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#26499 1500 Spupermax

Posted by Vassili on 18 May 2004 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

I'd have to back Talio up here, hitting people with arched shots is just one of those skills that us talented people posses. Try using an EaB and you'll see how accurate arched shots can be. Of course I'm not talking about a 45 degree angle here, only slightly arched.

Also, 200 feet shouldn't be too hard to achieve with a 5k...

#27087 1500 Spupermax

Posted by Vassili on 26 May 2004 - 09:43 PM in General Nerf

Also, 200 feet shouldn't be too hard to achieve with a 5k...

Yes, it would. I can get at least 130 feet with mine, but 70 feet is a whole lot more. :P

I meant angled. IR's got about 130, too.

And yes, if you massively expanded the airtank of a 1500, then used darts heavier than the standard NATO round, you could get 200 feet. Of course, as Cx, said that's really not a 1500, but a homemade, and you have made Nerf a lethal sport/hobby.

#20901 2004 Nerf Lineup

Posted by Vassili on 07 March 2004 - 11:52 PM in General Nerf

This large bazooka doesn't sound too useless, if it's a comfortable gun we could mount a smaller pump on the gun and maybe make the airtank a tad smaller. It would take some work, however.

#23096 666 Members

Posted by Vassili on 31 March 2004 - 10:45 PM in Off Topic

Ok i know this is probably going to get me banned but cx's post put me over the edge

Cxwq, Fuck you alright
Jesus Christ what have you done with your life
your a 32 year old man who still plays with nerf guns
your whole life amounts to a giant pile of bullshit
just because this thread has people posting intelligent thoughts that are way above your IQ to understand gives you no right to shit on it like that
if you want to be a dictator and limit free speech and censor people then by all means do it its your site. but i for one will not stand for it.
as the great Voltaire once said

"I disagree with what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"

Even Satan would reject you. You're just so...unwanted.

#30394 Air Xxl Skeet Shoot

Posted by Vassili on 05 July 2004 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

Looks like quite a good gun, but is it worth 50 bucks? Not with my money.

I definitely say take it back. If you were to mod it and widen the plunger tube, you would have to move/modify/remove the rotating mechanism, which is kind of the whole reason why that gun would be so good.

Nice job on taking those pics, though.

#3146 Americas Army

Posted by Vassili on 08 April 2003 - 10:49 PM in Off Topic

I've played it a lot more now, merlinski you're right Radio Tower kicks ass. My name is "[vassili]", look for me.

#3001 Americas Army

Posted by Vassili on 05 April 2003 - 06:11 PM in Off Topic

Yeah I haven't played for a while but you convinced me to do so again, I'm leaving to do it right now.

#2987 Americas Army

Posted by Vassili on 04 April 2003 - 09:00 PM in Off Topic

Only Bridge and Insurgent Camp are any good, and there aren't that many good people on the servers anymore. The best gun though is the AK47 with the grenade launcher attachment, it's better than the M203 or the loser rifles.

#9851 Anyone Have Pic Of Internals Of Sm 5000

Posted by Vassili on 17 September 2003 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

NNL had pictures of unmodded Sm 5000 internals but it's not up anymore. The airtank goes up at the front of the gun, like right where the barrel is, and the rest you should be able to figure out form the pics on this site.

#1562 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by Vassili on 18 February 2003 - 08:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Kevin, I need to speak with you about making me some guns, so expect a pm soon.

Wow you can make guns!

#6494 Armageddon Video(s)

Posted by Vassili on 03 July 2003 - 12:35 PM in Site Feedback

I have media player 9, and other files will play fine, but when this plays I get no video or audio, but the clock runs.

#6552 Armageddon Video(s)

Posted by Vassili on 04 July 2003 - 01:46 PM in Site Feedback

Yeah I tried it again today and I got this thing that asked me if I wanted to install something like a "Codec Cab" and now it works.

