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There have been 130 items by JT Nerf Girl (Search limited from 10-May 97)

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#2884 April Fools

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 01 April 2003 - 07:52 PM in Off Topic

Hmm... is ya'll April Fools prank that '****' is being censored?

#29238 Virginia War

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 23 June 2004 - 10:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, I've been thinking about getting a war together down here in Lexington. It would probably be late July to early August. If you have anyway of getting here that would be great. Just let me know and we can try to work things out.

#2972 Sm 250

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 04 April 2003 - 03:06 PM in Modifications

That's what I've done, that's what I ment when I said I single barrel modded it. I think I said it at least...

#3346 Switch Shots Super

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 12 April 2003 - 04:10 PM in Modifications

Okay, I've been working on mine, took out all the water parts and all, like the mod I looked up said it. It was all working find, got the air release valve hot glued to the trigger and everything. I put it back together, it shoots once and then it's like the air release valve won't close all the way so I'm just pumping air straight though it. Has anyone had this problem? If so how can I fix it? I've looked at it probably ten times and I still can't get it right. I glued the trigger spring in place, thinking it was that. I just don't know what it is!! Urgh, please help me here...

#3370 Switch Shots Super

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 13 April 2003 - 10:13 AM in Modifications

ya i have had this problem before i was working on a ss2 and i found out that it wasn't the gun, it was the fucker who tried to mod it! i know how you are going to fix this, it is very e-z to do. what you do is get a 20 dollar bill and go get your self a fucking brand new gun.

You are such an asshole. You can't even find these any more, at least I can't.

#2951 Sm 250

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 03 April 2003 - 11:16 PM in Modifications

I've got three of these and I've done the single barrel mod and stretched the spring, but are there any other mods? I'm waiting to get one really nice for a friend who's getting into Nerf cause his birthday is coming up soon. I"ll probably give him a sm3k blue (hah sucks...) to mess with, maybe he can make some use out of it. Anyways, are there any other mods?

#29236 Father's Day

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 23 June 2004 - 10:15 AM in Off Topic

I really doubt my dad even knew it was father's day. And he would never help me get something for my mom, so my mom and I didn't get anything for him. Oh well, he doesn't really need anything.

#4142 Free Ice Cream This Wednesday

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 29 April 2003 - 05:07 PM in Off Topic

The closest one to me is 44.5 miles... :( poo

#4143 Marshmellows

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 29 April 2003 - 05:15 PM in Off Topic

Hm... editable(sp!?) ammo...

#4431 Visual Basic?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 10 May 2003 - 02:16 PM in Off Topic

In my computer science class we're learning a bit of this, but not enough for what I want to do. We won't learn what I want to do till next year. So I was wondering if anyone here knows how to go from one form to another by clicking a command button? If you do could you please tell me? I'm still trying to find it online too.

#3694 Nerf Club!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 20 April 2003 - 09:15 AM in General Nerf

Just got this idea this morning. I'm going to talk to the physics teacher to see if he'd be intersted in helping me start a Nerf club. I could recruit more people, get physics help in moding guns, and other stuff. I think this would be really cool. Plus the physics teacher is really cool, even though I don't have him this year, I will next year, and I've heard he's really nice and stuff. Anyways, I just wanted to get you guys opinion on this, so tell me what you think!

#4481 Visual Basic?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 12 May 2003 - 05:34 PM in Off Topic

Oh yeah, I'm good. Those didn't work, so I used what I *do* know about VBasic. You can make things visible and not visible right? That's all you do! The code for the command button is just

frmWhatever.Visible = False
frmWhatever2.Visible = True

It's as easy as that. Heh, aren't I smart?

Anyways, now I need to figure out how to make two of them random. Any ideas?

#3807 Nerf Club!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 22 April 2003 - 03:42 PM in General Nerf

Well I emailed the teach and asked him, he said no go with *him* because he's already doing a lot of stuff after school next year. I did ask him if he knew any other teachers he knew that might be intersted. *crosses fingers* I'll get back to you guys sometime later!

#29285 Stock Or Stefan?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 23 June 2004 - 03:30 PM in General Nerf

I usually use certain darts for certain guns. But I'll usually pick up whatever and use it.

