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#194551 Cpvc Longshot

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 07 December 2008 - 01:07 PM in General Nerf

The internals have dick to do with it. You need to put in a stronger catch spring. If you replace the main spring or add springs to it, it will be too much pressure for the small catch spring. Use one out of a pen.
Then it should catch.

#185919 Cpvc Sch80 Or Omc Petg?

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 27 October 2008 - 07:39 PM in General Nerf

I am really torn. I use Mile High FBR, bought from Hereticorp. This stuff fits OMC petg perfectly. But I do need to plan in advance, order the foam and the PETG. These things work really well together, and I would reccomend it to anyone. However, if you want to be more spontaneous, you can go with the Home Depot stuff and CPVC. OMC PETG is quite cheap, but so is CPVC. It all depends on wether you will go the extra mile to order the foam/petg. By the way, the foam Hereticorp sells is the best quality stuff I have EVER seen. In the same league as FA foam.

#181785 Crossbow Compared To Ertl Pump Shotgun?

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 05 October 2008 - 06:25 PM in General Nerf

As someone who owns (ed) both guns, I will throw in my 2 cents.
I loved the feel of the ERTL pump action shotugun. It was heavy, which made it more comfy in my point of view. The stock was comfy, and the trigger was too. I am sorry I got rid of it, I should have singled it when my Doomsayer mod failed, but that never occured to me for some reason, I was a real noob back then.
Onto the crossbow. Heard many stories, proclamations of undying love about this gun. When I aquired it, I was a little dissapointed. It wasn't as comfortable as everyone said, for me. The stock had this point that kept digging into my shoulder, and the bump on the top where the stock barrel was originally was messing up with my aiming. I saw pictures of VACC's xbow, and didn't really like how it looked, so I never sawed it off.
Ranges: I never got to range test my ERTL pump gun, but my xbow hit 140 flat last range test, with a plunger tube replacement, and buniges.
In conclusion, both great guns, but I would hand it to the ERTL pump action, because if you can pull the doomsyer off, it is an unbeatable weapon.

#163113 Crossbow Issues.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 17 July 2008 - 05:47 PM in Modifications

I got my crossbow a few days ago and set about fixing it up, as it had a lot of hot glue residue in it. That worked fine, but now I can't seem to close it. I noticed that the plunger tube can be pushed up and down against the spring rests about 2 inches. I was wondering what is the correct positioning for the plunger tube. Please don't ask me stupid questions as I sliced my arm open while scraping the glue out and it hurts to type.

#163126 Crossbow Issues.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 17 July 2008 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

This kind of helps me. I had it forced up against the spring rests like that, but it wouldn't close.
I don't have any integrations, or anything. It just won't close, I don't know why.

#159540 Crossbow Level Site.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 17 June 2008 - 07:29 PM in General Nerf

Thanks. Exactly what I was talking about.

#159533 Crossbow Level Site.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 17 June 2008 - 06:29 PM in General Nerf

I once found this site that had what each level of modification of a crossbow, and the materials required.
I can't find it anymore. Could someone please tell me where this is, and perhaps supply a link.


#168530 Crossbow Problems

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 12 August 2008 - 07:21 PM in Modifications

I found a screw that worked. I believe I will use the zip tie thing, in the future. Thanks a lot Darkshrimp.
I painted it, integrated a SM1.5k, and it is just plain sexy now, one of the sexier on the NIC. I will post it in a few days.

#168444 Crossbow Problems

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 12 August 2008 - 02:05 PM in Modifications

I have a deep dark secret: The etape on my crossbow, Gemini, is not just for looks. It turns out that everytime I try to screw in a screw in the main body of the gun (not the handle or stock) The screw just keeps on rotating, not catching on anything or tightening. I don't believe kenner ever made longer versions of their screws, so that is why I have the etape keeping it closed. I want to paint the xbow, so I am asking for some feedback on how to close the gun using screws. I think the screw ports may be stripped, but Im not sure.

#180103 Crutch Blast 4000

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 28 September 2008 - 09:27 AM in Modifications

I would cut right through that metal bar with a dremel. That would work.

#154098 Cutting Off The Longshot Bipod...

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 01 May 2008 - 06:28 AM in Modifications

Hmmm. That sounds interesting. A LS with a NF integration. The wackiest integration to a LS that I have ever seen was my own (switch shots max). Never got around to posting a pic. Too bad.
Good luck, I would love to see a pic when you are done.

#197016 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 18 December 2008 - 06:01 PM in Darts and Barrels

I used to have the problem of burning too large or off center a hole to put my weight in. Instead, I now make a hole in the direct middle with a screwdriver. I push the weight in until the tip is flush with the tip of the dart. I then add a small dome of glue, dunk it into ice water. Contrary to my name, these do fly straight, and I use very little glue on each dart.

