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#117981 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by Mantis on 02 August 2007 - 07:14 AM in Nerf Wars

Guys, GUYS! I know this whole choosing what battles you're in sounds tricky, and it is, I mean 3 whole options to pick from??
I can just imagine it now.

Paul: Ok, in the upcoming round you can either do a round with Primaries or a Multi-Team Battle. For the primaries, you can either play in the Resurrection Forest or the Grove. Those who wanna do the Grove, over here, otherwise over there. Anyone who wants to do a Multi-team battle, go over there.


This is gonna be ridiculous guys, better bring your thinking caps.

#116165 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by Mantis on 17 July 2007 - 01:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Can't you read the sign? NO CANADIANS! (Except Stefan)

#118138 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by Mantis on 03 August 2007 - 08:33 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm gonna refer you guys (mostly the young'ins who aren't wise in the ways of water) to here for some info about how badly dehydrated you're gonna be tomorrow.

Luckily, I've made darts that actually inject water into the person they hit, so I'll be making sure everybody stays well hydrated.

#117854 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by Mantis on 01 August 2007 - 07:11 AM in Nerf Wars

Should be a good war, I look forward to having 59 other people to aim at.

#113669 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by Mantis on 29 June 2007 - 08:40 AM in Nerf Wars

The suggestion box has been closed unless you're Hersh, who can be teleconferenced into the diner we'll be planning this at.
We are not the Horsemen. They have planned Deal wars down to when people get to take a piss, and that works great for them, but that is not feasible for Apoc. How can we make rosters when people tell us they're bringing between 8 and 20 people? Having no idea about how 1337 kids are also presents quite an issue in making teams ahead of time.

We'll let you guys know.

#113661 Apoc 2007 (nj)

Posted by Mantis on 29 June 2007 - 07:20 AM in Nerf Wars

Invitation only would certainly make me feel special, I don't know everybody else. Rest assured though, I can't remember having a strong dislike for anyone in particular (except for that Rambo guy :( ) so I'll be fighting to make sure everyone who wants to come to this history-making war gets an invite if it comes to it.

We'll get together over the weekend sometime (oh yeah, Deal is tomorrow) and let you clowns know whats going.

#88444 Apoc 2006 Recap

Posted by Mantis on 27 August 2006 - 07:33 PM in Nerf Wars

The trick with the longshot is to insert your penis into the barrel, then pull out the air restrictor, then lube it to all hell. Its exactly like a woman.

#87107 Apoc 2006 Recap

Posted by Mantis on 11 August 2006 - 01:42 AM in Nerf Wars

I don't know what amazed me more, that Paul can recall the month we formed our rag tag group into nerfers because our mommies wouldn't let us buy paintball guns, or that Dux was told he needs to work on his tactics. Freakin ridiculous.

It was hilarious, or as funny as mixing up kids you've never met before can be, that our photographer thought Matt was part of the WhoreSemen.

For the war, it was a good coming out of retirement bash, since I hadn't played with toy guns with Matt and Paul since our last all-male hot tub party.

The trek to Roy Rogers was, of course, the highlight of the day. If someone is reading this and wants to come out for an Apoc, just be ready. After I "round up" (biggie size) my fries, they come in cardboard holsters, which can be used in glorious battle to hold my spare guns.

When I make it out to the next one, even if thats in a few years, we need to do something to spice this shit up, possibly strippers, preferably female.

And always remember, you never go ass to mouth.

#84236 Apoc 2006

Posted by Mantis on 02 July 2006 - 11:39 PM in Nerf Wars

God damn, some guy said he's driving 6 hours to come play nerf with us? I think that warrants dusting off the old guns and dry humping them back into working order. You can expect me to show up for a few hours to cock-smack some bitches. Start drawing straws to see who has to pay the strippers.

#86556 Apoc 2006

Posted by Mantis on 05 August 2006 - 01:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey, so this is tomorrow by my count. I'm getting my work schedule for the coming week today so if its all good I'll be there.

#84628 Apoc 2006

Posted by Mantis on 09 July 2006 - 11:45 AM in Nerf Wars


#33079 Apoc

Posted by Mantis on 04 August 2004 - 12:00 AM in Nerf Wars

Ok guys, the rocket idea was mine, I'll just admit it. I was hoping that the rocket team (mine) would be 5 people that worked so well together they would kick ass despite having shitty rockets and pistols against brassed 2k's and such.
Either way, it was a damn fun game.

#32919 Apoc

Posted by Mantis on 02 August 2004 - 03:31 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh well. We might not be used to the same set of rules and such, it took some time to get everyone from our normal group to get used to the way we like things done involving arguments and that stuff.
Either way, everybody is gonna get pissy about something during the war, and when the war is over, you forget about it, so its all in good fun.

#32927 Apoc

Posted by Mantis on 02 August 2004 - 05:11 PM in Nerf Wars

We did get lucky as hell as far as the rain was concerned.

#12382 Anyone Nerf Here?

Posted by Mantis on 05 November 2003 - 06:07 PM in Nerf Wars

No, Yes, respectively

#18524 Any One Live In Pennsylvania?

