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#130401 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by DTReaper on 22 November 2007 - 10:41 PM in Modifications

Here is my one and only paint job.
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#136926 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by DTReaper on 22 January 2008 - 09:16 PM in Homemades

You use three nine volt batteries to trigger the selenoid valve. You could probably bump the PSi up a bit if you wanted. good luck with regluing the valve. a little sloppy on the primer but whatever I used to be almost that bad too or maybe it was that I didnt care.


#135051 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by DTReaper on 05 January 2008 - 11:35 AM in Homemades

Hey TriggerHappyAzn nice gun it truely is a simple is better gun, with its few parts and rather simple design. All I have to say is awesome. But I have a suggestion perhaps you should put some like foam on the front of the plunger head cause the sound on the video of it hitting the back of the other pert can't be good for it. PVC has only a certain amount of impact tolerances before it breaks so it might be a good idea for some padding in there. Other than that great gun I look for more great work from you in the future.


#71047 Where To Buy Modding Materials

Posted by DTReaper on 15 January 2006 - 04:12 PM in Modifications

I found this site for PETG http://acetal-rod-sh.../petg-tubes.htm


#205254 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by DTReaper on 21 January 2009 - 08:53 PM in Off Topic

I suppose I'll add mine same as my name here DTReaper the only game I play online is CoD4. I'm on at odd hours so you can try to catch me on.


#255065 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by DTReaper on 01 November 2009 - 10:40 AM in Off Topic

I have MW2 preordered and will be playing it as soon as I possibly can.


#71789 Maverick Seal Improvement

Posted by DTReaper on 28 January 2006 - 12:01 PM in Modifications

I put some RTV silicon on the plunger and the turret wouldnt turn so I took some off and it worked better. But the silicon keeps wearing off. Just an idea.


#80876 Nitemav Version:2

Posted by DTReaper on 27 April 2006 - 01:40 PM in Modifications

The NF cylinder fits inside of the maverick very tightly AFTER you gut the inside of it. You have to do lots of custom cutting and fitting. They I hot glued the cylinder in and it's placement is just about perfect.

Yeah, my camera only uses quicktime MOV. files and I hate it. If anyone knows of some free conversion software, I'd greatly appreciate it. I tried to convert it with a cheap program and it didn't work very well. Here it is anyway:

Firing 6 shots

Cartoon that is almost exactly how I made my nitemav but I had a NF firing case inside the mav. It doesnt work right now due to the air seal problem.


#67718 Double Shot Mod

Posted by DTReaper on 15 November 2005 - 06:15 PM in Modifications

That is good, very good now you need to invent a catch for the ejected shells so you don't have to pick them up off the ground, that would be good.


#64709 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by DTReaper on 30 September 2005 - 10:25 PM in Darts and Barrels

Note some of these may have already been said but I am giving my theories on darts.
Well as far as I know there are a few things that effect accuracy, range and power on a dart.
They are weight, spiraling, size (both diameter and length), guns power, barrel length, and conical or non conical head.
The heavier the weight usually the farter but slower and reaches its max speed farther away. it goes until you reach a weight in which you start losing range or its best weight as I call it. If it is lighter it has higher speed at close range but lacks the punch and range heavier darts have so…
within ten to like 20 feet lighter darts are better and any further you probably want heavier darts. That's at least my theory on darts and as for spiraling it is the same principal as a bullet and the difference between the revolutionary war and the civil war (AKA muskets vs. rifles). but with spin you usually decrease range because energy is being used to spin the dart out of the barrel and therefore loses a certain degree of power. The solid darts however do not spin unless the barrel is rifled so therefore it doesn't lose any energy to spinning. As for the conical head it makes the dart more aerodynamic and therefore has less air resistance and therefore it has more range. as for diameter of the dart the thinner the better the range due again to wind resistance.

And so ends my rambling theories on darts and range and spiraling.


#231777 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by DTReaper on 21 May 2009 - 09:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I am planning on attending and probably bringing at least one person.


