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#155284 Summer Dcno

Posted by NerfMonkey on 09 May 2008 - 09:03 PM in Nerf Wars

Don't be a pussy, just walk. Mail your guns ahead of time and then all you have to bring with you is a few days' worth of food and water. Maybe you could even hitchhike.

#60933 The General, General, New Player Guide

Posted by NerfMonkey on 02 August 2005 - 02:11 PM in General Nerf

Total. Fricking. Pwnage.

I usually don't like seeing people get the 9999 day special, but Peach had it coming. I'm just puzzled as to why he joined and then just acted like a dick the whole time - most trolls are just retarded or at least say something along the lines of "u guy r pussis. nerf dart dont hurt" or something lame, but Peach was just...different. He was the first one of his kind I've seen out of the roughly fifteen suspensions I've seen.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to thank you for that one cx.

#45267 The General, General, New Player Guide

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 January 2005 - 02:48 AM in General Nerf

Topic's kind of old, but... harsh.

#202536 Avatars

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 January 2009 - 12:41 AM in Site Feedback

Oh my fuck. We are not getting any new avatars, stop posting in this thread.

#67524 Double Shot Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 November 2005 - 01:02 PM in Modifications


I like your mod the best though; more pictures and more accurate ranges. Nice job.

#76172 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 14 March 2006 - 07:44 PM in General Nerf

Oh, an expanding/retracting stock, eh? Sounds intriguing. Thanks for the information.

That picture kicks ass.

#74222 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 February 2006 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

it's freaking huge, and that means i will find some way to turn it into a godly primary when it comes out

Do you mean with an integration or what? Because size doesn't have anything to do with performance...
Ten points to anyone that didn't think what I just did when reading that.

Thanks OMC, Talio and Groove. This is always the best part when we see pictures of the guns. Hasbro's really pumping out the guns, it's been less than a year since we saw the pics of the Firefly and DTB for the first time and the Crossfire was a nice surprise in between.

Thanks again, it can't be said enough how lucky we are as a community to have you guys.

#65136 Grammaton Cleric's Sidearm

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 October 2005 - 08:38 PM in Homemades


Hey, you're right!

Just had to try it. :P Bolt, that is the first homemade spring pistol I've ever seen. It looks great and I'm very impressed my the ranges. Great job.

#109417 Very Clean Nitefinder Coupler Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 June 2007 - 05:50 PM in Modifications

Only 50 ft.?

50's really good considering the NF's small size. You shouldn't need much more than that in a sidearm anyway.

I wish I could mod like that. I probably could but I'd fuck it up somehow. Perfectly done, and no Dremeling of the case required!

#141529 Nerf Eliminator And Hyperfire

Posted by NerfMonkey on 20 February 2008 - 04:31 PM in General Nerf

Why would nerf rerelease the DTG though... It just came out basically. It just doesn't make any sense.

UNLESS, hasbro made way too many of these DTGs and are now trying to sell them off in 4 packs with a new name?

The DTB has been around since mid-05; not exactly recent considering all the guns that have come out since then.

Not to be a whiny bitch but this is disappointing. At least when Nerf repackaged the SM line as the Airtech guns they were still good. Now they're rereleasing guns I hate:

Titan=expensive, bulky, impractical
Hornet=great gun, but difficult to mod and finicky
DTB=pure shit, piss-poor ranges without a serious overhaul
Magstrike=not even original in its first form, and I already have a few PCs.
I'm not going to make any predictions about the Vulcan yet.

But young boys will favor machine guns, bazookas and rifles over guns like AT2ks, and I suppose those guns are what will make them money.

#58419 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 June 2005 - 11:15 PM in Darts and Barrels

My tricks:

1. When I burn the hole in the top of the foam to drop in the slingshot ammo, I always spin the glue gun around the dart for one or two seconds. This gets rid of the string of glue that comes off of the dart and decreases your chances of pulling the glue gun away from a dart that you set down to dry and yanking the dart onto your bare knee and burning the hell out of yourself. This has happened to me and it is NOT GOOD.

