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#108853 Any Bmx Riders Here?

Posted by nerfboi on 02 June 2007 - 08:59 AM in Off Topic

Thats somewhat like me.

#33072 Any N'strike Mods Yet?

Posted by nerfboi on 03 August 2004 - 10:56 PM in Modifications

ask mac you retard!!!!!

#107530 Anyone Good At Computer Stuff?

Posted by nerfboi on 24 May 2007 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

Here come CS to the rescue! Also, wouldn't you need a video/ graphic's card?

#100701 Armageddon 2007 Planning Thread

Posted by nerfboi on 03 March 2007 - 12:00 AM in Nerf Wars

This might not help, but where is it normally help(i.e. West coast; east coast)?
If its in the west coast, I can probably make it(depending on where it is).

#104962 Armageddon 2007 Planning Thread

Posted by nerfboi on 10 May 2007 - 11:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Hahaha, Falcon. I'm going to ask my cousin if he can give me and my cousin a ride up there. But for now, you could just put my name under the "maybe" list. I'll keep in touch with you.

#100717 Armageddon 2007 Planning Thread

Posted by nerfboi on 03 March 2007 - 10:58 AM in Nerf Wars

Opp sorry guys. I wasn't paying attention(as usual).

#202161 Armageddon X

Posted by nerfboi on 09 January 2009 - 08:51 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah! I can maybe make this one because I can start driving this year! Put me as a maybe. Looking forward to this!

#223507 Armageddon X

Posted by nerfboi on 13 April 2009 - 10:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Don't think that info was necessary. Put me as a maybe. I'm free so far. Nothing planned.

#226258 Arrowstorm

Posted by nerfboi on 26 April 2009 - 04:58 PM in Modifications

Sorry, but people have already CPVCed blasters with the name Arrowstorm.

With that out of the way, great write-up.

Off-topic: Anyone willing to sell an Arrowstorm PM me!

Did you do any write-ups? NO, so I wouldn't say anything.

On topic: Great job. It may be ugly, but hey, it gets the ojb done. That's all that should matter.

Off tpoic: anyone know if the Nerf Arrowstorm and the Air Zone version if their springs are the same?(They look beastly!)

#29958 Artic Camo :: Nite Finder

Posted by nerfboi on 30 June 2004 - 11:42 AM in Modifications

I originally painted this gun for the "paintjob contest" on NerfHQ, seen here. Anyways, I tried to paint this gun so it would look worn, as if it had "battle scars", if you will. I also tried to achieve an artic camo look with white, gray, and black tones. Enjoi, and please give feedback.

Posted Image

how did you make the barrel :angry:

#100521 Assasination In School!

Posted by nerfboi on 27 February 2007 - 09:08 PM in General Nerf

WOW. That sounds fun. Lucky your school does it.

#236026 At1k Mod.

Posted by nerfboi on 13 June 2009 - 04:53 PM in Modifications

So why is this in the Modifications forum instead of the Sales forum?

#148998 At2k

Posted by nerfboi on 02 April 2008 - 11:48 PM in Modifications

Just pull like h**l and it will come off.

#149028 At2k

Posted by nerfboi on 03 April 2008 - 01:25 AM in Modifications

Yeah, but still, some little kids come here. Who knows. But yeah your right. Eh, i guess I won't star it out anymore.

#248805 At2k Internals Integrated Into 1-1/2" Pvc

Posted by nerfboi on 27 August 2009 - 06:17 PM in Modifications

I'm not seeing any difference between the pictures you made in ms paint.

#157541 At2k Mod (write-up)

Posted by nerfboi on 31 May 2008 - 11:45 AM in Modifications

Nice Job, but it's hard to understand without pictures. All writeups need pictures.

Anyways, I don't completely believe your ranges, but I'm not going to start an argument about it.

Its a SINGLED AT2K. It gets those ranges easily.

#173148 At2k Pump Question

Posted by nerfboi on 28 August 2008 - 11:59 AM in Modifications

Yeah, what jwasko said, it's on the pump itself.

#105804 At3k

Posted by nerfboi on 15 May 2007 - 10:02 PM in General Nerf

Only if you can mod it correctly. Unlike me, I had to single it casue I broke the auto rotate.

#172990 At3k Check Valve

Posted by nerfboi on 27 August 2008 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

I got this off of CaptainSlugs DIY external Tank thread
51055K171 - White Acetal Check Valve for 1/4" Tube OD = $11.74

Thanks to CaptainSlug for that.

#172976 At3k Check Valve

Posted by nerfboi on 27 August 2008 - 07:38 PM in Modifications

Would this type of thing work? It's a "one way" tubing

#150332 At3k Trouble

Posted by nerfboi on 10 April 2008 - 12:26 AM in Modifications

I would just think of scraping it off?

#98724 At3k Vs Nf

Posted by nerfboi on 23 January 2007 - 11:56 PM in General Nerf

Well, if you aren't good at modding and you want to make a clip NF... I'd go for the at3k. Get the two pack so that you can just use the other one if you mess up and they cost around the same as NF's. I also prefer a good at3k more than an NF.

