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#220058 Frostbite

Posted by nerfer34 on 26 March 2009 - 09:29 PM in Modifications

Unbelievable, but ya you should probably replace those Hornet tanks with Salvo tanks sometime.....That paintjob is amazing.

#238839 How To Integrate A Firefly Turret

Posted by nerfer34 on 26 June 2009 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

Wow you're on a modding tear.

Great job again.

I might try something simliar with a tek 10 turret...

#128716 Eye Protection

Posted by nerfer34 on 05 November 2007 - 07:00 PM in General Nerf

I've gotten shot twice in the eye. THANKFULLY BOTH TIMES I'VE BEEN PEFRFECTLY FINE!

Story 1- It was a 1vs. 1vs. 1 game between me, my brother, and a friend. Me and my brother made an alliance and we were both moving in on my friend. Then my brother shot me LITERALLY 6 inches away from his gun directly in the eye. THANK the lord that it was a stock dart. I beat the shit out him after.....

My eye was blurry for like 20 minutes and it was bleeding from the side(not nearly as bad as it sounds) But it honestly didn't hurt..... wierd...

story 2- It was a 5v5 and I was about 25' from a person using a quadded 2k. He shot me with a stefan square in the eye. I REALLY felt this one at first. I had to sit out a round. It just stung and stung so badly. I was pretty scared. My eye just looked REALLY bloodshot. And the next 2 days it kept stinging, especially when I looked in the light and in bright places. But it went away agfter a few more days.

By the Way I wear contact lenses... I don't know if that helps a little.

But it seems like every time I don't wear eye protection i get shot there. Always wear it.

#138220 The Snap-duo

Posted by nerfer34 on 02 February 2008 - 01:37 PM in Homemades

That's really cool.

I like it a lot.

I think it would be even better if you turreted them. THAT would be intimidating.

#138282 The Snap-duo

Posted by nerfer34 on 02 February 2008 - 07:56 PM in Homemades

That's beastly, but I'm not a fan of pink. Also, I realize I have no authority to point out a mistake, because you've probably fixed it without me knowing it, but why didn't you integrate the pump?

These are 2 spring plungers that Carbon's working with. There's no pumping involved. Is that what you meant?

Carbon, I was going to say inline barrels too. I'm going to break down the pros and cons

Well if looks like with this gun that you may be running with it(in war situtation) with the barrels facing the ground or below hip level. So you certainly don't want your darts to fall out...

i think you best bet may be tight fitting barrels on the turret. the inline may run into problems if it will be facing the ground a lot of the time. Either that or stick with your dog bones. In this mod, I think inlines may not be the way to go(it's tough for me to say that...).

this is going to be one cool primary.

#131322 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 December 2007 - 03:24 PM in Off Topic

I would like.........
-Tim Tebow jersey
- a lot of clothes to add onto my excessive wardrobe
-College hoops 2k8
-and some money/gift cards

And I think I'll be a happy camper

#100727 Nitefinder Modification Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 March 2007 - 02:55 PM in Modifications

Ok, so grab your NF and open it up. In this mod I "PPKed" it by cutting off the ammo holders and the light.

I am using a strong Home Depot spring, so I want a little reinforcement.

To deaden the sound a little bit I used this stuff called "Great Stuff", it is foam insulation that you spray on stuff.
The stuff really expands so you need to clean it up a bit after application.
Posted Image

Then I added brass ammo holders to where the batteries used to be.
Posted Image

Then I took the little orange circular piece to the plunger head and glued on a 1 inch piece of 17/32" brass. This piece of brass will act as a coupler for 9/16" brass barrels.

I used gorilla glue, which I highly recomend because it fills up the extra space too.

Here is the pluger tube with a 9/16" barrel over the 17/32" brass.
Posted Image

Here is the stronger spring I am talking about. Here it is compared to the grey/green NF spring and the blue/yellow NF sping.
Posted Image
I also had an extra O-ring and put that on, too.
Posted Image
Here is the completed plunger shaft.
Posted Image

Now simply reassemble the gun and you're good to go. Reassembling can be a little tricky because of how strong the industrial spring is, so I recomend getting someone to help you.

Now you have an interchangable barrel system for 9/16" brass! This gun also vacuum loads itself becasue of how the brass has so little friction.
The reload time is great!
Here is the final product.
Posted Image
Posted Image

#120757 Nitefinder Modification Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 22 August 2007 - 01:10 PM in Modifications

To add to what Piney said...

I actually can't believe I didn't show a pic of how I covered the hole up. I filled it with Greatstuff(expanding foam) and then sanded/cut it to look good, then just painted right on it.

If I were to do this mod again I would have probably used JB 2 part epoxy, but the glue I used(which I think was gorrilla then plumbers goop) hasn't broke yet.

