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#331565 Will Custom Darts Work in Stock Barrels?

Posted by azrael on 04 July 2013 - 12:07 PM in Darts and Barrels

I think it depends on foam. The white foam I have from ben is light and less dense than MHA pink. Or maybe also the amount of hot glue used. Some people seem to use liquid nails, which allows for less gluing material. I just hoppered a BBBB, and that's my first hopper, and it works really well.
I'm using slugs with #8 washers, and they are pretty straight, but I haven't tested at long range, either. Right now MHA foam is a little tight for my PETG barrel, so I can't compare.

However, when using MHA foam and AMIOR style darts, I preferred my PAK D silicone tips with my 50mm dart length compared to normal or even 50mm AMIORs. When using my brassed bolt equipped EAT. Granted, the PAK D is a little thicker, but I dunno.
It could also be that springers and airguns work better with different kinds of dart tips.

I'm going off this thread, btw:
Some darts are coming in under a gram, and that's for total dart mass. I don't think that's enough.

#331560 Will Custom Darts Work in Stock Barrels?

Posted by azrael on 04 July 2013 - 10:26 AM in Darts and Barrels

^A very good point.
Foam like that will result in a tighter barrel fit for spring based blasters and thus have more even air delivery and a better air seal.

As for stefans being more accurate, I would say...it depends. Accuracy depends on a good amount of weight being forward loaded, around 1g.
I have had the best luck with 1.3g tips, as far as accuracy goes. Many types of stefans weigh 1g total, which IMO, is too light.

#331531 PANB 870

Posted by azrael on 03 July 2013 - 12:15 PM in Homemades

I can't believe you actually got a tube magazine to work. There was a thread by Shadow, and it lasted for two years, just barely touching on successful prototypes. And you managed to do it with just pvc and paint sticks.

Now, how many darts does the magazine hold? What flaws can you currently find in the design and construction of the blaster? How reliable is the tube magazine?

I think on Nerf Rev he said about 5 darts, of this particular length, any more or any different sizes and it gets wonky.

#331494 Looking for Replacement Parts

Posted by azrael on 02 July 2013 - 05:44 PM in Modifications

Don't think this is really the place to post this, unfortunately.
The bolt sled from an N-Strike Alpha Trooper will work in an Elite, if that helps any.

If your accuracy is all messed up now, I would say that's due to something else, perhaps your plunger isn't lubricated well anymore, and it's not traveling down the plunger tube straight enough. That makes a big difference for even delivery of air.

#331395 Homemade zing atl atl

Posted by azrael on 28 June 2013 - 09:31 PM in Homemades

Surgical tubing would still be way safer.

#331386 Brass Breach Stampede

Posted by azrael on 28 June 2013 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

Awesome. What printer was used? Trying to see if the one at work is good enough hahah.

#331378 Armageddon XIV

Posted by azrael on 28 June 2013 - 04:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Ahh, if I could get a wye locally, I could get a BBBB good to go.
Otherwise, I'll be using a brassed Alpha Trooper and a Supermaxx 1500.

Oh well.
Anyone going to be selling anything there?

#331364 Brass Breach Stampede

Posted by azrael on 28 June 2013 - 09:54 AM in Modifications

Really hard to see what's going on. Not sure if this qualifies as a write up...So I don't think this thread will be open for long..
Looks like you've got the 17/32" in the bolt? Seems to have more plastic than most brassed breeches, which is interesting. Similar to my technique. But I can't really tell what's going on at all.

#331325 Using rapid recharger for power source?

Posted by azrael on 27 June 2013 - 12:53 PM in Modifications

Do you know what the voltage is on these things?
How much are they?

If it's like a USB, which would make sense, it would be 5V.

EDIT: Looks like it can supply 800-1000mA depending on who makes it. I don't know if that's a continuous figure or max rating or what.

#331323 Using rapid recharger for power source?

Posted by azrael on 27 June 2013 - 12:51 PM in Modifications

If it's anything like an actual USB port on a PC, the current supply limitation is 500mA. Stall current for motors is almost certainly more than that.

