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#65589 Zombies

Posted by Starbuck on 11 October 2005 - 09:11 PM in Off Topic

Desperate times call for desperate measures...

I'd probably arm myself with our FN-FAL .308 with ten 20 round mags with hollow point rounds or a sawed off Remington 1100 12 gauge using double 00 buckshot, my c96 Broomhandle .30 Mauser with lead cast slugs as my backup, my Ka Bar kife, two way radio, rations, and a banana. Anyone ever seen Monty Python's Self-Defense Class? If you have, you know what I mean with the banana. :P

#57447 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 05:15 PM in General Nerf

Fine, I'll help this topic get back on track. I don't like to wave my genitals around and gloat about this or that, but I suppose will today. I've been Nerfing for around 10 years now, so I've modded many Nerf guns, but here are some of the ones that really stick out in my mind:

1. 1999- I posted my first mod ever on Nerf Online. It was the SM5k. People were calling this gun a farce, but I knew it had some power. I figured that if you pry off the air restrictor and cut off an inch on the arrow barrel, you could launch anything that would fit down in there. This modification made Lord Gothmog (anyone remember him?) very happy.

2. My Razorbeasts. They were pretty much worthless pieces of shit until I got a hold of them and turned them into a death machine. I also mounted one of these puppies on a tripod in 97' and reattached it here recently.

3. My simple TTG mod. Takes less than 15 minutes to do and is one of the easiest and more effectives mods availible today.

Those aren't that big or monumental, but they've helped some people out over the years.

#57487 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

No harm was intended, Devious.

#57458 Your Favorite Nic Contribution

Posted by Starbuck on 13 June 2005 - 05:49 PM in General Nerf

Yeah you're right, the SuperMaxx5000 mod wasn't huge at all; in fact it's probably the most worthless mod out there.

Nope, I believe there are more worthless... perhaps that Pulsator mod someone posted a while ago...

#56611 Your Combo

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

I agree with Apache. Some people run around with 4 or 5 guns. What's the point? Two is the maximum that anyone should carry. I find carry either a PC or BBB and one of two pistols gets me through a war quite well. There is no need to strap your entire arensal to your leg.

Haha, I love it. "heavily modded."

Hey, once a Sharpshooter 1 is fully modded, it's a killer. B)

#56606 Your Combo

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 09:57 PM in General Nerf

Here's how I roll...

Primary: BBB carbine with 25 rounds or Powerclip with several clips
Sidearm: Defender T3 Battle Pistol or heavily modded Sharpshooter 1 with 15 rounds

#74484 Your Choice Of Weapons

Posted by Starbuck on 26 February 2006 - 11:56 PM in General Nerf

I'd go light.

I'd carry my T-26 SM1k Carbine with 15 clips (three micro stefans per clip). I'd also take as a sidearm my Bulldog NF or DT3 pistol with 15 mega stefans.

If I wanted to do some real damage, I'd take my Titan anti-personnel rifle with 5 clips (6 rounds per clip) and attach the Bulldog to the Titan for easy access.

Yeah... my Mountain rifle could shoot a Gundam down...

#63641 Your Armory

Posted by Starbuck on 14 September 2005 - 07:42 PM in General Nerf

With my weapons cache, I plan to equip an elite force of mercenaries to take over the world. :D

#63635 Your Armory

Posted by Starbuck on 14 September 2005 - 06:27 PM in General Nerf

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I believe the pictures tell all...

#54908 Yard Sales?

Posted by Starbuck on 15 May 2005 - 08:14 AM in General Nerf

I go to about 5-10 sales weekly. I've been quite lucky to in my yard sale searches. I've picked up an Arrowstorm($2), a Chainblazer($1), a Master Blaster($0.50), a Crossbow($2), and an Eagle Eye($3). I was also given a Sharshooter 1 that was "broken." I took it home and opened it up and found that the trigger spring was off track, so I put it back where it belonged.

