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#177308 Plumbers Goop Vs. Epoxy

Posted by nerfer34 on 14 September 2008 - 09:53 AM in Modifications

I prefer plumber's goop. You can get it on your hands and it can easily be removed unklike epoxy.

Plumber's Goop takes longer to fully dry.

It really depends on what you're glueing. If you're gluing brass to plastic or something like that use plumber's goop. If you're gluing plastic to plastic and it really needs to be strong maybe use epoxy.

#115696 Latest From Telekinetic Labs

Posted by nerfer34 on 13 July 2007 - 04:28 PM in Modifications

That's a sweet workshop!

I like the guns and everthing. That drum clip, looks like it'll pack a punch.

Very nice.

For the scope 2k, I would have the air tank so it would come to the side of the scope( forcing the firing pin to do the same). Then I would drill a small hole in the side for the firing pin to slightly come out and then I'd just put on a keyring.

#87960 Demon Fang

Posted by nerfer34 on 21 August 2006 - 07:26 AM in Modifications

This thing is sweet, almost on par with your ABBB. I'm surprised your not getting more range with the Maxshot spring. Is it possible to increase the seal on the plunger, or barrel mod it?

Yea but I bet the Laser fang plunger is pretty bad and can't get that good of a seal on it.

#87869 Demon Fang

Posted by nerfer34 on 20 August 2006 - 07:35 AM in Modifications

Awesome job man! That is great.

I have never had or seen a Laser Fang, so how does this thing cock? Do you push the "barrel" in?

That is a great intergration for a small sized gun.

How comfortable is it to pump the 3k on that?

#189159 Favorite Rock/metal/alternative Song

Posted by nerfer34 on 11 November 2008 - 09:26 PM in Off Topic

I will state my all time favorite song, Last Train Home by the Lost prophets.

Other good ones not mentioned yet I don't think:
How far we've come
it's not my time
prayer of the refugee

#138280 My First Homemade

Posted by nerfer34 on 02 February 2008 - 07:47 PM in Homemades

Ice, you don't need math equations and all of that if you're 14. Just simply cut down your airtank and use a barrel say 16-18" long(something REASONABLE). Your gun will also need to be pumped LESS.

And for your nerf reviews video use http://nerfhaven.com...?showtopic=7150 ( what?! it's saying I can't insert a hyperlink....) to mod all of your guns.

#137886 My First Homemade

Posted by nerfer34 on 30 January 2008 - 09:45 PM in Homemades

HAHA man, I just watched like 3-4 of your videos and it's just entertaining to watch.

You're pretty smart for however old you are.

Very entertaining keep it up.

#121894 Sneak Peak

Posted by nerfer34 on 01 September 2007 - 09:20 PM in Modifications

O wow. My bad. Thanks Carbom.

And is this thing air powered or a springer?

On amazon it says air powered but in the internal pics, it has a plunger.......

#122000 Sneak Peak

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 September 2007 - 09:41 AM in Modifications

I don't see how it is up to par with the eys of fire, when they're two completely different guns.

But anyways, How much is the shipping to U.S from the Caleba's website?

Shorty- I don't think this gun is very good stock. ANd it is pretty tough to mod apparantly, since there hasn't been a write up yet.

#121886 Sneak Peak

Posted by nerfer34 on 01 September 2007 - 08:03 PM in Modifications

I'm sorry, if this has been said but, I can't find these naywhere on amazon...

Can someone provide a link?


#81468 Plugging The Pump On The Lbb

Posted by nerfer34 on 07 May 2006 - 08:46 PM in Modifications

Very nice LBB. I noticed you said you may use that in a war.... YOu should breach that thing or something because ramroding is torture. Maybe even clip it or something that makes the reload time SLIGHTLY better. Just a suggestion. Keep up the good mods.

#73479 New Lbb

Posted by nerfer34 on 18 February 2006 - 04:00 PM in Modifications

Ya another question for the LBB, Does anyone else have trouble keeping that handle on? Mine popped off so I took that black extending grip part of the EAB and use that, It works great.

#127536 Do You Think We Kind Of Have An Anarchy?