You're better off getting a 2s LiPo or NiCD pack with a high mAH. As I recall, you're not overvolting it, really, right?

For example, I use a 1s LiPo with my Stryfe and it lasts forever. 4300mAH (I had a 6000mAH before, haha).

#331317 Armageddon XIV

Posted by azrael on 27 June 2013 - 05:13 AM in Nerf Wars

What kind of blasters are people bringing?

#331299 Starting My Research Here

Posted by azrael on 26 June 2013 - 01:05 PM in Homemades

Here's a useful thread for you:
The second post is what I think you'd find interesting.

#331296 Dead Flywheel motors

Posted by azrael on 26 June 2013 - 12:15 PM in Modifications

Stampede and Vulcans use very different motors.
However, another reason people may not be running into issues is because they're upping the voltage supply, but not the current supply.
If you increase the supply voltage, the motor will demand more current. But the batteries many people use can't supply the current some motors want. Whether this is good or bad is relative, I suppose.

I'm pretty running a 4s system in a Rayven isn't a good idea if you something other than Trustfires. I have a friend who ran his with a 4s LiPo, a battery chemistry that CAN supply the current that the motors want at 16.8V, but this current proved to be too much, and the motors burnt out. It could have been just from jamming and burning them out, since I wasn't there, I don't know the exact specifics of when it broke down.
Now, people run 4s Trustfire systems in N-Strike Rayvens with no problem. But since you're not supplying the motors with the current they want, is it really performing better? Maybe it's revving a bit faster, but I doubt that the torque has increased at all, that's for sure.
Like I said, it's relative.

#331181 Centurion Vid

Posted by azrael on 23 June 2013 - 03:52 PM in General Nerf

Damn, the gun might be capable of dethroneing the longshot, if we can convert it to taking 1/2 inch stefans.

It must be using some kind of different plunger system.
If you notice right when he fires there is two clicking sonds instead of one THOMP sound.

My thought process is that with the kind of pressure that converting to micros would create would cause a lot of potential dart stability problems. I mean, there's a reason they changed the ammo to get it to fire that far. Well that and these probably hurt less haha.

#331140 [WIP] Stampede ACB, the Arduino-powered Stampede ECS

Posted by azrael on 22 June 2013 - 10:35 AM in Modifications

I would probably use a transistor like a BS170 to drive the relay, and have the Arduino control that. If it's 5V logic (Never used the UNO) then just use 5V relays and power the BS170 with 5V.

#331101 [WIP] Stampede ACB, the Arduino-powered Stampede ECS

Posted by azrael on 20 June 2013 - 11:56 PM in Modifications

Well google lied to me then. >:|

But I suppose mine is a lot more compact than the top result. As for your other question if air is meaningless here then there's a nice empty space below the barrel perfect for a small sensor. Figure if I seal it up with some acrylic there shouldn't be too much of a loss.

And Zorn, you can close the topic if you'd like. I wasn't aware that logs were extremely erotic here.

I just don't understand how there isn't TONS of space. You only need a 5mm IR LED and a 5mm phototransistor. That's tiny. There's plenty of places to mount them that will register a complete cycle, if you add the correct delay to allow for spring return and such.

#331085 Armageddon XIV

Posted by azrael on 20 June 2013 - 03:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Bah, not looking forward to glue domes at all TBH hahah. Those things hurt.
Making some AMIORs in addition to the PAK D tipped darts I use.

#331079 [WIP] Stampede ACB, the Arduino-powered Stampede ECS

Posted by azrael on 20 June 2013 - 12:55 PM in Modifications

Where the heck are you thinking of mounting it? Haha.
If you're thinking about the barrel, it doesn't really matter if you seal it right. Besides, any "air loss" argument is moot if you haven't done a full seal bolt/barrel setup with something like brass, anyway. Tons or air being lost from that big old plunger in that case.

also, this.

