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#2987 Americas Army

Posted by Vassili on 04 April 2003 - 09:00 PM in Off Topic

Only Bridge and Insurgent Camp are any good, and there aren't that many good people on the servers anymore. The best gun though is the AK47 with the grenade launcher attachment, it's better than the M203 or the loser rifles.

#3001 Americas Army

Posted by Vassili on 05 April 2003 - 06:11 PM in Off Topic

Yeah I haven't played for a while but you convinced me to do so again, I'm leaving to do it right now.

#3146 Americas Army

Posted by Vassili on 08 April 2003 - 10:49 PM in Off Topic

I've played it a lot more now, merlinski you're right Radio Tower kicks ass. My name is "[vassili]", look for me.

#3454 Eab Replacement Spring Not Working

Posted by Vassili on 14 April 2003 - 04:38 PM in Modifications

C-882 is what it says on mine, they work very well in Eabs, and SSIIs and probably more stuff I just haven't tested it in other guns.

#3553 Suggestions For The Store

Posted by Vassili on 16 April 2003 - 08:48 PM in Site Feedback

I think it might be a good idea if you had the X-stream guns in the store, they're cheap and very good.

#3588 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 17 April 2003 - 08:33 PM in Modifications

I'm doing something very similar, also a breach loader, but I was planning on using a 6-inch barrel, but since you know better I'll be going with a 8 or 9 inch barrel, so the rest of the one foot section will at least be usable as barrels for my Triple Shot. I'll experiment with different lengths of 17/32" brass at the rear, maybe none at all. I'll have pictorial mod writeups for the MS and TSh for the FF revamp, but the TSh might be crayolaed due to lack of brass. The cocking mechanism is really ingenious, the long cocking lever allows for you to be able to use stronger springs. The Max Shot is the new xbow. The Max Shot will be battle tested by IronRhino and myself tomorrow, we're having a 15-or-so person war. I don't know if the First Shot is all that great, but I think the TSh will rule. It's got 3 barrels that auto-rotate when you cock it, drawing impressive ROF. Lanard toys gets a cookie and a half for these guns.

#3590 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 17 April 2003 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

Oh yeah, I forgot about the prices:

Max Shot: $9.99 | compared to a good condition crossbow: $30-40
Triple Shot: $7.99 | compared to an Airtech 2000: $9.99

#3601 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 18 April 2003 - 12:29 AM in Modifications

IronRhino and I finished two Max Shots today, I was impressed and unimpressed. A breachloading 12-inch brass barrel with normal stefans (2 inch, single BB weighted) got an average of 85 feet flat, with the better shots around 90. Accuracy is very very good. I was unimpressed with these numbers, I think tweaked out I can get better. 85 feet is very good, but this gun has more potential.

The part I was impressed with is how it shot stefans made out of stock micros. With airjets-turned-stefans this gun got an average of 132 feet flat, with the best around 145. Accuracy is superb with these darts, I shot a dart at IronRhino from 132 feet and it landed at his feet. If you have any doubts, these were measured on asphault with a measuring wheel thing. Probably an average of a foot or two skipping.

I couldn't finish the Triple Shot mod, but all the pics are set for the Max Shot mod. Cxwq, you'll probably invent a better mod, but I'm looking forward to see how you go about it.

edit:: I wrote this while Cxwq was writing his, just so you know

#3642 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 18 April 2003 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

You don't have to open the gun at all to get the red barrel off, you can just pull and use a flathead to pry it off. I figured out today that our stefans are extremely shitty, with the good stefans that the people we were fighting had my gun is good for 90. The telescoping part is just 17/32", right?

#3671 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 05:06 PM in Off Topic

Yeah 8-bit mario rules.

Anyway, get back on topic. Matrix Reloaded looks awesome.

#3675 Weird Question

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 06:17 PM in General Nerf

Does hot glue dry harder when it's out of a high-temp hot glue gun or low-temp hot glue gun?

#3676 Hey Guys...

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 06:19 PM in Off Topic

Don't feel old, I'm 13 and I know exactly what it is.

#3678 Weird Question

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 06:54 PM in General Nerf

Thanks, whatever I have doesn't dry very hard.

#3686 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 19 April 2003 - 11:12 PM in Modifications

Here's the finished pic of mine, lookin' sweet. I find it easier to just wrap the white barrel in electrical tape, saw it down to the electrical tape, and put a 1/2" PVC coupler over it. I'm trying to get 17/32" into the white barrel, but I don't have a dremel. Yesterday we had a 13 person war, and everyone who was there can say they kicked ass. Also, has anyone had any trouble opening the back part? Mine just won't come apart.