#27317 Arsenals

Posted by Vassili on 31 May 2004 - 12:12 PM in General Nerf

The guns worth mentioning in my arsenal:

2 Maxshots
1 SS2
1 EaB
1 PC (2 clips)
1 Triple Shot
1 At2k (top left)
1 CPS 2000/EaB Creation

#1000 At2k Airtank

Posted by Vassili on 29 January 2003 - 01:07 PM in Modifications

Can someone give me the dimensions of an At2k airtank? I am going to integrate it into my EaB.

#1014 At2k Airtank

Posted by Vassili on 29 January 2003 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

Yes it's in addition to the plunger. I stayed home sick today so I emptied out the insides below the barrel. It should fit but I have to sacrifice one srew hole. I also put in probably the same spring as Cxwq's EaB, it's a lot more accurate than the stock springs with bands.

#1501 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by Vassili on 18 February 2003 - 01:55 AM in Modifications

Are these At3k's really useful in a war, though? What is the approximate range on it, if it's around 80-90 it would probably be really good. Also, how does the rotating mechanism work, like is does it rotate by the trigger, pump, or air?

#1576 At3k Petg Mod Writeup

Posted by Vassili on 19 February 2003 - 12:27 AM in Modifications

What are telescoping barrels? The reason I wanted to know how the rotating mechanism worked was because I thought I could do something like the Beast but with 3k or 4k, but evidently the barrels wouldn't rotate.

#2060 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 07 March 2003 - 08:56 PM in Nerf Wars

A big stationary bike pump pumping constantly wouldn't be able to fire all the darts off, you would need a pumping, then firing time. This would be good because it would be transportable, though.

If you attached it to a jeep, then you could have the rotation of the wheels power a pump or have it power a air compressor. That would be really hard but really cool.

#2412 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 19 March 2003 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow Zero gets colorful!

Anyway that thing is awesome tell us when it's done.

#2076 Base Defense Cannons, And You

Posted by Vassili on 08 March 2003 - 06:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Zero, what are the shells going to be made out of? It would take forever to cut 50 shells out of brass! Crayolas? CPVC?

#21727 Bbb

Posted by Vassili on 19 March 2004 - 08:07 PM in Modifications

I modded one for a friend before with a 1 inch section of 17/32" and just 6 inches of 9/16". It got ranges of about 95 feet with plenty accuracy, and that was only crappy SteelWorks brass. It also helps to lube the plunger tube with vegetable oil.

#10031 Big Bad Boner

Posted by Vassili on 19 September 2003 - 09:27 PM in Modifications

I modded IronRhino's without a spring replacement or internal rubber banding and got an average range of 95 feet flat. I cut down the orange barrel and put a 1 3/4" or so section of brass in the end of the plunger and gooped it in, then cut down a coupler and stuck it over the orange barrel stub. I also lubed the plunger tube with some vegetable oil and replaced the two springs from the little square orange pieces with the stub that stick out of the side since one was missing. The springs from Airtech barrels work very well for that. A 6 inch 9/16" brass barrel worked fine, but you may want a longer barrel. Here's some pics from a mod I never wrote up:

Pic 1
Pic 2

#2025 Big Huge Mod Dex

Posted by Vassili on 05 March 2003 - 07:55 PM in Off Topic

I just wanted everyone here to know that I released a mod dex on my site and it's a lot bigger than I would have suspected. Thanks again to Nerfhaven, Zero, Frost, and Atticus for being in it.


#168 Brassed Eab.

Posted by Vassili on 27 December 2002 - 04:58 PM in Modifications

Frenzy, that happened to mine too and I filled it up with tons of epoxy but it didn't hold. Duct tape was actually able to hold it for a couple days at a time but eventually I gave up on it. For any good modders out there, I think that there is enough room under the barrel to integrate an at2k. I need to run to TRU and buy one, then do some handy work with my hack saw.

#184 Brassed Eab.

Posted by Vassili on 28 December 2002 - 06:06 PM in Modifications

A solely brass barrel not covered in PVC will fit I am almost positive.