#331072 [WIP] Stampede ACB, the Arduino-powered Stampede ECS

Posted by azrael on 20 June 2013 - 11:19 AM in Modifications

WIP threeads aren't generally allowed so this probably won't stay open for too long, but cool I guess?
I don't know that a switch to detect plunger travel will work all that well, maybe an IR sensor? That's how I would do it.

There's been other builds that use Arduinos for ammo counting, so it's not the first "Arduino powered" mod.

#331047 The Difference Between Knowledge and Understanding

Posted by azrael on 19 June 2013 - 11:15 AM in Off Topic

I think it definitely depends on the kind of person you are. Before I attempt any mod, I think about the pros and cons, and the physics behind it. I think that's important, and helps you understand why you're doing something. In that way, you can learn from write ups and apply core concepts to different blasters.

I love the physics documents that Doom wrote up, I was stoked to find that. There should be more of a scientific approach to things, at least in testing.

For me, the biggest advantage of write ups is less leg work. I can see what has been done, learn what materials to use and where I can buy them. I can learn from both past triumphs and mistakes.

#331046 Armageddon XIV

Posted by azrael on 19 June 2013 - 10:52 AM in Nerf Wars

The day is a-creeping. Looking forward to it, WARMUP should have been my first NIC, but I wasn't able to make it. Hope to see a bunch of people at this event!
Should be me +2.

#330962 Dead Flywheel motors

Posted by azrael on 17 June 2013 - 01:09 PM in Modifications

^Aeromech there's too much current at stall to be using a fixed resistor like that. The power dissipation would be immense.
Also, a motor will only take as much current as it's told. When you overvolt, you're making the motor want more current, that's the danger.

I run 4 trustfires in my N-strike Rayven (stock motors), have for a few years without burning them out - granted I only rev it up just before firing and let off motors the instant I'm done. I also recharge the batteries after every war it sees use.

Notice, I said stock Stryfes? I know plenty of people use 4s in other blasters haha.

#330949 Tactical Rail Dimensions

Posted by azrael on 17 June 2013 - 06:03 AM in Homemades

Yep, it's unfortunate. Some sort of screw system like Slydev does may be in order.

Good luck, I like that there's more 3D printed accessories out now.

#330948 Dead Flywheel motors

Posted by azrael on 17 June 2013 - 05:54 AM in Modifications

Solarbotics RM2s have become a popular replacement motor for Stryfes and Rayvens.
I use Tamiya Mach Dash Pro Motors with a 1s LiPo.

LiPo = Lithium Polymer, different battery chemistry, higher current discharge and density than other battery types.
Trustfires are Li-Ion, I believe.
Other people also use NiMH and NiCd batteries. NiCd have good discharge rates too.
4s = 4 cell = 4 batteries. On a full charge, that's 16.8V.

I believe most people don't run stock Stryfes at more than 3s, using Ultrafires. I'm sure LiPo or NiCd or something would be fine, too, stock motors can't have that much current draw, even at stall.

#330945 Dead Flywheel motors

Posted by azrael on 17 June 2013 - 04:51 AM in Modifications

People have experienced failures using Solarbotics RM2s with a 4s system. No idea what batteries.
I've also read of people burning out using a 3s LiPo system.

Based on specs, I would say RM2s are probably not meant to be run higher than 9v.

#330893 W.A.R.M.U.P.

Posted by azrael on 15 June 2013 - 12:48 AM in Nerf Wars

Won't be able to make since real life sucks balls.
Hope to see you all at Armageddon!

#330794 Is anyone interested in CAD drawings of stock parts?

Posted by azrael on 11 June 2013 - 01:25 PM in Homemades

Most 3D printers that people have at home can't do replacement boltsleds, no way that it's strong enough, or a high enough resolution. But it might allow for stuff to be submitted to a service like Shapeways, so we can get something like stainless steel printed parts from them.

#330751 Is anyone interested in CAD drawings of stock parts?

