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#85321 Help My Dear Sweet Hornet

Posted by moubeus5018 on 18 July 2006 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

When you say it only fires one dart when you pull the trigger-do you meanthat its not fireing all of them when you pull the trigger, or do you mean its only fireing one dart even if you pull the trigger more than once. I thought that that is what it was suppost to do. I thought to fire all you pushed the button on the side. Not to sound noobish but I am confused. :lol:

#85320 What Are Good Ranges For A Modified Nf?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 18 July 2006 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

Sorry if this question is noobish, but I'm never sure if my NF is well modified. It only gets around 45 ft.-50 ft. flat. I put in a crayola barrel and I use stock darts. My gun is not rubber-banded. Back to the question: What are good ranges for a modified NF?

My nf is modded with a pvc barrel and I use 2 bands along with the plunger being oiled. I use normal darts and I get about 50ft. but that isnt straight and level. It's more in a ballistic arc. If yours is straight its great.

#85319 Firefly Mod Went Wrong.

Posted by moubeus5018 on 18 July 2006 - 11:17 PM in Modifications

I attempted to mod my firefly. :blush: I removed the springs to the air restrictors and now it gets even worse range. :angry:
I made shure to put everything back in its place. I took out the light and wires thats it. Can someone please tell me a way to fix it? :(

#85186 What's Your Favorite Gun?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 16 July 2006 - 11:00 PM in Off Topic

Isn't that first one a barret 50. cal rifle? I personally like fully auto glocks. I don't think they come that way, but whatever is done to them, it's truly a badass spectacle.

Yup. The badass .50 cal eat shit.r rifle by barrett.

The pistol your thinking of is the glock 18 and it is compleatly stock with semi and full auto.

#85182 What's Your Favorite Gun?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 16 July 2006 - 10:04 PM in Off Topic

No nerf, airsoft, or paintball guns please.

Here are my favorite guns:

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SR25(mk 11 mod 0)
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M249 SAW
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m4 sopmod
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mk 23 mod 0
and many others

Check out this vid I found


#85175 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 16 July 2006 - 09:26 PM in Off Topic

You are right I thought you said it would have to refuel to do that thats my mistake. I want to join the air myself and I am wanting to go into either the f-22a program, the a-10 preogram, or the b1.

What type of C130 did you serve with because i really like the AC 130 specter gunships

#85174 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 16 July 2006 - 09:19 PM in Off Topic

It depends if you want a really good gun or a gun to just shoot and have fun. The gun im getting is about 60 bucks with the s&h.

#85119 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 15 July 2006 - 10:23 PM in Off Topic

Ok. I know you know your stuff. BUT.. you made a mistake.

You said the b2 is super sonic-it is actually high subsonic. I also noticed you said it could carry that load which it cannot. I think you are reffering to the b1b whitch can travel supersonic and carries the largest payload of any bomber.

#84862 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 12 July 2006 - 11:55 AM in Off Topic

[size=4]OUCH [size=1]I like airsoft but if I had that much id buy a ps 3 have to save a bit more but still

#84861 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 12 July 2006 - 11:52 AM in Off Topic

Unfortunatly the comanchee was canceled it the year before it was to be released.

#84813 Halo 3

Posted by moubeus5018 on 11 July 2006 - 07:39 PM in Off Topic

I thought that they dropped the price of the ps3 to $400-500.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

#84812 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 11 July 2006 - 07:17 PM in Off Topic

How much did you pay for that mp5? It's sweet B)

#84623 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 09 July 2006 - 02:56 AM in Off Topic

Could you actually go hunting with rifles like that NinjZ? 500 fps limit and they can go higher?!! I can imagine that would go through quite a few things! Also, how accurate are those things? The ammo is round, so I would guess they wouldn't be.

You would be very surprised on how accurate the .2g or .25g bbs are. Airsoft bullets dont go in a ballistic arc, they actually arc up so you have to aim down for close targets. Ive seen 750 fps on guns.