#149928 Dayko's Nf Crossbow Plunger

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 07 April 2008 - 07:22 PM in Modifications

I wanted to try the dowel idea, but I didn't want to screw up the plunger head by putting a screw through it.
I can see that it would work though

#206422 Defender T3 Writeup

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 25 January 2009 - 08:02 PM in Modifications

Awesome. That is one word. I should have NEVER given my DT3 pistol to chefdave for free... Anyway, I could never get more than 40ft out of it. I love the double coupler. I have one on my xbow and on my singled 2k. I alternate barrels a lot, dremmeled out CPVC fits my darts nicely for a springer, but PETG is perfect for an airgun.

#266393 Deploy Cs-6 Overhaul

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 21 February 2010 - 10:20 PM in Modifications

Wow, these ranges are great! I would recommend replacing the stock spring with a RFDG one if you have one. That increased the ranges on my Raider at least 10ft.
I can see this thing hitting mid 80s.

#266584 Deploy Cs-6 Overhaul

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 23 February 2010 - 04:33 PM in Modifications

That's pretty cool. I bet you could squeeze more range out of it if you sacrificed the deployability and made the powerstock longer, and put in a piece of [k26] or something.
But this is pretty cool that you were able to do that while still keeping it collapsible.

#158101 Detroit Wins The Cup!

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 05 June 2008 - 07:33 AM in Off Topic

I couldn't care less who won, but from the beginning, I was sure Detroit would PWN the penguins. The way they play, their speed and chemistry is something that the penguins just don't have. The pens are a great team, but they couldn't match up against the wings. Ozzy was amazing in net as usual, I wish I could be more like him. B)
EDIT: I play goal in hockey, that's why

#158123 Detroit Wins The Cup!

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 05 June 2008 - 12:20 PM in Off Topic

I live in Pittsburgh.

[insert rant]

MSDFS: No chemistry? Bah!

It's not like I hate them or anything, don't get me wrong, Crosby is a country kinsmen of mine. Im just saying that Detroit were much more organized, and allround just played better.

#155470 Discussion: Comfortable Blaster Shells

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 11 May 2008 - 01:02 PM in General Nerf

Take my advice and don't use the stock internals. I have completely maxed out the power from this thing, and it gets all of 65ft. Id integrate a 2k or something, and make a breach or something. The stock clips jam soo much it isn't worth even keeping them, unelss for ammo holders.
Good luck.

#155436 Discussion: Comfortable Blaster Shells

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 11 May 2008 - 06:57 AM in General Nerf

I don't think the sawtooth really holds a candle to the crossbow. Except maybe mine :P (writeup coming)
It is comfortable, but the stock is flimsy, and the ranges aren't the best. If you want to improve the sawtooth, you need to make an inline clip, or a breach, and integrate a longer range gun into it, like frostvectron.

#157393 Disk Shot Pistol

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 29 May 2008 - 05:30 PM in Modifications

Your Pocket shot barrel is REALLY crooked, but I agree that that is amazing.

#148804 Dollar Store Mod

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 02 April 2008 - 08:15 AM in Modifications

HAHAHA. I laughed sooo hard when you said step 1, throw mav into garbage.
I personally hate the mav. Great mod. Way to turn a piece of crap into a slightly better piece of crap.

#134230 Doomsayer

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 28 December 2007 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

I have a question. I modded a LS as my first gun (BBB spring added, no air restrictors removed.) It works fine. Do you think that I am capable of doing a version of this mod? It looks really cool and not too hard but my local bass pro shops charges 32$ for it so I don't really want to attempt it if I am going to just end up throwing it out.

#134445 Doomsayer

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 30 December 2007 - 06:16 PM in Modifications

I could drill the Ar's out, but I don't have a dremel. Will be borrowing my friend's for this mod.

#173987 Doomsayer Improvements.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 31 August 2008 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

Awesome man. I joined the ranks of the failed doomsayer club a while back. Man I love those Canadian helll cannons. They are like our national symbol now. This makes me want to take another crack at it.
Good job.

#261595 Doomsayer Turret Issue

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 12 January 2010 - 04:15 PM in Modifications

If Bob's idea doesn't work, try sticking the entire base of the thing in boiling water for about 10 seconds. That won't damage the plastic, but it will do away with any glue. Also, the plunger head, at least on mine that I got a few days ago, is also solvent welded on. A few smacks with a hammer got it off, but put it in boiling water first, or you just might break something you don't want to.

#177811 Double Barrel Big Blast

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 16 September 2008 - 08:12 PM in Modifications

Great mod, great way of legalizing the big blast. I hate the new color scheme, it is all I can find at walmart these days, but they are 4.99, so I can't complain, I guess Ill just have to paint it.

