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#90033 War Movie

Posted by Arcanum on 19 September 2006 - 03:03 PM in Off Topic

Are you all ameatures, or do you have like a professional photagrapher? That was really good, well at least the first minute, my computer stopped loading there.

All created with a sony digital camecorder and edited on Windows Movie Maker by me. I dont know if anyone plays Call of Duty, but that is where i got the gunfire and exploding shell audio from. The music is all taken from the matrix soundtrack as well.

Yeah we're proud of it.

#89840 War Movie

Posted by Arcanum on 16 September 2006 - 07:20 PM in Off Topic

comment it or something

We always have a lot of fun doing shit like this.

p.s. I'm the kid who gets popped in the head at the beginning

#89274 Alternative To Cutting Down Ls Spring Replacement

Posted by Arcanum on 07 September 2006 - 03:42 PM in Modifications

Don't own a dremel :cry:

So I just hack sawed it very carefully.

Dremel should work fine.

#89265 Ls Spring Replacement Big Problem

Posted by Arcanum on 07 September 2006 - 03:09 PM in Modifications

Bah, it turns out I just didn't turn the screws underneath the stock enough and the back of the gun was too loose to hold the pressure of the spring.

All I did was tighten all the rear screws and now its working fine again.

#89264 Alternative To Cutting Down Ls Spring Replacement

Posted by Arcanum on 07 September 2006 - 03:02 PM in Modifications

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This should eliminate all magazine problems without having to cut down the spring.

Hence, you will have a stronger weapon (granted it will be harder to cock) and your clip will slide in and out as smooth as ever.

#88942 Ls Spring Replacement Big Problem

Posted by Arcanum on 03 September 2006 - 09:05 PM in Modifications

I added a bbb spring (cut down) to my ls, did the restrictor removal, and left the ls spring in there. Now it hits 100' pretty consistently but the problem is that it shoots on its own because the spring is too powerful for the plastic catch at the back of the gun.

Does anyone know how to reinforce it or make it stay without me having to take out a spring?

#87816 Longshot Mod

Posted by Arcanum on 19 August 2006 - 02:28 PM in Modifications

Just got mine yesterday, and nearly killed it trying to get it back together. I like even in it's stock form, because it's so weak, that if I shoot my brothers in the head with it, they can't complain because it's so damn weak. How much should I shorten my BBB spring if I'm going to put it in? What is the width of the brass or PETG ( 9/16? ) ?

I cut three rings off my bbb spring and it hits 100' on some shots.

My PETG won't fit because the breech won't close over the plastic when it's in there (I think its 1/2") but 9/16 will work.

#86140 Rpr Turned B.a.r. Finished Edition

Posted by Arcanum on 30 July 2006 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

All I was asying is leave nerf guns nerf guns.

It's his opinion...so if thats what he has to contribute so be it. Stop arguing.

#86120 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Arcanum on 30 July 2006 - 09:10 PM in Modifications

I'll throw in my Browning Automatic Rifle aka B.A.R.

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Originally this was a buzzbee rapid fire rifle, but i did some crazy cosmetic mods

#86115 Rpr Turned B.a.r. Finished Edition

Posted by Arcanum on 30 July 2006 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

Haha yeah it still sucks though.

25 feet stock

45 now
limited range due to longer barrel for appearance

#86113 Rpr Turned B.a.r. Finished Edition

Posted by Arcanum on 30 July 2006 - 07:34 PM in Modifications

My apologies for the second thread, but I thought this deserved its own. My first one was just discussion and photos on developmental stages and this is me actually putting it into play.

And so I give you...

The Buzzbee Rapid Fire Rifle
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Turned Browning Automatic Rifle

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And here is the photo Pat provided for comparison followed by own labels...

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I just realized I misplaced the handle in that it's over the clip instead of the forearm grip and I don't feel like refinishing everything tonight since I'm leaving for Hawaii tomorrow.
Maybe I'll see Piney :P

Thoughts, comments, anything of the like?

#86085 Buzzbee Rapid Fire = B.a.r.?