Posted by azrael on 10 June 2013 - 06:07 PM in Homemades

If it's like schematics, you drew the model, so I'm pretty sure you're okay. I think it's only bad to show the design files if they were originally created by another company.

I think this is pretty cool, a lot of people are doing 3D printed stuff now, so this may come in handy for the next generation of homemades.

#330571 Tek Recon

Posted by azrael on 04 June 2013 - 08:27 PM in General Nerf

Ammo is about 20 cents per rubber band. So not that cheap. Comparable to Elite Darts.

#330546 Elite Alpha Trooper – Spring replacement and supporting mods

Posted by azrael on 03 June 2013 - 08:14 PM in Modifications

How many kg is the Black Tacticalv2 rated for?

#330510 W.A.R.M.U.P.

Posted by azrael on 02 June 2013 - 10:42 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll try to be at this one. I think my dad wants to have a barbeque or something, but I'll see if he can move it to the next day.

Oh if you bring the tanks we talked about, I can buy them there. If I can convince my buddy to come with, that is haha.

You should expect to see less homemades than in most war photos from other parts of the country.

Some people even bring stock blasters and darts. Doesn't stop them from having fun though.

Oh cool. That's great. What kind of turnout do you get?
My friend and I use just modified Nerf blasters mostly. Higher spring load, brassed bolts. Modified flywheel setups. Getting an inkling to build a homemade though hahah.

#330492 ESLT Blaster Build Guide

Posted by azrael on 02 June 2013 - 04:32 PM in Homemades

Very very cool. I have one thought, though...If it's 3D printed, why not design a more ergonomic handle? Is this just something designed to be universal, then? I know hand sizes vary a lot, so that would make sense.
Overall, very cool, really makes me think about building a homemade.

#330474 W.A.R.M.U.P.

Posted by azrael on 02 June 2013 - 02:31 AM in Nerf Wars

W - e
A - lways
R - ecommend
M - eeting
U - nder
P - retenses

When: June 15th 10:00 am - 4:30ish pm

Where: Santiago Park, Santa Ana

What to bring:
Money or food
A good attitude

The usual socal rules still apply.

Questions? post them here.

Never been to a Nerf War that's been organized within the NIC. What kind of blasters can I expect to see there?

Trying to get a feel for how prepared I would have to be, you know?

#330458 What foam should I buy

Posted by azrael on 01 June 2013 - 05:31 PM in Darts and Barrels


#330454 Elite Alpha Trooper – Spring replacement and supporting mods

Posted by azrael on 01 June 2013 - 12:40 PM in Modifications

Very good question, I'll have to pop open my original AT at some point. I think the smaller spring diameter, despite having similar spring constants, is a lot easier to prime, though. My Raider with a 6kg spring was a lot harder to prime than this EAT with a 5kg spring.

FWIW, the easiest way I found to remove the AR was to purposely remove that bottom orange ring, then tap out the supports for the inner AR and let it fall out. Then I super glued the ring back on.

#330184 Electrical Problems

Posted by azrael on 23 May 2013 - 03:27 PM in Modifications

It also says the switch's rating on the side, should be indented into a the metal plate portion.

#330177 Dart Storage

Posted by azrael on 23 May 2013 - 01:27 PM in General Nerf

Hahah, I had a feeling it was like that. A lot of guys shit bricks over the fact they can build 3x3x3 Arduino based LED cubes.

I looked it up, didn't seem like some of the ones in San Diego had fees, though. Might be worth looking into, for myself.

#330173 Dart Storage

Posted by azrael on 23 May 2013 - 11:12 AM in General Nerf

Tell us more about hackerspaces. :D

#330172 Electrical Problems

Posted by azrael on 23 May 2013 - 11:02 AM in Modifications

It should say on the packaging. Something like Rated for 2A.

#330163 Electrical Problems

Posted by azrael on 22 May 2013 - 09:47 PM in Modifications

"the unit doesn't work and the wires start to smoke and burn. "

derp here's your problem. Use thicker wire and a higher rated switch.