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#16749 Ah, Yes...

Posted by Starbuck on 20 January 2004 - 06:07 PM in Off Topic

Ah, yes... feels great to be back. I thought I'd drop in and see how everyone was. Hell, half of you probably don't remember me. For all you all who don't know me, I'm the village idiot from NC and NO a fucking long time ago. I leave for a year or two or three and Nerf Online and Nerf Center phase out? What the fuck? I still can't figure that one out, but oh well. Well anyway, after a lengthy seven year stint in the world of Nerf, I'm officially hanging up the ol' gun belt and unloading the sidearm. As a matter of fact, I'm considering selling my entire arsenal and maybe some of the homemades which you all called me a liar for. I'll stick around for a while on here and see what I can do to help some of the ones looking to make homemades. Well, I'm back... get used to it. :D

#16755 Ah, Yes...

Posted by Starbuck on 20 January 2004 - 06:32 PM in Off Topic

Eh... roughly 30 some guns left right now, and a lot of those are the old school guns. I sold of more n' half my collection to kids around the neighborhood last summer. Oh yeah, is Lobster still around? Boy, I'd love to talk to that goofy bastard. Ah, good times on Nerf Online... :D

#16769 Ah, Yes...

Posted by Starbuck on 20 January 2004 - 06:53 PM in Off Topic

Thanks, cxwq. Aye, captain... I really did make em'. I have 4 homemades left. One broken (I'll fix it, damn I'm lazy! :rolleyes: ), one in piece(putting er' back together), and the other two work. I'll eventually get pictures like I was going to do three years ago. I have only one working heavy full auto or rather it worked last time I used it. Those other four are rifles. One single shot and the others magazine fed. Well, if Lobster doesn't wanna come by and say howdy, that's fine. Hell, yeah we got into back then. Those were some great times.

#16828 Ah, Yes...

Posted by Starbuck on 21 January 2004 - 04:52 PM in Off Topic

Oh, so nice to see you again, Vacc...

#51915 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 07:59 AM in Modifications

Here's some nifty guns I finished recently.

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This is the 3B I got finished with last night. I cut him down, taking off all the crap on the top and bottom. I also added some old cut up shotgun shells on the side for ammo holders. He's my artillery carbine and I've named him "The Governor."

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I know everyone has seen a modded SSII, but I took a strip of copper, covered in electrical tape and duct taped it to the side to make a clip. It will secure the gun anywhere you can fit the clip. Eliminates the use of a gauky holster.

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This was a Star Wars water pistol. Named him "Kilroy." I sawed off the end where the water nozzle is and melted a plastic stopper over the water tank. Just pop a round on the plastic tube inside and pump a quick 25 times. It generally fires accurately 50-60 feet. I also took the plastic sight out of an old Bow N' Arrow and took a fine tipped pen and drew in the crosshair for the scope. I added the Nerf sticker on the side for the heck of it.

Last... but certainly not least...

My artillery piece.

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I took some copper tubing and bent it around the end of the barrel to make a bipod and taped it on. It doesn't look the greatest cosmetically, but the bipod is in the developmental stages. Next, I mounted the modified RZB to an old tripod that I found at the flea market for $4. It gives us a stable firing base and allows for quick, easy, and accurate firing. I sprayed some WD-40 down in the mechanism that turns the belt for smoothe operation. I also made a device that virtually eliminates all jamming and skipping. I took some copper tubing and ran it underneath the gun and bent it out in a "L" shape. I used zip ties to secure the copper tubing. Next, I put some rubber and wooden rollers on it to keep the belt feeding properly. 99% of the time if it jams, it is because the belt is too heavy. This device keeps some of the weight of the belt off the gun. I also took it apart and oiled it down and stretch the main spring, so I get about 45+ feet with it. We have two 100 round belts that we use. I had some old .50 caliber ammo cans that I picked up at the army surplus for $5 and we keep them in that. It not only looks like a real machine gun, but it is an easy way to store your ammo. It's a great field piece to set up as an offensive weapon or set it up for base defense. I've even put in in the back of my buddy's truck and made a "gun ship" out of his truck. Haha.

People have pointed out that it is somewhat of a burden of the battlefield since it is large and is mounted, however, I understand that. I was able to attach a sling so I could tote it around off the tripod. My mobility was not affected whatsoever.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask or PM me. Hope you guys enjoyed these guns.