Ive seen airsoft guns that are bolt eat shit r guns that can hit a quarter from 150 ft. and can shoot over 200 ft. Ive seen guns shoot straight through cardboard and even soda cans. Some guns are so powerful they can leave welts or cause bleeding. Those I dont want. I want guns that I can shooat at m friends and not feel guilty. As soon as the money order and the shipping gets there and back I will have this:

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cant wait to test it out.
also im wanting to get this:


its spring and powerful

#84591 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 July 2006 - 01:45 PM in Off Topic

I was trying to say what type of rifle it was -not im a eat shit r.

#84573 Ace Combat

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 July 2006 - 06:35 AM in Off Topic


#84572 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 July 2006 - 06:33 AM in Off Topic

You play Ace Combat?

My favorite helicopter would have to definatly be the a/m h 6 little bird.

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You just cant go wrong with speed, agility, and a mix of 70 mm rockets and 7.62x51 mm MINIGUNS.

#84571 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 July 2006 - 06:26 AM in Off Topic

Damn that gun is sweet! How much did you pay for it? Paint it black and that will be perfect.

Why when I edited my top post and tryed to put eat shit r it turns into loser???

#84570 F-35 Joint Srike Fighter

Posted by moubeus5018 on 08 July 2006 - 06:21 AM in Off Topic

Please resize that image. Also, why couldn't this have gone in the aircraft topic that we already have?

I didnt honestly know that the pic. was that big. I got it on a page that showed it really small. Sorry for taking so long-I havent been near my laptop in about 2 days.

The reason I didnt put it in the What is your favorite aircraft topic is it didnt seem on topic, and also not many people see that topic, or atleast not many people post there.

And to Assasinnf:
Yup I looked a little up this morning and found this on wiki.

On July 7, 2006, the Air Force officially named the F-35 as the Lightning II, in honor of the World War II-era Lockheed P-38 Lightning and the Korean War-era English Electric Lightning. Other names previously listed as contenders were Kestrel, Phoenix, Piasa, Black Mamba, and Spitfire II.

Note the first contending name KESTREL like on ac 5.

#84506 Blowgun Fps?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 07 July 2006 - 06:33 AM in Off Topic

Faster than that (.12g 6mm airsoft bb).

#84505 Psp Or Xbox 360?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 07 July 2006 - 06:31 AM in Off Topic

Go with psp. I have one and its great for a school student ( Im a sophmore when school strats back ) It has a built in mp3, plays movies, and games has wifi and has a feature where you just push a button and it hibernates so it works great for in the hurry gamming. It charges in 30 min. and has a 3 hr battery life give or take. I also have a ds and it has a similar hibernation feature. In my oppinion if you dont want the music get a ds b/c you save a lot and it has many games and can play gameboy advance games. It has wifi and is great. :rolleyes:

#84504 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 07 July 2006 - 06:23 AM in Off Topic

Im into nerf and airsoft and just wondering who is into airsoft and what gun(s) do you have.

I dont have much but im getting some new stuff.
I have a m177 aeg and soon im going to have a sig 552 aeg and hopefully a spring m 16 eat shit rifle.

#84503 Your Armory

Posted by moubeus5018 on 07 July 2006 - 06:17 AM in General Nerf


Damn David I didnt know you had that much!

Well here is my stuff (90% stock 10% modded by assasinnf)

2 nf both modded
1 titan mod
1 scout
1 hornet
1 firefly (totally f'd up with 5 ft range)
1 bbb
4 non nerf nerf guns
1 airsoft m177 assault rifle
1 3 ft blowgun
about 100 darts not homemade

comming soon

1 airsoft sig ssg 552
1 longshot
1 magstrike
2 dart tag guns
1 crossfire
1 more nf(with crossfire)

#84502 F-35 Joint Srike Fighter

Posted by moubeus5018 on 07 July 2006 - 05:57 AM in Off Topic

I saw on the news today that the Joint stike fighter is going to be unveiled and named today in texas. Im a huge military buff and i want to know what its name will be. For example the f-16 Fighting Falcon so what will the F 35 (jsf) be called. Thanks to any replys.

#83443 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 19 June 2006 - 12:28 AM in Off Topic

I am a huge fan of flight and here are some of my favorites:
helos=Mi 24 hind because its a cross between an apache and a blackhawk.
fixed wing=A 10, F 15, F 16, F 22, Sukhoi su 37, and the b 1b.
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You have to love the supersonic and biggest payload bomber.

And I forgot the eurofighter 2000 typoon.
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