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#189402 Big Salvo Leak

Posted by nerfboi on 12 November 2008 - 11:09 PM in Modifications

do you think it's the O- ring that's sealing it?

#189405 Big Salvo Leak

Posted by nerfboi on 12 November 2008 - 11:19 PM in Modifications

Well, do you know where the leak is coming from?
Also, check this.
That's all I know of. B)

#116500 Birthday

Posted by nerfboi on 20 July 2007 - 12:35 AM in Nerf Wars

Are we invited to go?

#192474 Black Friday Debrief

Posted by nerfboi on 28 November 2008 - 12:59 PM in General Nerf

Man, I woke up at 4 AM this morning. I went to circuit city to buy a Wii and a PS3(for me :( ) But when I got to Wal Mart, I looked over and saw the AT3K twin packs so I rushed to find them. But no luck me.

#192530 Black Friday Debrief

Posted by nerfboi on 28 November 2008 - 04:53 PM in General Nerf

Man, I woke up at 4 AM this morning. I went to circuit city to buy a Wii and a PS3(for me :D ) But when I got to Wal Mart, I looked over and saw the AT3K twin packs so I rushed to find them. But no luck me.

Holy crap! You bought a wii an a PS3 tody for youself? Tha-tha-that's like $600. Holy crap!

On topic: You guy's are lucky. I couldn't go because I was too tired. :o

I wish. The Wii is for my lil' sister. The PS3 is mine. Do you guys think they will still be stocking the AT3k even after today? Cause II REALLY REALLY want some.

#192808 Black Friday Debrief

Posted by nerfboi on 29 November 2008 - 05:31 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, you kinda late. Look a few pages back. Well, I didn't see anymore AT3k packs. so I'm guessing they are out.

#192741 Black Friday Debrief

Posted by nerfboi on 29 November 2008 - 01:15 PM in General Nerf

Same here. I'll get back to you on that. I'll be back on in a couple of hours, as I'm doing some other stuff too.

#192739 Black Friday Debrief

Posted by nerfboi on 29 November 2008 - 01:04 PM in General Nerf

You can't put a price on life.
Anyway, I'm going back to Wal*Mart today. Hopefully I'll find some of those AT3k packs!!!!

#106644 Blastfire: Fixable?

Posted by nerfboi on 19 May 2007 - 10:29 PM in Modifications

Couldn't you just rip off the glue?

#201983 Bmx

Posted by nerfboi on 08 January 2009 - 10:15 PM in Off Topic

I did then I kind of just toned it down now(ha cause I got bigger and got scared I'd crack my frame/bike). I just like to jump,like dirt jump , but nothing serious. I have a 07 Whip. I forgot the brand of it, that's the model. What bike do you have?

#109863 Bottle Rockets?

Posted by nerfboi on 07 June 2007 - 09:20 AM in Off Topic

Yes, I'm talking about the 2L bottles. I'll talk about it more later after school today.

#109826 Bottle Rockets?

Posted by nerfboi on 06 June 2007 - 11:39 PM in Off Topic

Ok, as I'm in the 8th grade almost 9th, I'll be making bottle rockets for science class. I understand the concept, but for the wings, I'm guessing 3 wings would be perfect. But I've been thinking about this the whole day at school. Is it more effective to have the wings on more of a slant to the left/right? Just like a BBB arrow?

#150391 Brass Ls Breach

Posted by nerfboi on 10 April 2008 - 04:13 PM in Modifications

You could try epoxy putty. I don't know if that will hold or what not.

#173537 Breathing Plastic Dust/fumes

Posted by nerfboi on 29 August 2008 - 10:33 PM in Modifications

I'm taking a guess and saying that dust will just irritate your breathing. But the worst can happen is it will collect up and you will be breathing hard? For painting, I HIGHLY hugest one of those high grade respirators. I painted something for my bike ones and only use one of those dust masks and I had a hard time breathing for a week.

#106418 Breech Loading Titan

Posted by nerfboi on 19 May 2007 - 12:14 AM in Modifications

Wow, thats a pretty good first post. And a nice write up. And welcome to NH

#183858 Breeches

Posted by nerfboi on 14 October 2008 - 11:41 PM in Modifications

One question though, Why not just buy a already made breech?

Because many of us have more skills than money. And those of us that do... take pride in doing it ourselves.

Agreed. and I, for one, don't have the extra money to buy any. Plus, it's more fun making them.
P.S. Thanks Coop for the comment

#104724 Bullies!

Posted by nerfboi on 09 May 2007 - 08:11 PM in Off Topic

I've been through bullying time when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. I would always get refurrals(like lunch detention) But before that, we'd take it down to the "lower Field" and handle it there. You should just ignore them, as the other members said before, and they will,eventually, leave you alone. Somethimes fighting is the only way to make em' stop. I should know, considering I got suspended for it.

#102210 Buying A Notebook

Posted by nerfboi on 14 April 2007 - 10:08 PM in Off Topic

You might want to contact CaptainSlug. He's the computer expert, seeming as he builds computers. Sorry if this wan't helpful

#188906 Buzzbee Big Blast Trigger Repair?

Posted by nerfboi on 10 November 2008 - 09:54 PM in Modifications

you could place 2 metal strips on the side of the trigger and screw it together.

) - Trigger
= - sheet metal
- - the part the trigger broke off of. The fin type thing

#144327 Buzzsaw Hopper

Posted by nerfboi on 08 March 2008 - 03:00 PM in Modifications

You could use pringle cans. Someone here said that pringle cans are good sized tubes for the balls(not to be nasty)

#106643 Can Stock Ls Fire Stefans?

Posted by nerfboi on 19 May 2007 - 10:22 PM in General Nerf

Cant you just drill a hole in the back of the steffan?

