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#88766 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ogopogo on 01 September 2006 - 10:35 PM in Modifications

Here are the modded guns i use most besides my cpvc vertion of forsakin angles BBB that is broken right now but being fixed. Posted Image Sm5k=nested 9/16 brass in 1/2inch pvc with a 1/2inch pvc coupler and plugged pump and reinforced insides i basicly did Nerf LCRs mod to it and painted it yellow. At2k= 1/2 inch cpvc 1/2inch pvc breach plugged pump. NF= new spring 2 Orings and a 1/2inch cpvc coupler it has very fast ROF with cpvc clip things i made for it. SS1 new spring and just a normal 1/2 cpvc barrel. Sm1500 plugged pump 4 1/2 inch cpvc couplers and 4 cpvc clip things to go with it.

Here is another pic of the Sm5k.Posted Image

And another one of the Sm1500 Posted Image

#107703 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ogopogo on 26 May 2007 - 07:41 PM in Modifications

What i said nothing about a site rail. How did you get the scope on did you use mounts or did you glue it or something?

#107605 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ogopogo on 25 May 2007 - 10:57 PM in Modifications

In that it's long, has a trigger, a scope, and a magazine? Sure but other than that no.

Exactly what i was thinking. And why put a scope on it i know you wanted it to look like what the gun from what ever video game thats from. But a scope and mounts is a waste of money for a Nerf gun. Also weres the orange? (Its so relistic it could be mistaken for a real gun) <---Sarcasm

On a niser note custom snake that BBB is very nise.

#88768 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by ogopogo on 01 September 2006 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

There work great it gets amazing ROF and it looks super cool with all that crap on the front. Here is a pis of the barrels of the the gun. Posted Image

Does anyone know if this has been done to anyother sm1500 or AT2K.

#88902 New Longshot Mod/integration

Posted by ogopogo on 03 September 2006 - 03:54 PM in Modifications

Wow great work and great idea. I love the looks of the long shot with the sidearm there.

#79151 Angels Bbb

Posted by ogopogo on 08 April 2006 - 10:25 AM in Modifications

I just made my own version of your clip and i love it good work.

#74211 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by ogopogo on 24 February 2006 - 10:58 PM in General Nerf

Yes im so happy finally a gun that is big enough for my massive 6,3 self. I am really excited about the long shot.

#65128 Grammaton Cleric's Sidearm

Posted by ogopogo on 05 October 2005 - 07:54 PM in Homemades

Damn i love it man. Will there be a write up on how to biled it soon

#97829 Turreted Big Blast...of Doom

Posted by ogopogo on 06 January 2007 - 10:22 PM in Modifications

What is it with the West Coast and putting turrets on everything? It doesn't matter how many shots you have loaded if you CAN'T HIT SHIT TO BEGIN WITH! I swear to god, if I see an SSPB with a 2k turret I just might hang up my hat.

PS, set a date for Armageddon. I'll show you AGAIN why turrets aren't necessary.

Sorry OMC i could not help my self and its not that i want you to hang up your hat eather. I just saw it as a challenge. Posted Image
It gets like 15 feet and i plan on takeing the turret of. Sorry its ugly i only spent like 5 mins on it.

Also falcon nise use of the at4k.

#97856 Turreted Big Blast...of Doom

Posted by ogopogo on 07 January 2007 - 01:55 PM in Modifications

I love it, fix it up so it works, make it cleaner, and I am gonna have to try that myself. When you get it to work, post a write up.


Forgot to say, nice job Falcon, I will have to try this too if it works well.

I was a joke man and 15 feets the best its getting. Falcon i might just have to buy on of them key ring thing so i can stick a turret on my sm5k.

#97159 Eagle Eye

Posted by ogopogo on 26 December 2006 - 12:12 AM in Modifications

Yet another awsome mod for a awsome not modded much gun. And the At3k intagration is just iceing on the cake of nerfy goodness.

#86830 If You Could Bring Back Any Nerf Gun

Posted by ogopogo on 08 August 2006 - 07:32 PM in General Nerf

The monoblast for shure! Great with a barrel relocation and a great stock gun not to mention it came in a awsome color of green and only costed 5 bucks.

