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#219827 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 25 March 2009 - 06:26 PM in Nerf Wars

I have no idea how you used 200 darts at SENO. Actually, I do. About 4 people actually did dart sweeps. Regular dart sweeps will help a lot. I lost only 50, and even though I was there late, I figure 100 should be enough. Don't get me wrong, I'm still making way more than that for spring SENO.

The real reason I lost so many is that I let every body else take them if they wanted to. The foam was really shitty and short darts would jam in the RSCB clip.

#219838 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 25 March 2009 - 07:18 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm 90% sure I'm gonna make it. I have about 40 darts right now, and about 4 fishing weights.
I MUST finish my doomsayer by this war!

Cool, I will get to see how a K9 special does against a doomsayer. So would that be a definite?

I'm pretty positive I'm gonna make it. If you mean my doomsayer, all I have left is the rotation mech and the turret to plunger tube seal. Unless something unforeseen happens...

Actually I meant you coming but thats good to. Be warned, the rotation mech is the hardest part to get right.

#219939 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 26 March 2009 - 04:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Looks like we will be seeing some prime nerfing weather. High of 77 and a Low of 52.

#220025 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 26 March 2009 - 07:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Looks like we will be seeing some prime nerfing weather. High of 77 and a Low of 52.

Great! Any chance of rain?

It doesn't say. What date should we have it on if it does rain?

#219808 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 25 March 2009 - 04:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Would 75 darts be enough for this war? Cause unless I get more foam, that's all I'll have...

It depends, what do you use as barrels? Most of the darts we make down here will be too thick for CPVC and 17/32 brass. I had 200+ at fall SENO but still had to pick up darts.

#219692 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 24 March 2009 - 08:23 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm 90% sure I'm gonna make it. I have about 40 darts right now, and about 4 fishing weights.
I MUST finish my doomsayer by this war!

Cool, I will get to see how a K9 special does against a doomsayer. So would that be a definite?

#219438 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 23 March 2009 - 04:08 PM in Nerf Wars

I apologize for the double post but....


#219486 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 23 March 2009 - 06:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Current stefan count: 0
Current blank count: 400
Primary status: unfinished

#219602 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 24 March 2009 - 06:23 AM in Nerf Wars

Haha, I love how my stefan count/spam caught on in this thread as well. Lazy southerners for the win!

Good luck with the war! I hope to better see some of yall at Summer SENO (and SOFA for that matter)!

Summer SENO is a maybe for our group nut SOFA is a definite.

#220113 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 27 March 2009 - 06:07 AM in Nerf Wars

Somebody said earlier that most of y'alls darts dont fit CPVC or 17/32. What size do they fit? Just seeing if they would be pick-upable mid round.

We use PETG and 9/16 brass.

Oh and Hawksh0t told me he was unable to attend so that leaves 6 maybes.

#220305 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 28 March 2009 - 03:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Everybody should be prepared in case my dad does not make hamburgers.

Hamburgers>Sloppy Joes?

Stefan Count=89

#221286 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2009 - 05:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Maybe we should make some more tarps to create more cover.

#221317 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 02 April 2009 - 07:39 PM in Nerf Wars

I will have a singled at3k if any one wants to use it.


#221567 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 04 April 2009 - 03:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I will have a singled at3k if any one wants to use it.


Is that PVC coupler'd?


#220844 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 31 March 2009 - 09:05 AM in Nerf Wars

There is some nice hotels within 2 minutes of our venue.

Cool! My dadwas just asking about that.

Same thing here. Any recommendations, Veggy?

No I can't say I do because why would you go to a hotel if my house is within 5 miles of them all.

Oh god maigrains suck.

#220650 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 30 March 2009 - 05:12 AM in Nerf Wars

There is some nice hotels within 2 minutes of our venue.

#220316 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 28 March 2009 - 05:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Everybody should be prepared in case my dad does not make hamburgers.

Hamburgers>Sloppy Joes?

Stefan Count=89

What about pizza?

Just got more foam from Ace, here we go...

Pizza would be good. We should all bring a little money to chip in.

#220428 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 29 March 2009 - 08:56 AM in Nerf Wars

Holy Crap! Less than two weeks away.

Stefan count~130


#220436 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 29 March 2009 - 10:52 AM in Nerf Wars

Yeah. I'm pretty excited. In fact, I'm so excited, I'll play punch the kitten with A side of Nerf!

Oh, who's bringing a camera? I'm bringing a still and a video.

I might bring one if my parents let me.

Man I have so much nerfy work to do.

#218941 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 20 March 2009 - 03:06 PM in Nerf Wars

sorry guys forgot to say that i have 50% chance of being at the war :[]


Whats with the other 50%?

#218800 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 19 March 2009 - 04:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm looking more likely to be gettin' down there. All my guns to just getting finished too!

Good we want as many people as we can get.