#51918 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 09:27 AM in Modifications

Yes, we've used it in battle and yes, it's very effective as far as defense in concerned. The range of 45 feet is average, sometimes on a good day we'll get a more closer to 50. Range hasn't caused any problems as of yet. As afore mentioned, we have 200 rounds worth of ammo belt hooked to it, so it's ideal for defense. My BBB carbine fully modified gets accurately 110 feet with a stock airjet dart. With a Stefan, it'll push 120 or so.

#51934 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 02:39 PM in Modifications

I should buy up Razorbeasts, mod them, and re-sell them. Haha. :D

#51958 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 04:50 PM in Modifications

Thank you, Blink. :) Nope, my 3b is not hard to cock at all.

#51970 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 05:28 PM in Modifications

I'm glad you enjoyed my work, Formerly Sane.

Moose... I've now brassed the barrel and absolutely stretched the hell out of the spring. I put some WD-40 in there as well to assure smoothe operating. It hits out at around 120 with my Stefans.

#51994 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Springs do not concern me, friends. I have a source for springs so if one breaks or is defuct, I can just reinstall another one.

The range for the BBB is with about a 40 degree angle.

As far as attaching a motor... I've done that in the past with Razorbeasts. I ended up break off the handle and screwing it up permanently. I might screw around with the RZB and that damn broken Power Wheels motor I have somewhere...

#52012 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 09:28 PM in Modifications

That razorbeast is for basedefense, not losing, so 50 feet is perfectly fine.

My thought exactly. Most of the time, you will have people rushing you at close range. The RZB is a master of close quarters combat.

#52015 The Nerf War Is Evolving

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 09:38 PM in General Nerf

Most wars I have seen or heard about here consists of a buncha' guys running around in a park shooting each other. I've done that for many happy years, and by God I love it, I really do. But, here recently we've gone to a larger area to Nerf. We Nerf in a part of my neighborhood that is about a mile or so. We Nerf at dusk and sometimes the wars can go til midnight. We Nerf "all out" about once a month. I recently got back into Nerf after about a year drought and got quite a few guys from school back into it so we go with larger teams of anywhere from ten to twenty people. We play CTF with two bases. With bigger spaces and more people, you must use new tactics. It's not so much as running in a shooting the hell out of a place. It's more of send out patrols and set up gun emplacements. New battlefield implements such as my mounted Razorbeast (seen here:http://nerfhaven.com...topic=4087&st=0) are now coming into play. This actually turns out being in a sense like a real war. One must now fully rely on team work rather than "lone wolfing" it. I know this is a radical departure, but it is fun as hell. I also understand that I have the luxary of many people who participate. I know a lot of you would probably hate this or hate the idea of this realistic warfare. Every Nerfer is entitled to his own opinion. But down here in eastern Tennessee, the "Nerf skirmish" has finally evolved into a "Nerf war."

By the way, out of sheer curiosity... does anyone remember me from the good ol' days back in 1999 on Nerf Online or Nerf Center?

#52027 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 10:58 PM in Modifications

Indeed, Viper. Tis I, Starbuck from the days of NO and NC. :nugget:

Greek Assassin... I found an old Army net in the base that I've made provisions for. I put two dowel rods on the tripod and stretched the net between them. I tried cardboard, but it exposes your torso. The net protects your entire upper body. I'll post the pics of it tomorrow.

#52049 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 09 April 2005 - 06:15 AM in Modifications

Believe it or not the chain doesn't cause any mobility problems. We can still turn it just fine. If you keep the ammo box directly beside of it and about three inches away from the tripod, it's perfect. The only problem is when we try to tilt it up. We can get to about 45 degrees, but anything over that is impossible because the chain then freaks out. This, however, is not a giant problem because we rarely would one want to fire over 45 degrees.

Still working with the motor. I'll have info on it later.

#52682 My Mounted Machine Gun

Posted by Starbuck on 17 April 2005 - 12:49 PM in Modifications

Yes, I am the Starbuck from Nerf Center and former admin of Nerf Online. My BBB carbine will get about 90, sometimes a hundred feet since I put on a brass barrel and replaced the spring. Angled it will throw a dart about 120 feet. I'm glad you all enjoyed my work.

#53582 This Could Save Your Life One Day.