#29642 Yard Sales

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 26 June 2004 - 10:45 PM in General Nerf

I didn't go to any yard sales today, 'cause I was to lazy, but my dad went and he got me five new guns. He paid like three bucks for all of them. I got a PowerClip, a SuperMaxx350, an original Ballzooka, a Lightening Blitz, and an Eagel Eye. I saw the Lightening Blitz and Eagel Eye and was rather happy. I have two PowerClips already, so that wasn't that exciting. Also I was wanting another SuperMaxx250/350, so that was nice.

But anyways, tell of any good stuff y'all have found at yard sales.

#3129 The Jackalopes Do Exist!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 08 April 2003 - 07:14 PM in Off Topic

I like the one with the guys from Monty Python. Heh, where'd you find that?

#3155 The Jackalopes Do Exist!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 09:54 AM in Off Topic

I want a jackalope! Uh... yea...

#3159 The Jackalopes Do Exist!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 10:02 AM in Off Topic

I want to see a Jackalope. ;)

Well yeah, who doesn't? Has anyone ever seen that show thing with the jackalope dude on it? And it like was running from the cops or something? What was that? That was so funny. :lol:

#29493 What Do You Do With Your Liquitron Gauge?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 24 June 2004 - 10:42 PM in General Nerf

I choose nothing, cause I have yet to mod my AT2K. I'll get around to it some day though. Then I'll see what I do with it.

#29641 Any Experiance With One Of These?

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 26 June 2004 - 10:43 PM in General Nerf

I used to have a sling shot something like that, just not with the ball thing. It was nifty. But I don't think it would be much with nerf.

#3197 Virginia ****ers Unite!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 09 April 2003 - 08:22 PM in Nerf Wars

If it ever stops raining up here we might be having a small war. I'll try and get something together one weekend with all my guys and then the Roanoke guys, and maybe you guys could come up too, that'd be fun. One of my friends has a good area, and I've been thinking of some great tactics for it. I'll let you know.

#2883 Virginia ****ers Unite!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 01 April 2003 - 07:47 PM in Nerf Wars

Just wondering if there are any other Virginia ****ers on here than on ****HQ. I'm in Lexington, so if anyone's closer it'd be kool to set up a war sometime!

#45080 Stupid Question...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 29 December 2004 - 03:26 PM in General Nerf

I know how far it is because it's in a town that's about 60 some miles away. I've been there before but not in a very long time.

#44972 Stupid Question...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 27 December 2004 - 11:52 PM in General Nerf

I've heard people talking about a titan and a scout gun... can anyone tell me what this are? Pictures would help.

#2947 Virginia ****ers Unite!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 03 April 2003 - 11:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Hah, it's not that easy for me to just 'come over' to somewhere out of state. My parents aren't fond of taking me anywhere out of town even to Nerf. That'd be sweet to have like... an all out Nerf war with ever clan from around here. I need to talk to my guys about getting back into it and actually forming a clan. I've meet groove *sigh* before at one of the Roanoke wars by El Hombre. Don't mind me, I'm a girl, and I like cute guys (why do you think I Nerf, besides the fact that it's fun as hell).

#45017 Stupid Question...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 28 December 2004 - 05:55 PM in General Nerf

Well she did say stupid question, but come on they have tv ads and thing is in the inserts for the paper or you could have just searched TRU and found it.

Obviously they don't have ads on the TV stations I watch and the closest TRU is over 60 miles away.

And sorry, but I thought some people would be nice enough to just answer a simple question, but obviously not.

#45058 Stupid Question...

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 29 December 2004 - 12:17 PM in General Nerf

I am not trying to sound snippy, but they do have a TV ad for the gun.

I never said they didn't. I just said they don't have ads on the stations *I* watch. I haven't seen a Nerf ad on TV in months.

And anyways, these are the set of guns that were getting ready to come out about the time I stopped posting last. I think I've actually seen some at Wal-Mart.

#45078 Check This Out.

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 29 December 2004 - 03:24 PM in General Nerf

The Mavrick? Is that the BF looking one that goes with the Titan and the Scout? Or something totally different?

#3524 Arwen Evnstr.

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 16 April 2003 - 12:38 PM in Off Topic

Thank you, Black Blade.

Nice to meet ya! I'm a new addition to the southern CA clan, and Spoon's gf.

Where you from?

Oh oh girl!! *points* There's another one!! Kool!!