Gets rid of that little string of glue.
Reduces the chances of ruining darts by tipping them over.

Increases dart making time, but not enough to notice.
If you spin the gun too close to the foam, you can burn it and screw up the dart.

2. After making a dart, if I have a crater in the end of it, I bite off the foam around the crater to make it flatter.

Increases the quality of the dart tip.
I like chewing foam.

You can accidentally eat the foam when you bite it off.
Increases dart maknig time.
If the dart is not completely dry, you can get glue on your teeth, which tastes bad and burns your mouth.

3. I use a vise to put my darts into while drying. This way I can set the vise to the perfect tightness so that the darts aren't smashed permanently, but will not fall out if I bump them. It can also hold a lot of darts.

Keeps darts upright.
Holds a lot of darts.
Won't hurt the foam (plus if it did, you could cut off the end of the dart).


That's all I've got, but there are probably more I didn't think of.

#114074 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 01 July 2007 - 10:15 PM in Darts and Barrels

Bpso, was that the white foam or the gray foam? I'm considering buying a few hundred feet.

#66153 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 20 October 2005 - 03:09 PM in Darts and Barrels

Why do people register, then post one idiotic comment that pisses one or two people off MAX, get banned and we never hear from them again? It doesn't seem like it would be worth the effort to register on a forum you don't like and be an idiot in a two word post, then get banned.

For my most recent darts, I've started putting the foam in 1/2" ID vinyl tubing to straighten it and make it slightly smaller, which seems to work pretty good. They're better in my CPVC modded pump guns it seems and they travel a little more straight for me.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to put the Pros and Cons. Sorry about that.


Straightens FBR very effectively.
Sounds cool when you yank it out of there.


Makes it smaller (might not be good for someone with a lot of spring guns that you want a tight fit)
It's hard to get the foam in the vinyl.

#77543 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 March 2006 - 03:23 PM in Darts and Barrels

Yes, very bad. It seems perfectly safe, but what you need to understand about the foam we use is that it's spongy and will tear with use, meaning the tack could easily come out and stab someone in the face if you shot a dart enough times or if you didn't make it perfectly.

#59240 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 July 2005 - 02:24 PM in Modifications

Thanks for answering all my questions man. Just one more: what kind of darts are you shooting out of it? I mean what kind of weights are you using for Stefans in it?

#60407 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 28 July 2005 - 12:03 AM in Modifications

The internal pictures ompa gave us suggest no, fastkill. It looks like the plastic of the case is just a solid chunk, so I don't think so. I did wonder that too though.

#59199 Dart Tag Blasters

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 July 2005 - 01:00 AM in Modifications

Drool. It looks nearly exactly the same as the Tek 10 but more powerful. I love it. Thank you flamebo. I'm definitely putting this on my birthday list since I don't have $40.00 to shell out. :nugget: I can not wait to get my hands on one of these babies! Thanks so much. I don't know what to say except, I'm stunned! It seems like Nerf is going back to spring guns lately. Very nice flamebo. I want ranges soon, but I'm guessing only a few feet range improvement with Stefans without restrictors, like the Mav. I'm hoping for 50 feet, but expecting 45. I'm amazed how quickly Walmart got these puppies in. Also, it looks like it would be awkward to cock the gun, because the front appears as though it would be a bit heavy when holding the trigger handle to cock it. Thanks.

EDIT: Oh yeah, flamebo, what state are you in? I'm in Ohio and wanted to know if you are near here so I can sort of know when to expect them around here. Thanks again.

#70311 The Barricade Buster/ Real Nerf Grenade

Posted by NerfMonkey on 02 January 2006 - 06:36 PM in Homemades

Off topic, but: Ronster, couldn't you just right click "and save target as" on those links he posted and then open them in Windows Media Player or whatever you're using?

EDIT: That's strange, it lets me save it just fine. Hmmm....

