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#356021 I need few more responces for a QUICK nerf survey

Posted by msaikhan on 26 September 2016 - 01:21 PM in Off Topic

thank you all. 

#356020 Mark 8

Posted by msaikhan on 26 September 2016 - 01:02 PM in Homemades

I'm wondering the exact same thing; excellent writeup! Very easy to understand, the way you did those pictures is really neat.

looks like he did it on some kind of CAD program like solidworks. 

#356016 I need few more responces for a QUICK nerf survey

Posted by msaikhan on 26 September 2016 - 11:57 AM in Off Topic

I got few responses on my last post. But i need some more. Take few minutes and answer please.

Hey guys me and my team are working on building a nerf gun for a project. It's a legit project for a class. Step 1, is to get customer needs. I need some input of the customers(you guys). So please answer few questions. Thank you.



1.       What do you like about nerf guns?


2.       What would make you buy a nerf gun?



3.       How much would you spend?


4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing nerf gun.


o   Distance

o   Accuracy

o    # shots

o    Size

o    weight



5.       What Type of ammunition do you like?


6.       What type of gun? Circle 1

o   pistol, carbine, rifle, shotgun, machine gun

7.       What kind of action gun? Circle 1

o   Semi auto, pump, single shot, automatic

8.       Rate yourself. 5-nerf expert. 1-noobie.

1              2              3              4              5

9.       What improvements do you want on current nerf gun?


10.   Describe your dream nerf gun in few words.


Thanks again guys.

#355984 I need few more responces for a QUICK nerf survey

Posted by msaikhan on 24 September 2016 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

Hey guys me and my team are working on building a nerf gun for a project. It's a legit project for a class. Step 1, is to get customer needs. I need some input of the customers(you guys). So please answer few questions. Thank you.



1.       What do you like about nerf guns?


2.       What would make you buy a nerf gun?



3.       How much would you spend?


4.       Give these scores from 0 – 5.   5 being most important, 0 not important when choosing nerf gun.


o   Distance

o   Accuracy

o    # shots

o    Size

o    weight



5.       What Type of ammunition do you like?


6.       What type of gun? Circle 1

o   pistol, carbine, rifle, shotgun, machine gun

7.       What kind of action gun? Circle 1

o   Semi auto, pump, single shot, automatic

8.       Rate yourself. 5-nerf expert. 1-noobie.

1              2              3              4              5

9.       What improvements do you want on current nerf gun?


10.   Describe your dream nerf gun in few words.


Thanks again guys.