#107736 Manta Ray Modification

Posted by ogopogo on 26 May 2007 - 11:44 PM in Modifications

Very nise mod you might want to (re enforce <----cant spell.) the internals manta rays have been know to brake easly. I dont know exactly what parts break easy but hopefully someone will post them.
I think its the plunger tubes and catchs.----Sean

#94530 Holiday Raffle

Posted by ogopogo on 15 November 2006 - 06:43 PM in General Nerf


#88838 Ogopogos High Rof Sm1500 Mod. Now With Video

Posted by ogopogo on 02 September 2006 - 10:20 PM in Modifications

I know there are many sm1500 right ups but i notised none of them were like mine and that the sm1500 doesnt seem to get as much credit as crossbows titans and longshots O my. The sm1500 is one of the all time greatest nerf guns and it deserved a better right up. So here it is!

parts and tools needed

1 Supermaxx 1500 old or new style
1 Flat headed screw driver or other prying devise
1 Philps head screw driver
4 1/2 Inch cpvc couplers
4 Feet of 1/2 inch cpvc
1 hot glue gun and a few glue sticks

Ok first you will need to open up the Sm1500.
Unscrew all the screw and pop of the caps used to hold the front and end of the gun together.
cap 1Posted Image
cap 2Posted Image

Now open the gun it should look like this if it does not you have a big problum. LOL
Posted Image

Now remove the turret from the air tank. Then take you flat headed screw driver and pry off the stock barrels. Then cut of the black thing down to were the barrel stubs are it should look like this. Posted Image

Now take your 4 cpvc couplers and glue them to the barrel stubs so it looks like this.Posted Image

Now you can plug the pump or do a bic pen mod to the trigger if you want.

Next put back the turret and the pump if you plugged it. It should look like this Posted Image

Then screw it back together.

Now take your 4 feet of cpvc and cut it into 8 5 or 6 inch lenghts.

Now take 2 lenghts of the cpvc and hot glue them together so that there is a 1 1/2 inch lenght sticking out each side it should look like this. Posted Image
Make 4 of these.
Give your self a pat on the back your done now it should look like this bad ass thing.Posted Image

#89000 Ogopogos High Rof Sm1500 Mod. Now With Video

Posted by ogopogo on 04 September 2006 - 02:54 PM in Modifications

Here is me reloading and shooting it sorry its so short my camera that takes vids suckshttp://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y39/elwood91/?action=view&current=P1010001-1.flv

#88844 Ogopogos High Rof Sm1500 Mod. Now With Video

Posted by ogopogo on 02 September 2006 - 10:58 PM in Modifications

Maybe it's just me.. but that serves no purpose. Your outer barrels don't line up with the couplers, so it really only serves as an ammo older or for looks.

Ok this is how it works you load a dart in eatch end of the cpvc clip aka the 2 lenghts glued together then once you shoot off the darts from one side of the clip you flip it around to the other side with a dart in it.

#72424 The End Of Night Finder Production?

Posted by ogopogo on 05 February 2006 - 08:48 PM in General Nerf

But imagin if mavs and fireflys become the next pc,s and all the new guys what them and thay start going for 40 on ebay. Hopefully that will happen someday. I have also notised that lack of nfs and hopefully thay continue to make them for another year.

#92931 Another Nite Finder Color Change

Posted by ogopogo on 24 October 2006 - 10:15 PM in General Nerf

I love the new color scheme! but it needs more pink... and Neon Green


Agreed all nerf guns should be Monoblast green or some other neon color.

maybe do an all orange one with black tiger stripes...lol.

I really hope they do that was my second favorite gun color wise. My first is the monoblast of course.

#86380 Favorite Music Style -poll-

Posted by ogopogo on 02 August 2006 - 11:55 PM in Off Topic

I like a alot of bands but some of my favorits are The dead kennedys , MC chris , subhumans , the US bombs , black flag, sage francis, and motorhead.

#83001 Finding Your Inner Nerf

Posted by ogopogo on 08 June 2006 - 07:43 PM in General Nerf

I was haveing a 1 on 1 war with my freind he had a quaded at2k i had my sm5k. He chased me down after i shot and shot 3 of his dart all just missing my head then when he was about to shoot agien i droped on the ground and shot my sm5k. I hit him right in the middel of his forehead from 50 feet.

For God's sake learn to spell.

I am sorry. I am takeing spelling classes because my spellings so bad no joke.

#82992 Finding Your Inner Nerf

Posted by ogopogo on 08 June 2006 - 06:10 PM in General Nerf

I was haveing a 1 on 1 war with my freind he had a quaded at2k i had my sm5k. He chased me down after i shot and shot 3 of his dart all just missing my head then when he was about to shoot agien i droped on the ground and shot my sm5k. I hit him right in the middel of his forehead from 50 feet.

#73821 Vidio Games

Posted by ogopogo on 21 February 2006 - 09:55 PM in Off Topic

My favorite is James bond Nightfire.