Posted by nerfer34 on 26 October 2007 - 01:54 PM in General Nerf

You can't complain about a guy who has literaly picked up NH and carried it on his back( with a few others). I do agree with a few of Renegade's statements. FA_24 may be a little cocky but he is ALLOWED to be. Like Randy Moss, TO, Chad JOhnson.

#122932 Zombie Games.

Posted by nerfer34 on 13 September 2007 - 10:03 PM in General Nerf

I didn't watch the whole thing, I only watched like 5 mins in the middle. But it looked like just a regular game of Zombies...

#212120 The 2nd Powerclip Write Up.

Posted by nerfer34 on 13 February 2009 - 10:53 PM in Modifications

It looks like the darts went about 30' in the vid. But nice mod.

#245046 Big Salvo - Firefly Internal Transplant

Posted by nerfer34 on 01 August 2009 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

Cool but why not just a regular big salvo? DO people really hate the triggers that much?

#207461 The End Of The Cold War

Posted by nerfer34 on 28 January 2009 - 10:10 PM in General Nerf

Thanks for all the help imaseoulman. The arachnophobia has already become my favorite weapon of choice in the arsenal. I'll take good care of her.

I hope you still stop by on ocassion and stick with the hobby.

#146697 Bitchx

Posted by nerfer34 on 24 March 2008 - 06:21 PM in Modifications

Yup, Nerfturtle was actually the first to make it and then I copied him with mine. It really is a great gun once turreted.

I like the coupler, it looks nice and sturdy.

#114514 Long Range Records?

Posted by nerfer34 on 05 July 2007 - 11:41 AM in General Nerf

Oh no. This thread is going to be bad.

I wouldn't start with this thread.

I've gotten around 130' with my LBB that's about it. I'm not a big fan of the long range guns, plus I nerf indoors.

#78240 Brass Warthog Write-up

Posted by nerfer34 on 31 March 2006 - 03:42 PM in Modifications

What are ranges? Looks nice.

#143702 Hi Nerf Fans...

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 March 2008 - 08:01 PM in Off Topic

This is probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Sure, I feel bad about this, but Boom seriously man.

"This "Halo 3" game"

Come on, I'm sorry but I'm not believeing that you lost ALL of your memory.

Maybe I'm the third heartless prick.

Stop giving away your entire life.

Hope you recover.

#116636 Camo Paint Jobs

Posted by nerfer34 on 20 July 2007 - 10:36 PM in Modifications

I think you should have people interested tell you what they want.(On NH).

Bags, I wish I owned one of those NFs. I love that green....

#154173 Other Hobbies Aside From Nerfing?

Posted by nerfer34 on 01 May 2008 - 07:29 PM in Off Topic

-watching sportscenter
-video game tournaments(with friends)
-backyard football(not the computer game, just playing pickup football)
-collecting rookie cards

Ya I'm competetive.

#141746 Oldie But A Goodie

Posted by nerfer34 on 21 February 2008 - 04:10 PM in Modifications

Yea, I gave mine to GC for virtually nothing.

I don't like how bulky it is though. I knew the gun had a ton of potential though. Good job using that!

I'd personally just fill the tank end up with some gatorade and drink from it when I'm thirsty in the heat of the battle. :D

I also HATE the trigger, but it does make the rotation mech very solid on this gun.

#100416 Xxl Skeet Shoot Modification.

Posted by nerfer34 on 25 February 2007 - 05:21 PM in Modifications

That's a nice mod but unfortunatly you spent a lot of money on it but. But still sell it on ebay. Those ebay people got CRAZY for a nicely modded gun like that. Look what Baghead sold on ebay.....

Make sure you that its a idiot and all of that and you'll make a $20 profit.

#118242 The Snap-turret

Posted by nerfer34 on 04 August 2007 - 11:55 AM in Homemades

An update on the finalizing progress of the turret:

I sealed in the barrels today, and discovered that my ranges were pathetic...

Hey atleast you're being honest.

It's amazing how the 2k turret is so small, compact , and simply made. But performs with perfection.

Also do you think you could edit your first post and move one of the first 2 pictures below the other one? SO that way we don't need to side scroll?


#74427 At2k Coupler Mod

Posted by nerfer34 on 26 February 2006 - 07:09 PM in Modifications

I'll answer this one for ya
- I prefer using Epoxy ( found at local Home Depot or Lowes) If I can't get my hands on epoxy then I use superglue then put some hotglue over it to perfect the seal. And finally grab some electrical tape and just tape it over.

