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#38516 Paint Stripper

Posted by Gamefreak on 07 October 2004 - 12:49 PM in Modifications

I have no clue on the paintstriper part, but you'll wanna use Duck Tape brand Adhesive Remover or Goop Off(I think thats how you spell it). To get the "Duct Tape Goo" off of it.

#38360 Indb Hosting

Posted by Gamefreak on 04 October 2004 - 09:51 PM in General Nerf

I could help with Socal.

#38199 Armageddon 2k4 Video

Posted by Gamefreak on 03 October 2004 - 12:26 PM in News

The "Paint it Black" cover is "Gob" or "The Vines".

#38183 Armageddon 2k4 Video

Posted by Gamefreak on 03 October 2004 - 01:39 AM in News

Awesome, me and Ice Nines duel was sweet. Love it!

#38035 Expanding On The "zero Valve"

Posted by Gamefreak on 30 September 2004 - 03:42 PM in Homemades

Wow, you guys posted in a 10 month old topic with nothing important to say! Read the Code of Conduct. Then, if you see fit, get bent.

#37346 Shopping For Computer Parts

Posted by Gamefreak on 16 September 2004 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

Get it quick! Ends today!

#37206 Homemade Rocket Launcher

Posted by Gamefreak on 14 September 2004 - 07:11 PM in Homemades

Yep, I've made a Homemade Mini Vortex football launcher. EASILY fires 200+ feet(angled). It fires 161 feet level. I love it. I'll get some pictures up soon. Here is stat list.

Material- 2 inch PVC
Valve- Solenoid
Range- 150+
Ammo- Mini Vortex footballs

P.S. Before anyone says this, yes, it's essentally a "Spudgun".

#37140 Help With Petg

Posted by Gamefreak on 13 September 2004 - 05:34 PM in Modifications

Here, brass and PETG are very close. Just follow these insturctions.

Edut: Dang, Airsoft beat me to it.

#37105 My Modded Nite Finder

Posted by Gamefreak on 13 September 2004 - 09:08 AM in Modifications

It's conduit, metal conduit. I was using it for a while it works well but is awefully heavy. This is all spectalion that it truely is conduit.

#36706 Archery

Posted by Gamefreak on 08 September 2004 - 06:21 PM in Off Topic

I have 3 crossbows......

#36646 Funny

Posted by Gamefreak on 08 September 2004 - 09:12 AM in General Nerf

www.auctionstealer.com. It's free. But i think that there are time restraints.

#36187 The New G5 From Apple

Posted by Gamefreak on 02 September 2004 - 09:39 AM in Off Topic

It's nice. But for $1300 I'd muuch rather have an Athlon 64 gaming rig with 19"crt. I personally think Macs are way to expensive, and also who plays games on a Mac?

#36031 Blow Gun Valves

Posted by Gamefreak on 31 August 2004 - 07:51 PM in Homemades

whoops nevermind this post.

#35901 New Valve

Posted by Gamefreak on 30 August 2004 - 06:27 PM in Homemades

I personally get them at Harbor Frieght(SP) I got 'em at their website. I'll explain more later, gotta finish my homework.

#35855 New Valve

Posted by Gamefreak on 30 August 2004 - 08:20 AM in Homemades

Anywhere from $3-$5. You can buy them at your local hardware store, or even your Swap Meet/Flea Market.

#35779 New Valve

Posted by Gamefreak on 29 August 2004 - 05:49 PM in Homemades

Air Compresser valve, It makes so much sense. Quick opening, cheap, widely availble and reliable. My up coming homemade will use these. I'll get some pictures of these valves up soon. This is also what I'm gonna use on my Semi auto AT2k.

Edit:Picture! Posted Image

This to could work Posted Image

#35554 Funny

Posted by Gamefreak on 27 August 2004 - 09:21 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, your over looking the N-Strike, $40.

#34489 Nerfcenter

Posted by Gamefreak on 19 August 2004 - 04:15 PM in General Nerf

Andy,you rock! The NIC would be as great as it is without the Kickass reviews you put up.

#34408 Modded Titan

Posted by Gamefreak on 19 August 2004 - 08:46 AM in Modifications

Probley not the best mod around but it gets me at least 100ft flat. Ok, what you do is you take a small section of (i think) 1 1/2 inch PVC, now at this point you can take 2 roads, One geting a coupler and a reducer,or just sanding the inside out like I did. After your do put your chosie of barrel in, mine was SCH. 80. Then Duct tape it on and your set. Really simple, nice ranges and cheap to mod,i love it. I'll try to get some pitcures up later today. Later, gamefreak.