Hi, I'm JT or Jen, whatever.

#3352 Spring Break Vano

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 12 April 2003 - 08:52 PM in Nerf Wars

No way for me, that's a four hour drive. I may be coming down there in May, but that's just for a school thing to Busch Gardens. I could meet you guys there and we could hang out though.

#3592 Spring Break Vano

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 17 April 2003 - 08:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Ooh.. I am interested. I'm not exactly sure what days I'm free, but I'd like to finally come over there and attend. I've got a bunch of pals that I'm sure would be able to attend, I just don't know what days they'll be free. I'll give updates whenever possible. *excited*

Try for this Saturday at 5. Call me or something if you want directions. Or just come by my house at like 4:30 or so. We can arage stuff. I'm kind of teaching a new guy, and getting the others back into it. It should be fun. Its at a playground and by 5 there shouldn't be any little kids around. But little kids are cute... we nerfed there a week or so ago and they were just running about like "Ohh ohh dart! I have a dart here!!!!" *holds out dart excitedly*. Hah, it's so cute!

#3371 Spring Break Vano

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 13 April 2003 - 10:17 AM in Nerf Wars

It's a good 25 minutes from Busch. We could bring extra guns, or something, if you want to play...

No... see when I come down it's with a *school* thing. FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America). We're going to Busch Gardens for our spring trip and I thought I could just meet you guys there and we could hang out. I'd love to war with you guys, but I don't think they'd let me go off to somewhere else to have a Nerf war, not to mention my mom would kill me <_< . I'm going to be having a war next Saturday though, LOTS, says he can't come that far for a war, but you might could come if you want. I'll give you more details next week if your intersted. Mostly I need to find out when I have to work next weekend.

#3548 Arwen Evnstr.

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 16 April 2003 - 05:04 PM in Off Topic

how many female nerfer's are there.

I believe there are three on this board. Myself, Julie, and ArwenEvnstr.

Oh, happy b-day, ArwenEvnstr, by the way.

#3584 Arwen Evnstr.

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 17 April 2003 - 06:47 PM in Off Topic

I wish I could come, but I'm on the east coast so no can do there...

#2943 Hey! New Here!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 03 April 2003 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

u single??? just kiddin  :P  welcome!!!!

Lol, actuly I am... :P :D :rolleyes:

#2882 Hey! New Here!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 01 April 2003 - 07:36 PM in Off Topic

cool whats your favrote ***.

Um... what? Oh and Grinch didn't post that, he hadn't gottne the confim email, and I had set his password as 'password' and told him online and someone else logged in under his name.

#2949 Hey! New Here!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 03 April 2003 - 11:12 PM in Off Topic

Lol, I don't care. Being the only girl in Nerf is part of the fun. All the guys for myself, muhahaha. I've been posting on NerfHQ some, but mostly I've been out of it for the winter. Now that it's warming up I can get my group back into it probably. Ya know they still love it deep down... Plus we've got a new recruit and I'm going to be giving him a few guns.

#2978 Hey! New Here!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 04 April 2003 - 04:30 PM in Off Topic

Well I'm the only hardcore posting girl that's been into it since like... 7th grade (I'm in 10th now). Plus I'm the only girl around me for a good bit I believe. I've played with one other girl once, but she only was playing cause her boyfriend played. But anyways... Some girls are fine, just most annoy the hell out of me, to emotional and whatever, they can't get dirty. Cry at the littlest things (scraped their knee, broke a nail, etc.). I could twist my ankle if I'm playing and keep going, cause I don't notice it. When I'm playing a game it's like I'm numb to pain. Then the next day I'm sore as hell but... hah it's still fun.

#2876 Hey! New Here!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 01 April 2003 - 05:45 PM in Off Topic

I just wanted to introduce myself and tell ya'll about my site (which will soon be changing address, but I'll post about that when the time comes). My site also I have a message board at http://jtangel.proboards15.com/. Anyways, I hope you guys check them out. I'm on ****HQ and have been on NC and NO for two or three years now. I've been ****ing for a while now though, can't wait to get my guys around here back into it.

#3456 Hey! New Here!

Posted by JT Nerf Girl on 14 April 2003 - 05:36 PM in Off Topic

Hah, good for you girls! I hold my own all the time ;)