#3703 Devil May Cry (1)

Posted by Vassili on 20 April 2003 - 03:27 PM in Off Topic

Anyone played this game before? It is so frickin cool. You walk around with swords, shotguns, and pistols and blow up evil spirit things. It's for PS2.

#3882 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 23 April 2003 - 10:11 PM in Modifications

Wow, the Triple Shot is really underpowered. It's got a really dinky plunger, I was disappointed. I cut off the barrels to about 3/4" and then wrapped them in electrical tape and put the only barrel I could find, 4 inches of 17/32" brass. I haven't measured but it's nothing special, about 50. I think the best this will go is LnL range, but that will still be good because it has a very nice ROF.

#3962 X*stream Modification

Posted by Vassili on 24 April 2003 - 10:26 PM in Modifications

I was thinking exactly what superadaquabat was thinking, if you can get three shots at 50 feet I will be perfectly happy. Why single barrel a TS when you can get a MS? I'm going to try and bore the passages as much as possible, but I'm definitely leaving the rotating barrels on.

#3965 Powerclip Rubber Banding

Posted by Vassili on 24 April 2003 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

Black Scout, what you probably did is put it back together wrong, where one of the tubes was bent too much, which meant not enough air could get to the piston and send it back and forth, only keep it forward. Also the piston could be off the little track it has.

What's better that rubber banding is bike tubing. Get a bike tube, cut like a 3 inch piece, and put it on the bladder. It definitely increases ROF, and I think there is a a little better range. I'm don't have enough time to go into detail, but unscrew the back of the bladder and take out all of the internals. Then slip the bike tube over the pump, piston, valves, and all that stuff and put it on the bladder. Trust me, it's a lot easier than dealing with the hose clamp. Just make sure you put all the tubing back in the right way.

#3966 Sigs

Posted by Vassili on 24 April 2003 - 10:50 PM in Site Feedback

Hey I live closer to Santa Cruz than probably everybody here, and Santa Cruz is the biggest hippie town I've ever heard of.

#4064 Max Shot + At2k

Posted by Vassili on 27 April 2003 - 10:34 PM in Modifications

This is really simple, but is quite convenient and comfortable, and has two shots. The airtank is slightly to the left, on the bottom of the Max Shot right at the closest blue part to the trigger, with only the very back touching the black part in order to keep the barrel of the 2k level. A keyring glued to the valve pin is right near the Max Shot trigger, and you can comfortably put your index finger on the 2k valve and your middle finger on the Max Shot trigger. The pump is just taped onto the side, and as of right now you have to cradle it to pump, but soon I'll glue it. I don't have a good barrel for the 2k yet, but I'm expecting this gun to have a 90 foot shot and a 100 foot shot, very effective. Pics by next weekend. I really reccomend this to any MS owner, it's really easy, took me 5 minutes.

#4442 Max Shot + At2k

Posted by Vassili on 10 May 2003 - 05:39 PM in Modifications

I took pics but there on IronRhino's camera and he hasn't uploaded them yet.

*Cough* IronRhino *Cough*

Its already changed though, I replaced the tubing with 2 feet of vinyl tubing because I want like 120 foot ranges, even if it will be 6 or 7 pumps. I'm going to do a lot of cosmetics soon, too. I think I'll paint the blue part on the max shot black, red and black would be sweet.

edit:: Okay here they are:

Pic #1
Pic #2
Pic #3

We had bad light conditions but you get the picture.

#4453 Max Shot + At2k

Posted by Vassili on 11 May 2003 - 02:41 PM in Modifications

It won't be taped on for much longer and I definitely have to get another Max Shot that doesn't have anything on it. I also will add a stock soon, it kinda needs it since it jolts so much.

#4465 Ff Is Finished!

Posted by Vassili on 11 May 2003 - 08:55 PM in Off Topic

Man, just when I thought Brinkster was perfect. I think switching to Web1000 is on our list sometime in the future, hell we might even buy a dot com.

#4487 Ff Is Finished!

Posted by Vassili on 12 May 2003 - 06:02 PM in Off Topic

I think we do need to move, we've passed our bandwith by 4 pm both days. Cxwq, we might be interested, I'll keep you posted.

#4502 Er..sizes On Piping

Posted by Vassili on 12 May 2003 - 09:12 PM in Modifications

Yeah, what you want to buy is 9/16" OD because 17/32" OD with its ID of 1/2" actually compresses the darts a little bit, making it not a good choice for long barrels. However, spring guns get a lot better range with a small section of 17/32" OD brass at the rear of the barrel. If you want more info read Cxwq's article on barrels.