#68991 Self-propelled Arrows/missles?

Posted by ogopogo on 10 December 2005 - 02:43 PM in Homemades

You could take a co2 cartrige and put it in a nerf rocket. Then drop it down a pipe with a nail at the bottom. This might not work.

#81289 How Tall Are You?

Posted by ogopogo on 05 May 2006 - 06:41 PM in Off Topic

Im 14 years old and 6,4 and it is hell on my knees and back mainly because i skateboard. I also hit my head on every thing.

#74439 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by ogopogo on 26 February 2006 - 08:00 PM in Modifications

sm5ks are cheaper and better than crossbows. They are a littel harder to mod and you cant use them in some wars. But they get a littel better range.

#74465 Nerf Crossbow

Posted by ogopogo on 26 February 2006 - 09:53 PM in Modifications

Paying 60 bucks for a nerf gun is stupid. If you live in or near a big city go to all the goodwills and other thrift shops once a week you will find some great stuff mabey even an xbow. Guns at thrift shops are normally 1-3 dollers.

#70706 Best Member Of 05

Posted by ogopogo on 09 January 2006 - 10:49 PM in Off Topic

Starbuck his mods have been so easy to follow. Bolt to his homemades are out of this world.

#72467 Micro Titan

Posted by ogopogo on 05 February 2006 - 11:28 PM in Modifications

Wow that is amazing that you could get it that small. Ita kinda like a huge pistol if you had a holser for that it would be very funny but not very usefull. Any way great reduction.

#68458 Shotgun Dart

Posted by ogopogo on 27 November 2005 - 02:02 PM in Homemades

mine shoots the air soft bb,s out of the stock dart like a shotgun

#68452 Shotgun Dart

Posted by ogopogo on 27 November 2005 - 01:35 PM in Homemades

i dont know what you mean by asshole dart

#68446 Shotgun Dart

Posted by ogopogo on 27 November 2005 - 01:06 PM in Homemades

I like the littel dart idea but i had to make my own. First you need a stock dart littel peices of FBR and some airsoft bb,s i used 6mm ones. Posted Image Then take a bit of FBR and crush it down a littel so its small and fits in one of the holes of the stock dart. Posted Image Then put in the air soft bb,s after you do that plug the other hole on the other side of the dart with some FBR. make shure you dont use a ram rod with this dart ust put it in as far as you can.

#68479 Shotgun Dart

Posted by ogopogo on 27 November 2005 - 05:20 PM in Homemades

Well because its a convinuent littel thing to use in a indoor war you can take out like 3 pepole with one shot. And you can hold the gun upside down with out stuff falling out its like a shot gun for nerf. And you dont have to load all the shotgun homade darts in the gun. i shot mine with a sm5k and thay whent 40 feet with a 4 foot spread. Also the dart comes out to behind the bb,s

#68510 Shotgun Dart

Posted by ogopogo on 27 November 2005 - 11:22 PM in Homemades

yes the squished FBR is to stop the bb,s from falling out i put it on boath sides of the dart so you can turn the gun upside down and nothing falls out

#66459 Favorite Energy Drink?

Posted by ogopogo on 23 October 2005 - 08:15 PM in Off Topic

Coffee is the best! Energy drinks are all right my favorite of them all is lost or vamp.

#99131 My At3k Mod

Posted by ogopogo on 02 February 2007 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

I love the mod but im not to shure on the range because a singled at3k barly hits that range. And even with you extra pumps the turret is not air tight like the barrel on a single barrel is.

Not sure what to tell ya. A tape measure is a tape measure. I backed it up by hitting 160FPS on the chronograph.

Now that i see the post that proves your not a 13 yera old im starting to belive you Good work.

#99128 My At3k Mod

Posted by ogopogo on 02 February 2007 - 12:27 AM in Modifications

I love the mod but im not to shure on the range because a singled at3k barly hits that range. And even with you extra pumps the turret is not air tight like the barrel on a single barrel is.

#73145 Announcing The First Annual Now (nerf Oregon War)

Posted by ogopogo on 14 February 2006 - 07:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Sweet i cant waint, can you bring any one with you spork?

#73106 Announcing The First Annual Now (nerf Oregon War)

Posted by ogopogo on 13 February 2006 - 11:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok we have a date it will be the second saturday in march i hope to see you there spork boy post any questions regaudeing the rules.

#70280 Announcing The First Annual Now (nerf Oregon War)

Posted by ogopogo on 02 January 2006 - 01:42 PM in Nerf Wars

Like i said on HQ march sounds good to me