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#106159 Idea For A New Homemade

Posted by Yazzeh on 17 May 2007 - 04:27 PM in Homemades

1. (well its not really a problem) because of the size of fingers varries so much it would only work for you.
2. The fireing mech would have to use wires of some sort, that are taunt and when tightend compleatly fired. If they are exposed and they get a bump, they will go off.
3. It will be difficult to make one that rest on your arm, take up a little space while still retaining accuracy.

1. Well the idea of home-made guns for me is to customize it so it fits me perfectly. So, if I were to make a rifle, I'd size it so it'd fit perfectly in my own hands, I don't need to worry about others using it cause I wouldn't let anyone else touch mah babeh.

2. The firing mech would use rope. I got that idea from the Double Shot. It uses ropes and pulleys (I think it uses pulleys...). It doesn't use them for the trigger, but it's where the idea came from. Also, this gun won't be constantly cocked. It's a back up gun, for use when you're out of ammo and need some quick cover fire to escape to reload your main. A bump would only set it off after you've cocked it, and by then, I'd hope you're already aiming it at someone you want to hit. The rope triggers also won't be worn like rings. They'll be resting on the middle knuckle of your finger so you can put more leverage into firing, and reducing misfires.

3. The straps will have to be tight around the hand, and it can't restrict the movement of your fingers when it's uncocked. I'm trying to avoid using the arm, this is purely supposed to be a hand-mounted weapon, to give you the freedom to move your hand. The range and accuracy on it wouldn't be anything special due to the space restriction, but it'd both be an asset as quick cover-fire and it'd sure be one hell of a novelty. Imagine shooting with your pinky first. Then your ring finger, middle finger and you'd still have your index finger cocked. You make a gun with your hand, point at someone's head, and say, "Bang." and with the miming of pulling a trigger, you nail him in the goggles. That alone would make my day.

#106150 The Tec 9

Posted by Yazzeh on 17 May 2007 - 03:59 PM in Homemades

I'm curious as to how the gun actually gets cocked. I understand how everything else works, but how do you cock it? Do you pull the barrel forwards or what?

#106140 Idea For A New Homemade

Posted by Yazzeh on 17 May 2007 - 03:02 PM in Homemades

What I believe to be a new idea for a Homemade.

Basically, you have four relatively small pumps all mounted next to each other. The plungers will all be pulled back simultaneously every time you cock the 'gun'. After cocking, the cocking mechanism will spring back into place, much like on the Maverick as opposed to the Nite-Finder. The cocking mechanism will have two joints to allow it to fold on top of the plunger tubes after being cocked.

Now, you might ask yourself, why would anyone want to make something monstrous as this? Well it's pretty much my idea for a 'Gun Gauntlet'. That's right, gauntlet, like a glove. The four plunger tubes would be mounted on the back of your hand, and each of your fingers would control each release mechanism. The barrels would extend over your fingers, and it'd have some of the quality of Wolverine's metal claws. The folding cocking mechanism would keep it out of the way of your wrist, so when you don't need to use this back up gun, you can still hold a regular gun in the same hand. When you're out of ammo, you cock with your other hand, switch that gun to your free hand and you can simply shoot with your fingers! I've obviously not made this thing yet, and I'm not even sure if it's feasible. I don't have the materials to make it on hand (no pun intended), so I'm not even certain I could make it if i had the time and know-how. What I'm posting this for is to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you think it'd be an awesome idea, if it's do-able, and anything else. I got really excited about this idea, and I've been 'air-nerfing' with my imaginary gun gauntlet all day, haha.

#105068 Crap, My Modded Nite Finder!

Posted by Yazzeh on 12 May 2007 - 01:06 AM in Modifications

CPVC is smaller than PVC, and has an inner diameter of about .524" (Could be wrong on that one, Slug knows it for sure).
And how long is that barrel? You'd most likely get better ranges shortening it a bit.
And to fix your problem: Check for leaks, especially around the barrel/plunger tube connection, and, like Newbie said, it could be that the break caused a crack in your plunger tube.
If none of those work, check your plunger head and O-rings and make sure they aren't messed up.
And before you decide to close it back up, lube the O-rings/plunger tube with a rubber/plastic safe lubricant, I like to use Silicon Lube. Do not use Petroleum based products, as they will eat away at the rubber.

Yes, it is CPVC. I'm too lazy to check the width of it's walls right now.

The barrel is approximately 4.5 inches, which is what I read on quite a few nite finder guides to be a decent length. I thought it was a bit long too, but I'm running low on CPVC, and I don't even know if I could replace the barrel after I cut it down and lost any preformance, since it's epoxied on quite well. Where might I find Silicon Lube? Besides in a sex-shop of course >.>

#104898 Crap, My Modded Nite Finder!