Posted by Arcanum on 30 July 2006 - 02:52 PM in Modifications

Took alot of your advice Pat. Thanks for the help.

whole gun:
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rear iron site: (haven't fixed up the e-tape yet so cut me some slack)
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front iron site:
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Carrying Handle added.
Bipod for front added.
Front and Rear ironsights added (based off of call of duty 2 B.A.R.)
Barrel Extended (not yet functional, have to get a longer pvc barrel)
I did drill some flash suppresors but ended up covering them with e-tape, will fix when I add new barrel.

I am going to:
Switch Bolt side
slant magazine

Wood Grip

#86032 Any Airsofters Here?

Posted by Arcanum on 29 July 2006 - 10:29 PM in Off Topic

I just got into airsoft about a month ago when I bought a cheap pistol at my local hobbystore for kicks.
Now I've got a HFC Brittish L85 A1 in the mail from Kapowwe. It's a springer, cuz I don't want an AEG yet.


#86029 Buzzbee Rapid Fire = B.a.r.?

Posted by Arcanum on 29 July 2006 - 09:42 PM in Modifications

did Joey's mod, all I have to do now is refinish the paint on the front.

pvc in barrel and bolt action as you can see
also added chewbaccas scope

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#85995 Buzzbee Rapid Fire = B.a.r.?

Posted by Arcanum on 29 July 2006 - 11:23 AM in Modifications

Well I ran out of my brown metallic spray paint so I just two toned it with metallic gold and jet black.

This is my first real nerf gun paint job so tell me what you all think and if I should adapt more to look like a bar.

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#85972 Buzzbee Rapid Fire = B.a.r.?

Posted by Arcanum on 28 July 2006 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

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I guess you could say this about alot of b.b. guns or nerf guns, but I think that the BuzzBee rapid fire rifle has a striking resemblance to the Browning Automatic Rifle.

The B.A.R. shown above is just a rubberband gun, but in actuallity it is quite similar to the real B.A.R. (used in WWI, WWII, and Korea *I think?* for those who don't know)

B.A.R. real pic

Tomorrow I'm going to do some cosmetic mods to make it resemble the B.A.R. even more. I'm going to spray paint majority of the gun metallic brownish and attach that scope just for kicks (from chewbaccas bowcaster). I'm also going to triangulate the bottom of the clip so it follows the form of the BAR. If I find the time and materials I will also attempt to create a wooden appearance for the foregrip and butt of the rifle.

Will update with pics tomorrow.

#85336 Backlash Range Test

Posted by Arcanum on 19 July 2006 - 08:52 AM in Modifications

Nice work, although a few questions come to mind:

1) How exactly does the trigger system work?

2) Is it comfortable enough for use in a war?

3) In theory, could one not convert the Backlash into a pistol, but keep it as a blaster-booby-trap while still getting the same performance?

1) When that piece is pulled back, it lifts up the entire plastic bar on top of the gun, which in turn releases the plunger rod

2) My friends and I have found that it is quite reliable in our wars

3) Yes! I set it up outside my door and shot my friend. It is very inaccurate when fired with the string attached to the firing mech though.

SirTofu, the firing mech does create some ridiculous knockback, but it is very accurate once you figure out how to aim it with the recoil.

#85290 Backlash Range Test

Posted by Arcanum on 18 July 2006 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

I made a video of a range test I did with my modified backlash, which is in my opinion the most underrated nerf gun ever.

See "backlash" under reviews on nerfcenter.com if you don't know the gun

I was also testing out windows movie maker when I transfered it to the PC so thats why all the effects and music are in there.

There is about a 3-4 ft. dart skip so if you watch the video you'll see the ranges.

#82042 Sawed Off 12gadge Airtech

Posted by Arcanum on 18 May 2006 - 09:33 PM in Modifications

To me it looks more like the Maxim Gun then it does a shotty.

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#81966 Breech W/o Coupler Or Dremel

Posted by Arcanum on 17 May 2006 - 05:15 PM in Modifications

For a long time I've wanted to create a breech barrel without a coupler. Usually when I do a coupler breech it'll work for a couple months, but I'll constantly have to reattach the coupler because when I remove the barrel after a while the coupler starts to come off as well. I know this could probably be solved with epoxy and what not, but i like to re-mod alot of my guns.

This is my sm1500 single barrel that I've probably done 6 different mods to. Three are probably posted somewhere on here. Anyway, I wanted to make a breech barrel without a coupler or dremel (because I don't have one) and I figured it out.

