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#217195 Alabama War

Posted by Rahara on 09 March 2009 - 07:07 PM in Nerf Wars

Most of the south-east wars recently have been primarily in Georgia, and there have been some in Florida.
Upcoming ones are:
+ Spring SENO (March 29th)
+ South-East Tune-up War (April 11th)

You really should come to the tune-up, attendance is already around 15 and many maybes.

As it stands, I probably won't be able to make either efficiently. Me and my procrastination still holds me at the permit stage of driving, so I won't be able to attend nerf outings out of state for another 3 months or so.

Though, both of those look so cash.

#216953 Alabama War

Posted by Rahara on 08 March 2009 - 04:22 PM in Nerf Wars

It's been sometime since I've lasted Nerfed, and I've been thinking of getting something going down here in the south.

As to my central location, I live in Greenville, which is 45 minutes due south from Montgomery.

If there are any who are interested in getting something together, drop me a message or reply to the post.