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#97743 Bayonets

Posted by Starbuck on 05 January 2007 - 06:45 AM in General Nerf

We implemented a melee rule last time I played.

It was ok. Not entirely the most useful thing ever, but kinda' fun.

I made a bayonet years ago for my SM5k. Never used it.

#97524 'appy New Year

Posted by Starbuck on 01 January 2007 - 08:00 PM in Off Topic

It's 2:00 am here in the Confederate States of America, but 'appy new year, you buncha' flunkies!

Shame. In 142 years they haven't updated your textbooks down there?

Happy new year, all.

Eh, when I graduated we were still usin' slate and chisels. Paper came a few years later... :rolleyes:

#97497 Longshot Front Gun's Handle...

Posted by Starbuck on 01 January 2007 - 02:05 AM in General Nerf

Hey everyone. I've been modding the hell out of the LS, but today was the first day I decided to open up the front gun. As I expected, it was rubbish. But I DID notice that to my surprise, it had a DETACHABLE handle/trigger.

Which naturally leads to the question of weather or not it is possible to make a homemade with the LS handle as your grip. It's quite comfortable and houses a nice little piece that would save a good deal of time making. Can this be done, has it been done, and is it practical?

Also, I have a general question of Nerf Forums etiquette. In one of my topics I posted a picture of a mod. Someone said I should re-do it, as it wasn't as good as it could be. I then re-did it. But I was the last one to post in that topic. It wasn't really important enough to start a new topic about, and I didn't want to double-post. What is the proper "Netiquette" thing to do?

Thank you in advance!


I'm sure you can adapt the front handle anyway you want. For a long time, attached it to the lower bi-pod section and used as a vertical foregrip til I decided to mount a Titan under there.

On the subject of double posting... in your case, a double post would have been deemed acceptable. You were adding to the original subject and bringing the topic anew. If you had just edited the original message, then it would not have showed up as new and thus some people who had already read it would not have checked back to see the new info since it showed no new posts. I believe we can agree that is an acceptable double post.

#97496 'appy New Year

Posted by Starbuck on 01 January 2007 - 01:59 AM in Off Topic

It's 2:00 am here in the Confederate States of America, but 'appy new year, you buncha' flunkies!

#97482 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 31 December 2006 - 08:12 PM in Modifications

How are getting such ranges with the micros in the MPL? And that is a pretty sick gun. I like the mods, and good to see somebody turn the LS into a small battalion's worth of Nerf firepower.

Well the MPL is a Titan in all regards to performance. It's common for Titans to get 200+ feet with micros if not much further.

Glad you like it.

#97466 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 31 December 2006 - 01:28 PM in Modifications

Umm.. do the balls shoot out the orange barrel or the smaller one.. and how? I always wanted to make a ball shooter but I never found the right pipe.

I take a nice chewed up Nerf ball, I'm talking one that came with my Ballzooka back in '95, and stuff it into the Titan barrel. I had to Dremel the inside of it a bit to fit the ball ammunition.

#97457 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 31 December 2006 - 02:37 AM in Modifications

Be careful with those springs in new style nfs, unless you are going to be reinforcing the plunger rods. I have broken three with these springs without even seeing too much use. I have to admit they are pretty good springs, although they are kinda hard to cut.

They are rediculous to cut. I had to whip out the ol' Dremel cutting disc to cut three coils off to fit it in my DT-3 pistol.

My experience with the Handyman and Nite Finders has been pleasant. I've had two plunger head break on me from about six months worth of use, though. I reinforced the plunger head with a steel disc and I've had no problems since. They'll boot a dart out damn near 100 feet in a Nite Finder, and I've hit over that several times.

The Longshot can take the Handyman springs without a problem. I've seen no signs of stress in the casing after four months of use. The only drawback is for a younger kid, it might be hard to operate the bolt. Sometimes it will jam in but I nice heavy jerk remedies that.

#97423 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 30 December 2006 - 04:10 PM in Modifications

You used one of those heavy duty Nitefinder springs right? Is noise a problem, or have you done somethign to eliminate that?

No, no... I use "Handyman Springs." It's a spring I get from my local Home Depot. They are the length of a first generation Nite Finder spring, but are much heavier. They're just beast springs. And no, noise isn't a problem. Just fill in some empty spaces with FBR.

These springs are really great. I have one in all three of my NF's.

Absolutely the best springs, ever. They'll power anything, really. Plus a two pack of em' are only $2.50.

I've been using them for three years now.

#97420 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 30 December 2006 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

Ok, but if the spring is the length of a old version NF, doesn't it rattle around and create a big ruckus when fired since it isn't long enough?

Eh, no not really. If I drop it and throw it out the window, yeah it'll make a noise. But just general use and such do not produce noises. I've just never had a problem with it.

