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#180491 Biking To Wars

Posted by Gamefreak on 29 September 2008 - 06:03 PM in Off Topic

Since you're too young to get a hotel, you should look around, maybe check some aim chatrooms, and see if you can't find some kindly people to let you stay the night.

Theres alot of really friendly, nice people out there, that'd be more than willing to accomodate a young boy for a day or two.

#170057 Happy Birthday Vacc And Talio

Posted by Gamefreak on 17 August 2008 - 05:22 PM in Off Topic

Vacc, your team of pre-pubescent armenian boys should be arriving soon, via the party van.

#165781 Give Mr Tubb A New Sig

Posted by Gamefreak on 01 August 2008 - 12:35 AM in Off Topic

What wouldn't Mr. Tubb do? In bed, or with farm animals?


#165595 Give Mr Tubb A New Sig

Posted by Gamefreak on 31 July 2008 - 03:51 AM in Off Topic

An excerpt of some original erotic fiction?

Oh dear, please, don't, stop.

My penis is hard enough as it is.

These beads in my anus, and the clamps on my nipples.

This is all too much.

I'll collapse.

Just the sight of your gracious, strenuous, hard, erect, phallus.




Perhaps a poem.

These feelings,
My penis swelling.
My vagina soaking.
My anus, coating,

itself in a sweet, sweet lube.
already ready for a nice, hard, tube,
deep inside of it, back and forth,
left to right, I'll yell "GO NORTH."

Oh~, So Good. So Smooth, SO ROUGH.
Oh~, I love your skin, so rocky, SO TOUGH.
Oh~, How a man like you, could love a futa like me.
Oh~, How a man like you, could a girl, thats a he.

#111013 Save My Internet Radio.

Posted by Gamefreak on 12 June 2007 - 11:36 PM in Off Topic

Dude, Evil. Dan is a great guy, and you're a prick.

All he's trying to do is save his radio station (which kicks ASS when he's the DJ!).

Also, Cocks.

#100935 Oh Hey

Posted by Gamefreak on 08 March 2007 - 11:01 PM in Off Topic

Oh, hi there.

#95740 Online Fps's And Tps's

Posted by Gamefreak on 02 December 2006 - 12:15 PM in Off Topic

That really was not necessary but if I flame you then I will get banned. But I will say one more thing. Diss my mother one more time and I will fucking kill you.

You just crossed the line to hell...Fag

Oooh! Death threats for a harmless comment!

Welcome to the internet, substance abuse, your mother knows it all too well.

And by that, I mean, there are alot of dicks.

myself, sometimes, included.

And the thing is, what I said wasn't that bad, in fact, a lot of viewers ,I'm sure, found it hilarious.

Lovingly Yours, John.

(P.S. wouldn't it be crazy if this kid killed me making a joke at his expense? frigging Fox News stuff there, not that thats saying much.)

#95635 Christmas List 2006

Posted by Gamefreak on 30 November 2006 - 11:00 PM in Off Topic

Predator, I don't get how you drink monster. Different Strokes for different folks.

#95630 Christmas List 2006

Posted by Gamefreak on 30 November 2006 - 10:44 PM in Off Topic

A Zune.
Cash, so I can go clothes shopping.
A couple new hoodies.
A few DS Games.
24 Pack of Rockstar or Full Throttle Blue Demon.
A few Wii Games.
A few 360 Games.

Just whatever, I'm not picky, got pretty much everything I could want other than the Zune, got my Wii, my 360, Zelda, Gears of War, Plenty of DS Titles, Rad cell phone (Moto SLVR). Pretty much I'm bored of wardrobe, and my SLVR's 100 song cap is tiny, so yeah.

Oh, and if my list seems, umm, expense, my birthday is on the 24th, so this covers both.

Merry Christmas all!

#95611 Online Fps's And Tps's

Posted by Gamefreak on 30 November 2006 - 07:21 PM in Off Topic

I could say the same about your mother, substance abuse.

And I love side scrollers. so fuck off.

Hugs and Kisses - John.

