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#51703 Nf Cosmetic Mod

Posted by pinhead52 on 06 April 2005 - 02:11 AM in Modifications

I considered that on mine, because green laser pointers are visible miles away (I have one and it can light up the clouds, I'm not kidding.) But it costs about a hundred dollars and I'm rough on my guns when I play. My paintball gun was stainless steel and I nearly broke it. Besides, the gun isn't going to be more accurate than a focused LED's range anyway. It would actually be more useful to replace it with a brighter LED (4AA maybe) and take out the focus so it works like a Light LAM, like in MGS. That has become my plan.

#51449 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by pinhead52 on 03 April 2005 - 04:02 AM in General Nerf

Let’s get one thing out of the way for GOOD. WE WILL NEVER EVER EVER SEE A RERELEASE OF THE CROSSBOW. NEVER, understand it. Done.

#51111 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by pinhead52 on 30 March 2005 - 01:50 AM in General Nerf

I think you're supposed to put your other hand on top, over the slide. That would be cool.

#50968 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by pinhead52 on 29 March 2005 - 12:34 AM in General Nerf

Hah, those vests may never fit you, but I happen to have the scrawny torso of a ten year old boy. I'm gonna sport those muthas 24/7.

Wow, finally a pic of the firefly. I am seriously excited. Do I really have to wait until fall? They clearly already have one, how hard is it to produce another million or so?

But more importantly, why doesn't it connect? I think it would've made an awesome hornet replacement. Imagine, a titan (or if they ever replace it with something else sweet) with a modded mav on the side and a firefly on the bottom strapped to your back with two NFs in holsters? Overkill?

#50806 Belt-fed Maverick

Posted by pinhead52 on 27 March 2005 - 10:37 PM in Modifications

I think I understand it. He's pretty much creating an endless barrel that runs off the existing one. That's mighty awesome. I am jealous.

#50423 Park Regulations

Posted by pinhead52 on 24 March 2005 - 03:51 AM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, no camo. Ever since 911 it's no good. We used to run around in a park at night in camo pretending we were doing "black ops". After 911 someone saw us and the next week there was a blurb in a local newspaper about "nighttime terrorist training activities" in local parks. Just FYI.

#50422 Ok I Have An Idea

Posted by pinhead52 on 24 March 2005 - 03:31 AM in Modifications

Yeah, it's super weak on the return. It's pretty much common knowledge, but it's important for my speech; the barrel rotates halfway when you pull the trigger, then the other half when you release. If there's too much friction, it hardly rotates that second part. I found this out when I painted my gun. I think if you put more spring behind it it would work though... I might give it a shot. Right now a friend of mine is working on a different mod for the same problem though, we may never perfect it, but you can try. We're thinking about putting a spring in the front of the barrel somehow so it pushes it back, because we've noticed that if you hold it back before each shot it gets way better range.

#49790 If You Could Ask Hasrbo

Posted by pinhead52 on 16 March 2005 - 04:15 PM in General Nerf

Pardon my ignorance, what is the firefly? is it something new?

I know they're going to get mad at me for being off topic, but I'm new...

I did a google for this when he said something about it too. Apparently it's a new gun to come out this fall called the "Fire Fly rev-8" (sound familiar?). It has internal lights that flash to charge up the glow-in-the-dark darts. I don't know anything about the propulsion system yet, but I'll probably post any information I get beyond what is already public knowledge in a different thread (unless someone else beats me to it, of course...)

#49764 Hey I'm New So......

Posted by pinhead52 on 16 March 2005 - 09:45 AM in General Nerf

What are you talking about? He's not asking for a mod for a specific gun, he's asking what he should get to start out, and there really is no easy to find info on that.

I'm pretty new too, but here's what I've found as far as the guns to look out for- First of all the crossbow. I am lucky enough that someone in my squad of minions has one and doesn't care about it (or know how much it's worth), so I'm getting one for free, but apparently they can run about $100. Also, the AT3k seems to be a good gun to have, and since it's still being produced it is much cheaper. The new Nerf Nite Finder has some nice internals and has become a sidearm favorite, and is only $6. The N-Strike system's Titan can be modded to fire the greatest range of any nerf gun yet, but at the cost of a horrible reload time (when I mod mine I plan on making it pretty much a one-shot-then-drop kind of gun).

Also, if you're a fan of style, like me, you should pick up a Maverick. Wussy wussy internals, but dang that gun is cool.

You should read through this site's modifications, it'll give you a good idea of the basic mod as well as what to look for in a good gun.

#49699 Custom Maverick Prop

Posted by pinhead52 on 15 March 2005 - 06:22 PM in General Nerf

Even if he did use an airbrush, he still went through and buzzed off all the nerf stuff, all the raised text and such (except the "Maverick rev-6"), he filled in all the screw holes. It's beautiful. The only thing he didn't do that I'm planning on doing to mine is using gap filler to close it up and clean off the mold lines, but it still looks amazing. Mad props on getting yours done before mine, but now the bar is just raised for what I have to do...