#97412 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 30 December 2006 - 02:45 PM in Modifications

You used one of those heavy duty Nitefinder springs right? Is noise a problem, or have you done somethign to eliminate that?

No, no... I use "Handyman Springs." It's a spring I get from my local Home Depot. They are the length of a first generation Nite Finder spring, but are much heavier. They're just beast springs. And no, noise isn't a problem. Just fill in some empty spaces with FBR.

#97314 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 28 December 2006 - 02:26 PM in Modifications

Scary and intimidating? Hell yeah. Good looking and clean? No. I love that you can fire all these different types of ammo. I can't stand seeing things like zip ties holding the internals of another gun onto the main peice. The stripper clips are badass. So overall I got mixed reviews one this one.

One thing I would reccomend is cutting off the bipod and cutting out that blue bit that comes with it underneath the bipod. Make sure it is straight and then epoxy,goop,glue the Titan pressure chamber onto the gun where the bipod used to be. Then using some big peice of PVC maybe 1.5 or 2" in diameter. Cut that in a half pipe and make some kinda of attachment to it so the Titan now becomes a pump action. Much like how that Laser master blaser gun worked.

What can I say I love the pump action. ;)


It's attached to the CS-6 via black zip ties. The reasoning behind the zip ties is that I did not want to remove the bi-pod. If I wanted to take off the MPL, I'd just cut the zip ties. The MPL is very secure and does not move at all. The valve release rod has a small knob attached for easier firing. The MPL is fairly accurate once you get used to the system.

The whole point of the MPL at this stage is to be removeable. Yes, I actually use the bi-pod feature on the Longshot, especially when indoors. Therefore, I did not remove the bi-pod. I chose to attach the MPL using zip ties since they are easy to work with. So yes, I was fully aware that taking out the whole front under section would afford lots of room, and I might do that in the future, but the bi-pod are useful to me in certain situations. For what it is, a removeable launcher on a stock gun shell, it's as clean as one can get.

I agree, the zip ties are not pleasing to the eye. A nice paint job should make the ties less noticeable. I'll be painting it soon, so no worries.

Wow! Great mod. What spring did you use to replace or add? did you add any barrel material? Did you increase the real between the bolt and barrel? Thanks a lot

Thank you, sir. The spring I used is from Home Depot. They are called "Handyman Springs." They work wonders. I added no barrel material since the stock barrel is conducive for my mega stefans. And... I don't believe I understand your last question, InkJet.

#97301 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 28 December 2006 - 12:06 AM in Modifications

Glad you all like it.

I am more than pleased with the setup. One might surmise that the weight of the weapon becomes excessive once the MPL is mounted, but it's not bad at all.

I feel that I'm not quite finished with it. Seems that there is something else to be done...

#97287 Artemis T-25 Cs-6 Longshot/mpl

Posted by Starbuck on 27 December 2006 - 07:41 PM in Modifications

So it's been months since I've officially released anything from the Armory. I've been working on several projects at once, which is a bad idea, but keeps me busy nonetheless! Anyway, gentlemen, Artemis Arms is proud to present to you...

The Artemis T-25 CS-6 with Mk. II Devastator MPL (Multi-purpose Launcher)

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1. The Mark II Devastator MPL. Titan airtank and pump with new heavy duty plastic tubing to ensure no leaking. There is a 1/2" CPVC coupler epoxied to the threaded front of the airtank to accept barrels.

2. 7" 1/2" CPVC barrel nested into 1/2" PVC barrel. Insert into the MPL's coupler for shotgun/long range weapon. Capable of firing single mircos, megas, or 6 megas in shotgun fashion.

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3. Nerf balls. Perhaps the most underrated of all ammo. I found that firing the standard Nerf ball from the MPL's stock barrel yields a most pleasant surprise.

4. Standard Titan rockets. I always wanted to take a Titan left in rocket launching configuration into a fire fight, but was too cumbersome. I have an excuse to field one now.

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5. CS-6 stripper clip. I talked about these here. The fastest way to replenish Longshot magazines.

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6. A nice NC Star red dot tactical scope. Provides pinpoint accuracy with micros.




Long- 91.3 feet
Short- 83.4 feet
Average- 87.7 feet


Long- 91.4 feet
Short- 78.5 feet
Avg- 88.4 feet


Long: 179.4'
Short: 153.7'
Average: 163.2'

Long: 77.7'
Short: 63.1'
Average: 68.2'

Long: 240.4'
Short: 222.6'
Average: 237.9'

Long: 203.2'
Short: 187.8'
Average: 196.5'

Megas fired in shotgun form
Spread: 2' spread consistently
Range: Averaged out at a near constant 56'.

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Intimidating, no? (And thanks to my dad for being the hand model)


The Longshot itself is nothing out of the ordinary. Has the standard spring replacement and air restrictor removal modifications that you would expect to see.