#93958 Dream Cars

Posted by Gamefreak on 09 November 2006 - 10:59 AM in Off Topic

well, if I was just stupid rich, a Bugatti Veyron. That car is the sex. More down to earth? An older Camaro SS. Even further down to earth? A 1989-1991 Nissan 240sx with either a Turbo'd SR20 engine, or a RB engine in it, Siliva front endconversion, and other go-fast bits.

#88569 Modded Razr V3 And V3x

Posted by Gamefreak on 30 August 2006 - 12:07 AM in Off Topic

Very, Very cool. I've been planning on trying my hand on it with my SLVR L7, but I've been having some troubles with the P2K drivers. Though I haven't been trying very hard, mostly because I've been being a little wussy over voiding my warrenty. Anyway.

Superb job, once again.

Peace out, John.

#88333 Just Watch This Video!

Posted by Gamefreak on 25 August 2006 - 06:25 PM in Off Topic

That was pretty entertaining. Better than I could do for sure.

Oh, and King of Buttland that song is Mindless Self Indulgence "Shut me up". I think, it's definately Mindless Self Indulgence though.

Peace out.

#86261 Friend Codes?

Posted by Gamefreak on 01 August 2006 - 06:26 PM in Off Topic

Yo, I have Metroid Prime Hunters, and Tetris DS. My "I hope you die in a fire" code for MP:H is 4338-6530-7451 and my I.H.Y.D.I.A.F. Code for T:DS is 5136-6067-3933.

Peace, Gamefreak.

#76987 Nerf On Frappr

Posted by Gamefreak on 20 March 2006 - 04:56 PM in Nerf Wars

I just put myself on it, I'm down in the Imperial Beach/Chula Vista - San Diego area.

#66610 Soldat!

Posted by Gamefreak on 26 October 2005 - 04:12 PM in Off Topic

I still have 1.0. I'm a pack rat.

#66343 Favorite Energy Drink?

Posted by Gamefreak on 22 October 2005 - 07:13 PM in Off Topic

My favorites are Rockstar, Amp, and US Energy. All taste great and US Energy is cheap at costco.

#65965 Pick An MP3 Player

Posted by Gamefreak on 16 October 2005 - 08:20 PM in Off Topic

Well I have a Zen Xtra and it's great for what it is. but I have one problem with it, in the past 5 months I've had it it's has died three times, one was addmitedly my fault, I fell off my bike and landed on it, so I took it in and returned it. The time after that I was walking my dog and it just stopped playing music, I reset it and there was a hard drive problem, and now the third time it has happen I was working in the back yard and it did the same thing, just stopped playing music. Although even though they're warrenty is short they're service is quite good.

#65181 Narf Wc: 1

Posted by Gamefreak on 06 October 2005 - 01:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I might make it, it all depends on if I'm doing anything on those dates and if I can get a ride.

#65122 Grammaton Cleric's Sidearm

Posted by Gamefreak on 05 October 2005 - 07:11 PM in Homemades

Bolt, you are amazing. I love that Equilibrium, and I love your homemade of his gun, well done!

#64510 Youre Computer Specs

Posted by Gamefreak on 28 September 2005 - 05:43 PM in Off Topic

Althon XP 3000+
768mb Ram
Nvidia FX5600 Ultra
80gb Hard Drive
Samsung 52x CD-RW

MAG 19 inch flat screen CRT

harman/kardon 2.1 speakers

It's not the best system but it gets the job done. I plan on buying a new Video card soon and a bigger HD.

#64050 The Long-awaited Photos Of The "sexbow"

Posted by Gamefreak on 21 September 2005 - 02:29 PM in Modifications

I really like it, but are you going to paint the plunger tube and cocking handle? It looks kinda odd like that.

- Gamefreak

#63783 Happy Birthday, Jskater!

Posted by Gamefreak on 17 September 2005 - 02:49 PM in Off Topic

Hey bud, happy birthday. Have a good one.

#62944 Ps2 Cluster?

Posted by Gamefreak on 02 September 2005 - 08:48 PM in Off Topic

Just use Xboxes, they are just as cheap and are easilly made into Linux computers, www.xboxscene.com is a good resource. Good luck, gamefreak.