You know, i was wondering that.
And if you can simply make longer stefans.

It's all personal preference.

If you use longer stefens, there is a big risk it will fish tail.

#213164 Carbon-style Plunger

Posted by nerfboi on 17 February 2009 - 10:42 PM in Homemades

So, how are you going to buy those items online if you can't give out your address or even your name? Anyway, just do what rork says and go to your local hardware store(i.e. Lowes, Homie D's, Ace, and De Naults) so there not as highly priced and saves you shipping.

#182843 Chaos

Posted by nerfboi on 10 October 2008 - 04:40 PM in Modifications

Can I ask whats the point of this topic? I don't get it.

#43741 Cheap Smoke Grenades

Posted by nerfboi on 10 December 2004 - 08:24 PM in Homemades

i got an idea but i think it wont work but here i go, get a perferbly size pvc and fill it dry ice and spite. then cover 1 and only 1 end of the pvc and thorw it(but i think it wont work) heres another 1. get a buket of water and drop a chunk(not really big or small)of dry ice inside the h2o. :nugget:

#102687 Children And Small, Furry Animals: Beware

Posted by nerfboi on 27 April 2007 - 10:40 PM in News

:blink: I am confused to what you just said Rambo( no disrespect or anything)

#102683 Children And Small, Furry Animals: Beware

Posted by nerfboi on 27 April 2007 - 10:33 PM in News

Congrats OMC. I'll try not to post for the next week or so, if that helps in anyway way.

#224494 Chubbs V. 2.0

Posted by nerfboi on 19 April 2009 - 11:34 PM in Modifications

Wasn't it g-force the one who came up with the first chubbs?

#248066 Circuit Question

Posted by nerfboi on 21 August 2009 - 11:53 PM in Modifications

Pretty sums it all up. You should look at your local Radio Shack. Thats the number one place to look for loose electronics and parts.

#111127 Clipped Maverick

Posted by nerfboi on 13 June 2007 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

You siad you REPLACED the spring right? Then you should reinforce it. You could folloe Frost Vectron's hot on it.

#112446 Closed

Posted by nerfboi on 21 June 2007 - 10:52 PM in General Nerf

don;t know if a maverick tht works fine, but no slide cocker is considered "broken" If so, then that. Only $8, I think.

#176791 Clothes

Posted by nerfboi on 11 September 2008 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

Just Levis and a plain shirt(the AAA brand) and My Nike air Prestaige

#146705 Colored Hot Glue

Posted by nerfboi on 24 March 2008 - 06:56 PM in General Nerf

There you can but 25 lbs of single collor sticks. I'm not so sure if they have a lot of colors, but they got glow in the dark ones.

#117055 Computer

Posted by nerfboi on 24 July 2007 - 10:14 PM in Off Topic

A while ago I had:

Gateway 2000
Windows '95
Pentium II Processor
Hard Drive - Pitiful
Floppy Drive
CD drive that ONLY reads CD's, it can't write them
Small Monitor
Glitchy, pathetic Speakers
Not compatible with anything, due to it being Windows '95, and everything starts with '98 :lol:
Virus that randomly closes programs

That computer wasn't compatible with Nerfhaven. Just to give you an idea of how much it sucked.

And now I have:

Lenovo 3000 J Series
Windows XP (Vista Sucks!)
Core 2 Duo Processor
RAM - 228GB
Hard Drive - 2GB
DVD/CD drive that reads/writes
Compatible with most memory cards
Wide screen monitor
Stereo Quality Speakers
StopSign Virus protection software - Not making the same mistake twice

I went from 2GB RAM to 2GB Hard Drive...

Wow, 2gb Hard Drive?You must not like to save a lot of this on your computer then. Also, I don't like Vista much either

#118024 Computer

Posted by nerfboi on 02 August 2007 - 01:16 PM in Off Topic

Are AMD Athlons really that good? Cause my dad said that the like freeze to easily and ar not that reliable

#117625 Computer

Posted by nerfboi on 30 July 2007 - 12:27 PM in Off Topic

Thats on my computer

#117232 Computer

Posted by nerfboi on 26 July 2007 - 12:55 PM in Off Topic

I just found this:
- Intel Extreme Graphics 3 Driver
- Sansung DVD drive\
- LG USB Drivers
- Intel 537EP V9x DF PCI Modem
and I think thats it

#116839 Computer

Posted by nerfboi on 22 July 2007 - 09:01 PM in Off Topic

I got a Dell desktop. Its not the most hippest,innest computer here on the forums(Beside Piney's comp,no offense)
- Dell Dimension DIM3000
- Pentium 4CPU 2.80 GHz
- 2.79 GHz
-512 MB of RAM
- Windows XP Home Edition
Version 2002 service Pack 2
I don't know what else theres in it, as I just went to my control panel and looked for "Basic information." Sadly, I don't think I got a graphics card in it

#173328 Condom Bow

Posted by nerfboi on 29 August 2008 - 01:27 AM in Modifications

Have you tried filling the original plunger head with hot glue? and while the glue is still how, it will make the plunger head comform to the plunger tube, and while drying, it will make a somewhat perfect seal? I don't really know semming as I have never tried it. I just thought of it.

#144438 Counter-strike 1.6

Posted by nerfboi on 09 March 2008 - 02:28 PM in Off Topic

Wow! I play CS also. my steam name is tRp pH. Pinoyboi
Add me and we'll play

#111037 Counter-strike 1.6

Posted by nerfboi on 13 June 2007 - 09:10 AM in Off Topic

I play 1.6. i can't remeber my name. I think it's {SS} Bigboi. I haven't play in a while though because I had to delete it. to make room in my small HD. Also, offtopic, Hey Pvt., did you get the I9 clan from Malibu's most wanted?