-Um how could you tell that the barrel is straight? There are no pictures showing how straight the barrel is so I don't know what you are talking about.

Note- I am not saying the barrel isn't straight you just can't tell from the pics

#107625 Sonic Air Bazooka Mod Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 26 May 2007 - 07:03 AM in Modifications

OK, I took some new pics, now there is only 1 pic that is really blurry. AGain I only have acess to this camera.

You can see what I did to the tigger in the pics. PLus I explained it.

#107628 Sonic Air Bazooka Mod Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 26 May 2007 - 07:31 AM in Modifications

Now for the pump.... This gun comes with the pump accessible! It's so easy! Just plugging the pump with hot glue. *Leave the outer holes! The gun WILL NOT prime if you plug the outer holes.*
Posted Image

ehm. I am pretty sure i plugged all the holes in the pump and it worked out just fine for me. And this gun doesn't really need a coupler since a cpvc barrel with a little e-tape around it fits perfectly in the stock barrel.

Nope that is the gun's stock lubricants around those outer holes, not hot glue. And 1) CPVC hardly fits anyone's darts.2) I want to seee which barrel works the best with this gun3) I want to be able to add a removable breech 4) I want a faster reload time instead of ramrodding darts down a barrel.

#107466 Sonic Air Bazooka Mod Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 24 May 2007 - 08:13 PM in Modifications

Yea the great part of this gun is that its almost anti-leak.

its very easy to get the gun open. Easier than the LBB.
EDIT- I bought mine off of amazon.com, but I'm sure they sell them in other places.

#107547 Sonic Air Bazooka Mod Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 25 May 2007 - 05:20 AM in Modifications

Yea the great part of this gun is that its almost anti-leak.

its very easy to get the gun open. Easier than the LBB.
EDIT- I bought mine off of amazon.com, but I'm sure they sell them in other places.

Actually, they seem to be really hard to find in stores.
You only have to remove about 10 screws to get it open.
The pump is prelubed with some stuff that reminds me of gummy petroleum jelly, but it doesn't seem to degrade O-rings like other substances do.

The only complaint that I have is that the handle is a little far forward for me. I had to cut down some of the nobs on the pump handle so that it would fully pump when I held it by the handle.

On topic, I am a little confused on the hot glue part. Did you put it on the pin coming out of the valve or did you put a small dab on the back of the trigger? Could you indicate (maybe in MS paint?) where the glue is and how much is there?

Shadow Hunter Alpha explained it well. I just marked with a sharpie what piece of the trigger hit the valve and put a dab of hotglue there. It has been proven that the range and accuracy has been increased by this simple upgrade.

On topic, I am a little confused on the hot glue part. Did you put it on the pin coming out of the valve or did you put a small dab on the back of the trigger? Could you indicate (maybe in MS paint?) where the glue is and how much is there?

The hot glue just makes it a hair-trip trigger (more sensitive with a shorter trigger pull). It is not really necessary if you don't mind the longer trigger travel. If you do do this, the glue goes on the back of the trigger on top of the portion that sticks out over the spring. If you put the hot glue on the release button, it might not depress fully or correctly.

I ordered one of these in a combo pack with a First Shot a whilw ago on amazon.com. I didn't want to mod it because it looked really cheap and breakable, but it's good to know that it's so accurate and with great range. For the barrels I'm assuming that you used a standard 12-inch 17/32 brass tube, right?

Yea, I thought it'd be chap out of the box, but it actually really isn't. I am currently experimenting with barrels. IN the picture I am using 9" of 9/16" brass. I have actually discovered that PETG is working very well with this gun.

#107433 Sonic Air Bazooka Mod Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 24 May 2007 - 06:13 PM in Modifications

Alrite so I was frustrated with LBB's cheap pump and leak problems. So I bought A Sonic Air Bazooka. Right out of the box it was average. But I really liked the feel of the gun. The pump is much better than the LBB's.

I do realize that the LBB has more power than this, so I decided not to go fancy with this, and just do a basic single barrel mod.
Open it up.

