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There have been 144 items by Jakethesnake (Search limited from 13-May 97)

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#62903 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by Jakethesnake on 01 September 2005 - 09:37 PM in Off Topic


I'm suprised a little old group of nerf fanatics have gone so far on F@H

#62203 Nerfers Nerfing Disease

Posted by Jakethesnake on 18 August 2005 - 03:01 PM in Off Topic

Is the German Hardware Network still gaining ground on us?

#52037 Semi-auto 2k Prototype-its A Start

Posted by Jakethesnake on 09 April 2005 - 12:57 AM in Modifications

Someone pioneer interchangeable clips to go with that thing, and it would be kind of a mini powerclip, with a little imagination.

#74810 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by Jakethesnake on 01 March 2006 - 02:56 PM in Nerf Wars

Uh guys, these are just nerf guns...

Lets have fun but try not to make it a blood battle.

#74627 Armageddon '06 Planning Thread

Posted by Jakethesnake on 28 February 2006 - 01:00 PM in Nerf Wars

I need to find a pretty cheap hotel, but I'll be coming down for this one so count me in.

#50974 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by Jakethesnake on 29 March 2005 - 01:09 AM in General Nerf

Yeah, you're right, almost like....."gasp".....maverick barrels :rolleyes:

#50382 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by Jakethesnake on 23 March 2005 - 05:27 PM in General Nerf

Don't forget the LnL, and is it really true that they lost the patent, I've heard it been talked about, but never got an official word on it.

#50336 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by Jakethesnake on 23 March 2005 - 02:10 AM in General Nerf

I didn't catch how many guns were being re-released, was it just one, or several?

#50972 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by Jakethesnake on 29 March 2005 - 12:47 AM in General Nerf

It wouldn't work as a hornet replacement because there would be no way to cock it, but I'll sacrifice the fact that it won't work on the n-strike system just to have one.

#51698 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by Jakethesnake on 06 April 2005 - 12:24 AM in General Nerf

I'm curious as to where you heard that news chaotic, although I don't doubt that it's true.

#57044 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 09 June 2005 - 12:17 PM in Homemades

Bolt, when you modified the T-joints to be angled like that did you use halfed sections of pvc to extend the sleeves? I'm trying to figure out how you got them that long and that's the only way but wouldn't pvc be smaller than the T-joint because the joint is meant to slide over the 1 1/4" pvc.

edit I see how the pvc can fit inside of the T-joint, it's kinda hard to explain but I got that, but did you use pvc to extend the joint to hold the clip?

#56760 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 06 June 2005 - 02:21 PM in Homemades

Bolt, correct me if I'm wrong but I think there's an error with your measurements on your spreadsheet write up, you have the butt of the stock made out of 1" pvc, and it says to cut it to 1" in length? I think that's a typo or something, anyways I'm not too worried about it but just letting ya know.

#57109 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 09 June 2005 - 09:54 PM in Homemades

No, I got that, but the T-joints only are like 2 inches long, It looks like his T-joints are reaching down like 3-4 inches where the mag enters into the T-joints.

#57128 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 10 June 2005 - 12:57 AM in Homemades

I've taken the real "bolt action" out of it's casing and I think I'm going to just drill the hole for the pin that keeps the carbon rod in there. That way I don't have to guess as to where the casing begins and starts.

edit Alright Flame, since boltsniper seems to be gone. How did you make the T- in the wire where the crank is. I tried supergluing a little piece on the side but it doesn't work. Bending a T in it wouldn't work either, from the pictures you can't really tell how bolty constructed it, what did you do there?

#57791 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 20 June 2005 - 01:51 AM in Homemades

Ok, I know I'm double posting, but I found a place online that sells AR-15 action springs for like 4 bucks or something. Here's the link http://www.brownells.....16/M4 SPRINGS

Problem is, I don't want to order from here, and then realize I should have spent $15 for the one that bolt has. Can anyone tell me if this spring will work, bolt, maybe flamebou can help out. Many thanks in advance.