The MPL is a nifty addition to the Longshot. Not only does in provide a railgun/shotgun, but a fearsome rocket launcher. One of my cohorts told me that it was like have a "combat boot shot at me." It's attached to the CS-6 via black zip ties. The reasoning behind the zip ties is that I did not want to remove the bi-pod. If I wanted to take off the MPL, I'd just cut the zip ties. The MPL is very secure and does not move at all. The valve release rod has a small knob attached for easier firing. The MPL is fairly accurate once you get used to the system.

The MPL is angled slighty to compensate for it being mounted so low. This improves accuracy quite a bit. Yes, I will be painting the whole system very soon. Yes, I am aware that this looks like an M203 grenade launcher.

I usually do not like optics on my weapons, but I had this red dot that was borked, so I rewired it and stuck it on my CS-6. I zeroed it in as best I could and it turned out to be an excellent addition. Yes, it can handle the vibration of spring/air guns.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with my system. It offeres me a stable multi-shot infatry weapon, a long range rifle, a close range shotgun, and an intimidating rocket launcher.

I hope you all enjoyed this Artemis Arms modification. And as always feel free to ask questions. Stay tuned for more Starbuck/Noid modifications.

Edit- Ranges added

#97065 Merry Christmas From...

Posted by Starbuck on 24 December 2006 - 11:58 PM in Off Topic

Merry Christmas from Horvath:

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Have a safe one, ya'll.

#97012 Crossbow Help

Posted by Starbuck on 24 December 2006 - 01:06 AM in Modifications

I've ran into this a long time ago. In general, brass is not conducive for stock darts. Try using 1/2" CPVC if you intend on using stock rounds. Also, if you install a 1/2" CPVC barrel, the barrel would be best if it were around 6".

Hope that helps.

#96915 Hello, Gentlemen.

Posted by Starbuck on 21 December 2006 - 08:13 PM in General Nerf

On the football topic, I play Tight end and Strong Safety. Its kiind of a wierd combonation. I like TE but you get absolutly crushed when catching the pass right over the middle.

How fast are you guys in terms of running a 40 yard dash?

I run a 4.78 which is pretty good.

Starbuck, did you recieve my email?


I'm slow as molasses, but thats cause I play line. Natch. I'm working out more, and once frisbee at lunch starts back up, that should help alot.

Nah, I played safety way back in the day. It's fun.

When I was at UT last summer, I was clocked in at 4.77. However, you have to consider that I'm 6'5" 250 pounds, too. With my size I usually don't worry about defensive backs too much. I usually go right on over them.

Jack, got your guns packed, but post office closed before I could get there. I'll try to get them out tomorrow, just depends on traffic this nutty holiday season.

Also, I have one person's guns unclaimed. By my records, they belong to lilsniper. Lilsniper, e-mail me at chubsmartin at gmail dot com and I'll get your stuff back to you plus compensation. I need to get in contact with you.

#96890 Splitfire Problem

Posted by Starbuck on 20 December 2006 - 11:15 PM in General Nerf

Make sure:

1. The weights are heavy enough, rounds that are too light tend to sail off target
2. The weight is centered
3. The dart body is for the most part straight.

#96887 Splitfire Problem

Posted by Starbuck on 20 December 2006 - 10:56 PM in General Nerf

Hrm, forgot something...

Make sure your weight is dead centered. If not it'll cause one side to be heavier thus causing odd flight.

Yes, Stefans I've used with holes are generally not as accurate. Most of the time this is due to bad placment of the hole.

I stick to solid rounds for all my ammunition.

#96884 Splitfire Problem

Posted by Starbuck on 20 December 2006 - 10:45 PM in General Nerf

I am re doing the barrels to make sure they are straight, I will check the inner lip of the two brass sections. My darts are about 1-1.5 inches long.


That's about the right. Anything over two inches is a bit much.

You don't burn holes in the back of your rounds do you?

#96882 Splitfire Problem

Posted by Starbuck on 20 December 2006 - 10:37 PM in General Nerf

Dart length could have something to do with it. Long darts tend to wipe out in flight.

#96867 Help Me! My Airtechs Are Not Working

Posted by Starbuck on 20 December 2006 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

So i cant fix it?

No and yes. No, you can't replace the valve inside. Yes, you can replace the pump tube altogether and remedy the problem.

Post in the trading forum and try to find a new AT2k pump tube. Someone is bound to have one.

#96865 Help Me! My Airtechs Are Not Working

Posted by Starbuck on 20 December 2006 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

I tried underwater and it was coming from inside the pump. Its not the oring. it will put air in the tank but then it comes out from inside the pump. Like if i pushed the pump back and let go the pump flies out a few feet

This is a common problem in air powered blasters that I have encountered countless times over the years. Not many realize what the problem is.