#65335 New Version Bbb Mod

Posted by DTReaper on 08 October 2005 - 04:19 PM in Modifications

First off exelent mod and paintjob. Second I have looked at the BBB for a while and am wondering how the crap you cock the gun?


#208482 Season Of Foam Trip Map

Posted by DTReaper on 31 January 2009 - 11:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm looking forward to attending the NJ wars with a few of my friends see you all there.


#147360 Motorized Buzzsaw Mod

Posted by DTReaper on 27 March 2008 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Since you have a reciever on it anf its electric couldn't you in theory use it as a trap or something, that would be pretty cool and good job nice first post.


#79579 Nerf Grenade

Posted by DTReaper on 11 April 2006 - 03:42 PM in Homemades

Slug that looks like it has some potienal A single valve opening into many short barrels but for the amout of barrels that are in the pic you will need a pretty big airtank. There is also another problem where if the bottem barrles fire faster than the top then there won't be as many darts in the air and the scatter might be affected. Also I would stagger the holes in the round if possible so the scatter is better. But overall it shows more potential than any of the explosive ones that have been suggested from time to time.


#65795 Problems With My Nerf Guns

Posted by DTReaper on 14 October 2005 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

With my scout I did the first part of ompa's then instead of replacing the barrel i was lazy and stuck a piece of brass in the end of the barrel with e-tape around it. It improved the range. Until it broke... yet again.


#64590 Your Armory

Posted by DTReaper on 29 September 2005 - 04:40 PM in General Nerf

My armory is pretty sad compared to some of yours I have...
-sm 1000
-2 nite fiders (1 new)
-1 sspb
-hidden shot
-nite finder ex-3
-sm 1000


#68063 Speedloader Mod

Posted by DTReaper on 20 November 2005 - 07:11 PM in Modifications

That is probably one of the coolest guns in a while. Nice job on the mood too.


#68122 Speedloader Mod

Posted by DTReaper on 22 November 2005 - 08:50 PM in Modifications

If you are worried about breakage then you could mold the gears into a mold and then make metal replacements. but the would be hard.


#68177 Pump-action Clip Writeup

Posted by DTReaper on 23 November 2005 - 11:17 PM in Homemades

Most couplers hold a barrel IE. CPVC securly in place so no air exscapes but isn't too tight allowing it to be pulled out. This increases ROF by makinging it possible to use longer barrels without a ramrod.


#115881 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 15 July 2007 - 03:30 PM in Homemades

This is my second to last update for the gun. The suggestion for the stock with the coupler was actually what I had in mind of doing but wasn't sure if I was going to do it that way. So here is the gun finished except for it lacking a barrel and if I decide to a paintjob.
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And here it is again with the stock and magazine attached
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Ok if anyone wants me to put up more specific pictures of a certain area of the gun just ask for it and I'll try to get it up if I can.
Also the next update isn't likely to happen until at least wednesday or later because as I said before thats when the brass should be coming in. However I figured out a problem I will incounter and am currently looking for a solution to it and while I have some ideas I would like your input. The problem is that because the clip top lacks rounded edges the darts won't stay in the clip and will just fall out. So if anyone has any ideas feel free to post them.
So any questions, comments, or suggestions


#115906 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 15 July 2007 - 07:07 PM in Homemades

Is this gun really mass produceable? Meaning, is it not too hard to construct? If so, I would be interested in building one, because it is really starting to look nice. The only issue I have with mags is the fact that it is hard to carry extra ones because the darts just fall out since nothing is keeping them in.

Yeah that is the problem I am having and asked for help with. I was thinking that a paper clip in the top of it would work or crackerjack man had a good idea with the string down the middle. But once I have that done it should be really easy. And yes it is rather easy to make I mean most of the parts can be made in less than 5 minutes but some take up to about probably 30 minutes. I just take a bit longer because I like to measure three times and cut once. But some of the things on this gun are extra like the second piece of PVC below the first and also the trigger guard and the sights. All these are unnessasary and probably added about an hour and a half to the construction of it. But yes I would say it is mass producable for two reasons because all the parts are easily avalible and because all the parts are easy to replicate and create.


