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There have been 177 items by superadaquabat (Search limited from 22-January 97)

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#15234 "police Force" Spring Gun

Posted by superadaquabat on 29 December 2003 - 02:28 PM in General Nerf

I've gotten that 3/8" stuff and tried putting the slingshot wieght in it by shoving in all the way up to the front through the back with a screwdriver. The wieght was imbalanced though. You either have to cut it the right length or use to right amount of wieght. And its pretty tough because the weight has to be really small. That size seemed fairly impracticle to me after trying it out, but if it fits perfectly in the gun you micht as well try it. Goodluck!

#15189 "police Force" Spring Gun

Posted by superadaquabat on 28 December 2003 - 04:27 PM in General Nerf

They have two kinds of ammo, a little suction dart and little yellow rubber bullets. They are extremely accurate, have great range (We guess about sixty feet) and if you put three bullets in the barell, it has a nice shotgun effect.

Dude those little yellow rubber dart guns are so awesome! I got one for christmas a really long time ago and it broke right away. My friend had two and we used to have wars all the time. We totally stuck a bunch of them down the barrel. It was great. I didn't think they'de have enough power for foam darts though, but thats just even more awesome.

#7359 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 26 July 2003 - 11:40 AM in Nerf Wars

Darn it, I bet this is the 26th of July, isn't it? Once again I screw up. But man that location was totally awesome.

#7364 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 26 July 2003 - 04:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Woohoo! Haven't missed it, yet. I plan on comming! Maybe I'll get there in time for three wars this time!

#8013 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 10 August 2003 - 07:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Is hand to hand stuff allowed?

#8067 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 11 August 2003 - 03:44 PM in Nerf Wars

I've only got a half made sword that hasn't got enough foam on it so it still hurts if you swing at all hard. I was just curious about it though about whether or not we could use it in wars. Yeah. I really should make a nice quarter staff. but I haven't really got anyone to fight with regulalry so I just go with swing a pvc pipe around.

#8298 2003 Sdno Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 16 August 2003 - 01:44 AM in Nerf Wars

Woohoo! i fixed my gun up (going to break again first war for sure so my expand a blast is comming along) and modded a max shot for my dad. I'm going on an all night stefan making spree! I'm probalby going to leave kinda late and get stuck in a ton of traffic, but hopefully I'll make more than two (though incredibley awesome) battles. I don't think i've been this prepared for a war though. But hey, thats what I thought about last armeggedon. Wait, it is tomorow right?

#3218 Americas Army

Posted by superadaquabat on 09 April 2003 - 11:33 PM in Off Topic

thats so hard!!! Any tricks to aiming? I can only get sharpshooter.

#3055 Americas Army

Posted by superadaquabat on 07 April 2003 - 12:16 AM in Off Topic

I have hardly played it, but im really surprised how graphically advanced it is! My dad's year old laptop can't handle it! Mind you its got a 1.13 gig procescor. The video card is integrated though so a guess thats got a lot to do with it.

#3149 Americas Army

Posted by superadaquabat on 09 April 2003 - 12:03 AM in Off Topic

I've been playing to now. How do you get into loser school?

#5082 Animal Crossing

Posted by superadaquabat on 29 May 2003 - 12:14 AM in Off Topic

I got it, i dunno i was let down. The interaction was always the same. The same conversations, the same tasks, the same day over and over. Just not my thing. Maybe i'll try it again, but i don't know, i don't think i could stand it for much mroe than a week.

#642 Anime

Posted by superadaquabat on 16 January 2003 - 12:46 AM in Off Topic

I watched a little bit of vamipre D at school, and it was asweome. I'de love to see the end of it. Vampire D and Pricness Nankote (i forgot the name ok) is all i've seen outside of cartoon network.

#1583 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 19 February 2003 - 01:01 AM in Nerf Wars

w00t! Can't wait! I definitley plan on going! And i definitely don't plan of being sick either! By the way ShatteredDreams, might I recommend packing on friday, the 11th?

#3054 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 07 April 2003 - 12:07 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm there, as well as my dad. So that makes two of us.

#3385 April YANO Wrapup

Posted by superadaquabat on 13 April 2003 - 03:55 PM in Nerf Wars

Although my 5k was screwed up, and I couldn't seem to hit anyone ever, and I seemed to get out first almost every war, it was totally awesome! I especially liked that shot from Kevin from about 40' away that hit me right between my eyes.

#6224 Armageddon

Posted by superadaquabat on 29 June 2003 - 12:10 PM in Nerf Wars

i thought the war was today darn it! I spent all day yesterday preparing my gun. I as so excited to finish it, and then when I woke up today I though 'could the war have been on saturday' So I get out of bed to check, and just my luck. Ah well, it sounds like a missed alot, but I'll be sure to remember when the next war is.