Observe, good man:

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When you pump air into the tank, air is pushed through the pump tube valve, through the air line into the air tank chamber. The pump tube valve allows air being pushed in to pass, but the pressure from the air tank keeps the valve shut so that no air escapes back into the pump tube. What has happened is that the pump tube valve has been damaged. I've had several come out of the package like this, so it might not be your fault.

I know my picture is beautiful. I frolic in artistic meadows of creativity.

Hope that helps.

#96780 Notes From The Armory

Posted by Starbuck on 19 December 2006 - 01:48 AM in Modifications

Well it's been months since I've posted anything constructive, so I'll post some things I've noted while working in the ol' Armory.

The Longshot

The last gun I modded some three months ago. The front gun is useless in my opinion. I saw it to be a Scout with a new shell. It has no value to me so it's in parts bucket #12. The gun stock is an excellent weapon for indoor use. It's fairly accurate and has an excellent rate of fire.

I'm sure mods are out there for the Longshot already, I just haven't had time to sit down and look at them. It is a great idea to undertake the general modifications on this blaster. However, it is not an entry level mod, so inexperienced modders beware. A Dremel tool in invaluable when fiddling with one of these. Perform the usual air restrictior removal to start off with.

The spring in this blaster is so-so. It's big, but a tad on the weakside. I use on almost every mod, a new spring. The spring of choice at the Armory is Handyman Springs from Home Depot. They are the length of a first generation Nite Finder, but twice as thick. The spring will compress in most Nerf guns, but I will throw a word of caution to you. Reinforce the casing with some sort of metal. I use aluminum or brass. Really just anything to give added support.

A good idea is to install a nice sturdy rubberband from the front of the Longshot to the bolt. This will bring the bolt forward after cocking elminating you manually doing it after each shot. I installed a spring on the side to do this, but this is slightly more complex. Remember that everything time you want to put in a fresh magazine, you'll have to hold the bolt open otherwise it will shut with no magazine. I find the automatic bolt closing method to be a bit quicker in combat.

The magazines are very well made for a Nerf product. I find that I can load in seven micro rounds into the magazine. Most of you know that I am a champion of the larger caliber mega dart. I found that mega Stefans will fit in the clip and chamber in the weapon. Megas chamber nice and tight which is always a good thing. They most definitely hit harder than micros and I found little to no deviation in range between the mega and micro when fired from the Longshot. I find accuracy to be bit better due to the shorter, stouter build. This stabilizes the dart a bit better than that of the micro. The only drawback is that the magazine will only accomodate six megas due to their larger diameter.

The drawback to the Longshot itself is the magazines. You only receive two with the blaster. This can present a problem with reloading. I fixed this problem by fabricating stripper clips from cassette tape casings. You'll only want the side that the tape fits down into. Dremel out the bottom piece of plastic to allow the rounds to slide out:

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The whole stripper clip should slide right down into the magazine, thus charging the spent magazine. Now put your finger on the top round and pull the stripper clip up out of the magazine. Six or seven rounds are now in the the replenished magazine. I will post pictures of the loading process in the morning to simplify things. The stripper clip retains the darts well, so no need to worry about rounds falling out. The stripper clip accomodates either micros or megas. I've made four of these to keep in pouches during battle. This is infintely faster than reloading the magazines round by round.

Streamline rounds are actually quite good. They've been in use around here for a good while with good effect. However, Stefan rounds are ultimately your best choice. This takes us to the next section, ammunition.


I have been handloading my ammunition for years. I was using the tried and true fish sinker as the weighting system in all of my rounds. However, fabricating rounds for the Longshot proved to be difficult. The standard sinker was too heavy and the round would drop while flying down range.

I remedied this by testing the optimum weighted round for the Longshot. The standard streamline is 14.6 grains on a gunpowder scale and is in excess of two inches. I experimented and found the optimum length to be 1.75 inches. The most effective weight is 13.6 grains. I have replaced the old fish sinker with shotgun pellets. A single pellet weighs in at .8 grains. A 1.75 inch piece of foam backer rod with five pellets give us 12.3 grains. The way I load the Longshot rounds is to take my foam backer rod and make an "X" shape insicion on the top end. I put five pellets in the incisions like so:

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Place a nice dome of hot glue to seal the pellets in. Your end weight should be 13.6 plus or minus. Be sure when placing the pellets to make sure they are evenly spaced so the one side is not weighted more than the other because this obviously causes decreased accuracy and wobbly flight.

When handloading a mega round for the Longshot, the length should be 1.5 inches with five pellets. The weight still comes out to a nice 13.6.