By the way, Goodwill's are a great place to find guns.

#74970 Who Are You?

Posted by Starbuck on 02 March 2006 - 07:26 PM in General Nerf

Option #11- Hybrid

One who spends most of his Nerf time on modifications and Nerfs in one season of the year.

Yeah, that's me. I spend most of my Nerf time modding guns or coming up with different ideas and such. The only time we Nerf around here is in the spring. During summer, everyone is gone on vacation. In the fall, we have football. Winter is too cold for most of the fellers around here. Spring, then is left as open Nerf season. Usually there are one to three large scale deals and five or six smaller sha-bangs. I used to be a "Nerfer" because I modded, I Nerfed regularly, and I was an admin at Nerf Online, but that was all before things went askew.

#53737 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 28 April 2005 - 04:03 PM in Off Topic

My God, Lobster... It's great to see you. B)

#53758 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 28 April 2005 - 09:37 PM in Off Topic

Viper! Why, I didn't know your were still on here. It's been a long time... I haven't seen Dr. Genius in two years. Dunno what happened.

#53645 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 04:23 PM in Off Topic

Some questions for the veterans of the NIC.

What the hell happened to my arch enemy Comrade Lobster? Does he still run around on here? What about Silencer32 or Jeff? What the hell happened to all the good ol' guys? I don't see many on here that I recognize besides ItalionStallion, Vacc, and Cx.

I'm showing my age. I'll have to accept the fact that the old ones are gone.

#53664 What The Hell Happened To...?

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 07:44 PM in Off Topic

Hm, that's a shame Silencer is out of it. I'm glad there are some vets left.

#63845 What Other Sports Do You Do

Posted by Starbuck on 18 September 2005 - 04:25 PM in Off Topic

Football: Tight end
Track: Discus

#81347 Vets Getting Love?

Posted by Starbuck on 06 May 2006 - 11:23 AM in General Nerf

You bring up excellent points, gentlemen.

Indeed the older guns do put a dent in the wallet. And as more new players join us, the only guns available to them are the newer, modern weaponry.

I honestly was more curious about the people who own the classics and still use them. I've had a couple laugh at me for arming myself with a Sharpshooter 1. I've been Nerfing before there was a Nerf Internet Community, so most of my stuff is the classic guns. I mean don't get me wrong... I love AT2ks, but then again I love old stuff. Perhaps that's why I made this: Sharpshooter 2000.

I suppose I'll be the senile nutcase running around with a Sharpshooter 2 when he's 47 years old.

#81480 Vets Getting Love?

Posted by Starbuck on 07 May 2006 - 09:43 PM in General Nerf

I'm glad to see people using the oldies.

Next time I go to war, I'll probably take my DT3 setup. I almost forgot about it.

#81332 Vets Getting Love?

Posted by Starbuck on 06 May 2006 - 12:07 AM in General Nerf

So I engaged in my first Nerf war in almost a year. It took place inside my friend's church. His dad is the pastor, so we pretty much can go anywhere as long as the place is neat and stuff after we leave. Anyway, I outfitted almost my entire team. Instead of using new stuff, I decided to pull out the real war vets. I used an Arrowstorm with stock Airjet megas since all ammo was to be stock. I was quite surprised to see this thing hold its own until it broke. Some Secret Shot 1s were in use as well as a couple of my Sharpshooter 1s. The only modern weaponry was some assorted Nite Finders and a Firefly.

I was really interested to see if people still used the blasters of yesteryear such SSIIs, Arrowstorms, Eagle Eyes, ect. It seems that people have deviated torwards the newer stuff such as the AirTechs. In my opinion, the older classics have more power and I think most give a very stable platform for upgrades and mods. Maybe I'm a cranky old schooler but I love those veterans of old. Any thoughts?

#56562 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 02:09 PM in Modifications

To be technical, I'm "six foot, five and one fourth inches." The weather is great; nice and sunny. B)

NerfLad, if you have any questions, just ask.