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I connected a small piece of schd. 40 pvc to the airtank and then I attached a coupler to it. The only reason the coupler is there is to connect the two pieces of pvc. I then sanded out the inside of the 2nd piece of pvc so i could easily slide my cpvc in and out of it.

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This is the CPVC barrel. I cut from the end because there was no easier way to do it without a dremel. The side with one half slides into the sanded out pvc and can be locked into place once the full cpvc barrel slides inside the pvc.

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Here is the cpvc in the pvc without a dart loaded. To load a dart I simply slide out the cpvc to a point where the dart can be pushed in. Then, once the dart is securely in the breech I slide the cpvc back in.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND: The cpvc does not have to be removed all the way in order to reload, seeing as that the purpose of this mod was to increase reload time.

I can fire 5 rounds in a short amount of time with just 4 pumps per shot.

Low range: 93 ft.
High range: 102 ft.

Its power varies, but the sm1500 is known for its incredible accuracy and this particular gun is no exception.

Post questions/comments

video should be working in a little bit:

#80503 Cubs Make Me So Depressed

Posted by Arcanum on 20 April 2006 - 09:23 PM in Off Topic

In case you haven't noticed yet hokie, many nerfers are rather unsociable when it comes to sports. I live in Chicago, but am a Sox fan. No, not since they won the W.S. but before that. I adore D. Lee and his skills and that broken wrist just kills me.

#78644 The Tech-turret

Posted by Arcanum on 03 April 2006 - 09:17 PM in Modifications

I use to have that thing. I called it the "police pistol" because we always used it in cops and robbers with nerf and the cop got that gun. Pretty friggin good for a knockoff. All I did to it was cut out the air restrictor and it shot stock darts about 40 feet.

#75592 Crossfire Ppk

Posted by Arcanum on 08 March 2006 - 09:05 PM in Modifications

This is just a quick cut down mod. The crossfire is the most underrated pistol in my opinion. I achieved 55' ranges simply because I found the right ammo. I did no barrel modifications what so ever. This gun is all about which dart foam compresses the best in the back of the barrel (firm foam...new darts).

Here's the mod:

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Here I simply cut off the ammo holders...but knowing I would receive criticism, here's the second part.

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I discovered that the ammo holder clips back on underneath the barrel.

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These are the type of darts I achieved 55' ranges with.
Classic style red suction tip darts.

The only downside is the LnL like recoil from the top cocking mechanism, but the extremely light weight makes up for it.

The purpose of this mod was to make the CF lighter and easier to holster. Also pointing out that you don't have to go through such a complicated barrel modification to acheive good ranges.

#74277 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by Arcanum on 25 February 2006 - 03:36 PM in General Nerf

Some members were mentioning free barrel space in the Longshot that will allow for integration. This reminded me of the Lanard Blast Bazooka, so I put both pics next to each other as a visual aid.

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#74063 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by Arcanum on 23 February 2006 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

If there was ever a reason to pick up nerf again, this is it.

#61363 Nintendo Medley

Posted by Arcanum on 07 August 2005 - 12:52 PM in Off Topic

The last one is Final Fantasy! I'd know that tune ANYWHERE!

#61337 Harry Potter

Posted by Arcanum on 06 August 2005 - 11:32 PM in Off Topic

You all should read Ender's Game.

I've read all the Harry Potter books, mostly because I started them back in the day and I want to keep up and finish the series, but they actually are well written books. I don't see how it's sad to see a 30 year old reading them, as they are well written with a good story.

The latest one was very good though.

Ender's game was quite good.
I'm the same way with Harry Potter these days.
I thought the ending to the latest one was premature.

#61221 Cfmboards

Posted by Arcanum on 05 August 2005 - 10:50 PM in Off Topic

I've signed up as well. Looks promising Black Wrath. On a side note nice ass sm5k, what kind of ranges?

#60276 Rare Darts

Posted by Arcanum on 26 July 2005 - 06:55 PM in General Nerf

They aren't the original larami darts. They are regular stock micros with green foam and an orange tip. When i got my blue sm3000, I was like whoa laramis! But I was shafted.