The ranges from these darts fired from a Longshot are as follows:

Long- 91.3 feet
Short- 83.4 feet
Average- 87.7 feet

Long- 91.4 feet
Short- 78.5 feet
Avg- 88.4 feet

I find that these rounds I loaded specifically for the Longshot work well with other blasters, too. Therefore, I have made the switch to all of my rounds to the new weight system and make sure every dart is acceptable for combat in accuracy, stability, and hitting power. I suggest before you Nerf, to take about fifty rounds and test fire them. Make sure they are shooting where you want them to. You are bound to find unsatisfactory rounds in your batch. Take only the rounds that will best serve you.

Thus, gentlemen, I will preach consistency when handloading for your blasters. Take pride in your ammunition making. Experiment and see what you can come up with for your different blasters.

I have concluded that the Longshot is more than adequate for all major styles of combat. Once modified, it is pleasingly strong enough to cast rounds well past the 80 foot mark consistently. Some indoor players stray from the use of Stefans and will find that the stock Streamline will perform well. The volume of fire is nearly double that of a traditional muzzleloading Crossbow or BBB.

I hope you find this article useful. Thanks for reading.

#96730 Hello, Gentlemen.

Posted by Starbuck on 18 December 2006 - 01:36 AM in General Nerf


Can you send me my guns back?

Edit- I emailed you.


Expect an e-mail tomorrow, my good man. It's 1:35 am here.

I'm sorry about the whole mess.

#96687 Hello, Gentlemen.

Posted by Starbuck on 16 December 2006 - 09:13 PM in General Nerf

Ah, Piney. So glad to see you alive and kickin'. You old farts have a tendancy to drop dead (damn heart attacks). <_< Glad to hear everyone is good and Talio found his way back.

When you walk into your basement/workshop and you have a sense of dread come about you when you are getting ready to modify a Nerf gun, you know something is wrong. That's how bad it got. Time management is a skill I am slowly learning. Slowly. Very slowly.

I played tight end in football. I'm more of a receiver, flexing out wide in a shotgun offense.

Sad to hear some of the veterans are m.i.a.

#96668 Hello, Gentlemen.

Posted by Starbuck on 16 December 2006 - 02:57 PM in General Nerf

Mods n' Admin... feel free to move this topic to wherever you feel it appropriate. I haven't been here in long I dunno what is up and what is down. The place has changed... not as dark and evil as I remember it last.

Hello, gentlemen. It's been quite a while. I believe it's been four or five months. The stresses of being a freshman college student has caught up to me. Nerf for the past five months have ground to a halt. However, I did manage to purchase a Longshot the first day it was released in my area and modded it out the wazoo. Perhaps pictures will come later this evening, depends on how Nerfy I feel. My life was derailed around early August with things I don't like to talk about and the following months had not been much better. I attempted to play football at a major divison school, but I decided to hold off and figure out my life before I tried that. Came back to school here in town and was swamped with this and that. Also had some bad family issues, not going to get off on to that, either. However, I did manage to increase my firearms collection two-fold. I have many WWII firearms now and just bought a Walther P-38 today. Ah, I love 9mms.

Artemis Arms is still in semi-existence. My partner, like myself, is a freshman in college and he as well struggles to make it. I believe I got all guns back to customers except for two, if my book records are correct (and they are). Gentlemen, if you will e-mail me at : chubsmartin at gmail dot com, I will get your guns back to you, plus a full refund and some compensation for me holding your weapons. No worries, they were not used, they were cleaned, and stored in a temperature controlled room. I wasn't trying to steal your guns or be dishonest in anyway, shape, or form. Life hit hard and I was thrown off track. I hope you will accept my most sincere apology for this brouhaha. To my customers that did receive their stuff before the calamity, I'm glad to hear you are most satisfied with my work.

About the future of Artemis Arms. I am going to quit the custom gun work. I will, however, be modifying standard handguns and rifles with customization options, but I will no longer accept personal guns to be modfied. It proved to be troublesome.

Now on to regular forum matters. Some questions... Is Piney still alive? Boltsniper, are you still on cranking out shenanigans I wish I could have? Are the regulars still here or have the noobs run us over? Any groundbreaking mods? New Admins/mods? Ah!! It's been too long! Someone update me!

Gentlemen, I apologize for my lack of communication, especially to my customers. I thank you for choosing Artemis Arms and hope you will enjoy future modifications brought to you by me.

#82589 Spoon

Posted by Starbuck on 31 May 2006 - 11:49 PM in Off Topic

That is, if he's still alive.

Seijin and I's current staning thepory is that we'll find him dead in his house on his couch in his underwear with the war channel still turned on.

In the event he ever shows up again, though, happy birthday mother fucker!

The "Die hard Nerf man" died?

Either way, happy birthday oh ye deceas-ed one.

His website was the first website on here that showed me the wide world of modding.

#82583 Nightfinder Ex3 W/ Removable Stock

Posted by Starbuck on 31 May 2006 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

You're on the right track, mate. Try to clean it up a bit. Overall, good effort and I like where you're going.