Posted Image

The trigger/valve setup is a little wierd... Here it is when it is fully primed
Posted Image
Here it is after you shot
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Posted Image
Here is how I improved the trigger by adding a small dab of hot glue.
Posted Image

Now for the pump.... This gun comes with the pump accessible! It's so easy! Just plugging the pump with hot glue. *Leave the outer holes! The gun WILL NOT prime if you plug the outer holes.*
Posted Image

Now for the barrel. I decided to go with a 1/2" PVC coupler, so I can experiment with barrels on this thing and have a quicker reload time. I cut down the stock barrel just enough so the center of the coupler was parallel with the stock barrel. I plumber's Gopped it in to make sure that it is airtight.
Posted Image
Posted Image

Now this creates a VERY STRONG bond. This coupler isn't going anywhere. But this will not fit completely back into the stock shell. SO take out some wire cutters or a dremel or some cutting utensil and cut off the casing that originally held the stock barrel. YOu need to cut off some of the plastic, since the PVC coupler is larger than the stock barrel.

Put the gun back together.
Posted Image

Make some barrels and fire.
Posted Image

This gun gets a little more than an st2k but a little less than a fully functional LBB.
But I will say this.... THIS IS THE MOST ACCURATE GUN I'VE EVER DEALT WITH. It's amazing. I can hit a 1x1 piece of carboard from 80' away every time. The accuracy is due to the way the air releases... It's valve makes just enough air to the dart. I also like how the gun is nice and small. I recomend this thing for its cheap price tag of $10.

#107931 Sonic Air Bazooka Mod Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 28 May 2007 - 09:53 AM in Modifications

Well Carrtoon did it HERE too. and I also plugged all the holes, just to prove that it doesn't pressurize. If you plug all holes, the gun won't work. You probably plugged all the holes on the top.

#102445 Sabermetrics In Nerf

Posted by nerfer34 on 19 April 2007 - 10:55 AM in General Nerf

I've been doing this for the past year. We ALWAYS play for competition, but we don't take it too seriously.

It is fun to say who is the best overall and who is better at certain things. But there is a lot of cheating and lying, you really have to play with honest people for this system to work.

We write our stats down on paper, so far we have 7 sheets of paper down. We sometimes forget to record....

Our group keeps track of- headshots, kills, deaths.

1 headshot kills or 2 body shots kill.

#136737 Supermax 500 Modification

Posted by nerfer34 on 21 January 2008 - 11:19 AM in Modifications

Thanks, good job.

#152440 The Dark Beast Write-up Part 1 And Part 2(razorbeast Turret)

Posted by nerfer34 on 21 April 2008 - 04:28 PM in Modifications

Oh my god. I sold my razorbeast like 2 weeks ago, and now you come out with this. I would do this if I still had a razorbeast. Wow. Mine never got ranges like that. I got MAX 50ft (It was the exact gun that nerfer34 did his etape around the plunger head thing on)

Yea mine maxed out at 50'. The RZB is just too damn loud.

I'm not sure if I'm buying the 70' ranges but maybe drilling out the holes really do help.

Nice mod, the finished product looks great!

#114361 The Bbb

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 July 2007 - 08:07 PM in Modifications

That is probably the best looking BBB that I've seen besides Bags'.

That looks really nice. Great job.

#141707 Bandoleer

Posted by nerfer34 on 21 February 2008 - 12:49 PM in General Nerf

I really like it.

I did something similar, I just glued PETG tubing to a belt. But mine only carres about 15.

Looks good too.

#153175 "steampunk" Longshot

Posted by nerfer34 on 25 April 2008 - 10:32 PM in Modifications

I had no idea what the hell steampunk was either. Here's wikipedie-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk

The bidding for this is up to $455!

#158256 Vulcan Firing Video Found!

Posted by nerfer34 on 06 June 2008 - 03:05 PM in General Nerf

I think this gun is going tosucks. Think about it. It's run by battery(mainly) and gets 5'. I could put a dart in my mouth flick a dart further than the vulcan shoots. Atleast all the other guns like the FF, mav, LS, DTG, stock got into the 20-30's in range. BUT 5'!?

The only other gun I know of that gets 5' stock is the at2k and that's a whole different story because its air powered. But this thing is gonna be a bitch.

But Obviously I'm still going to buy it. The gun looks pretty cool even if you threw 2 magstrike in there and just use the vulcan's shell.