#116932 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 23 July 2007 - 04:57 PM in Homemades

What kind of ranges are you getting?

I have yet to finish the gun while everthing is functional due to lack of material (at the moment) it lacks a barrel which I know I have been saying I have been getting on certain days a few times but the hobbyshop near me has been having an issue getting the 17/32 brass tubing. When I get it I will finish updating the gun and give out ranges and rof and other such things. But wait for a little while longer for that when I finish it I will tell you all.


#115833 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 14 July 2007 - 09:55 PM in Homemades

Yeah double post for an update (not that I'm happy about it).
Ok I got the mag lock finished and in place. I also glued the trigger into place and got it tested to see if it worked. I also made and attached the front handle.
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Lastly I made part of the lower reciever but have yet to attach it to the frame or attach the hand grip.
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So on to what I need to do is make the stock and figure out how to attch it. Then I need to finish the lower reciever for it and attach it to the gun. Then I need to make the sights and get the barrel and finish it.


#116905 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 23 July 2007 - 11:50 AM in Homemades

very nice gun. good guide for it, too. what did you use for the foregrip?

I used two pieces of 3/4 inch PVC pipe that one is cut partailly in half and glued to the other whole piece if you check out my detailed writeup for my mass producable spring pistol it is shown there and is made the exact same way. It's fairly simple to make and just needs hot glue 3/4 inch PVC pipe and a hacksaw.


#115113 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 09 July 2007 - 08:24 AM in Homemades

Looks nice so far. Will it be fed into the barrel or will there actualy be a bolt with a magazine above/below it.

Yes it is going to be fed into the barrel. The bolt action will both prime the gun and load in a new round. And the magazine as in the inspiration gun will be on the bottom.


#115119 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 09 July 2007 - 09:30 AM in Homemades

Oh dear god... This is going to be awesome! Seriously, the rifle looks sick man. Good work, if you get it to look like the real thing though, paint it colours because cops shoot first and ask questions later with that type of thing. Will you get to selling these if you get one done and get the hang of it all?

Possibly I may sell my whole line of guns depending on the amount of materials I can get and the interest in these guns. However this project is getting held up till I can locate some 17/32 brass tube because the closest hobbyshop to me doesn't have it. However I will continue my search and if all else fails I'll order it online.


#115732 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 13 July 2007 - 11:18 PM in Homemades

Its looking good, I started making a bolt action homemade but I got stuck on the bolt seal. Hope you get around that.

Yes I did in fact overcome this problem with a brass breech which effectively keeps all the air in and second I have the o-ring around the back end of the bolt casing to keep the air in that.
So now for the updates I have recently finished most of the casing.
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I cut out the holes for the magazine in the casing and also the bolt part. I also fitted the magazine hold and began work on the magazine catch. Also I have almost finished the trigger part of it it simply needs to be glued. Now all that needs to be done is finishing those two parts and the getting the lower reciever finished along with the two handles. Hoever on to the bad news it seems that my local hobby shop fucked up and the warehouse he contacted didn't have any brass so he is talking to another to get some so that will be pushed back till probably about tuesday or wednesday at soonest.
So questions comments suggestions


#115184 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 09 July 2007 - 06:55 PM in Homemades

Ok so I didn’t get much done today. All I did was make the clip holder for the gun. Here are the parts for it minus the ½ inch coupler. (1 and ¼ inch PVC coupler and 1 and ¼ T with one side being ½ inch)
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Here is a side view of it
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Here is the front view
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Here is the diagonal view
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And here is the magazine in it
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However there are still a few things I need to do for this part including a magazine latch. I don’t think it will be too hard. I will probably use some sort of clothes pin with a nail in it and a metal sheet. This may take me a while as I am getting a job and I also have rifle team practices to go to. So updates may take a while but I will attempt to keep the project going.