#56554 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 01:48 PM in Modifications

Ninja, to answer your questions:

1. I am 6'5"
2. When I shoot the pistol, it is 5 feet, 5.5 inches from the ground
3. I'm using different types of weights. The dart that went 78.7 feet was probably either the BB sized sinker or 3/0 sized. (hard to tell what weight is being used once it is glued in and all the darts thrown together)
4. I measure my ranges on a flat piece of land, marked out to 100 feet with spray painted lines with 20 feet increments
5. Darts usually don't skip on grass, so no skip measurements

I'm sure some people won't get the same ranges as me. I was simply giving the data I collected after some testing. I recieved some feedback from people and they say that they get close to, if not the same ranges I do. My ranges are never inflated. I'm here to provide quality modifications, not bullshit.

#56518 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 12:13 AM in Modifications

Thank you very much, gentlemen. :D

#56537 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 10:20 AM in Modifications

Oh, yes. I wrote this write real late last night, and I really didn't have time to snap all the pics I wanted. I'm going to update the mod even more. I got your covered, Halfing.

Ranges aren't angled.

Official data: Short- 69.4 feet. Long- 78.7 feet.
Accuracy at 45 feet on 1'X1' target: 100% (10 out of 10 shots)

#57155 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 10 June 2005 - 12:23 PM in Modifications

1/2 inch FBR.

#56543 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 11:32 AM in Modifications

Alright, I fully updated my mod. I added steps 6-7 so you can actually see the sight and added a pic of the internals. Enjoy.

#56514 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 03 June 2005 - 11:37 PM in Modifications

I looked at some Tech Taget gun mods, but most of them required brass or PETG and extensive cutting on the barrel. CPVC is cheap and easy to use so I utilized it in this easy mod.

1. Take your TTG apart and remove all air restrictors.
2. Take off the plunger head by unscrewing the scew and removing it. Now take off the spring and stretch it. Then put all of that back together.
3. Take the orginal barrel and and some 1/2 inch CPVC. Cut a piece of CPVC the length of the stock barrel. Now, take the CPVC and push it into the stock barrel. You'll probably need to take a mallet or hammer to gently tap it in.
4. Take the barrel with the CPVC in it and hot glue it to the plunger tube.
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5. Reassemble the gun. Put on rubber bands for more velocity.
6. Take a Dremel tool and take enough of the top part of the plunger so that you can see the sight on the end of the barrel.
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7. Now, you are done. The gun should look like this:
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The mod takes less than 15 minutes and gets you ranges of about 70+ feet. It does not require cutting or Dremeling on the gun at all. Feel free to ask questions. Hope you all enjoy.

Edit: Added steps 6-7.

#56558 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 02:05 PM in Modifications

No worries, Ninja. Many mods out there are done half assed and people claim to shoot half miles. That's why I try to go the farthest extent possible to prove my mods, so you, the Nerfer, can have some proven data before you modify your gun.

#56578 Ttg Mod

Posted by Starbuck on 04 June 2005 - 04:46 PM in Modifications

B) Sorry Halfling. I was using 1.5 inch Stephans with BB and 3/0 sinkers.

#53697 Track&field, Cross Country, Bicycling

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 10:37 PM in Off Topic

I play football and I am a tight end/slot reciever. I run the 40 in 4.73 seconds, not bad for a 6'5" 228 pound guy. I also do track throwing shot and disc. I throw shot around 50 feet and disc between 145-155 feet.

#53582 This Could Save Your Life One Day.

Posted by Starbuck on 26 April 2005 - 06:35 PM in Modifications

I realize that there are millions of Nite Finder modifications both improving its performance and its appearance. I do not own a Nite Finder, for I am old school and will never relinquish my beloved Sharpshooter II, but a couple of my friends own Nite Finders, therefore I had the opportunity to examine one up close and modify it the way I saw fit. I find that using single shot long ranged pistols are of great value, but notice, I said "single shot." This modification will allow one to have an extra quick, but accurate shot.