#4753 Favorite Video Game

Posted by Vassili on 18 May 2003 - 09:39 PM in Off Topic

Super Metroid, all the Zeldas, Perfect Dark, Super Mario. Some of my favorites.

#4948 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 24 May 2003 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

Is that whole black tube all the plunger? If so, this thing has some potential. Only problem is I think it might be too big for a secondary weapon but not powerful enough for a good primary.

#4950 Dumb Internet Explorer

Posted by Vassili on 24 May 2003 - 01:03 AM in Off Topic

Sorry but this is really annoying and I can't figure out how to fix it. All of a sudden all the fonts on internet explorer are smaller. I went through all the internet options and I can't find anything on font size. I really don't know why this is happening since font size is supposed to be determined by the actual html file, isn't it? Anyone know how to fix this?

edit:: I fixed it. Now I feel really stupid, but I think something good came out of this. I downloaded Mozilla and I realize that you can't even read my site (Foam Fortress) in Mozilla because the menus don't go down. Do you Mozilla users have this problem?

#4969 Dumb Internet Explorer

Posted by Vassili on 24 May 2003 - 06:52 PM in Off Topic

A Mozilla-friendly site is on my to do list. Problem is my to do list is bigger than my mom's Day After Thanksgiving Sale shopping list.

#5195 New Nerf Gun

Posted by Vassili on 01 June 2003 - 01:31 PM in General Nerf

Whoa, remote control Dad. How about: "Buy every Nerf gun in existence button." I bet most people (excluding Cxwq and Pineapple) would love it if those existed.

#5266 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 03 June 2003 - 08:16 PM in General Nerf

So does your barrel move along with the plunger tube? If it didn't then there would be wasted space. Either that or I'm not getting how this works.

#5269 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 03 June 2003 - 10:53 PM in General Nerf

Sounds great, but I really don't get how it works or where that 1' barrel goes. The barrel is in the plunger?

#5284 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 04 June 2003 - 05:03 PM in General Nerf

Yeah I was thinking about it in boring Spanish and I understand it now. My parents are kinda anti-buying-things-off-the-internet, so has anybody seen any of these in a store?

#5327 Two Towers Crossbow

Posted by Vassili on 05 June 2003 - 09:36 PM in General Nerf

Actually, you're right, the only time my parents have ever gotten their credit card stolen is when my dad payed for parking at the airport. Some guy bought 5,000 dollars of furniture in Maryland with our money. I don't know what it is, but they think the internet is the devil. I'll keep on trying to convince them.

#5491 God Bless

Posted by Vassili on 09 June 2003 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

You realize you would have to internal band it to effect the performance of the gun, right?

#5492 Foam Fortress Web Site Awards

Posted by Vassili on 09 June 2003 - 09:05 PM in Off Topic

Do you guys think it would be a good idea to have website awards for the Nerfing community? I was thinking:

Best Reviews
Best Mods
Best Homemades
Best H2H
Most Fun Forums
Best Technological Forum
Best New Site
Best Navigation
Best Design

And more.

Basically what would happen is I would take nominations for each category and then you could vote via email. Please no votes or nominations yet.

#5563 God Bless

Posted by Vassili on 10 June 2003 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

My telescoped brass modded max shot put a 1/2" wide dent in the texture of my walls, but going through drywall is ridiculous. My parents don't let me shoot any of my guns in the house anymore.

#5634 Common Sense In War

Posted by Vassili on 11 June 2003 - 08:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Both those lists are good, but I think at least one commandment for "Common Sense in Forums" should be: Don't call the admin an asshole.

#5775 Just Starting

Posted by Vassili on 17 June 2003 - 10:27 PM in General Nerf

And if you live in Northern California around San Jose maybe you could come to one of ours wars.

The longest range Nerf guns will get is about 150 feet flat, which is what brass Supermaxx 5000s will get. However, some homemade guns have been known to exceed 200 feet.

I know my site is down as of now, but tomorrow I suggest you read this. It's the advantages Nerf has over Airsoft, written by BoltSniper.

Nerf guns do hurt, but not any more than airsoft or paintball.

#5803 Eagle Eye

Posted by Vassili on 18 June 2003 - 10:49 PM in Modifications

I'm pretty sure this is a new mod, but whether or not it is I seriously reccomend you try it. The Eagle Eye can can now be considered with the great spring pistols.

Eagle Eye Pistol

edit:: And while you're at it check out my new PC and SSII mods. Wow that sounded corny.