Questions, comments, thoughts


#115093 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 08 July 2007 - 10:55 PM in Homemades

Now before I start this site has a picture of the gun that is the inspiration for this upcoming gun.
On this site is where I will aquire most of my information.
It is the Beretta Model 12 S, cal.9 mm. Parabellum Sub-machine Gun. Now on to the specifics it will be spring powered and be bolt action with a working clip and breech. I will most likely try to keep with my idea that simple is better. I plan on using a clothes pin trigger and the breech will be made using brass and most likely be the one that ompa used in his version of the SCAR-N. Now changes to the inspiration gun, first off it won’t have the safety trigger on the grip. It also may have a stock I am not sure at the moment we will see if I come up with anything. Other than that I may change the bolt on the other side but that is unlikely. Also the dimensions on the gun may not be identical to the real gun. The reason why I chose this is because it seemed almost perfect for nerf for several reasons. On is it has a large area that can accommodate a clothespin trigger. Second it kind of does look like a nerf gun I mean the barrel sticks out a good inch or two and the main section is circular in nature so PVC will work quite well. Now these are the parts I currently done
-the front end cap
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-plunger head and part of catch
Posted Image (yes I know that it is not done but all I need is another neoprene washer which I will shortly get)
-back endcap
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So this project is likely to take a while but I will continue to update it over a while.This is the first time I am trying this method of posting the gun like this but it may end up being better then the other way I did it before.
Tell me what you think thoughts ideas questions

#115492 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 11 July 2007 - 09:45 PM in Homemades

Yeah I didn't update yesterday mainly due to too much stuff (work and rifle team practice). But I got parts yeasterday and now I have gotten around to update. So I got around to finishing most of the internal parts except for the barrel which I need a piece of braas which should be arriving at my local hobby shop thrusday or friday. So here are some pictures of the progress.
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Here is the back part of the bolt
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And here is the soon to be completed bolt part.
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here are the internals lined up completed for the most part.
I'll try to get more updates but I have been working alot lately and I still need to get that piece of brass. Also if you cant read the measuring tape the gun is going to be about 22.5 inches long with out the stock (if i decide to add one) which is about 8 iches longer than the real gun. So it really isn't to far off considering the size of some of my previous homemades which push about 3 feet.
So any questions, comments suggestions

#115637 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 12 July 2007 - 11:58 PM in Homemades

Ok so not to much to update on I didn't get too much done today but I'll show you what I did accomplish. Here is the finished bolt part all that needs to be done to it drill a hole and add in the bolt so I can pull on it that will come later though. AllI need to do is just glue it togther and it will be done.
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Here are all the parts lined up next to the casing that is now cut.
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I still need to make the cuts and such in the casing for the specific parts like the bolt and the hole for the rounds to go through. Also I still need to attach the trigger system and the clip holder. I will also need to attach the parts for the grip and such. Then finish over all the remaining touchy parts including the clip lock and the detachable stock if I decide to add that. Lastly I will need to attach the remaining little insignificat things like sights and stuff like that.

Suggestions comments questions


#115599 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by DTReaper on 12 July 2007 - 05:37 PM in Homemades

Good job on keeping the roundness of the PM12. Most of the PM12's receiver is tube shaped. A cocking handle on the left side like the real PM12 would be a nice feature, with the ability to lock the bolt back so you can insert the magazine and release the bolt to chamber a round.

Well the bolt will be able to remain back because it will not be pushed forward by any means except for manual power. This is one of the unfortunate things about it is that I have to physically push it forward after priming it. So that is one downside to it but unless I decide to change the looks to accomadate a return spring. But that is unlikely to happen. And the balsa is planning on staying it works well enough and is really cheap and requires almost no cutting.

#90211 Looking For A Complete Checklist

Posted by DTReaper on 22 September 2006 - 08:23 PM in General Nerf

The bottom one it the power bazzoka(sp?) I believe.


#94811 Next-gen Systems

Posted by DTReaper on 19 November 2006 - 02:18 PM in Off Topic

Ok, Back on topic I have played the Xbox 360 and I like it. The graphics are quite good. Personally I don't reaseach these things alot but Nintendo Has been making new consoles that are outside the box and ultimatly may sell way less or way more due tyo its uniqueness. Personally I will probably stick to my PS2 that and my donkey kong stand up arcade game. Just because the other things are quite expensive. I dont know which I want to get. But I voted PS3 because well i like playstation and because I think the gamecube blows. I really wish this argument would be stopped by the admins or by the bigger man just stopping it.