Posted by Starbuck on 26 April 2005 - 06:35 PM in Modifications

I realize that there are millions of Nite Finder modifications both improving its performance and its appearance. I do not own a Nite Finder, for I am old school and will never relinquish my beloved Sharpshooter II, but a couple of my friends own Nite Finders, therefore I had the opportunity to examine one up close and modify it the way I saw fit. I find that using single shot long ranged pistols are of great value, but notice, I said "single shot." This modification will allow one to have an extra quick, but accurate shot.

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As you can see, I installed one of those quirky Nerf keychain guns into the Nite Finder's light socket.

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This is the keychain stripped down. I took pliers and removed the air restrictors. This gives it some power. You can see that it is very compact and would easily fit into a Nite Finder.

I opened it up, removed the light, and Dremeled all junk that prevented the keychain gun from sitting in there easily.

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I Dremeled the bottom so that the trigger button sticks out the shell.

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I Dremeled the front so that the barrel and plunger stick out. I also added hot glue to the top of the plunger and the bottom of the barrel for extra stability.

Next, I put it all back together, leaving the front ammo holder intact, but saving the back ammo holder for bottom.

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Leaving off the battery cover, I Dremeled the plastic away so that the holder fits snug down into the grips where the batteries are supposed to be placed. Then I hot glued it around the edges.

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Shown here is the ideal firing position.

As you can see, this gives you an extra quick shot. The effective range of the newly installed gun is 30 feet. One might say that 30 feet is not good at all, but it is not designed for range. It is designed to be a reserve weapon used in quick emergencies when reloading is not an option. I hope you all have found this interesting.

#53603 This Could Save Your Life One Day.

Posted by Starbuck on 26 April 2005 - 09:16 PM in Modifications

I'd never seen it before so I thought I'd try and be original with it and not follow suit with everyone elses' NF mods. The trigger is very easy to fire. One can actually extend the middle finger and fire it, but I usually fire my pistols from a two-hand tactical position so it's just easy to engage the SSPB with my left hand.

#53638 This Could Save Your Life One Day.

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

Well, you obviously pump the SSPB before the battle and if the occaison calls for it, fire it. About 8 pumps does the SSPB well.

#53645 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 04:23 PM in Off Topic

Some questions for the veterans of the NIC.

What the hell happened to my arch enemy Comrade Lobster? Does he still run around on here? What about Silencer32 or Jeff? What the hell happened to all the good ol' guys? I don't see many on here that I recognize besides ItalionStallion, Vacc, and Cx.

I'm showing my age. I'll have to accept the fact that the old ones are gone.

#53664 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Hm, that's a shame Silencer is out of it. I'm glad there are some vets left.

#53697 Track&field, Cross Country, Bicycling

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 10:37 PM in Off Topic

I play football and I am a tight end/slot reciever. I run the 40 in 4.73 seconds, not bad for a 6'5" 228 pound guy. I also do track throwing shot and disc. I throw shot around 50 feet and disc between 145-155 feet.

#53737 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 28 April 2005 - 04:03 PM in Off Topic

My God, Lobster... It's great to see you. B)

#53758 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 28 April 2005 - 09:37 PM in Off Topic

Viper! Why, I didn't know your were still on here. It's been a long time... I haven't seen Dr. Genius in two years. Dunno what happened.

#53896 Holsters Or Straps?

Posted by Starbuck on 01 May 2005 - 10:55 AM in General Nerf

I use a strap for my BBB carbine. I don't use a holster anymore since I came up with a clip so I can clip my SSII to anything.

#53954 Holsters Or Straps?

Posted by Starbuck on 01 May 2005 - 03:59 PM in General Nerf

I use a strap for my BBB carbine. I don't use a holster anymore since I came up with a clip so I can clip my SSII to anything.

Hold up. Carbine? You mean a light rifle? What the fuck? It's a Nerf gun for god sakes! It's already light. If you need it to be lighter, you need to do a push up or something. Grow a pair brother.

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I call it a carbine because I cut the excess stuff off. This makes it more compact. Since real carbines are a cut down version of the larger rifle, I called it a carbine. So, get off my nuts.

Navy Seal, my clip works really well. It's never fallen off when I've been running.

#54656 Most Over/under-rated Guns

Posted by Starbuck on 11 May 2005 - 09:48 PM in General Nerf

Overated: Lock N' Load. There are some many damn spring guns out there with the same basic internals. It's just the LnL that gets the praise and big bucks.