Plus pistols are pistols because they are small your stock just defeats the purpose unless for some reason your going to use it as your primary.

Yeah, that's why I made the stock for mine. The guy plays indoors therefore range is not king as in the outdoor genre. It is his primary.

#82221 Removable Stocks

Posted by Starbuck on 22 May 2006 - 04:52 PM in Modifications


Yeah, both of these stocks started out to be folders, but I grew impatient and stuck with the fixed style. I'll get around to modifying these into folders. Also, a telescopic stock it already is the works as we speak.

Believe it or not, the SuperMaxx stock doesn't move at all. I cut the joint so that it fits with the contour of the tank and the screw keeps it nice and tight.

#82216 Removable Stocks

Posted by Starbuck on 22 May 2006 - 12:41 PM in Modifications

I released pictures of some of my custom Nite Finders. They are actually good handguns, but I don't prefer them. When using modified Nite Finders indoors, especially using new springs and rubber banding, they get in the 70 feet range which is superb for indoor combat. Well, as most of you all saw in my last post showing some custom Nite Finders (can bee seen here), they are nifty pistols. I felt that since my Nerfing experiences are now geared torwards indoor warfare, I felt that to have a small carbine that held multiple shots was necessary. I pondered upon what base to build the carbine on and got a wonderful idea from my Jane's Book of Infantry Weapons 1976. I saw many pistols that had detachable shoulder stocks. I thought this was a marvel idea and so I pursued a detachable shoulder stock for my Nite Finders. This is what I came up with:

The stock is inserted into the battery housing in the grip frame of the Nite Finder. The inserts that go into the battery well are made of 1/2" CPVC sanded to down to give a nice, tight fit. These inserts are attached via hot glue and a hefty screw into/onto a piece of 1/2" PVC. There is a 90 degree 1/2" PVC coupler on the back of the stock with another piece of 1/2" PVC in that. I then took some foam and wrapped around the back end for more comfort when firing. Along the left side, I mounted four double ammo holders left over from the Nite Finders. There is electrical tape in the photo, which detracts from the overall beauty, but I have since removed the tape and is more pleasing to the eye.

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The Artemis Arms Tec 9 with stock and magazine. As you can see, the ammo holders keep both stefans and stock darts, whatever your preference is.

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The Artemis Arms Tec 9 disassembled.

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Here the stock is mounted to another Nite Finder. The stock is universal with all Nite Finders.

And here's the latest stock I've fabricated. It's used with SuperMaxx 5000s and SuperMaxx 1000s. Its build is pretty much the same as the Nite Finder's, but mounts differently. I took a 1/2" PVC T joint and cut it out so that it would slide on the back of a SuperMaxx gun with the " ] " shape on the back of the tank. I then drilled a hole and put a screw and wing nut through it to secure it on. To put on or take off the stock takes about five seconds. I know it's not painted yet, but I will eventually.

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The simple stock attached to a standard SM5k and the Artemis Arms T-26 Tactical Carbine.

After some accuracy testing, there is enough data to suggest that a stock on a gun improves accuracy and gives the shooter more stability. One might look at these and say that it is cumbersome or unecessary. But, if you know me, you know that I don't like frivolous attachments. I see it as an advantage to mount a stock onto a Nite Finder to increase accuracy and to offer easier access to ammunition. Plus, since the stocks are detachble, it's easy to convert the gun back into the standard form.

Feel free to ask questions. I hope you've enjoyed another Artemis Arms innovation.

#82207 Artemis Arms Presents...

Posted by Starbuck on 22 May 2006 - 12:14 AM in Modifications

Much thanks, gentlemen.

To answer a couple questions:

The magazine is flawless. The darts have not fallen out once when he or I have carried it in several different expeditions. It turned out 110% better than I could have imagined.

The industrial springs I use are purchased at my Home Depot. I think the pack (two springs) is $3.90ish. I've put those springs in all customs Nite Finders I've done thus far and all I hear is positive results as far as performance goes. Most of my customers tell me that my guns shoot where you point them, so if a target is missed, it's the shooter's fault... not the gun. :P

#82176 Artemis Arms Presents...

Posted by Starbuck on 21 May 2006 - 05:38 PM in Modifications

It's been a good while since I've posted anything productive, so here it goes.

These are just some custom Nite Finders that different people have contracted Artemis Arms to build for them. All guns were built by me to the exact specs that the customer gives.

Posted Image

This gun was ordered by ucdk9. It was built by his specifications. I installed a Mini Mag-Lite in the old laser box, I mounted a laser pointer to the left side, installed a new heavy duty industrial spring with reinforcement and a 1/2" CPVC barrel nested into 1/2" PVC. The Mag-Lite is activated by pulling the trigger like on a stock Nite Finder. He requested the whole gun to be painted black. He was quite pleased with his gun.