#146797 Double Tek

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 25 March 2008 - 06:30 AM in Modifications

I did this about a few months ago. It was called my mantra ray, as I put a homemade manta ray shell over them. Good job though. Mine never got those ranges.

#253566 Double-capacity Standard Size Ls Mag

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 14 October 2009 - 08:53 PM in Modifications

Wow man, like you needed a reason to diddle more ass with that thing.....

His LS puts everyone's I have gone up against to shame. THis thing, if he gets it to work, will be the bane of every Canadian Nerfer's existence. Well, maybe not AppleFury's....

Speaking of Apple's LS, how's the face? I seriously didn't mean to hit you in the face with that shot....

I am pissed that I just spent about 3 hours and 3 bottles of nail polish remover making my Angel Breech accept darts the length of streamlines..... I have 35 shots now.... YAY!!!!

RFR springs might work. I tore apart my mag, and the spring was really weak, it may work for this.
Do you have any problems with the polycarb coming off? I have had the strips I made out of that piece of polycarb that you sold me snap off about 3 times, just from the darts pushing on it.

Great job, hope it works out in the end.

#214698 Doubleshot Mod Write-up

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 24 February 2009 - 04:14 PM in Modifications

what did you use to cut it.

In the future, you may want to refrain from posting in topics that are more than 2 months old, let alone 2 years. This is called Necroing, and it is bad. If you want, Pm the author of the topic. If you necro repeatedly, an admin will likely suspend you, maybe even ban you.
Hope this helps.

#153775 Dt3 Pistol Mod

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 29 April 2008 - 06:31 AM in Modifications

Only my third favorite, sorry. I believe this is the second official DT3 mod ever. I can't wait until I'm finally done with some of my sales so I can buy it from Ryan.

Yes, if you want to buy it, hurry up and get the ss2 invoice to me!!!
Anyway. Im really sorry nerfer75 about the spring. I see it would have helped you here.

#159192 Dtb Issues.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 14 June 2008 - 07:42 PM in Modifications

I didn't completely remove them, I just bored them out. I guess Nefmonkey is right, they just suck. Decent for indoors though.

#159179 Dtb Issues.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 14 June 2008 - 06:19 PM in Modifications

I recently got my DTB and modded it by removing the ARS, adding a stretched NF spring, etape and lube on plunger head. Now when I shoot it, I barely hit 40ft. I don;t know why, as my seal seems ok, and there has been no barrel replacement. I have an NF glued to the bottom, but I cannot see how that affects performance.
ANy advice on how to improve my ranges would be greatly appreciated.

#159197 Dtb Issues.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 14 June 2008 - 08:06 PM in Modifications

I tried it didn't do much. I have bands in there, I am getting about 41-42 flat now, at least it can shoot across my living and rec room, which are 20ft each, and hit the wall on the other side with a smack.
I guess it's fine and great for indoor wars.

#159234 Dtb Issues.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 15 June 2008 - 09:22 AM in Modifications

I would use CPVC but canadian CPVC is insanely tight, and is useless for barrels, unless bored out, which Im not going to do for 10 barrels. Brass is too expensive, so Im stuck with stock barrels.

#159328 Dtb Issues.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 16 June 2008 - 08:54 AM in Modifications

I might try that drill bit thing. I may already have one im not sure. I am thinking about rebarreling it with petg when I next order some from OMC. That should improve ranges significantly.

#140419 Dtg Vs. Maverick

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 15 February 2008 - 09:09 AM in General Nerf

Ya I second that, I had a mav, it sucked. Plain and simple. I have never had a DTG, but I think that people get something like 55ft with them. Just get the DTG. Its worth the extra ten bucks.

#197731 Eagle-eye Help.

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 21 December 2008 - 12:47 PM in Modifications

First off, I would replace the string with wire. It is possible it is stretching, and the plunger is not making it to the catch. You may need a stronger catch spring. Try that, and if it doesn't work, Im lost. I had this problem with my old xbow. One cock, then it wouldn't cock anymore. I replaced the catch spring, worked fine after that.

#146136 Easy Airtech 2k Barrel Replacement

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 21 March 2008 - 11:20 AM in Modifications

If the At2k was still in production, I would waste no time, go to whatever store it was in, and buy like 5.
They are really good, as your mod shows.
integrating them is easy, too. Where did you get yours?

#192732 Edge

Posted by mystefansdontflystraight on 29 November 2008 - 12:35 PM in Modifications

Im happy that you posted this. I bought an eab from coop a few days ago. I thought eabs got better ranges though. CXWQ's mod says 75ft. I think coop got in the 60s. ANyway, good job with the clip, and integration.