Underrated: The Razorbeast. For nearly a decade, the poor Razorbeast has been the scum of the Nerfing world and rediculed so harshly. I have found it to be one of the best weapons I have in my arsenal once I tweaked around with it and added a few things. The Razorbeast deserves better. :lol:

#54838 Most Over/under-rated Guns

Posted by Starbuck on 13 May 2005 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

Another vastly underrated gun is the Defender T3 battle pistol. I used to have one, and I have two on the way now in the mail. I modded it up pretty nice. It was easily the most accurate of my guns besides the Sharpshooter 2 and might have a little more power than the SSII considering that the plunger chamber is straight and not bent up like the SSII's. I got about 70+ feet out of mine with an effective range of 55 feet. I feel that the DT3 pistol is a great sidearm that many have dissed.

#54908 Yard Sales?

Posted by Starbuck on 15 May 2005 - 08:14 AM in General Nerf

I go to about 5-10 sales weekly. I've been quite lucky to in my yard sale searches. I've picked up an Arrowstorm($2), a Chainblazer($1), a Master Blaster($0.50), a Crossbow($2), and an Eagle Eye($3). I was also given a Sharshooter 1 that was "broken." I took it home and opened it up and found that the trigger spring was off track, so I put it back where it belonged.

By the way, Goodwill's are a great place to find guns.

#55677 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 26 May 2005 - 02:18 PM in Modifications

Here I have some recent projects I have completed and would like to display to the Nerfing community for your viewing and modding pleasure.

First, I was given a Tech Target gun to fool around with. I looked on the web to see what mods I could find, but most required cutting and Dremeling, so I decided against that because it took a lot of time. First, I quickly opened it up removed all of the air restrictors. I took the stock barrel and hammered in a piece of 1/2 inch CPVC the length of the barrel and hot glued the barrel to the plunger tube. I just took a mallet and drive it in. The whole mod took about 5 minutes. The TTG's owner was quite happy with it. It fires out at about 75+ feet with a long of 82 feet.

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Next is my personal sidearm. I recently accquired a DT3 Battle Pistol form Flamebo. He had done a wonderful job modding it, and I was quite happy with it. I took the liberty to reglue the brass coupler he had put in there. I also made a new barrel for it. I took 5/8 inch PVC and nested 1/2 inch CPVC in it and glued the new barrel into the brass coupler. Then, I replaced the old spring with a larger Sharpshooter 2 spring. I was very surprised to see it fire a stock micro 80 feet the first shot. The average distance was 83.6 feet with a long of 87 feet. The accuracy testing proved excellent. At 45 feet, I hit a 1.5'x1.5' target 15 out of 15 times.

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I was fooling around with an Electric Eel and found it to be "unmoddable" since the screws had an odd triangular shaped head. Just to be stupid, I taped in some 1/2 inch CPVC into the clip. I put in some micros and was pleasantly surprised. I took it outside to see it fire micros at 63 feet consistently.

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Now here is the real beauty. I had mounted a Razorbeast on a tripod for defense. It works really well, but as most of you can tell, mobility is none. So, since I have two Razorbeasts, I decided to make the other one a practical mobile heavy machine gun. I took an old box and fashioned it into a smaller box that was big enough to hold about a 50 found belt. I glued on dowel rods to the side. I then mounted 1.5 inch CPVC sections under the Razorbeast where the dowel rods would be placed. Then I loaded up a 50 found belt and slid on the ammo box. I cranked out fifty fast shots. I was well pleased, but... there's always something more to be done. Getting the idea from the Electric Eel clip, I cut 2.5 inch sections of CPVC and wrapped 2 layers of electrical tape around them and hammered them down into the individual sections of my Razorbeast chain to enable it to fire micros. I did this for all 200 sections of my Razorbeast belts. I loaded it all up and took it outside. I cranked out 100 shots and was in awe to see stock micros fire 65+ feet! The box allows for greater mobility with more firepower than before.

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The original mounted Razorbeast.
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A top view of the Razorbeast.
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A side view.
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The CPVC box mounting on the bottom of the Razorbeast.
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A view from above of sections of belt with CPVC inserts.

I believe now with my modifications, the Razorbeast is finally a practical weapon on today's Nerf battelfield.

I'm sure someone has done the CPVC insertion modifiaction with chain before, but I've never seen it posted. It you have any questions, feel free to ask me or PM me. Hope you all enjoy!