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As you can see, I installed one of those quirky Nerf keychain guns into the Nite Finder's light socket.

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This is the keychain stripped down. I took pliers and removed the air restrictors. This gives it some power. You can see that it is very compact and would easily fit into a Nite Finder.

I opened it up, removed the light, and Dremeled all junk that prevented the keychain gun from sitting in there easily.

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I Dremeled the bottom so that the trigger button sticks out the shell.

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I Dremeled the front so that the barrel and plunger stick out. I also added hot glue to the top of the plunger and the bottom of the barrel for extra stability.

Next, I put it all back together, leaving the front ammo holder intact, but saving the back ammo holder for bottom.

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Leaving off the battery cover, I Dremeled the plastic away so that the holder fits snug down into the grips where the batteries are supposed to be placed. Then I hot glued it around the edges.

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Shown here is the ideal firing position.

As you can see, this gives you an extra quick shot. The effective range of the newly installed gun is 30 feet. One might say that 30 feet is not good at all, but it is not designed for range. It is designed to be a reserve weapon used in quick emergencies when reloading is not an option. I hope you all have found this interesting.

#53603 This Could Save Your Life One Day.

Posted by Starbuck on 26 April 2005 - 09:16 PM in Modifications

I'd never seen it before so I thought I'd try and be original with it and not follow suit with everyone elses' NF mods. The trigger is very easy to fire. One can actually extend the middle finger and fire it, but I usually fire my pistols from a two-hand tactical position so it's just easy to engage the SSPB with my left hand.

#53638 This Could Save Your Life One Day.

Posted by Starbuck on 27 April 2005 - 03:58 PM in Modifications

Well, you obviously pump the SSPB before the battle and if the occaison calls for it, fire it. About 8 pumps does the SSPB well.

#71327 The Real Arsenal

Posted by Starbuck on 20 January 2006 - 04:44 PM in Off Topic

Most impressive. How do you afford this fortune in firearms?

I sold off some stuff on eBay that I got at an auction. A couple summers ago I sold a lotta' junk at the flea market and racked up some cash there. I sell and trade my Nerf guns to get money. I also sell and trade some of my other guns not in my Pre-45 collection. I had a good deal of money until recently when hard times hit. I probably won't buy any more guns for a while unless they're under $150. My dad also has a Curio and Relics FFL so that saves me the price of registration and dealer charge which is usually $25-$35.

No, I don't have an AR-15 (civilian M-16)... yet.

Talio and TIS, well done on keeping idiots off here.

#71041 The Real Arsenal

Posted by Starbuck on 15 January 2006 - 01:31 PM in Off Topic

Thanks, guys.

All my modern stuff is in the very back of the gun safe. I'll dig them out later and gets pics up.

#71025 The Real Arsenal

Posted by Starbuck on 15 January 2006 - 01:31 AM in Off Topic

I just wanted to show everyone my personal collection of Pre-1945 military firearms. These are all the rifles that I've either bought myself, paid on, or was given to me. This is the real arsenal. :P

Weapons of WWI (starting from the top)