#70467 The Barricade Buster/ Real Nerf Grenade

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 January 2006 - 07:57 AM in Homemades

Did you even read the thread you ass? You've got to be the most useless troll or extreme n00b here in at least a month.

#62988 The Barricade Buster/ Real Nerf Grenade

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 September 2005 - 06:00 PM in Homemades

That's amazing. I'm really impressed by the power and speed of the darts. Very nice; me and Sqiggs will have to try this, I think he's got one of those frisbee things.

#62994 The Barricade Buster/ Real Nerf Grenade

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 September 2005 - 07:15 PM in Homemades

Those things with filam canisters seriously suck balls.

Thanks! While I agree that Renegade's design is the best one yet, I didn't think mine "sucked balls", or did you just mean them in general and not just mine?

#99659 Nitefinder Rifle

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 February 2007 - 11:42 AM in Modifications

I just watched the video and the last tri-barrel sounded like a dry fire.

You can clearly see the three darts, it isn't.

#63360 Bolt Action Magazine Fed Air Pressure Nerf

Posted by NerfMonkey on 08 September 2005 - 08:52 PM in Homemades

Doctor Nerf, I've never been that crazy about homemades until I saw bolt's FAR, and now this...this has just inspired me to build one. Thank you.

As for the gun...sexy. Very, very sexy. How many shots can you get from that beast before needing to repump it? And also, couldn't you build a huge magazine with about ten rounds in it? I assume you used a leaf spring (think that's what they're called), in fact I know you used one. But on that magazine, is it like bolt's mag on his FAR, where you have two semi-/half circles of PVC, like you cut a length of 1/2" or 3/4" down the center and then just connected the two halves with balsa? I love it! Oh, and you used Sch. 80 PVC for the shells, correct? I really, really like it and now want to build something similar, meaning semi-auto, but I'd probably have a much smaller tank to make it usable in wars.

Very, very good job Nerf. It's a great looking gun.

#275312 Nj Apocalypse 2010

Posted by NerfMonkey on 19 May 2010 - 02:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Sublimedom777, flamincows and I are definites as of now. A few more might join us but that's not for sure yet.

#279377 Nj Apocalypse 2010

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 July 2010 - 06:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Princexbuster is coming in the same group as me so he can be added to the definites list.

#282227 Nj Apocalypse 2010

Posted by NerfMonkey on 05 August 2010 - 04:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm excited. See everyone in two days. Now to start dart making.

#282507 Nj Apocalypse 2010

Posted by NerfMonkey on 09 August 2010 - 12:51 AM in Nerf Wars

I had an awesome time. Big thanks to everyone that was involved in running it and everyone else that showed up. I was doing kinda bad most of the day but it was still really fun. Hopefully the Sex Dwarves will return again next year.

#85737 Big Blast Rifle (non Nerf Gun)

Posted by NerfMonkey on 25 July 2006 - 08:58 PM in Modifications

Kickass mod and nice looking gun, but I'd suggest adding a PVC coupler. Then you can use sch 40 or sch 80 PVC barrels, nested brass or CPVC barrels and nested PETG barrels, as well as probably some others. It would be more stable that way too and you wouldn't need any duct tape.

That gun seems to outperform the LBB, not just match it. Nice job. If I see one I'll take some pictures of the box. I can't believe how close to an LBB it looks. Amazing. Off-brand companies ripping off off-brand companies, awesome.

Thanks for the mod and info!

#70814 Artemis Arms Mountain Rifle

Posted by NerfMonkey on 11 January 2006 - 07:33 PM in Modifications

Dude! That is awesome. I've been trying to think of something to use for a magazine on my Maxshot, which uses the same breech as yours, basically. It would be a mini-sized version of the Mountain Rifle. I just need to find a suitable spring to use to load the darts.

Awesome mod, truly awesome. Oh, and what's the ROF, like in shots per minute? The Titan's still pretty slow, even with a breech and magazine. All that pumping takes time. I'm assuming about six to eight shots per minute, right?

Good work.