Posted Image
This is three that I did for several friends. Allow me to tell you about each.

The very top gun is a very unique pistol. It started life as my original Bulldog Mk. 1 Nite Finder, an upgraded mega firing Nite Finder. I did extensive work on the body with bondo. I filled in the grooves on the back of the grip and sanded it even to give a much better feel. After seeing Piney's EX-3 with the extended sight plane, I decided to give it a complete sight plane and build out the end. I also put some lead .44 caliber bullets into the grip where the batteries go to help balance the weight. It fires mega darts with freakish accuracy and gets superb ranges for what it is. This new model has been named the Artemis Arms Bulldog Mk. 2 "Contender." The paintjob looks much better up close and it real life... the chrome looks funky with the camera. Whoever ends up the owner of this one will be a lucky person.

The middle pistol is a very simple one. It has all unecessary shenanigans removed. It has a new industrial strength spring with reinforcement on the plunger head. The barrel is 1/2" CPVC nested in 1/2" PVC and then a 1/2" coupler added to that. This is so that different attachments that the customer wants such as a detachable flashlight, silencer, ect. can be secured and removed easily.

The last is a rather nifty little pistol. One of my Nerfing buddies contracted me for this one. He wanted a good pistol for indoors, but wanted me to come up with something new. I built this Nite Finder on the original NF body. I upgraded his spring and removed the laser components. I then wanted to use my creative freedom. I installed the 1/2" CPVC barrel and installed a ported 3/4" CPVC shroud over it and it crossed my mind that it looked in a funny way like an Intratec Tec 9. I then wanted to install something to mimick the magazine like the Tec 9. I took a piece of 1/2" PVC and cut out a hole in the bottom of the Nite Finder so that it would fit inside where the former laser was housed. This fake "magazine" would be used a forward grip and after accuracy testing, there was enough data to suggest that the forward grip increased accuracy. However, personally I do not like to put on things that are unecessary such as fake magazines, laser lights, ect so I looked to make it into more than a vertical forward hand grip. I then remembered the style Nerf we play around here now. It was moved indoors into a church, so it's close quarters combat. One thing that really will get you killed in these conditions is reloading. I wear a bandolier across my chest so that ammo is easy to reach, but many just keep ammo in their pockets. My friend who contracted me is one who uses his pockets. I got the idea to make this grip into a tube magazine for dart storage. But then arose the question of how to keep the darts in the tube without falling out, but are easy to access when needed. I came up with putting a piece of string across the bottom with a fishing sinker attached in the middle. The darts are stacked vertical in the pipe and are held in place by the sinker/string. To access a round, merely hit the sinker with your finger and a round pops out. The sinker's weight returns the string to its original place in time to catch the next dart that falls down the pipe. Here's a close up of the magazine:
Posted Image

The magazine holds 7 stefans or 4 stock rounds. It is surprisingly useful, especially if you don't have time to reach down in pockets/pouches/ect. It is detachable so it can be removed to be holstered or to use as a standard sized sidearm. And yes... I don't condone painting guns solid black. It was done at his request.

Let me know what you all think about those. If you're interested in custom gun work, PM me and we shall talk. As always, feel free to ask questions. I hope you've enjoyed another Starbuck/Noid modification.

#82047 Revival!

Posted by Starbuck on 18 May 2006 - 11:59 PM in General Nerf

Ok, I'm going to update everyone:

As of right now, we're working on the models. I've had school work and I'm going to the state track meet next week to throw discus, but I've managed to start modeling pistols. No textures yet.

I'm thinking right now, that this is going to start out as a gun skin pack for CS:S to whet everyone's appetite, but as I get going, we'll start our own scripting. I found a hold out of about 50 original NAB players from when I was big into the game and they're psyched and are ready to help.

To answer questions:

Are you going to put the game on a site so everyone online can play it if you make it?

Yes, once we're done, I'll upload it to the Artemis Arms website once both are complete and it'll be on there for all to enjoy.

Oh, and yeah, the Supermaxx 1500 makes more sense. But then again, it doesn't: it's effectivley the same gun as the AT2K, but they're both included? I kinda though redundancy would be bad. Like putting in a Larami Supermaxx 2000, and putting in a Nerf Supermaxx 5000: basically the same gun.

Well, in a CS:S sense, the Steyr AUG and the Sig 552 Commando is pretty much the same gun, aye? They both are full auto and they have zoome capabilities. Well, the SM1500 and the AT2k are two different guns with similar qualities, range and several shots. I was just trying to get the details right in this rough draft.

Thanks for the interest. Look for more updates and pictures of model rendering soon!

#82045 Breech W/o Coupler Or Dremel

Posted by Starbuck on 18 May 2006 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

That's similar to my standard Artemis breech system.

I don't like using couplers. I'm cool like that.

Well done.

#81572 Revival!