Posted by Yazzeh on 10 May 2007 - 07:02 PM in Modifications

It's not the screw port that's causing the drop in range. I don't know what is, but that isn't it. I've had that happen on two or three NFs and none lost any range as a result of it. Do a tune-up on the gun. Make sure everything's sealed up with a good airtight glue (hot glue, Plumber's Goop), make sure the plungerhead's sealing with the inside of the tube, make sure the darts are in good condition. Maybe add a little lube to the plungerhead and spring too.

It could be any of those things, but I can guarantee it's not the screw port because the plunger tube won't shift around too much with just one snapped, and even if it does shift around a lot that won't cause any decrease in range. If it does bother you though you can just put a dab of hot glue on each side of the tube to keep it in place, but not so much that you can't open the gun.

EDIT: What are those two darts with the black domey heads on the lower half of the case? Are the heads of them hard and plasticky? If they are I'm curious to know what gun you got them with because I have some too.

Thanks, yeah, I think you're right, I just really had nothing else to go by. I'll try a full tune up.

There's actually 3 of those darts, and yes, they have black hard plastic tips. At the power of my modded gun, those actually left little imprints on my wall. Very hard stuff. Wouldn't want to get shot in the face with one. As to where I got them? Well, I randomly found a nerf-type gun at a dollar store for a buck. The gun wasn't terrible, for a dollar (it shot about 20 feet max), especially since these darts have kinda bad balance and what-not. I've never seen another one of those guns at a dollar store since I bought that one a year and some ago. I opened up the gun to see if I could mod it, but the thing was horrifyingly cheaply made. It broke apart under gentle handling. At least now I have an extra random spring and almost useless plunger tube (it's practically as big as CPVC).

#104883 Crap, My Modded Nite Finder!

Posted by Yazzeh on 10 May 2007 - 06:32 PM in Modifications

It doesn't look like it should have that huge of an impact on the gun to me, so long as it's closed tightly.

I know, but it was closed tightly. I don't even know how that piece had enough room to jolt out of place! You can see the plunger tube through slits on both sides of the gun and I think that it even adds some holding power. I just have no idea where there was enough of a jolt for it to snap the plastic. Also, I think the plastic holding piece on top is also losing strength. Looks to be turning slightly white-ish, as if it's ready to snap the center of itself out. This is really depressing me. This was my first modded nerf gun and I've only had it for maybe 3 weeks.

#104880 Crap, My Modded Nite Finder!

Posted by Yazzeh on 10 May 2007 - 06:17 PM in Modifications

Ok, so, I have my Nite Finder and it was all nice and modded. I replaced the red LED light with a laser pointer (which was accurate to about 2-3 cm), I replaced the double AAs with the button cells, I added 6 ammo holders (can't really see them, since the gun is just showing off its guts in this pic), removed the air restrictor, replaced the barrel, stretched the spring and I added some bungee on the outside (wasn't too taught).

Now the problem is... Well, one of the pieces holding the plunger tube in place snapped. You can see it in the picture, it's the bottom piece of the plunger tube. I'm wondering what you guys might suggest as a fix for this?

I took my ranges before this snapped and they were about 52' on average shooting straight. Now I only get somewhere around 35'. Not exactly sure why, but I'm assuming it has something to do with the plunger tube screwhole snapping.

Thanks for any help! Here's the picture:
Posted Image

#104071 Shells From Double Shot And Rapid Fire Rifle

Posted by Yazzeh on 05 May 2007 - 04:23 PM in Modifications

Ahhhh... That helps a lot... So shall I remove the black washer and spring?

I've tried sawing off the straight part of the shell at the top and replacing it with CPVC, but now the dart barely leaves the shell when I fire... I'm guessing it's too tight a fit, but I'm using two inches of 1/2" CPVC, following a mod of the Double Shot I saw elsewhere on the forums... They said they got 3 times the distance. Do I need different CPVC?

Edit: Haha, ok, nevermind that. I finally figured out how to remove the bottom piece of the rod. Everything works fine. I read the other mod wrong where it said it gave it 3 times the range, it was 3 times the power. Which is about right. It shoots harder, but it's range is only increased by a foot at most in the Double Shot. Seems like a waste of effort to mod the shells like that alone. Thanks for your help guys!

#104052 Shells From Double Shot And Rapid Fire Rifle

Posted by Yazzeh on 05 May 2007 - 02:54 PM in Modifications

I'm curious as to how the shells from the Ruff Stuff Double Shot and the Ruff Stuff Rapid Fire Rifle work. I noticed that there's a black ring inside that's pushed down when you insert darts, what is the purpose of that? Also, would Stefans work with the shells once the rod is removed? Also, what is that small circle on the bottom of the shells, it's a small indent on the plastic right outside of the circle signifying the seal?

I want to understand the mechanisms fully before I venture out to try some random mods, since I don't have easy access to replacements for them.