#33968 Big Salvo

Posted by Gamefreak on 14 August 2004 - 04:36 PM in Modifications

Rock! I need to get a hold of this. Can't wait to see what happens.

#33965 Gone Too Long

Posted by Gamefreak on 14 August 2004 - 01:44 PM in General Nerf

Hey good to see you again. Yeah, the Titan is the new SM5k. Welcome back!

#33563 Nstrike Dvd

Posted by Gamefreak on 09 August 2004 - 08:27 AM in General Nerf

Maybe the powerclip is going to attach to go where the Titan is! Since the clip moves up...or maybe it won't attach at all, and we won't get any new guns for this line.

#33419 Nstrike Dvd

Posted by Gamefreak on 07 August 2004 - 10:02 AM in General Nerf

Right where the Hornet now lives! Awesome idea! Good thinkin' ATB!

#32549 Xbox? Ps2? Both?

Posted by Gamefreak on 28 July 2004 - 09:27 PM in Off Topic

Well, mine has a chip but it didn't seem like he wanted to open it. A large hard drive is also a good idea.

#32512 Razorbeast

Posted by Gamefreak on 28 July 2004 - 01:15 PM in General Nerf

I need the purple part. I'd rather build one though.....

#32511 Xbox? Ps2? Both?

Posted by Gamefreak on 28 July 2004 - 01:11 PM in Off Topic

How about this. Halo Xbox, Extra controler, DVD burner, 128 Jump drive, one of These ,and a 50 pack of DVD-rs. Look for insturcts and mod your xbox and burn games for yourself. Or not...

#32279 Too Much Time Isn't Always Bad

Posted by Gamefreak on 25 July 2004 - 04:15 PM in Off Topic

Uh...Ninjz you do know that is the proper spelling of Über, it has to have the 2 dots. While it does mean over the english addapted usage is Super or awesome.

#32278 Razorbeast

Posted by Gamefreak on 25 July 2004 - 04:12 PM in General Nerf

Does any one here have a Razorbeast handle for sale or know how to make one? Any info would be of great help,Thanks. Gamefreak.

#32236 Too Much Time Isn't Always Bad

Posted by Gamefreak on 24 July 2004 - 02:56 PM in Off Topic

Cool,In a hobo's dream kinda way.... But $50?

#32190 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by Gamefreak on 23 July 2004 - 02:51 PM in Off Topic

Sweet thanks CX I'm the "SD Lamers".

#32143 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by Gamefreak on 22 July 2004 - 08:05 PM in Off Topic

I haveing troubles joining.....could I get directions on joining?

#31974 My Ubermaxx

Posted by Gamefreak on 21 July 2004 - 06:38 PM in Modifications

Schweet! That is downright 1337. Nice way of bringing it back to life!

#31817 Preferable Pre-Cut Length

Posted by Gamefreak on 20 July 2004 - 04:15 PM in General Nerf

Whoops! I Acidentally voted 3 inches. I meant 2 inches.

#31753 My New Friend

Posted by Gamefreak on 19 July 2004 - 11:06 PM in Off Topic

I believe it is One ounce.

#31752 Pc Rerealease

Posted by Gamefreak on 19 July 2004 - 11:02 PM in General Nerf

That would be pimpin' if it had the same color scheme as the N-Strike.

#31645 Supermaxx 350 Remake

Posted by Gamefreak on 18 July 2004 - 09:52 PM in General Nerf

Hey, dude it's cool the other didn't have pictures...Other than that nice find.

#31451 Holy Shit... And Out Of A Off Brand Gun!

Posted by Gamefreak on 16 July 2004 - 03:25 PM in Modifications

Cool but....theres a Mod on the site. Not that I'm flaming or anything I highy enjoy new content good job.

#31277 Nerf Robots

Posted by Gamefreak on 15 July 2004 - 12:43 PM in Off Topic

Yes the title may be semifunny but I would like to share something very,VERY 1337. Yup, nerf Robots, a Photo Gallery thanks to google. And even Paintball Robots! Enjoy!

#30793 Nerf P-99

Posted by Gamefreak on 09 July 2004 - 10:06 AM in Modifications

Wow, my Swap Meet sells gun very similar to that, maybe a should buy a few. 55 out of a pellet shooting gun? That's wicked awesome. Is there any way we could get some internal pics?The design rules, but as Caddy said put some orange on it, it can get you outta some trouble.

#30018 Yeah, Another Modded Crossbow...

Posted by Gamefreak on 01 July 2004 - 09:10 AM in Modifications

Oh, I see. It really looks as if it were metal. Like it has some sort of texture to it.