to find another spring that fits then to some small tweaks.

As to my 2 cents worth, I think that it just might be a great gun as long as the people at Hasbro learn from the mistakes that they made with the LS.

#119083 Ruff Stuff Rapid Fire Rifle

Posted by Morally Challenged on 10 August 2007 - 02:21 PM in General Nerf

Hey guys. I was searching on google and wat not and came across this awesome gun. it's a clip-feed too. On amazon or ebay, the total price + shipping cost is like 40 - 50 dollars. Hell no i ain't paying for that. I asked those people on buzzbeetoys and they told me it's available in KB Toys stores... Well Who here is from Rochester New York saw one in KB Toys stores? Yes you did, can you please tell me retail price and what store to find it(location)

Thank you!

I just found it here for 14.99, I'm not sure how much the shipping is for though

http://www.1website....0... Fire Rifle

#113771 Usb Nerf Rockets

Posted by Morally Challenged on 29 June 2007 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

Yeah, FA did some work with them. They've been discussed before in a few other threads, as well.


thank you for the link, I was searching for a wile can couldn't find any posts about it

#113748 Usb Nerf Rockets

Posted by Morally Challenged on 29 June 2007 - 02:19 PM in Modifications

Has anyone tried modding the USB powered rocket launchers like what you can find at think geek


I think that with a little work it wouldn't be hard to make them portable with some kind of joystick control and or maybe a tripwire trigger.