#49595 Homeade Nerf Gear

Posted by pinhead52 on 14 March 2005 - 03:53 PM in Homemades

I see what he's saying, and if you were good at it you could make some really cool gear. Didn't someone say something about plastic halo-style armor for nerfing? I think something like that would just be awesome.

#49152 Park Regulations

Posted by pinhead52 on 09 March 2005 - 08:20 PM in Nerf Wars

I paintball and airsoft, and one of the biggest reasons I got into nerf is because they're toys to the general public, and we can play in parks and playgrounds and stuff. With airsoft people think they're real guns, and there's just so much bad publicity around paintball to even consider it. I say just use stock darts and they'll just feel stupid saying anything, at least that's my plan.

#49044 A Site Dedicated To Homemade Nerf Weapons

Posted by pinhead52 on 08 March 2005 - 06:53 PM in Homemades

I'm all for it. Right now I'm into modding, but it's still fun to see what brilliant minds will come up with for homemades, and who knows, when I have the tools for it maybe I'll get bored of modding and actually build something original.

#49043 If You Could Ask Hasrbo

Posted by pinhead52 on 08 March 2005 - 06:49 PM in General Nerf

I'd ask if they were going to make hornet replacements like they did the scout. Maybe something like the wildfire that clips under the titan. And with the new color scheme, maybe something to replace the titan too.

#49024 Ages Of Nerfers

Posted by pinhead52 on 08 March 2005 - 04:59 PM in General Nerf

I agree with him. I never had any serious relationships in high school, because I watched other people and saw that nothing good came from them. Not that I wasn't social, I just didn't put a lot of stock in holding some girl's hand between classes for a few weeks before she dumped me for my best friend.

Do what's important to you. Don't let people tell you that your point of view is stupid. You came to this conclusion your own way, and I respect it. Besides, if you're like I was, you have a lot of hobbies and not enough time or money for a girlfriend anyway.

#49009 Maverick Cylindar

Posted by pinhead52 on 08 March 2005 - 12:22 PM in Modifications

It wasn't so much a matter of me figuring it out myself... it was a very very easy mod, just thinking of it. I remember getting it and the first time opening it thinking, "that sucks, it only opens a little" then soon forgetting. Then yesterday I was like "wait, I bet I can make it open more."

#49005 Ages Of Nerfers

Posted by pinhead52 on 08 March 2005 - 01:41 AM in General Nerf

twenty. I'll be drinking next Jan.

#49000 Maverick Cylindar

Posted by pinhead52 on 07 March 2005 - 11:55 PM in Modifications

I dont know if any of you were getting as frustrated with the maverick cylindar only opening enough for you to load one or two darts, but I was. So I openned it up and took out the pieces that keep it from openning it all the way, now it swings out to a 90 degree angle and spins better when released (for that dramatic spin-close that at least I love so much...). Just thought I'd let you guys in on it, hadn't seen anyone else posting about it.

#48816 My Night Finder

Posted by pinhead52 on 05 March 2005 - 09:07 PM in Modifications

I put a crayola barrel on mine, which of course doesn't look nearly as cool as yours. But then, it was just a gun I got to mod for learning purposes then tear apart and use to mod another gun. I agree, paint it.

#48815 What To Name My Nite Finder

Posted by pinhead52 on 05 March 2005 - 09:02 PM in Modifications

8? I got mine on clearance for 5. Tell us what the mod is. Otherwise my vote is the YourMommarizer.

#48750 Best Feeling In Nerf

Posted by pinhead52 on 05 March 2005 - 10:43 AM in General Nerf

Well, I'm not an experienced nerf player, but I play a crapload of paintball and airsoft and have since high-school. My shining moment was at the big paintball scenario game DDay (about 3k people each year), and it was my job to get the attention of an entire enemy platoon, and then run like crazy through the forest so they would chase me through a gauntlet of hidden special forces. I did it, and the whole time enemy paint was flying through the air around me, hitting trees, skipping along the ground. I eventually found a little cliff that made a makeshift bunker for me and jumped behind it, checked myself for paint, and I had amazingly made it through without getting tagged. They called me "rabbit" after that.

#48653 New Here

Posted by pinhead52 on 04 March 2005 - 01:19 AM in Off Topic

Alright, to get started, I am a college student new to this whole field. Not that I've never modded anything before, I've been messing with stuff since I was a little kid... off story.

I am a sophomore in computer engineering, and just last semester re-discovered Nerf [some friends and I were walking through a wal-mart and we noticed the "Unity" system.] Anyway, after firing it and thinking "wow, this is weaker than I remember", I decided to look online to see if any teenagers with too much time on their hands had ever modded a nerf gun. I was surprized with what I found. I came back here after buying the maverick (because I'm a huge revolver fan). Unfortunately I've only found one good mav mod, but we'll see what I can pull off.

Also, I've noticed that nobody has tried rifling barrels, any reason for that? Oh well. With a university's tools at my fingertips, my own enginuity and the knowhow already demonstrated on this site, I should be able to pull off some cool stuff.