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1891 Mosin Nagant: Chambered for the 7.62x54 cartridge. It was manufactured in 1915 by the Izhevsk Arsenal to supply the Russian Army during WWI.
1910 Lebel Berthier: Originally made in the early 1900s, the Berthier rifle was a 3 shot bolt action rifle that supplied French troops. In 1910, however, the Berthiers were modified to accept a 5 round charger clip (pictured) and a box magazine installed. It was chambered for 8mm Lebel. This rifle was manufactured in 1916.
Short, Magazine Lee Enfield Mark 3: This rifle was a modification of the original Lee Metford Rifle. It was chambered for .303 British and had a 10 round magazine. These rifles supplied British Soldiers through both WWI and WWII. This rifle was made in 1917.
1895 Nagant Revolver: Chambered in the odd 7.62 Nagant, this revolver was cutting edge technology. When cocked, the cylinder moves forward and interlocks with the barrel to create a gas seal to keep the gases from going out the sides, therefore increasing the velocity. The cylinder held 7 rounds, which is a departure from the standard 6 shots of most revolvers. This is a double action officer's model made in 1916 by the Tula Arsenal. It remained in service with the Russians up until the late 1960s.
C1896 Mauser Broomhandle:
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This probably my favorite handgun of all times. It was made in 1910 for the German Army. It was chambered for the .30 Mauser cartridge. It was never officially adopted by the Germans, but many officers bought their own to use as sidearms. It had a magazine capacity of 10 rounds. This pistol was the basis for Han Solo's gun in the Star Wars movies.

Weapons of WWII (starting from the top)

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Type 99 Arisaka: This rifle was an upgrade of the Type 38 rifle. The rifle was based on the German K98 Mauser. It supplied Japanese Regulars through WWII. It was chambered for 7.7 Japanese. It was a unique rifle because it was fitted with a monopod for prone firing and an anti-aircraft sight so a soldier could target enemy planes.
K98 Mauser: These were the backbones of the German Army. The K98 was a modification of the original 1898 Mauser rifle of WWI. It was chambered for 8mm Mauser. This rifle was made in 1942 and was captured in Russia. The Mauser action is the basis for many of the modern bolt action rifles in use by hunters and shooters today.
Short, Magazine Lee Enfield Mark 3: Description above.
Number 4 Mark 1, Short, Magazine Lee Enfield: An improved version of the Mark 3 rifle. It supplied the British Army in WWII. It was chambered for the .303 round and was made in 1942 at the Fazakerley Arsenal.

Japanese Collection (starting from the top)

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Officer's Sword: The Samurai mentality remained in the Japanese Arsenal even through the days of WWII. This sword is razor sharp and has shark skin handles.
Japanese "Meatball" Flag: Many patriotic Japanese soldiers carried these flags on their rifles. This flag was signed by all the members of a particular Japanese Army unit. It is made of silk.
Type 99 Bayonets: Long sword style bayonets for the Type 38 and Type 99 rifles.
Type 99 Arisaka: Description above.
Japanese Currency: Different types of Japanese currency from WWII.
Clock out of a Zero aircraft: This clock was taken off the instrument panel of a downed Zero aircraft. It is pictured by the Japanese currecny.
Type 14: This pistol was based on the German Luger. It was chambered in 8mm Nambu and was an officer's pistol. This pistol was made in 1939.
Type 94: These pistols were for tank crews and pilots. They were called "Suicide Pistols" because it had an exposed sear and could accidentally be fired without pulling the trigger. It was also chambered for 8mm Nambu. The first pistol was made in 1941 and the second was made in 1944.
Field Glasses: Used by officers, tank and artillery crews, and pilots.

U.S. Weapons (staring from the top)

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M1 Garand: Designed by John Garand and was adopted in 1936 to replace the rugged 1903 Springfield. It was chambered for 30-06 and used an 8 shot clip. This rifle was manufactured in December of 1941. It was the standard U.S. rifle through the Korean War. Pictured is the bayonet and the Mills pattern ammunition belt circa 1940.
1917 Enfield: Originally designed to replace the British Mark 3 Enfield, it was designated as the P-14 and was chambered in .303. The U.S. slightly modified the rifle and rechambered it to 30-06. It was used in WWI and through WWII. This rifle was made in 1918 by Remington.
1898 Krag Carbine: The Krag rifle was the first magazine fed, smokeless powder rifle adopted by the U.S. in 1892. It was originally designed for the Norwegian Army in 1889. It used a 30-40 cartridge and was loaded via a vertical magazine on the side. The carbine version was issued to cavalry, most notably used by Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders at San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War. It remained in service for only 11 years because of the advent of the 1903 Springfield. This rifle was made in 1898 by the Springfield Armory.
Also pictured: At the top left is a Colt 1911 .45 holster circa 1943. Across from it is a "Pineapple" grenade and a "Lemon" grenade.
M1 Carbine:
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Designed by David "Carbine" Williams while he served time in jail, this rifle was designed for artillery and machine gun crews, medics, and other people who needed a lightweight weapon. When WWII broke out, this rifle made it to the front lines because of its small size and easy of use. It was chambered for the .30 Carbine round. This rifle was made in 1943 by Standard Products. It's pictured with a stock mounted double magazaine pouch circa 1943 and an M3 flash suppressor.