#59858 Armageddon 2005

Posted by superadaquabat on 22 July 2005 - 01:35 AM in Nerf Wars

Anyone down in Irvine tihs weekend for the war might want to check out the Reel Big Fish/Catch-22 show at House of Blues Anaheim friday and saturday. 20 bucks is pretty good even if Catch lost their awesome vocals. I'm going with some friends on friday night by the way. Here's some information.

#58422 Armageddon 2005

Posted by superadaquabat on 29 June 2005 - 12:46 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm feeling nostalgic and looking quite forward to this.

I don't know if the old man will come though.

#4248 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 03 May 2003 - 02:01 AM in Nerf Wars

Any date set yet? (sorry for such a short post)

#3652 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 18 April 2003 - 11:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Anytime between the 13th and the 22 would be bad for me. But don't feel bad or anything if you have it hten, i'll be in JAPAN!!! Woohoo! Really lookin forward to it though. By the way, is hand to hand allowed?

#4283 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 04 May 2003 - 09:20 PM in Nerf Wars

My friend from texas and myself as well as my dad can come if its on the 28th, but not the 21st. Just to let you know.

#5243 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 02 June 2003 - 11:58 PM in Nerf Wars

The Armageddon Committee has agreed on Saturday 6/28 for this year's installment of the war to end all wars.


#5878 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 21 June 2003 - 03:07 PM in Nerf Wars

Back from Japan! Total awesomeness! I thought the war was tomrow! Ahwell, now i have a week to prepare! I really only have one working gun right now. Procrastination at its best. Looking forward to ownage!

#6561 Armageddon Video(s)

Posted by superadaquabat on 04 July 2003 - 02:46 PM in Site Feedback

W00t I can see now! Its at least 14 times better with the visual stuff now!

#6503 Armageddon Video(s)

Posted by superadaquabat on 03 July 2003 - 02:30 PM in Site Feedback

Im just getting sound, no video. But what i can hear sounds great.

#6968 August YANO Planning Thread

Posted by superadaquabat on 13 July 2003 - 07:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Whenever the date is, i'll be sure to put it on the backround of my computer so i won't forget it. Yeah.

#7041 Avatars

Posted by superadaquabat on 15 July 2003 - 06:56 PM in Site Feedback

Tahnks so much for the skaman avatar!

#691 Burp Guns

Posted by superadaquabat on 18 January 2003 - 01:53 AM in Modifications

I have no idea, but maybe adding weight to the balls somehow. You could also try increasing the volume of the plumber so you get more air. Good luck to yah!

#712 Burp Guns

Posted by superadaquabat on 19 January 2003 - 01:24 AM in Modifications

Sure, let me know how things go.

#16259 Buster Sword

Posted by superadaquabat on 12 January 2004 - 06:03 PM in Homemades

Any way you can fix that bend in the middle of the longer piece of PVC? Aside from that little detail, looks fun!

You can easily fix this bend by cutting the long "blade" pvc pipes in half, sticking on two t joints, and puting another piece of pvc inbetween.

#7908 California Recall

Posted by superadaquabat on 08 August 2003 - 11:52 PM in Off Topic

Davis's big sin is that he doesn't have the staff and the charisma to pull off a difficult situation. Bush is dealing with many of the same issues, except at the federal level, but he's got his brilliant minions playing distraction games very effectively.

Very interesting, I'm afraid I'm all out of arguments for now, but that site you gave is an excellent source of information. Perhaps I'll come up with something after reading more into it. I shall indeed bother to learn more about our government, thank you for your advice and opinions, know they are both being considered.

#7750 California Recall

Posted by superadaquabat on 06 August 2003 - 07:55 PM in Off Topic

I dislike how people say he's screwing our schools over.

Yes, thats quite an understatement. He seems to be screwing everything over. About your deficit estimates, nice try.. I recomend checking your facts before making such false and misleading statements. Fortunately Grey Davis has some great ideas to solve his problems though! Tax us more and borrow 16 million dollars! Thats the way to get things done. I don't have to pay taxes yet, but I can tell its ridiculous already and tripling the car tax (illegally) is madness. It wouldn't be so awful if he spent the money in good places, but the government can't do anything right now can it? Theres absolutely no reason California should have the dumbest kids in America.
''It's not pretty but it could have been a whole lot uglier,'' Davis said. ''It is far from perfect but further delay was unacceptable.'' Which is exactly why were recalling you. You know how just plain awful you are when your the first governer in the history of America to be recalled. I mean would you even be able to vote for yourself?