Hey Nite walker, where would you buy 'em?

#103459 Average Height.

Posted by nerfboi on 01 May 2007 - 07:25 PM in Off Topic

I'm around 5' 12" or 6' 1". And I'm only 14. I was to still grow taller. I plan on playing basketball in highschool

#247198 Barrel Spacer Templates

Posted by nerfboi on 15 August 2009 - 11:32 PM in Homemades

I'm pretty sure it was oodalumps with his RF20.

I'm pretty sure it was KBaker or what ever his name is.

#97787 Barrel That Fits Nerf Balls...

Posted by nerfboi on 06 January 2007 - 12:25 AM in Homemades

Don't know if this helps or is right, but how about pringle cans? B)

#108707 Battle-scarring And Weathering

Posted by nerfboi on 01 June 2007 - 12:04 AM in Modifications

Man, thats a great detailed write up. And I just asked you in the Paintjob's thread if you used a Dremel. Guess not. :(

#173095 Bbb Awesome, Easy, And Effective Mod!

Posted by nerfboi on 28 August 2008 - 01:36 AM in Modifications

This also works.

#106859 Bbb Chain Feed

Posted by nerfboi on 20 May 2007 - 11:08 PM in Modifications

That too. It's like Lefty's(on NerfHQ) Mazshot Revolver mod.

#106706 Bbb Chain Feed

Posted by nerfboi on 20 May 2007 - 11:05 AM in Modifications

For the cain part, You could cut up 6" of whatever barrel your using and space the out 1" each and put duct tape over them. just make sure your cgun has a coupler on it.(If possible). Example: Your using 9/16 brass, then you should use 7/16? i think as a coupler.

#106030 Bbb Mod Write Up

Posted by nerfboi on 16 May 2007 - 09:34 PM in Modifications

The tag says that, but I think he's known here for something long ago(not that long, more like 3-4 years). Frost, please back up with more info, please.

#105287 Bbb Problem

Posted by nerfboi on 13 May 2007 - 06:06 PM in Modifications

Ok, so i got my BBB and I did a tune up/ Maintenance(sp?) on it. I re glued everything(its coupler modded) and has, I think, and 8 inch barrel. I put it back together, and I test shoot it, but nothing. It sound like a dry fire. No air is coming out.I don't know what the hell is wrond with it. I hecked it a bunch of times and I don't know whats wrong. Can anyone diagnose my problem and how to fix it?

#147028 Bbb Problem

Posted by nerfboi on 26 March 2008 - 12:42 AM in Modifications

But I modded it so it wouldn't need hte White piece. Its like this: I modded it the barrel it far back enough that it would act as a plunger stop(like what joey or who ever did and followed FA's tip fill it up with more hot glue and mode the barrel bakc more to eliminate the AR

#105290 Bbb Problem

Posted by nerfboi on 13 May 2007 - 06:29 PM in Modifications

Do you mean the plunger head? If so, then Yeah I already did that Nevermind, I just fixed it. I don't know what I did, but I'm just glad it works

#105307 Bbb Problem

Posted by nerfboi on 13 May 2007 - 08:02 PM in Modifications

I took mine out also. And it been working since today, but I got it up an shooting.

#147044 Bbb Problem

Posted by nerfboi on 26 March 2008 - 08:50 AM in Modifications

Actually, they are a perfect fit with my kind of CPVC. When I fire it, it sometimes won't fire, but When I TEST the seal, the plunger will go back to its position fast, then I'll test it again, then it will go back slowly

#147016 Bbb Problem

Posted by nerfboi on 25 March 2008 - 11:54 PM in Modifications

Ok first of all, hey everyone.
My BBB won't shoot sometimes. I'll pull it back and fire, but it will sound like a dry fire, and the dart hasn't left yet. I have to check the seal by Clogging the coupler with my thumb and firing it again, then it works. I'm fine with that, but I want to know the answer to this problem. I modded my BBB with a coupler, but like Joey's BBs. Look at it and you'll know what i mean, just that I don't have the white AR in it piece.

#184852 Bbb Reinforcement

Posted by nerfboi on 21 October 2008 - 10:08 PM in Modifications

Agreed. That's the EXACT same place mine snapped. Nice write up. Do you know what kind of washers they were? Like what size?

#112387 Bbb Troubles (help)

Posted by nerfboi on 21 June 2007 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

That's how mine is. I'm gessing you can put E-tape aroung the plunger head to increse the seal

#248025 Berserker Mod

Posted by nerfboi on 21 August 2009 - 07:09 PM in Modifications

It should be 1/2 CPVC not Sch. 40 PVC

#236554 Better-than-commercial-quality Crossbow

Posted by nerfboi on 15 June 2009 - 08:16 PM in Homemades

So your asking use to give OUR opinion, but you won't even share yours?
To me, this seems POINTLESS, STUPID and RETARDED to make a "new" crossbow. We have a newer modular one called the + Bow. Mayby you should look at that.