#70898 Artemis Arms Mountain Rifle

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 January 2006 - 11:16 PM in Modifications

That is an awsome gun I've been trying to do that to my maverick :w00t:

He was referring to this I believe.

Noid, I <3 your Titan.

#48588 Magazine-fed Fast-action Nerf Rifle

Posted by NerfMonkey on 03 March 2005 - 04:20 PM in Homemades

Holy hell. That looks like a great gun to show to non-believers. Good work, boltsniper. No, I take that back. INCREDIBLE. That is on the same level as ompa's Halo Shotgun in awesomeness.

#48716 Magazine-fed Fast-action Nerf Rifle

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 March 2005 - 10:46 PM in Homemades

Can't wait to see it, sounds great!

#49734 Magazine-fed Fast-action Nerf Rifle

Posted by NerfMonkey on 15 March 2005 - 09:30 PM in Homemades

I could get 200 PSI PVC at Home Depot or Lowe's for like $2.38 for five feet. Pretty good deal, if you ask me. Bolt, the biggest war I've ever been to was less that eight people, but you're right, that's not that big when you compare it to wars like YANO, Armageddon and SENO.

#49569 Magazine-fed Fast-action Nerf Rifle

Posted by NerfMonkey on 13 March 2005 - 10:48 PM in Homemades

Awesome bolt. Were there any other homemades in play or all actual Nerfs? That sounds sweet. I haven't been to a big war in so long...

#49432 The Ultimate Nite Finder

Posted by NerfMonkey on 12 March 2005 - 06:08 PM in Modifications

I’ll be honest; the arrows can’t even get off the barrel, no matter what you do. It just slides up the barrel.

It may not be useful, but hey, It’s cool!

III. Awesomization (Yes, it is a word)

If you want, you can stop there, but it won’t be nearly as cool if you do.

Aint she a beut!

Guys, he said it doesn't shoot arrows, and it is just to look neat. I really like it. I painted my NF black, but that doesn't improve its performance. I removed the bow strings from my Airzone Crossbow, and that doesn't improve its performance. It's just to look cool, and judging by how it looks in the pictures, I'd say it worked. She's a beaut!

#71907 Crossfire Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 29 January 2006 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

PC, how are your Stefans weighted? I'm thinking of getting one but only if it's got decent power. All I've got is CPVC to mod it with and I don't know how it would take that.

#71569 Crossfire Mod

Posted by NerfMonkey on 23 January 2006 - 10:40 PM in Modifications

Try Zippy. I've hosted a few mod videos on there.

Nice mod.

#166658 Fall Dcno

Posted by NerfMonkey on 04 August 2008 - 10:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Probably a no-go for me. I'm already attending a star party (a different type of congregation of nerds, but with telescopes instead of Nerf guns) on the 6th and have football games to march in every Friday. There's a small chance I can make it but it's very doubtful.

Have fun.

#76535 Arsenal Aprassial Thread

Posted by NerfMonkey on 16 March 2006 - 05:52 PM in General Nerf

Actually, I'd say Ryan's arsenal is worth about $1450. That may be a bit much; being realistic, if you were to sell all those guns separately I'd expect to get about $1350-1400, depending on who you sell to of course.

My arsenal is small as of now, my most often used guns include:

CPVC couplered Splitfire, 65-80' flat range
Maxshot, PVC couplered, 80-90' flat range with 8-10" nested CPVC barrels
Powerclip, painted, standard mods (banded bladder, clip mod), only one clip, 40-50' flat range
AT2k, PVC couplered, 80-90' flat range with 8-10" CPVC barrels.

I've got in my unmodded (and unused) arsenal:

Eagle Eye
Vortex Tornado
2 - Vortex Tornado X/2
About 4 good condition Vortex rings.

#60596 Arsenal Aprassial Thread

Posted by NerfMonkey on 30 July 2005 - 01:43 AM in General Nerf

I'd say about $2,200. Wow. Good arsenal. How much is mine worth, anybody? I love yours Noid.