#56540 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 04 June 2005 - 11:05 AM in Homemades

Alright thanks a bunch, that helps, and also I searched all over and couldn't find a place where you mentioned getting music wire. Just a "music" store? hmm, where'd you get yours at? Again, thanks.

#57124 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 10 June 2005 - 12:40 AM in Homemades

How many tries did it take you flamebo to get that damn bolt action constructed, I'm working on mine, but I'm afraid I might have to re-do it.

#56522 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 04 June 2005 - 01:28 AM in Homemades

Call me stupid but......bolt on your excel spreadsheet writeup your measurements are in inches right? Well some of the pieces measure 6.3",7.2" 9.7" etc. How can you measure that way if inches are not based on multiples of ten. Shouldn't it be 1/2" 1/4" 1/8" 1/16" 1/32" etc. I know I'm probably missing something really obvious so please don't flame me for asking such a simple question but I don't understand, please help me!

#52489 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 14 April 2005 - 01:55 PM in Homemades

If anyone is ordering the springs and/or carbon rod online, please tell me, I would like to order the parts too, then we could split the shipping costs. I'm posting this because I don't have a credit card or paypal to buy online.

#52305 Fast-action Rifle Writeup And Plans

Posted by Jakethesnake on 11 April 2005 - 11:33 PM in Homemades

Anybody have a rough estimate to how much the supplies will cost to make this beast of a gun?

#53307 Your Ride?

Posted by Jakethesnake on 24 April 2005 - 12:47 AM in Off Topic

03' Honda Element, don't knock it till you've ridden in one.

#53329 Your Ride?

Posted by Jakethesnake on 24 April 2005 - 10:55 AM in Off Topic

What does the president have to do with high gas prices.

#53310 Your Ride?

Posted by Jakethesnake on 24 April 2005 - 12:54 AM in Off Topic

I didn't time how long it took, but I was doing 103 down this straightaway last night. Good times.

#55192 Political Discussion

Posted by Jakethesnake on 18 May 2005 - 05:12 PM in Off Topic

Look at it this way: To the people that make guns dangerous, I.E. criminals thieves, terrorists, or whoever, you think that making guns illegal is going to stop them from shooting people? They will obtain guns if it is legal or not, simply making a law isn't going to stop them. By making guns illegal, then you are just denying the responsible people who wouldn't harm others the right to carry them. In my opinion, the facts just don't add up. Oh and I would just like to add, that this is a "discussion", let's keep it that way, these are only peoples opinions, respect them, and they will respect you.

#55261 Next-gen Console E3 Pics

Posted by Jakethesnake on 19 May 2005 - 12:46 PM in Off Topic

You can download any nintendo game ever made onto your revolution from home. And yes X-box will be releasing halo-3 on the same day as the PS3 gets released.

#55158 Next-gen Console E3 Pics

Posted by Jakethesnake on 18 May 2005 - 08:55 AM in Off Topic

I like the looks of the nintendo best.

#59683 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by Jakethesnake on 19 July 2005 - 05:07 PM in Modifications

How, it's like 2-3 times bigger. Anyways, this going back and forth is getting pretty stupid, lets just wait and see, no one is going to be right or wrong until we can all actually see it ourselves.

#65676 Air Tech 2000 Mods?

Posted by Jakethesnake on 12 October 2005 - 11:59 PM in Modifications

Can you show us a pic of your barrel?

#60869 Fall Caff

Posted by Jakethesnake on 01 August 2005 - 10:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I already posted this on HQ and thought I might as well give it a try here too. I live near salem oregon, it's going to be a 14 hour drive maybe more but I am going to try and make it to this one. Problem is I need a place to stay for a night, possible two at the most. I can't afford both hotels and gas so I was wondering if anybody would let me stay with them to help me cut the costs of going down there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#57909 The General, General, New Player Guide

Posted by Jakethesnake on 21 June 2005 - 11:32 PM in General Nerf

"danerfpimp" "the one and only nerf-pimp"

What a fucking dumbass name, the ladies will be lining up to bang you. Take you're hip hopping gangsta fucking shit out of this site.