I have more guns, like the FN-FAL, Russian and Chinese SKSes, an Albainian AK-47 and others, but they don't fall into the Pre-1945 category which is where my primary interest lie. I hope you've enjoyed my collection. Feel free to ask questions and post pictures of your firearms.

#52015 The Nerf War Is Evolving

Posted by Starbuck on 08 April 2005 - 09:38 PM in General Nerf

Most wars I have seen or heard about here consists of a buncha' guys running around in a park shooting each other. I've done that for many happy years, and by God I love it, I really do. But, here recently we've gone to a larger area to Nerf. We Nerf in a part of my neighborhood that is about a mile or so. We Nerf at dusk and sometimes the wars can go til midnight. We Nerf "all out" about once a month. I recently got back into Nerf after about a year drought and got quite a few guys from school back into it so we go with larger teams of anywhere from ten to twenty people. We play CTF with two bases. With bigger spaces and more people, you must use new tactics. It's not so much as running in a shooting the hell out of a place. It's more of send out patrols and set up gun emplacements. New battlefield implements such as my mounted Razorbeast (seen here:http://nerfhaven.com...topic=4087&st=0) are now coming into play. This actually turns out being in a sense like a real war. One must now fully rely on team work rather than "lone wolfing" it. I know this is a radical departure, but it is fun as hell. I also understand that I have the luxary of many people who participate. I know a lot of you would probably hate this or hate the idea of this realistic warfare. Every Nerfer is entitled to his own opinion. But down here in eastern Tennessee, the "Nerf skirmish" has finally evolved into a "Nerf war."

By the way, out of sheer curiosity... does anyone remember me from the good ol' days back in 1999 on Nerf Online or Nerf Center?

#69758 The Luger

Posted by Starbuck on 23 December 2005 - 03:31 PM in Modifications

I have the means to manufacture more. If I can get enough interest, I might be willing to make some and sell limited numbers of them...

#69822 The Luger

Posted by Starbuck on 24 December 2005 - 09:26 PM in Modifications

Yes, it's wrapped in e-tape. It looks identical to the way it was.

#69744 The Luger

Posted by Starbuck on 22 December 2005 - 11:50 PM in Modifications

Here's an update:

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It's a close-up of the grips and screws.

Piney, as I'm sure you know, the Rugers were modelled after the Lugers/Nambus. I have an AMT version of the Ruger .22. I love that thing! :P

It does look incredibly close to a real gun. If one wanted to take it into public, an orange end cap would have to be applied.

The driving force behind this replica is my passion for military weaponry. I don't have $2500 to lay down for an original Naval Artillery Luger. I just laid down $600 for a C96 Mauser and $300 for a 30-40 Krag carbine.

Thank you for your compliments.

#69846 The Luger

Posted by Starbuck on 25 December 2005 - 08:01 PM in Modifications

Indeed, IS, it works. Here's a picture that I drew on paint. It's what the gun looks like without tape on it. I'm sorry for not taking pictures while I was building it, I didn't have batteries for my digital camera.

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I drove a pin through the SM250 grips and installed a trigger. On the trigger is a flat piece of metal that pushes against a rod that in turn pushes against the trigger on the AutoGrip tube. It's really a quite simple design. Hope that helps.