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#15143 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by Spoon on 27 December 2003 - 05:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys.

Remember when Southern California was the Effeminateenter of the nerfing world? Remember when pre-teens would cry themselves to sleep because their evil parents wouldn't let them fly out to a LANO?


I can't remember either.

I want a nerf war.

Really really badly.

In January, or February.


I can plan it, but we need a new location. I've checked most of the schools in my area and none yet will work. Besides, I'm tired of schools, I want something different. That park you guys were talking about sounds cool, any other ideas?

Is there even any INTEREST in a nerf war? The October YANO had SIX FUCKING PEOPLE. So lets year it guys, whose with me? I want to hear from:

Adaquabat and Co. (bring on the CTF!)
Zack (come on pretty boy, I KNOW you drive now)
Other SM crew
Other SD crew
Desert Storm (wtf happened to you guys?)
Everyone else I've forgotten.

As of Jan. 4th Steph will be in England for 6 months so she's out, but me, Jordan, Hubbard et all are totally up for one. If it's in February then Matt and Jason could come (they're home for break now).

So yea, lets hear it people. I'm tired of our nerf reputation wilting away, I'm tired of our once glorious LANO/YANO tradition being limp dicked (whatever that is) by people from fucking NEW JERSEY! I mean MY GOD, people like VACC live there....

#15840 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by Spoon on 06 January 2004 - 01:28 AM in Nerf Wars

I'd be up for a pizza run after the war if anybody else is interested (I don't want to be seen in public alone with Box).

You're ass-tight pants will never rival my asshole shorts.

Ok so lets assume that we're doing this on either Sat Feb 28th or Sun Feb 29th. Which day is better people? I personally vote for Saturday since it's nice to have a day to recuperate. Anybody have unavoidable plans on Sunday?

#15220 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by Spoon on 29 December 2003 - 02:02 AM in Nerf Wars

Ok excellent, everyone seems to be in agreement that later February would be best, sounds good to me. Good luck BTW Cxwq, I didn't realize it was so soon!

Ok, so lets say we're definately doing this on either the weekends of Feb. 21-22, or 28-29. So let me know which of those weekends would be best (no response will mean no preference) and also let me know whether Saturdays or Sundays on those weekends are best for ya'll. I can probably do either.

#15243 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by Spoon on 29 December 2003 - 04:50 PM in Nerf Wars

throw some dates in the air.

I already did.

#15316 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by Spoon on 31 December 2003 - 05:16 AM in Nerf Wars

As Spock so eloquently put it in Wrath of Khan: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

Check on those dates for us and we'll see what we can do. I'm thinking the 28/29 weekend would be best at this point.

#15283 Feb YANO (was Hey, Assholes)

Posted by Spoon on 30 December 2003 - 05:42 PM in Nerf Wars

i'd prefer the weekend of the 21/22, preferably the 22.

Hmm, the lone dissenter. What about it guys, who would NOT be able to come if it were the 21 or 22nd? I'd like you to be able to come Ray seeing as how you missed the last one and all.

Edit: Jason I remember you saying you were out of town the 21/22 right?

At least the 28/29 is good for (almost) everybody.

Ray, you just need to quit all of your extracurricular activities and cease all functions from which you derive enjoyment and fulfillment. It's making my scheduling difficult, ok?

#11748 Holy Crap! Stefan's Back!

Posted by Spoon on 23 October 2003 - 12:23 PM in General Nerf

Go get a real hobby.

He tried, but lo and behold, would you have guessed that the legal age of consent in New Jersey is 18 freaking years old? Whats a hot-blooded guy like him to do? So he did this instead.

I don't see whats so bad about someone's hobby being the emotional torment of others. To quote my friend Matt: Some people play tennis, Vacc erodes the human soul.

#11708 Holy Crap! Stefan's Back!

Posted by Spoon on 22 October 2003 - 06:27 PM in General Nerf

Dude do you realise that your return has made untold scores of pre-teens cream their pants worldwide?

I hope you're proud.

Yea we're all alive and kicking, though some of us (like me) aren't posting as often because of Real Life ™. Nice to see you're not dead or anything. We're still holding nerf wars every other month or so out here, and even more often in New Jersey and elsewhere should you ever decide to get off your ass and pick up a gun.

I think this is the first time in years I've spoken to you where the point of the conversation was NOT for me to get pirated software from you.

#11800 Holy Crap! Stefan's Back!