#256000 Modern Warfare 2

Posted by DTReaper on 11 November 2009 - 06:53 PM in Off Topic

My only thoughts about multiplayer is now that the weapons do an increadible amount of damage and you die really fast the skill curve is goign to go up in a way. Because if you are new and you aren't used to the game the veteran players will curb stomp you very quickly. However at the same time because of this sneaking is even more important than ever and in conjunction with the new maps which give you an incredible amount of ways to get around it makes it even better. This leads into as others have said the maps are great and play to my style very well. I like sneaking around behind the enemy and killing them and using my other guys as a distraction like a hammer and anvil. In the original there were maybe 3 ways to get from point A to point B now there are at least 5 in every map. The maps besides being vast also have alot of buildings and most you can go in and on top of which is amazing.

The weapons are great and the perks and stuff work well, I mean im only in the teens but I still feel competative amongst the other players at higher levels. My only gripe is that the AA 12's rate of fire is too high for its real weapon I know it is just a little thing but it irritates me. Also the automatic weapons which used to be all over the place when fired before now have a much smaller recoil and can be keep on target amazingly easily which also leads to the ease of death in multiplayer which at first shocked me but now im used to it. Other than that I got nothing but praise.

Overall it is an amazing game and the multiplayer as others have said makes Cod 4 look like shit and unimaginative and linear in style.

#94503 Holiday Raffle

Posted by DTReaper on 15 November 2006 - 04:33 PM in General Nerf



#95426 M.p.bar (mass Producable Bolt Action Rifle) Mk.1

Posted by DTReaper on 27 November 2006 - 03:53 PM in Homemades

The ROF is ok since it primes and opens the breech in one pull you can just put a dart in and push the bolt forward and fire. So it depends on how well you can load the dart. Probably about 5 seconds per dart if you have it in your hand so about 30RPM probably less. But thats the max speed.


#95445 M.p.bar (mass Producable Bolt Action Rifle) Mk.1

Posted by DTReaper on 27 November 2006 - 07:56 PM in Homemades

Yes 2-3 days that includes all designing and Ill add ROF which is actually about 60RPM. And yes I will post the MK.2 which will include a clip and increased range and better trigger mech when I am done with it.


#95423 M.p.bar (mass Producable Bolt Action Rifle) Mk.1

Posted by DTReaper on 27 November 2006 - 03:41 PM in Homemades

Ok, so its been a while since i saw a new spring homemade so I said fuck it ill make one of my own. So I set to work. This poject took me 2-3 days to make. Its a bolt action rifle with 2, 25LB springs glued together for proplsion.
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Length: 31 inches
hight: 7.5 inches
barrel length: 8 inches
caliber: micro stephans
Power: spring plunger 4
Plunger stroke: 4 1/2 inches
Loading: bolt action breech
flat range:65 feet
angled range: 105 feet
Design: When I origanally designed it it was a much better gun with a magazine, however this gun is the dumbed down version of It. I designed it in school using parts I knew I have. I made it with mass production and high reproducability. This is one of the simplist designs I made. After my first faliure of a pistol I realized I needed metal for the catch parts as it is far more durable.
Materials: The materials for this are very easy to get.
-1/2 inch PVC
-1/2 inch CPVC
-3/4 inch PVC
-1 inch PVC
-1 1/4 inch PVC
-random screws from basement
- 3/4 inch PVC endcap
-3/4 to 1/2 inch PVC reducer
-1 1/4 to 1/2 inch PVC reducer
-nut and bolt unknown size
-2, 25LB springs
-1/2 inch CPVC endcap
-washer from basement with ID of OD of 1/2 CPVC
Component detail
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Internal pic
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plunger and plunger tube
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clothspin trigger and spring
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grip and other things in background
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open breech
-Make magazine for it
-move trigger forward and use scar-n trigger system
-make range better
Questions and comments will be answered.