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#195114 Messed Up Recon Salvage/mod

Posted by jdenn on 09 December 2008 - 10:22 PM in Modifications

I had the recon so that's what I'm using, maybe one day when my budget isn't so tight I'll try it with a different gun if this fails. So far this has cost me about 6 bucks: bond-o and PVC

I'm not really redoing the internals of the Recon... I am using the inverted plunger to cock the springs and combined with the other piece and the trigger: keep it cocked
Once the spring(s) are released the plunger and the AR piece are launched forward.

Right now that's all I have. When I get some time I am going put a dowel or a small OD pipe into the AR piece to extend the reach of the spring...

#194986 Messed Up Recon Salvage/mod

Posted by jdenn on 09 December 2008 - 04:36 PM in Modifications

Don't use bondo as an adhesive.

its too late, its already on as you can see from the pics, and it seems strong..

Sadly, the Recon barely generates enough air to send DARTS 20 feet stock. I don't think you're going to get it to send a giant Mongo Dart very far at all.

the point isn't to get the air movement, its to get the spring force to propel the ball.
Without getting into the physics of it the spring force should impart allot more energy to the ball then the air mass flow does

#194874 Messed Up Recon Salvage/mod

Posted by jdenn on 08 December 2008 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

I screwed up a mod for a recon that I was doing, I thought the thing would be trashed, so I picked up another one. Darts for the trashed one would fishtail and usually go about 10 feet, if it fired at all.
It sat on my trashcan for a few days before I got the idea to try and build a grenade/ball launcher. Originally I was thinking that it would be something like an M203 and go on the underside rail of the working Recon, but I couldn't find a good place to mount it... so it stays as a second gun.

I began by cutting off a small section of the original add on barrel, so that it could still click on, I used bond-o around it to keep it together... Then went a 2" diameter PVC to be the barrel of the gun... it’s a little too big for the Nerf ballistic balls but is close, I’ll probably end up making a sabot...

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Bond-o went over that to keep it on secure... so even if this doesn’t work, it still looks like an amazing barrel/mock silencer.
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Next I removed some unneeded internals of the Recon, like the things to hold the clip

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I also have my own version of the spring shoulder stock , I still need to bond-o that PVC in to the stock.

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To come: I need to build the sabot, and find create a plunger/hammer that goes from the recons AR to the ball .
And then the distance tests… I’m optimistic that I can get about 20 feet… this thing is going to be a one shot launcher andis probably going to be more intimidation then effective.

I'll try to do video some time soon of the grenade launcher Dry-firing