Posted by Spoon on 23 October 2003 - 09:18 PM in General Nerf

Yea dude you should come down. I feel like I should meet you or something, seeing as how I've known you for like 7 years.

Did you guys know that Vacc is my longest running friendship ever? Outside of my family there is nobody that I have talked to for as long continuously as him. Oh how I do love that boy. If you hadn't fallen out of contact so often Stefan you could have tied with Vacc.

Aww shit I'm getting all misty-no wait. Yea it passed.

#58933 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Spoon on 09 July 2005 - 12:12 AM in Nerf Wars

Me, Hubbard, maybe Jordan, Jason, maybe a new guy Robert, Matt Kashuba most likely, Steph for a bit of the day.

#52474 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Spoon on 14 April 2005 - 03:07 AM in Nerf Wars

Wow, this war will be, like, big and stuff.

Good thing that size doesn't intimidate me. Anymore.

#57835 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Spoon on 20 June 2005 - 07:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Death you can stay with me, no problem. I can pick you up from LAX too if you like. I'm in an apartment on-campus at Chapman (15 mins from Irvine) for the summer and we've got a spare futon.

I have one, possibly two relatively stock LnL's that you can use. Need to be modded to shoot micro Stefans though.

#52006 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Spoon on 08 April 2005 - 08:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Ack, I am shooting my thesis film in early July, the ONLY date of those that I could make would be July 16th, which would be awesome. Or anything after that. Sorry.

But seriously, do we still want to do it at Venado? We've gotten kicked out of the urban area the last 4 times in a row. The trees and CTF were ok, but it's kind of stale.

#52309 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Spoon on 12 April 2005 - 04:43 AM in Nerf Wars

Any of those new dates work for me.

#279783 'geddon 'leven Date Set July 10, 2010

Posted by Spoon on 08 July 2010 - 09:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh shit.

I had completely forgotten that it was summer, and that summer means Armageddon, and that I LIKE going to Armageddon.

I just looked it up and it's this Saturday and I can't come. This fucking sucks as I was looking forward to it.

Do you see what happens when you become an adult? DO YOU SEE HOW LIFE BECOMES PAIN?

#3582 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 17 April 2003 - 06:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Any weekend in June is fine for me, I'll just be in summer school during the week.

#6077 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 26 June 2003 - 09:07 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll show you "rear projection" bitch.

#6018 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 25 June 2003 - 03:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok guys seeing as how the war is just a few days from now, here are the last minute details that some of you may need if this is going to be your first YANO/LANO. I posted this in a different thread but thought it'd be a good idea to put it here too.

YANO is this Saturday, June 28th.

We play at Venado Middle School in Irvine, Ca. To get there find your way to the 5 or 405 freeways. Exit Culver and head East if exiting from the 405, head West if exiting from the 5. When you get to Deerfield (really near the 5, about 6 miles from 405) turn South. The school is past the stop sign on the right hand side, it's actually two schools right next to each other. Park and head towards the tennis courts between the schools, you'll see us. War is from 10am-7pm, with an hour lunch break around 1pm or so. We usually drive to Subway (just down the street, corner of Culver and Walnut) where there is also a Pizza hut and several fast food places across the street. Subway won't make you barf though. So bring some lunch money. We have extra space to give rides to people if need be. There are water and restrooms available near the playing area, but bringing bottled water is still a good idea. Mark all your guns and darts, and wear sunblock.

This somewhat smaller Armageddon is going to kick ass, so show up and have fun! Otherwise when we post the pics and talk about how fun it was....well....you'll just feel really sad.

#4514 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 13 May 2003 - 03:04 AM in Nerf Wars

Sounds great Kevin, though it will be hard to have a Spoon vs. Vacc grudge match since Vacc isn't coming this Armageddon.....

#4540 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 13 May 2003 - 01:52 PM in Nerf Wars

The funny thing Cxwq, is that I was going to respond with the EXACT same thing as you.....

So, you're working on getting Vacc out here eh? Tell him I'll toss in some "bonus" incentive....and I don't use the term "toss" lightly.....

#3766 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 21 April 2003 - 07:40 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd pick you up. If you needed money, we could just rob someone, it's easy!

#3744 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 21 April 2003 - 05:01 PM in Nerf Wars

During the week would raise tons of ride problems, most kids' parents work during the week.

