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#164997 If You Want To Buy The Vulcan You Can Go Here

Posted by Hoceky on 28 July 2008 - 05:28 PM in General Nerf

In case people don't know or whatever, you can go to this address: http://www.hasbro.co...n&go.x=0&go.y=0

and buy the vulcan now, I just placed an order out of curiosity and you can buy the value pack from here for the same money and it gets you 25 extra darts, totaling 50 darts, plus an extra ammo chain as well as a shoulder strap. you'll pay $13 for shipping, but you'd have that in darts, chain, and a shoulder strap, plus you don't have to wait. Hope this helps unless everyone already knows and I'm behind the game. Just putting this out there for if you're dying to get your hands on a vulcan like I was.

Is there any possible way someone who lives in Canada can get the Vulcan value pack?

Cause habro dosen't ship there.

#165156 Fire Fly Problems

Posted by Hoceky on 29 July 2008 - 01:24 PM in Modifications

i have a problem with my fire fly, it wont catch the plunger file:///D:/Users/Antares/Media/mods/CIMG1901.JPG

I've had this problem before. Try turning the plunger stick around then it should catch

#165245 If You Want To Buy The Vulcan You Can Go Here

Posted by Hoceky on 29 July 2008 - 07:10 PM in General Nerf

You guys can go to amazon to get it actually.


Apparently they have it for $39.96 and has super saver shipping.
It's supposed to be shipped starting the 1st of august based on the website. Any coupons available for amazon.com?

They ship to US only too.

#165292 If You Want To Buy The Vulcan You Can Go Here

Posted by Hoceky on 29 July 2008 - 10:07 PM in General Nerf

You guys can go to amazon to get it actually.


Apparently they have it for $39.96 and has super saver shipping.
It's supposed to be shipped starting the 1st of august based on the website. Any coupons available for amazon.com?

They ship to US only too.

nevermind that last post

#167685 Hell Before Halloween. #2

Posted by Hoceky on 09 August 2008 - 09:52 PM in Nerf Wars

Well I'm Canadian, but an Albertan I am. Too far (Sniff,Sniff)

#171393 The Left Out Part Of Canada

Posted by Hoceky on 21 August 2008 - 08:10 PM in Nerf Wars

This is awesome im from Calgary too

#173901 Bbb Plunger Tube

Posted by Hoceky on 31 August 2008 - 11:51 AM in Modifications

Well I finally got my bbb open after cutting through tons of glue, and I want to do a spring replacement. But I can't get the tan plunger head off the rod for some reason to get to the spring. Can anyone help me?

Be a man, pull it off.

#176678 The New Hereti Corp. Assault Rifle

Posted by Hoceky on 11 September 2008 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

Oohh... That is very pretty. I like it.

#178140 Your Nerf Workshop

Posted by Hoceky on 18 September 2008 - 05:54 PM in General Nerf

Holy Crap LW, that's one hell of a big workshop.

#178330 Nitefinder Interior Coupler Modification

Posted by Hoceky on 19 September 2008 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

I like the cleanliness of this mod.

#179173 Rf20 Problem

Posted by Hoceky on 23 September 2008 - 06:56 PM in Modifications

While I was trying to open my RF20, I got to the point where I unscrewed all the screws that I saw until they were out and when I tried to open it wouldn't open in this area:


I anyone out there has ever had this problem before can you please help me?



#179177 Rf20 Problem

Posted by Hoceky on 23 September 2008 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

There are 2 screws in that area that you can't see at first glance. So unscrew those or just saw off that piece and you should be good.

Do you mean on the underside of the black piece cause I got those already.

#179483 Marvelous Titan Guide

Posted by Hoceky on 25 September 2008 - 08:06 AM in Modifications

This thing is awesome.

#179790 Rf20 Problem

Posted by Hoceky on 26 September 2008 - 06:33 PM in Modifications

Where do you get your Zippo Lighter Fluid?

#179808 Rf20 Problem

Posted by Hoceky on 26 September 2008 - 07:23 PM in Modifications

Where do you get your Zippo Lighter Fluid?

Around here, many grocery stores carry it, but it's on a shelf after the registers.

I'd recommend going to your grocery store and asking. But I also second badger's recommendation of Goo Gone as a substitute.

Thanks Just Some Bob, it helps alot.

#180297 Longshot Bolt

Posted by Hoceky on 28 September 2008 - 08:11 PM in General Nerf

Try using a claw hammer.

That's the rear end of a hammer if you know what I mean.

#181645 Nerf N Strike Game Trailer Released

Posted by Hoceky on 05 October 2008 - 09:48 AM in General Nerf

Just in case the video on Kotaku doesn't work for you this is it on Youtube.

#182817 Unknown Nf Piece

Posted by Hoceky on 10 October 2008 - 11:24 AM in General Nerf

When I reassembled my Nitefinder I heard a rattiling noise when I cocked the gun. I opened it up and I found a very small square metal washer that had threads in it which meant it was for a screw. It is about 4mm x 4mm and about 1mm thick. I am now wondering where this goes. Any help is appeciated, even if you had this past.

Posted Image



Edit: Thanks NB it helped alot.