Posted by Starbuck on 09 May 2006 - 04:17 PM in General Nerf

That's supposed to be SuperMaxx 1500, not 500. Didn't notice my typo.

The loading and stuff is being drawn up. I'm not entirely sure as of this moment how it will work, but I gurantee something is being worked on.

The mods will be available to guns it applies to.

The damage will depend upon what type of dart hits you. Megas obviously do more damage, yet have less range whereas micros fly forever, but pack a smaller punch. As far as one shot one kill, that would be rediculous in my opinion.

All weapons will have a specific ammo type.

The sounds aren't even on the drawing board yet.

I'm glad to see you all have taken a keen interest in this. I'll keep you posted.

#81543 Revival!

Posted by Starbuck on 08 May 2006 - 10:13 PM in General Nerf

Ok, so I'm laying in bed and can't really sleep...

I'm thinking of the old Nerf Arena Blast days and when I was admin at Nerf Online. I'm thinking of how great that game was and it hits me... does it still have players? A quick yahoo search brings up a small community of maybe 50 players still playing it. Then an idea... what about a mod for it? Update the graphics, new gun models, sound, bleh, bleh...

I talked to my buddy, and he's already started on it. He said something about using the Source engine that was used with CS:S, HL2, and DoD:S. I've already drawn up the weapons:

Nite Finder (Glock)
Tech Target (H&K USP)
Lock N' Load (Sig Compact)
Sharpshooter 2 (IMI Desert Eagle)
Dual Mavericks (Beretta 92s)

Wildfire/Rapid Fire 20 (Fabrique Nationale P90)
Power Clip (Steyr TMP and Ingram Mac 10)
Razorbeast (Fabrique Nationale M249)
Chainblazer (H&K Mp5)
Arrowstorm (H&K UMP45)

AirTech 3000 (Famas F1)
Bolstsniper's F.A.R. (Colt M4A1 (duh!))
Sawtooth (IMI Galil)
Starbuck/Noid's T-26 Carbine (Avtomat Kalashnikova 47)
AirTech 2000 (Steyr AUG)
SuperMaxx 500 (Sig SG552 Commando)
Crossbow with magazine (H&K G3)
Big Bad Bow with tube magazine (Sig SG550)
SuperMaxx 5000 (Steyr Scout)
Artemis Arms Mountain Rifle/Titan (Accuracy International AWM)

Upgrades and ammo
Brass and CPVC barrels
Micro Stefans
Mega Stefans

It's a lot, but this is all in the works. I'm looking for model makers and skinners. Two of us can't do this together. If anyone is interested, please contact me. Thanks.

#81480 Vets Getting Love?

Posted by Starbuck on 07 May 2006 - 09:43 PM in General Nerf

I'm glad to see people using the oldies.

Next time I go to war, I'll probably take my DT3 setup. I almost forgot about it.

#81347 Vets Getting Love?

Posted by Starbuck on 06 May 2006 - 11:23 AM in General Nerf

You bring up excellent points, gentlemen.

Indeed the older guns do put a dent in the wallet. And as more new players join us, the only guns available to them are the newer, modern weaponry.

I honestly was more curious about the people who own the classics and still use them. I've had a couple laugh at me for arming myself with a Sharpshooter 1. I've been Nerfing before there was a Nerf Internet Community, so most of my stuff is the classic guns. I mean don't get me wrong... I love AT2ks, but then again I love old stuff. Perhaps that's why I made this: Sharpshooter 2000.

I suppose I'll be the senile nutcase running around with a Sharpshooter 2 when he's 47 years old.

#81332 Vets Getting Love?

Posted by Starbuck on 06 May 2006 - 12:07 AM in General Nerf

So I engaged in my first Nerf war in almost a year. It took place inside my friend's church. His dad is the pastor, so we pretty much can go anywhere as long as the place is neat and stuff after we leave. Anyway, I outfitted almost my entire team. Instead of using new stuff, I decided to pull out the real war vets. I used an Arrowstorm with stock Airjet megas since all ammo was to be stock. I was quite surprised to see this thing hold its own until it broke. Some Secret Shot 1s were in use as well as a couple of my Sharpshooter 1s. The only modern weaponry was some assorted Nite Finders and a Firefly.

I was really interested to see if people still used the blasters of yesteryear such SSIIs, Arrowstorms, Eagle Eyes, ect. It seems that people have deviated torwards the newer stuff such as the AirTechs. In my opinion, the older classics have more power and I think most give a very stable platform for upgrades and mods. Maybe I'm a cranky old schooler but I love those veterans of old. Any thoughts?

#81330 How Tall Are You?

Posted by Starbuck on 05 May 2006 - 11:27 PM in Off Topic

For the record...

Starbuck= 6'5" 241 lbs.

As a tight end going across the middle on a drag, a 5'8" defensive back is killer on the knees.