#66450 Boltsniper Gns Pistol For Sale

Posted by Jakethesnake on 23 October 2005 - 07:01 PM in Homemades

Very nice, how did you brand the numbers and letters on the gun?

#55095 Powerclip Homemade Clip

Posted by Jakethesnake on 17 May 2005 - 03:47 PM in Homemades

Idont usually complement others on nerf guns, but Frank, you have my respect. ::Salutes::

What did you use to glue/bond the wood together?


Wood glue would be my guess.

#56286 Lost A Job

Posted by Jakethesnake on 01 June 2005 - 04:34 PM in Off Topic

Not to mention he looks like a woman.

#73868 Vidio Games

Posted by Jakethesnake on 22 February 2006 - 12:15 PM in Off Topic

I guess after reading this I think our younger demographic does not appreciate the pure enjoyment out of 2d vidEo games. Here's a list of some of the best from each nintendo system.

1. Metroid
2. Legend of Zelda
3. Excitebike

1. Zelda Link to the Past
2. Super Mario World (so many good memories from that game)
3. U.N. Squadron, the most under appreciated game from the SNES line.

1. Goldeneye - no contest
2. Diddy Kong Racing
3. Super Smash Bros
- so many more but not enough space

1. Super Smash Bros. Melee
2. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II
3. Mario Kart Double Dash

Gameboy original-
1. Super Mario 6 Golden Coins
2. Kirby's Dreamland
3. Donkey Kong

Gameboy Color-
1. Super Mario Bros. Deluxe

I bought a game boy advance but could never really get into the games, plus they were getting more and more expensive. This is just a list of my personal favorite nintendo games. X-box and P2P have their place as well, but in my mind nintendo will always be the best.

#73689 Vidio Games

Posted by Jakethesnake on 20 February 2006 - 02:58 PM in Off Topic

Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past . . . no contest, the best game of all time.

#50130 I Just Wet Myself

Posted by Jakethesnake on 20 March 2005 - 11:21 PM in General Nerf

No more tru...WTF!!!! i'm depressed now.

#53702 Los Angeles, Mexico

Posted by Jakethesnake on 28 April 2005 - 01:17 AM in Off Topic

I find that people whining about immigrants tends to be like people whining about newbs on forums.

Except that 15 million of them are illegal, and every one of them that has children or is young enough to be enrolled in school gets a k through 12 education worth $120,000, none of which they are paying for whatsoever, that comes straight out of our tax dollars.
Not to mention free healthcare that they are "paying" for, which really means they get that for free too because they aren't a legal U.S. citizen, which means they aren't paying taxes, which means they don't deserve the benefits that they are receiving. That's the only problem I have with them, is that they are making our economy stageringly unbalanced. If you don't believe those numbers, look them up for yourself, they are true.

#69735 Open Letter To New Members And Admins

Posted by Jakethesnake on 22 December 2005 - 10:36 PM in General Nerf

I agree, a simple one post flaming is helpful to a point, but when it continues on for pages, that's just wasting everyone's time. If I was a moderator, and a newb got flamed for doing something obviously wrong and the newb can't admit he was wrong, I would ban him immediately. Tolerating stuff like that will not ever help.

edit I love seeing idiots get banned if you haven't guessed.

#69732 Open Letter To New Members And Admins

Posted by Jakethesnake on 22 December 2005 - 10:23 PM in General Nerf

I would have to respectfully disagree duxburian, when I was new I made a couple of stupid posts and had some grammar issues at first, but after being crapped all over by the other members, I realized that I better straighten up my act, get out or get banned. If a new guy doesn't recognize that he better behave, then he deserves to get banned. Flaming helped me become a better member.

#50975 Sony Psp

Posted by Jakethesnake on 29 March 2005 - 01:12 AM in Off Topic

I don't understand how you guys can afford all this stuff, there's no way i can afford to spend that much money on just video games.