#3609 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 18 April 2003 - 02:31 AM in Nerf Wars

Not to sound confrontational, but I'd recommend the traditional Armageddon times of 10-7pm. It'll still be plenty light out by 7, and we'll need the extra hour to sleep and beat traffic. OMG, 9 hours is going to rock you guys all over again. Would you believe that 2 years ago we did TWO 9 hours wars in one week? I don't know how we did it either.....

As for you Vacc.......Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? I get it, you're afraid right? Afraid that maybe THIS time I'll BEAT you?! IS THAT IT YOU PUSSY?!! Ha, you're pathetic.....You should take that lame-ass duct tape monstrosity you call a Crossbow and shoot it at your eye. Oh wait, it's probably not powerful enough....For hate's sake I spit at thee!

#3627 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 18 April 2003 - 03:06 PM in Nerf Wars

Um...  ;)

.....wait, you didn't know?

#5223 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 02 June 2003 - 04:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Why is it always about me? Oh right, because I'm superior. Forgot about that.

I'm bringing myself, Jordan, Steph, Phil (her brother), and Hubbard, so 5. Matt and Jason are out of town for the summer.

#5259 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 03 June 2003 - 04:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Yea and it'll be from 10am-7pm as well, correct me if I'm wrong.

You guys are gonna get 0wned. No wait, pweened. No wait, p\/\/33|\|3d. Yeah.

#5738 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 16 June 2003 - 08:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I have an extra leg too, but none of you people are gonna get near it.....Heh.

Looking forward to cancelling the war at the last minute Groove, it'll be awesome.

#5820 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 19 June 2003 - 03:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Dude Groove, next time you see me on AIM you need to send me all these wonderful little images you post, they're awesome.

#5689 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 14 June 2003 - 08:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Hubbard may be bringing a friend.

#5504 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 09 June 2003 - 11:02 PM in Nerf Wars

OMFG sweet.

I am looking forward to completing you're training.....

#5273 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 04 June 2003 - 02:18 AM in Nerf Wars

Dude Groove that'll be awesome if you can make it.

Phil is out, that makes my group 4.

#5398 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 08 June 2003 - 03:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Yea if you're guns use Stefan micros you should only bring about twice what you would expect to need in a 20-30 min battle as there will be plenty on the ground to pick up. If you use megas, nerf micros, or any other kind of dart then you'll want to bring enough to last you the whole day, like three or four times what you'll need in the battle.

No matter how many darts you bring, and no matter what type, EXPECT to lose about half at the war, it's just the way things tend to work.

The simple answer to this dart question though? Bring as many as you can. More is always better.

I have to supply darts for myself, my brother, and for about half the war participants who either don't bring enough darts, or whose darts are unusably shitty. I usually bring 150-200 per war, and usually bring home about 80. For this war I'm going to try to bring about 300. However you only need to supply ammo for yourself and your friends. If you are going to make Stefans though, PLEASE take my advice and TAKE YOUR TIME and make GOOD darts. You'll thank yourself later, trust me. Hope to see you there!

#5894 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by Spoon on 21 June 2003 - 08:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Ixnay on the Accsvay.

Hope you make it down dude, you're like my favorite person ever.

#6268 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 30 June 2003 - 02:00 AM in Nerf Wars

My chances of attending Apoc again anytime soon are slim. My school is $30k a year and I'm broke. We'll see though.

#6328 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 01 July 2003 - 01:40 AM in Nerf Wars

/me tries to stop thinking about the implications of what Spoon just said

Come on Box, you know you've always dreamed of playing "seven minutes of heaven" with me in a dark closet.

#6238 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 29 June 2003 - 08:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Wal-Mart, $5 for 500.

#6564 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 04 July 2003 - 05:41 PM in Nerf Wars

If you think my hair kicks ass now, just wait until it's black and blue, and longer.

#6629 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 06 July 2003 - 09:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Hah, no not exactly. I plan to dye it glossy black, and then put midnight blue over that so that it highlights dark blue in the sun, but looks black normally. Easier to maintain and I don't have to bleach my hair.

It'll kick ass.

#6639 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 07 July 2003 - 03:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Yea if I can get the blue to show up I don't expect it to last long. I've never dyed or bleached my hair though, so that should help. My friend Ann changes her hair color every month (magenta at the moment), so we'll just try stuff out.

#6652 Armageddon

Posted by Spoon on 07 July 2003 - 04:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I don't care what you call it, I'm not letting you suck my blood Vacc.