#5634 Common Sense In War

Posted by Vassili on 11 June 2003 - 08:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Both those lists are good, but I think at least one commandment for "Common Sense in Forums" should be: Don't call the admin an asshole.

#26666 Constricted Petg

Posted by Vassili on 21 May 2004 - 09:10 AM in Modifications

My Triple Shot now gets 55' after I've gooped in the barrels. Maybe people have claimed better ranges, but if you look at Cxwq's First Shot Mod, someone who's results I trust on a gun with extremely similar, if not the same, plunger and spring, you'll see very similar results.

#26625 Constricted Petg

Posted by Vassili on 20 May 2004 - 04:29 PM in Modifications

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An idea I had a while ago, cut slits in PETG and wrap it tightly in electrical tape. With the ID of the PETG smaller, you can have a constricted section of the barrel that allows the air pressure in the plunger to build before firing the dart. I modded my Triple Shot and tested it with a normal PETG barrel and this barrel, and I definitely got improved results of about 5-10 feet. I encourage you to try this and see if you get similar results. I already wrote up a short Triple Shot mod and more details about the contricted barrel for NW, now we're just waiting for Grinch to post it. Feedback?

#990 Counter-strike And Other Hl Mod Players Here!

Posted by Vassili on 28 January 2003 - 10:39 PM in Off Topic

Sorry but what is FA?

#3703 Devil May Cry (1)

Posted by Vassili on 20 April 2003 - 03:27 PM in Off Topic

Anyone played this game before? It is so frickin cool. You walk around with swords, shotguns, and pistols and blow up evil spirit things. It's for PS2.

#32471 Drawing On Swift5d

Posted by Vassili on 27 July 2004 - 09:03 PM in Homemades

ShortShit, I think in order to fire all 5 he takes off the end of the barrel.

#6634 Driving

Posted by Vassili on 06 July 2003 - 11:29 PM in Off Topic

Just listen to the Governator.

#6592 Driving

Posted by Vassili on 05 July 2003 - 02:29 PM in Off Topic

My bro just bought a Pontiac, a 2001 Grand Prix GTP in perfect condition. Pretty cool first car I'd say.

#4950 Dumb Internet Explorer

Posted by Vassili on 24 May 2003 - 01:03 AM in Off Topic

Sorry but this is really annoying and I can't figure out how to fix it. All of a sudden all the fonts on internet explorer are smaller. I went through all the internet options and I can't find anything on font size. I really don't know why this is happening since font size is supposed to be determined by the actual html file, isn't it? Anyone know how to fix this?

edit:: I fixed it. Now I feel really stupid, but I think something good came out of this. I downloaded Mozilla and I realize that you can't even read my site (Foam Fortress) in Mozilla because the menus don't go down. Do you Mozilla users have this problem?

#4969 Dumb Internet Explorer

Posted by Vassili on 24 May 2003 - 06:52 PM in Off Topic

A Mozilla-friendly site is on my to do list. Problem is my to do list is bigger than my mom's Day After Thanksgiving Sale shopping list.

#13809 Eab And Lnl...similarities?

Posted by Vassili on 06 December 2003 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

You guys hadn't noticed that? I thought that was kinda obvious.

#37030 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by Vassili on 12 September 2004 - 02:23 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I did cut a breach like that, but it was just a simple "Unknown" breach with no clip, so you win.

#36822 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by Vassili on 09 September 2004 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

Nice, I really like how you cut into the EaB shell like that to make your breach. :o

#3454 Eab Replacement Spring Not Working

Posted by Vassili on 14 April 2003 - 04:38 PM in Modifications

C-882 is what it says on mine, they work very well in Eabs, and SSIIs and probably more stuff I just haven't tested it in other guns.

#5803 Eagle Eye

Posted by Vassili on 18 June 2003 - 10:49 PM in Modifications

I'm pretty sure this is a new mod, but whether or not it is I seriously reccomend you try it. The Eagle Eye can can now be considered with the great spring pistols.

Eagle Eye Pistol

edit:: And while you're at it check out my new PC and SSII mods. Wow that sounded corny.