#182822 Unknown Nf Piece

Posted by Hoceky on 10 October 2008 - 11:30 AM in General Nerf

Sorry about the image, I couldn't find my good camera and my photo software is messed up.

#182841 Unknown Nf Piece

Posted by Hoceky on 10 October 2008 - 04:32 PM in General Nerf

I fixed the problem. Thanks Natbeanz.

#182846 Recons Recalled

Posted by Hoceky on 10 October 2008 - 05:08 PM in General Nerf

Here is the recall info on Hasbro's website. The recall form is on there also.

#182848 Chaos

Posted by Hoceky on 10 October 2008 - 05:17 PM in Modifications

The thing looks.....um.....unstable. Maybe you should try to support it in some way. You could use more PVC on the sides as a suggestion.

#182936 Eliminator Write-up

Posted by Hoceky on 10 October 2008 - 11:18 PM in Modifications

I like it.

#183002 What Belongs In A Nerf Workshop?

Posted by Hoceky on 11 October 2008 - 11:31 AM in General Nerf

Well i gott go i think my FA24 was just dropped off by the UPS guy.

Do you mean Angel's foam? He dosen't sell that anymore.

#183004 Chaos

Posted by Hoceky on 11 October 2008 - 11:34 AM in Modifications

I'm going to say this once and once only. It's BASED off fenix' chimera, but the design of his is not fit to my liking. I like to pump the gun from the back, and it's more comfortable to me then the Chimera. I've used fenix' chimera at APOC, and it was great but mine is more comfortable for me because I have a damaged shoulder. This thing is fucking STURDY as hell. I made sure that I glued all over the PVC, and that it can withstand a fairly good amount of pressure. The point of this topic is to show has good Fenix' blueprints are. Everyone should make a basic Chimera, but customize it yourself which is what I did.

Thanks, I understand now.

#185817 Silicone Spray

Posted by Hoceky on 27 October 2008 - 08:47 AM in General Nerf

You can also use lithium grease. It has a stronger seal than silicone spray. It's what Nerf used before they became part of Hasbro.

#185818 Cpvc Sch80 Or Omc Petg?

Posted by Hoceky on 27 October 2008 - 08:50 AM in General Nerf

I can answer your question TB. FA 24 used to sell red foam that fit OMC's Petg like a glove. He does not sell it anymore.

#186761 Stock Arsenal Contest! Win $$$

Posted by Hoceky on 01 November 2008 - 12:25 AM in General Nerf

Hurrah I won!

#186767 Happy Birthday Forsaken!

Posted by Hoceky on 01 November 2008 - 01:20 AM in Off Topic

Happy 24th Birthday Angel!

#187890 Crazy Prices You Bought Your Guns

Posted by Hoceky on 06 November 2008 - 06:31 PM in General Nerf

I got an old style SM1500 at a garage sale for a dollar.

#188106 The Contract.

Posted by Hoceky on 07 November 2008 - 06:38 PM in Modifications

The two guns are like brothers. One is big and powerful, and the other is small and powerful. That is a sick gun.

#188500 The Contract.

Posted by Hoceky on 09 November 2008 - 02:16 PM in Modifications

How long is the barrel?

What kind of paint/ vinyl dye did you use? ( This includes primer and red and black color)


#188504 Vulcan...

Posted by Hoceky on 09 November 2008 - 02:33 PM in General Nerf

Vulcans are as fun as hell to play with. Especially when shooting foam at your sisters.

#188546 Pvc'd Ls Questions...

Posted by Hoceky on 09 November 2008 - 05:06 PM in Modifications

I agree with what rork said. Can we just get an admin to close this and get on with our lives?

#188547 Lnl Replacement Spring?

Posted by Hoceky on 09 November 2008 - 05:09 PM in Modifications

I have a chainblazer spring in my LnL and it works like a charm.

#188583 Recon -armed- Barrel Leak...

Posted by Hoceky on 09 November 2008 - 06:51 PM in Modifications

To locate the leak use a 50:50 mix of soap and water. Coat the plunger tube in this. Then cover up any other holes and blow in the front of the tube. The leaking hole should bubble/fizz. The leak may also make a hissing sound. To repair the leak I would fill the hole with a putty of some kind then superglue it. Then wrap it in e-tape. This is what I did to plug the hole in the side of the recon bolt. There is an easier way to remove the AR. I used a drillpress with a bit that is a tad smaller than the ID of the recon bolt. An alternative is to use a spade bit as seen in CS's mod.

- Hoceky

#188597 The Contract.

Posted by Hoceky on 09 November 2008 - 07:17 PM in Modifications

Thank you very much.

#189006 Titan Stefans?

Posted by Hoceky on 11 November 2008 - 11:08 AM in Modifications

You mean like Angel's deodorant clip?

#190227 Pictures Side By Side

Posted by Hoceky on 17 November 2008 - 09:14 AM in General Nerf

I think he means that the MS and the PC are in the same picture for comparison. You would need to own both blasters to do this.


#190842 Barrel Length For Sm1.5k?

Posted by Hoceky on 19 November 2008 - 10:17 PM in Modifications

I use 6 " for alot of my air guns.