Posted by Mantis on 08 February 2004 - 08:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Hell, some of the LCM might wanna come if this involves a cool area. And whoever said Newark is close to Delaware needs a good smackin'.

#22683 Any Nj Eb Nerfers Out There?

Posted by Mantis on 28 March 2004 - 06:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Dont lie to the poor boy. If he wars with us he'll go home addicted to speed, have a new love for hookers, and will never view fishing weights the same.

#22549 Any Nj Eb Nerfers Out There?

Posted by Mantis on 27 March 2004 - 01:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Theres a bunch of us in New Jersey if thats what you meant.

#23075 Any Nj Eb Nerfers Out There?

Posted by Mantis on 31 March 2004 - 08:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Central Jersey is an odd place. You wont find it on a map, because it only exists to those who live there. As odd as that sounds, go ahead and ask anyone from North Jersey what area of the state Toms River falls in, they'll say South Jersey. But to South Jersey-ians we are definately not from South Jersey. Thus, Central Jersey was born.

#112536 Any Advice?

Posted by Mantis on 22 June 2007 - 02:42 PM in General Nerf

You need to have enough guns to supply a few people to start. If you have a war with 4 people in your basement or backyard, and everyone has a blast, they'll wanna do it again, right? So they'll be coming over next weekend to have a war, and when people ask them what they have on tap for Saturday, they say, I'm going over to Supercraft 99's house to have a nerf war.
Nerf war? What's that?
You shoot each other with these nerf guns supercraft99 has that are really powerful, its fun.
Can I come?
Sure, but make sure you bring the French Fries and Gravy.

That's how things get started.

#112977 Any Advice?

Posted by Mantis on 25 June 2007 - 10:41 AM in General Nerf

I'm liking what a lot of you guys are saying. It seems like so many people come on the forums and post asking if people in their area are having wars, which is so ass backwards. The days when your buddies stage a raid on your house to get you back for shooting them when they walked in the other day were hilarious.

#77547 An Open Letter To Ryan201821

Posted by Mantis on 25 March 2006 - 03:40 PM in General Nerf

Chill bro

#8461 Airsoft Gun $0.06

Posted by Mantis on 19 August 2003 - 08:13 PM in Off Topic

Ever heard the saying, if its too good to be true....oh screw it, theres probably no convincing you anyway.

#30533 Air Xxl Skeet Shoot

Posted by Mantis on 06 July 2004 - 03:41 PM in Modifications

There is a lot of packaging and such, then the skeet launcher is pretty big, the gun is pretty big, and its electronic. The skeets are just cheap discs. Me and Howard tried ripping the boxes open and getting the gun out so we could bargain for it claiming it was like that when we found it. Alas, the stupid twist tie things held it in and we couldn't get a discount for the boxes being opened.

#30418 Air Xxl Skeet Shoot

Posted by Mantis on 05 July 2004 - 03:31 PM in Modifications

Me and Howard bought one each of those a while back. We didn't really discuss what we each did, but I know that my new barrels didn't work at all, they were too heavy to even rotate.
I cut the barrels down a bit and returned it.

#8095 Aiming A Nerf Gun

Posted by Mantis on 11 August 2003 - 11:57 PM in General Nerf

I agree with Evil, I have never had anything set up on my guns to line shots up with. Even if there was, it wouldnt calculate for the distance, dart retardedness, wind, gradient of the slope (if any) and all that other rot.

#8097 Aiming A Nerf Gun

Posted by Mantis on 12 August 2003 - 12:25 AM in General Nerf

And as a result, Langley never killed me ;)

#112145 A Really Fucking Old Nerf Gun

Posted by Mantis on 20 June 2007 - 08:36 AM in General Nerf

Don't listen to the haters. Me and Howard dominated an entire war once using ballguns, pissing every single person off in the process.

In conclusion: Guns don't kill people, ball guns kill people.

#11275 A New Use For Nerf Guns!

Posted by Mantis on 11 October 2003 - 09:38 AM in Off Topic

*golf claps for Groove*

#11267 A New Use For Nerf Guns!

Posted by Mantis on 10 October 2003 - 11:04 PM in Off Topic

Grasshoppers think it's just dandy. They feel pain, yes, but they aren't consious like we are. If I was a grasshopper, I wouldn't mind.

Two wise men stood by a pool, one said to the other, in remark to some fish swimming around, "Those fish seems happy." To which the other replied," You, not being a fish, wouldn't know."
Which was countered with, "You, not being me, wouldn't know whether or not I know."

#117308 311/matisyahu Concert 7/26 Tonight

Posted by Mantis on 27 July 2007 - 07:10 AM in Off Topic

I was there, and although 311 kicks ass, and Matisyahu was good, and the English Beat was good for what I saw of them, 311 had a ridiculously short set. Whereas they usually play about 23 songs, we estimated that show at 12-15. Still a good time though.

#17725 2004 Nerf Lineup

Posted by Mantis on 31 January 2004 - 04:13 PM in General Nerf

So what freebies did you guys get??