#209580 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 04 February 2009 - 08:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh, sauciness is a definite. Productive: I think we should do a ball gun round. :)

The only problem is that none of us have ball guns let alone the ammo for them.

#210873 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 09 February 2009 - 04:36 PM in Nerf Wars

So how long will you be staying in Charleston? We might be able to reschedule but that might not happen. And by the way when you are there stay away from gingers(inside joke).

#211609 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 11 February 2009 - 09:37 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm leaving today for training (paperwork got messed up and my flight got pushed back a couple of days) and I'll arrive in Charleston in mid April. In all likelihood, I'll be there for a year and a half (that's TWO summers)!

So if you went to all the wars that we host down here you could probably go to about 7 wars in that year and a half. On a side note please tell me you are bringing at least one of the arachnophobia series I bet they look much better in person.

#207711 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 29 January 2009 - 07:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Probably around $15 depending on how many people want to buy them. I will also be selling brass by the foot.

#206636 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 26 January 2009 - 06:14 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be bringing some brass breeches. Zaxbys, I still need to buy an at2k.

Sure thing. If you have paypal we could work it out so I could ship it to you. Shipping wouldn't be too much since we are both in Georgia.

I will have at2ks and at3ks to sell as well as some other things.

Do these brass breeches fit into a coupler? Do you have any pics?

Any pics of that sawtooth?

By the way I must as are there any KOA or other campgrounds nearby for RV's? might be staying the night and going from there to a friend of mine in Dalton for a visit so I am wondering.

Sadly I do not have paypal would you except cash? Or a brass breech?

Fort Mcallister is cool and only 5 minutes away from my house so you might be able to eat over if you waned to

Yay party a aside's house.

#204344 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 18 January 2009 - 09:25 AM in Nerf Wars

Side you know I am always in with +2

Awesome, that gives us a total of nine definites and three maybes. :(
Just curios though Zax who are you bringing?

#206083 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 24 January 2009 - 10:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Please note that I live fairly close to the school and both me and aside are in the school system. So stay off the freaking roof!

#206157 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 25 January 2009 - 09:52 AM in Nerf Wars

I will be bringing some brass breeches. Zaxbys, I still need to buy an at2k.

#215167 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 26 February 2009 - 05:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Just wait till I unveil my new primary. Still have to come up with a name for it though.

#215264 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 26 February 2009 - 09:49 PM in Nerf Wars

No need for cockiness Veg...
Anyway, Me being good at FFA aside, I enjoy that style of game play. It makes for a more fast paced round.
I would also like to suggest a home Vs away like we did at Fall SENO

You did the same thing when I talked to you about Zaxblast 2.0. It will be awesome. high ROF + high range=win

#218136 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2009 - 07:33 PM in Nerf Wars

I know exactly how to make the BBB go at least over 90, and I might post a write-up after I search...

Oh right I forgot I was supposed to be making those.

Could anybody who wants to buy one at the war please tell me now so I know how much brass to buy.

#218138 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2009 - 07:36 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be taking one, maybe two for a good price. :angry:

So 2 same price as last time without shipping. Would you like clips with those?

#218156 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2009 - 08:32 PM in Nerf Wars

You will be sorely missed Zaxbys.

#218129 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2009 - 07:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow seriously? Thats nothing, I had to build 3 guns last SENO and only finished 1 completely. Nice sig by the way.

Haha. Well, I'll also be making a BBB, so I might use that instead.

Glad you like it.

I tried to make a good BBB once but now it is in a big bin full of junk. If I were you I would put that nice breech on there and do Angels mod.

#218122 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2009 - 07:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Jeez man you still pissed off about the zaxblast thing?

#217969 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 14 March 2009 - 08:46 PM in Nerf Wars

In the spirit of southern war topics I will spam this thread in the month preceding the war.

Viva La uhh... Tune-Up

#218072 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2009 - 04:05 PM in Nerf Wars

I had a dream last night that our war was tomorrow and I had no darts for me and all of my guests so there is currently 100 feet of FBR on it's way to my abode; let us rejoice!
Rejoice we shall.

Aw crap, I just realized that all I have for darts is 400 blanks. Oh well let the southern style of procrastination begin.

#218112 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 15 March 2009 - 07:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Aw crap, I just realized that all I have for darts is 400 blanks. Oh well let the southern style of procrastination begin.


My longshot will probably be finished two days before the war and I'll probably have only 60 darts made.

Along with probably forgetting something.


Wow seriously? Thats nothing, I had to build 3 guns last SENO and only finished 1 completely. Nice sig by the way.

#204245 South East Tune-up War

Posted by veginator on 17 January 2009 - 08:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah finally we are hosting our own war :D Seriously though when aside says no realistic guns he means it. The front gate to the second location is a police station. Also very powerful guns in the portables is a bad idea it is just to close quarters for a pump plugged BBBB.