#62075 Homemade Projector

Posted by Gamefreak on 16 August 2005 - 04:27 PM in Off Topic

Very nice Bolt.

If you don't care about bulk...

#59945 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Gamefreak on 23 July 2005 - 03:00 AM in Nerf Wars

Well count me out. I can't get a ride up there.

#59548 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by Gamefreak on 17 July 2005 - 10:47 PM in Modifications

Green: Decoration for the moment. Spend a minute looking at the cocking handle of your Maverick and you'll know what I mean.

Uhh Davis? That clips on to the Freaking Titan. It isn't deceration (on the mav). Think about what you post before you post.

#59403 Soundtrack Suggestions Needed

Posted by Gamefreak on 15 July 2005 - 04:19 PM in Nerf Wars

PanzerMensch - And one
3,2,1 Stars - DJ Simon (sorta a joke)

I have a ton more just I can't really think of any, I'll Edit/post again with new songs.

Edit: Edwin Starr - War.

#57653 Atos

Posted by Gamefreak on 16 June 2005 - 06:45 PM in Site Feedback

I heard them talking about Attack of the Blog on Attack of the Show (formally The Screen Savers) today, I went there and what did I find? A link to your Airtech 3000 mod, congrats. Link

(Whoops Screwed up the Title, ment to be AOTS)
(Not sure if this is the right forum, sorry if it's not)

#55105 Powerclip Homemade Clip

Posted by Gamefreak on 17 May 2005 - 04:34 PM in Homemades

Wow, dude frank your the man. I might have to try to make one of those. Good man, good man.

#54939 Where To Buy Lanard Products

Posted by Gamefreak on 15 May 2005 - 02:22 PM in General Nerf

Tailo did, if I recall he said it was a cocking gun much like the Eagle Eye.

#54858 The Next Generation Xbox Name

Posted by Gamefreak on 14 May 2005 - 12:21 PM in Off Topic


Check 'em. Read 'em. Love 'em.

#54687 Looking For Pics

Posted by Gamefreak on 12 May 2005 - 12:56 PM in Off Topic

Here. Your searching skills suck. That took less than 5 seconds. Please, searched harder, all I did was Google>Images>"Owned"> 2nd image.

#54349 At2k Strange Happenings

Posted by Gamefreak on 07 May 2005 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

Probley from the moisture in your mouth.

#54222 Ldm's Birthday

Posted by Gamefreak on 05 May 2005 - 03:09 PM in Off Topic

Happy Birthday LDM! Have a good one bud. You too feltch and Rebel.

#53350 Your Ride?

Posted by Gamefreak on 24 April 2005 - 02:12 PM in Off Topic

BMX/Freestyle bike which I have removed all logos from.

Dyno/GT work in progress BMX/Freestyle bike

Razor Scooter

Rollerblade Swindlers

Dickies shoes.

Those are my "rides" I hope to eventually get a Tiburon, Supra, or 300zx, I'll probley end up getting the extra car we have, the Civic.

#52547 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by Gamefreak on 14 April 2005 - 11:22 PM in General Nerf

I doubt it, 'cause Tailo and OMC said we'd be floored by it. They wouldn't say that if it was dumpy.

#52492 Ingediations For A Pc And At2k?

Posted by Gamefreak on 14 April 2005 - 02:20 PM in Modifications

Rings, the AT2k has been rereleased, it's a Target exclusive. Also the RF20 and AT3k has been rereleased, as Toys R us exclusives. Unless you weren't talking about those guns then totally forget this post.

#52326 Sm1500/pc Combo

Posted by Gamefreak on 12 April 2005 - 11:55 AM in Modifications

At2k/RF20, pretty damn close to a PC/SM1500. Give it a look.

#52213 Boltsniper's Homemade

Posted by Gamefreak on 11 April 2005 - 03:12 AM in Homemades

I haven't read it yet but I want to be the first to say thank you, boltsniper, taking the time to take pictures and write this up was an awesome thing of you to do.
