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#313550 Banshee's Guide to Painting: Part 1

Posted by False on 26 March 2012 - 12:39 AM in Modifications

I am kinda worried about the 'no sanding'. but I just like to worry about it I guess....

Anyways thanks for posting this. I am sure I will do this in the future :)

Step 1: TAPING
...Prep work would go first, which includes sanding, priming, body filling, etc. and we might get into that on another day.

#312748 False's guide to painting faux wood

Posted by False on 12 March 2012 - 04:21 AM in Modifications

I'm just glad to help, haha.

Some more painting tutorials sounds like fun, and droplet effect, eh? Haven't even heard if that one but I'll give it a crack!

#312688 False's guide to painting faux wood

Posted by False on 10 March 2012 - 09:40 PM in Modifications

A couple people had asked me how I did that wooden effect on my M-bow (Marshmallow Crossbow), so here is a little write-up. Also, it was pretty dark and the photos were taken on my iPod, so the quality of the pictures isn't that great, but hopefully you'll get the general idea.

What you'll need:
- Blaster for painting (herpderp)
- White spray paint
- 'Raw umber' acrylic hand paint
- 'Burnt umber' acrylic hand paint
- Wood varnish
- A couple brushes that you wouldn't mind cutting up a bit.

Posted Image
By false_ at 2012-03-10

Firstly, lay down a coat of white (you can still see the last paintjob on mine because I ran out of paint, haha. Also, disregard already-painted bits)
Posted Image
By false_ at 2012-03-10

Secondly, paint 4-6 layers (depending on how dark you want the 'wood' to be- more layers= darker 'wood') of raw umber, doing each layer either with vertical or horizontal strokes (If you do horizontal one layer, do vertical the next, and so on). Try and leave the brush strokes visible because it serves to create a layered effect.
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By false_ at 2012-03-10

Then cut up a couple of brushes so that that the bristles are sort of like this: /|/|/| - points on the brush with space between them. For example, these are some that I use:
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By false_ at 2012-03-10

Using those brushes, dab the ends lightly in some burnt umber and press lightly along the painted parts of your blaster and drag them along. This creates the 'grain'. It is important not to overdo this bit.
Posted Image
By false_ at 2012-03-10

Now, don't worry if you think that the colours are to blended. That is what the varnish is for. So take some of the varnish and coat the 'wooden' parts in it. It should contrast the colours and make it look like polished 'wood'. If you don't want it to be shiny, just spray a clear, protective coat over it and it will appear still contrasted, but more dull and matte.
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By false_ at 2012-03-10
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By false_ at 2012-03-10

(This is what my finished blaster ended up looking like:)
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By false_ at 2012-03-10

Enjoy :)

EDIT: I can't reply to any posts in this thread for a couple of days due to my FNG status, any questions during that time should be directed to my inbox.

#312687 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by False on 10 March 2012 - 09:35 PM in Modifications

Stock + Longshot spring, seal improvement, couplered. Video soon to be/ up on my channel

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By false_ at 2012-03-10

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By false_ at 2012-03-10

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By false_ at 2012-03-10

#310290 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by False on 29 January 2012 - 03:39 AM in Modifications

Finished up the paint job, I went with drybrushed silver for the black parts. Also, I made a range test video hereon my channel. Results: flat- around 100ft, angled- 115ft

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By false_ at 2012-01-28
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By false_ at 2012-01-28
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By false_ at 2012-01-28
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By false_ at 2012-01-28

Feedback is encouraged :)

#310208 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by False on 27 January 2012 - 05:29 AM in Modifications

Hoppered with 12" conduit barrel. I'm not sure what colour I should paint the black bits or if I should just leave them. Opinions are wanted via PM.

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By false_ at 2012-01-26
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By false_ at 2012-01-26

#309750 SOPA/PIPA and the Site Blackouts

Posted by False on 19 January 2012 - 07:08 AM in Off Topic

No! If the USA pass this legislation then no doubt Australia will soon follow...

#309666 2012 Nerfer Location Directory

Posted by False on 17 January 2012 - 06:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Primary: RSCB'd BBBB
Specific Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

#309572 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by False on 16 January 2012 - 01:50 AM in Modifications

Minimized with coupler and it is hand painted.
Posted Image
By false_ at 2011-12-02

LS + stock spring, quadded and improved plunger seal.
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By false_ at 2011-12-27

SSPB with Hornet tank and PETG barrel.
Posted Image
By false_ at 2012-01-15

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By false_ at 2011-12-03

General mods, spring and catch replacement, ARs.
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By false_ at 2012-01-15

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By false_ at 2012-01-15

Overhauled NF with tacticool light. Picture is from ages ago so the quality is less than impressive...
Posted Image
By false_ at 2012-01-15