#55707 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 26 May 2005 - 06:41 PM in Modifications

To fire off 50 shots, it takes about 20 or so seconds. I'm glad you all enjoy my mods.

#55750 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 27 May 2005 - 12:18 AM in Modifications

Just got done battle testing it. I used it for two hours and it did not jam once. I was carrying two ammo boxes(I just made another box that hold 50 rounds, as well) for a total of 100 rounds. I was able to repel several attacks of four people as well as siege a base. I had no problem with my mobility, carrying the Razorbeast with ammo box, a spare box with 50 rounds kept in an old army backpack, and a DT3 pistol with 15 rounds in a holster as my sidearm. I killed a total of 15 people (killed 2 people twice). My overall assessment of the new Razorbeast is that it is now a practical heavy assault weapon with good range and excellent rate of fire.

#55764 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 27 May 2005 - 10:30 AM in Modifications

Frank, thanks for the comments. The box takes care of the jamming issue, holding all of the weight. The spent chain will just fall to the ground after it has been discharged. That last of the CPVC in the chain does indeed show shorter sections of CPVC, those are probably 2-1.5 inch sections. After cutting 200 sections of CPVC at 12:00 at night, you get tired of cutting, thus making some CPVC sections shorter than others. But, the length doesn't affect performance.

#55833 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 28 May 2005 - 07:58 AM in Modifications

Do you think it would be possible to make your own PVC chainss?

Yes, I think it is possible, but it would take a lot of work. You'd have to negotiate a lot of things. However, I think it can be done. I won't have to worry about that, though. :blush: I'd be glad to help anyone who is willing to try.

#55917 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 28 May 2005 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

I have a strap for the thing. It indeed does make it easier to carry.

#55934 Machine Gun, Part 2... And Other Mods

Posted by Starbuck on 29 May 2005 - 09:22 AM in Modifications

Infinite Shindig, we play our own style here. We decided to go to a more "realistic" approach rather than run around shooting at each other in a park or everyone setting up a loser nest and trying to shoot the other loser. It works on a squad based level. Several(usually 4-6) small 4-5 man squads (1 loser, 1 heavy weapon man, 2 standard weapons people, and 1 front man) are on a team and have responsibilities such as capping the flag, guarding the base, patrol, ect. Therefore, it is impractical to equip everyone with a long range single shot weapon. My gun is customized for our battles.

#56000 Here's A Curveball Topic...

Posted by Starbuck on 29 May 2005 - 11:16 PM in Off Topic

Since this is the off topic forum... I'll throw this curve ball out there...

Are there any Nerfers out there (and I know if there are any, it'll be the older Nerfers) that use smokeless tobacco products such as dip or chew?

I'm just curious. :blush:

#56004 Here's A Curveball Topic...

Posted by Starbuck on 29 May 2005 - 11:40 PM in Off Topic

I'm a football player so usually on game days, I'll take a dip to relax. As far as everyday use, no. It's not an everyday thing. I live in the south, so it's a pretty common thing.

I'm just curious about everyone else.

Edit: Ninja, you're fine. I just wanted to know, but this is open for discussion. People getting sick to their stomach usually means they had way too much niccotine and they're way too "buzzed."

And YES I know what it does to you, so if you're going to rag on about how bad tobacco is, then save it for the health education class.

#56029 Here's A Curveball Topic...

Posted by Starbuck on 30 May 2005 - 09:56 AM in Off Topic

Well, I understand your opinions. I agree that tobacco products aren't good at all, but since I'm stupid (B)), I'll take a dip every now and then.

Not to get way off topic, but... Halfling, what position do you play in football?

#56038 Here's A Curveball Topic...

Posted by Starbuck on 30 May 2005 - 12:24 PM in Off Topic

I'm a big tight end, or what one would call a tight end. It's really the "Y" wide reciever position or slot reciever, but they call it tight end. When we go goal line or sets with a tight end, I move on to the inside. They tried to move me to tackle last year, but I was too small weighing in at 225 pounds, but I had the height at 6'5". They finally settled me down at tight end and I love it. B)

By the way, fullback is a very fun position... isolating on the linebacker is always fun. B)

#56080 Here's A Curveball Topic...

Posted by Starbuck on 30 May 2005 - 08:18 PM in Off Topic

Good post, Trouble.

I'm 18, Halfling. I play for my high school. Starting a football thread would be nifty since it's almost that time...