Posted Image
"Further delay is unnacceptable"

#7757 California Recall

Posted by superadaquabat on 06 August 2003 - 09:35 PM in Off Topic

Well the future estimate seems to be better than the 38 billion dollar current deficet. Our national recession obviously has something to do with it, but there is no reason our state should be so far in last. According to the National Governors Association's and the National Association of State Budget Officers' Fiscal Survey of the States, in 2002 California's deficit for the year alone was -$2,133 million. The second closets was Oregon with -$1,130 million. All states other than California still had positive Budget Stabilization funds. California's saving fund was at -$3,535 million. Since 2003 then only gotten worse. Estimated 2003 fiscal year endings for California, a -$4,451 million this year and a $5,853 million deficit in the Stabilization Fund. This isn't the entire state budget though, this is just how much lower its going to get. We come easily in last by $2,655 million

#7770 California Recall

Posted by superadaquabat on 06 August 2003 - 11:50 PM in Off Topic

No worries Mr. Steve, I couldn't care less. And our debating does not reflect upon our freindship or anything else. I only sound angry and mean I guess. Basically I think Davis has been doing a lousy job as governor. Even if it was not entirely his fault, Wilson's 4 billion dollar surplus is now at -38 billion dollars. The governor shouldn't have allowed financial problems to get so bad. His trying to triple the car tax is not my idea of a good solution. It seems that most of our money problems are a result of poor spending, may not only be Davis's faul, but he is definitely at fault for some of it. Opinions on taxes differ greatly among the populus obviously. CXWQ's example of puplic colleges and universities is an example of good tax spending. The line at the post office is a sign of far too little funding. In my opinion Davis has had his chance, people didn't like him, he's been recalled. Schwarzenegger has probably run already. As CXWQ said

90% of the people who vote won't have a clue about the issues.

A lot of people do care about movies however. Imagine that, two movie star governors, both being republicans!

#7836 California Recall

Posted by superadaquabat on 08 August 2003 - 12:26 AM in Off Topic

According to your theories those who we elect have no power whatsoever. They simply sit in a chair doing only what the majority of voters wants him to do. We are living in a great big republic in which everyone is ruling. That would be ideal, great everyone would win except the monority but the majority would be happy. If that were true, than he wouldn't be allowed to triple the car tax back again without us voting for it. In any case, the majority of voters are most likely going to be telling Davis to move out oretty soon. Their power over government is simply growing which is good, it seems, for everyone. "Wasting" millions of dollars on an election seems better than billions being lost right now. The cause of Davis's low approval rating is a matter or opinion, but if the cause is mass hysteria, there must be some reason for it. And its not just Republican agenda instilling such hysteria among the public because a whole lot more than 24% of the California population is Democratic.

#7782 California Recall

Posted by superadaquabat on 07 August 2003 - 01:53 PM in Off Topic

Perhaps the post offic should charge a little more after getting their spending in order. It's worth the extra few dollars to ship via UPS than to wiat for 30+ minutes at the post office.

Keep in mind these are things we voters and our elected officials decide what we want to spend our money on.

The governor was trying to illegally triple the car tax without voters consent.

That's when the Republicans saw their opportunity -- to misuse a loophole in a law passed years ago that was meant to make elections more fair for candidates without big piggy banks.

It's not only republicans, the guys got a 24% approval rating. They didn't misuse anything either. If enough people want to have another election let them. If Davis is doing a good job he'll win, otherwise someone else can take his place. But it seems nearly anyone could run against him now (including Simon) and win pretty easily. I don't understand what you mean about the making elections more fair for the less rich, could you explain it.

This recall is making a mockery of democracy.

I really don't understand this one either. This is what democracy is all about it seems to me, if there wasn't so much money involved. As I said before, the people will choose whom they think is best. Its giving democracy a second chance.

#5446 Censorship On Forums

Posted by superadaquabat on 09 June 2003 - 02:41 PM in Site Feedback

Change nothing. If a post is illegible ignore it. I'de prefer less swearing, but censoring it out is ridiculous and theres nothing i can do about how poeple choose to type. All in all this forums has very high quality topics and posts, far better than any other forum i've ever seen.

#6969 Ch-ch-ch-changes

Posted by superadaquabat on 13 July 2003 - 07:32 PM in Site Feedback

Very cool. So long as you've got this Ska man avatar I'm a happy camper.

#1858 Cheap Effective Ball Ammo.

Posted by superadaquabat on 27 February 2003 - 08:54 PM in General Nerf

Are you allowed to throw ball ammo? I guess that kind of ruins the purpose or guns, but they're dodgeable. I think is sort of a good idea actually. Ball ammo, the only grenade that works. I'de try it if it were allowed, especially in doors.

#12316 Coffee Can Cannon

Posted by superadaquabat on 04 November 2003 - 12:27 AM in Homemades

You could add a nice little decoration to your home to make it a little more personalized. Simply wrap the can with some nice floral fabric. Something rich with color always makes it special. Take a few of your favorite flowers and put a little arrangement in the can. Its as easy as that! I like to add a little extrra touches like a plate for a base, or maybe even a llittle extra trimming on the edges. These little extras can make a room look a LOT better. And remember, always have fun and be creative! Using your imagination, you can beuatify your life! hahaha!