#60152 Far Revisited

Posted by Arcanum on 25 July 2005 - 09:43 AM in Homemades

Agreed, I would like it if you sold parts, but again only if you are willing to.

#60042 Firefly Out Online

Posted by Arcanum on 24 July 2005 - 09:35 AM in General Nerf

I live in Chicago, yes! I'll be picking one of these up soon. I've already purchased the Dart Tag and we have used it in two seven man wars. I got two kills in one round with it (mind you everyone else had a sm1500, at2k, LnL, at3k, or NF). I'm guessing that the Dart Tag is the better buy after reported results.

Did anyone else notice that the DT and FF were found by people in the Mid-West first?

#59903 Backlash/sspb Mod

Posted by Arcanum on 22 July 2005 - 05:52 PM in Modifications

Well, it hit a little under 65' pretty consistently, but then pulled a "maxshot". I think it packs too much of a punch for the little casing. The whole front end shot off the gun. I'm going to try to glue and/or tape it. The front end shot 9'. Impressive...I suppose :P

#59845 Backlash/sspb Mod

Posted by Arcanum on 21 July 2005 - 09:53 PM in Modifications

Well as you can see here...
Starbuck and Ompa were discussing how the backlash is very underrated. Well, I most certainly agree. After reading that topic I was inspired to whip out my old backlash and see what I could do with it.
Here's the finished product:
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I cut down the existing stock barrel and some of the gold part on top, which was getting in the way.

As you can see here,
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the cut down stock barrel didn't leave a very big hole, so I was surpised at the air output. I used the stock barrel from a Lanard Blast Bazooka and it worked perfectly. It is secure and airtight.
Then I attached a SSPB with a pvc barrel and a plugged pump. Unfortunately, there is an air leak and it shoots about 20-25 ft. Perfectly, good for a last resort defense shot though, which is what I intended it to be.

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I set the sspb up the way I did because the triggers can both be reached by my thumb. The Backlash has an awkward trigger and now I can use my thumb to fire both that and the sspb.

I don't have exact ranges yet but, the backlash easily surpasses my modified NF which gets about 55'
And as earlier stated the sspb gets about 20-25' due to the airleak. I plan on getting a replacement.

#59453 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by Arcanum on 16 July 2005 - 10:30 AM in Modifications

It doesn't attach to the titan. The black sight thing prevents it from doing that. My speculation was that it would attach to a new gun, or as ompa said, it could be for accesories.

#59340 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by Arcanum on 14 July 2005 - 06:22 PM in Modifications

I only have 1/4" steel slingshot ones, most my guns are too powerful for anything lighter and my scout can shoot them so I'm happy. Ranges with the stefans went up to about 45 or better but it really needs new barrels and I got nothing to use :mellow:

I just got one, and I did your air restrictor mod. I was expecting a little better performance, but I was still hyped, 50 feet with my best dart. I plan on banding it and stretching the spring, and then I hope to stick some k&s 17/32 down there.

#59223 Mazda Rx-7 1987-90

Posted by Arcanum on 13 July 2005 - 12:15 PM in Off Topic

Wow, I was just thinking about getting a used mazda rx-7. I know that once fixed up the car will run for a long time. If its already in good condition, you're golden...I think. Last I checked RX-7s were a pretty good buy.

#59217 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by Arcanum on 13 July 2005 - 11:50 AM in Modifications

According to CamBlam they have them(DTB) in a Chicago(sp) Wal-Mart.

I live in Chicago.......::running to walmart::

#59041 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by Arcanum on 10 July 2005 - 06:22 PM in Darts and Barrels

For those that make tack stefans, and I know there aren't many of you, most people just put glue on the pointy side and stick it into the foam. I do this but then put a hot glue dome on top of the tack. I found these darts to work just as well as my fishing weight darts...just as a note.

#59039 Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

Posted by Arcanum on 10 July 2005 - 06:01 PM in Modifications

This reminds me of the Ura-Kai Two Towers Crossbow. A little unwieldy one handed but with those ranges it might as well be your primary, unless of course you still favor that cpvc Tech Target :blink:

#59028 My New Lbb

Posted by Arcanum on 10 July 2005 - 03:37 PM in Modifications

Ronster do you know what brand that was?

Nice job sniperdude