#100733 Nitefinder Modification Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 03 March 2007 - 05:15 PM in Modifications

It's probably just me, but in the picture of the plunger, it seems as if the barrel is a tad bit crooked. But it's probably just me. Nice mod, I've yet to brass an NF. Like Flaming Hilt asked, ranges? Oh, and nice paintjob, Iv'e also still to paint an NF(grammar), or any other gun as a matter of fact. Lastly, did you have a problem with the plunger head hitting the circular piece held in by 3 pieces, sorry for bad description, but I've had this problem with every NF that I have since I take it out.

Yea that barrel may be crooked because that was an old pic. I'll get a pic up of the new one if I can.

The ranges are the best ranges I've gotten so with 5 NFs. The ranges are about 75' Flat in about 45-55 degrees.

Oh I got rid of that circular piece with the 3 small pieces. That blocks a ton of air. It's not necessary to use that at all.

I may be redoing the paintjob, not sure though.

Glad you like it.

Grenado- Well obvioulsy you can do it with other barrel material but I did it with brass.

#100794 Nitefinder Modification Writeup

Posted by nerfer34 on 04 March 2007 - 08:05 PM in Modifications

What a cool looking gun, I like the painjob and how it was cut down. I wanted to make one like this, and I did. Posted it in the Modifcations/Paintjobs thread. It looks better in person though.
I don't really understand your barrel assembly. In the picture of just the plunger and barrel, your barrel looks like a good size, but then in the picture of the whole gun, it looks like it's maybe an inch long. How does it work? You said the 17/32" acts as a coupler, so does it hold the 9/16" on there? But if it does, wouldn't it slide all around?

In the picture of the whole gun. The barrel is not on. Yea the 17/32" brass acts as a coupler and is permantly glued onto the pluger, that's what you are seeing in the "whole gun picture".

I used a pipecuuter to cut the brass barrels and then widened it slighlty so it fits really tight on the 17/32" brass. It doesn't move at all.

EDIT- I'm gonna add some more pics to show a few more things I added today to make the gun more effective.

#74659 Scope Mod!

Posted by nerfer34 on 28 February 2006 - 05:18 PM in Modifications

Guys a scope does nothing!(Even a paintball or airsoft gun shouldn't have a scope (which obviously fires further than a Nerf gun). These types of guns are too inacurate plus a poece of plastic won't help you out. A scope should only be used for appearance.

Nice find on the rail!

#213749 Clusterfuck Of A Longshot

Posted by nerfer34 on 20 February 2009 - 05:28 PM in Modifications

I meant to say what Zorn's Lemma said about the trigger... But I get why you did it.

Also, how do you load the marvelous salvo barrels?

#213689 Clusterfuck Of A Longshot

Posted by nerfer34 on 20 February 2009 - 10:11 AM in Modifications

Cool, but wouldn't have been better if you just did the marvelous salvo integration? ( seperate trigger, no speedloaders).

Apparently you wanted a linked trigger though, which is kinda nice too.

Great job.

#189330 Nerf Tank

Posted by nerfer34 on 12 November 2008 - 07:13 PM in Off Topic

I've always wanted to make one too. Go for it! Even if it doesn't move who cares, it'd be sick.

Put a vulcan on top of it along with an RF20. Then stick a titan in the front.

#97932 Breechless Deodorant Clip

Posted by nerfer34 on 08 January 2007 - 04:34 PM in Modifications

Nice mod/ write up!

BUT of cource you can make a breechless deodarant clip. But you're much better off making a breech clip like FA24. Becaus eyou are losing tons of air. That is why your getting 35'. A well modded expand a blast can get 75-80'. So yes you up the ROF bbut you drastically decrease ranges.

#103276 Lightning Blitz Modification.

Posted by nerfer34 on 30 April 2007 - 08:56 PM in Modifications

The Lightning Blitz, the second most underrated gun.

I wish I could intergrate mine into something, but it's too damn big! It's much bigger than people would expect.

#79539 Buzz Bee New Guns!

Posted by nerfer34 on 10 April 2006 - 09:44 PM in General Nerf

Have you guys seen the video yet? It is very stupid but may give a bit of detail of how it shoots.

#79351 Buzz Bee New Guns!

Posted by nerfer34 on 09 April 2006 - 08:14 PM in General Nerf

Ya I agree.

I hate buzz bees color scheme.

#79348 Buzz Bee New Guns!

Posted by nerfer34 on 09 April 2006 - 08:10 PM in General Nerf

http://www.buzzbeeto...2006/04100.html http://www.buzzbeeto...2006/04750.html

EDIT- I found another.


This one looks cool because of its shell ejection. The problem with buzz bee is that the guns don't get too good ranges...

#230890 The Soulreaper

Posted by nerfer34 on 17 May 2009 - 06:58 PM in Modifications

This is the nicest breech that I've ever seen to date. Sick job. I'd buy one of these if you sold a few.

#139313 Call Of Duty 4 Recon Cs-6 Mod [updated]

Posted by nerfer34 on 08 February 2008 - 01:39 PM in Modifications

No way...

I was planning to do this to my Recon.

I guess I'll just go with blue tiger.

#97350 Eagle Eye

Posted by nerfer34 on 29 December 2006 - 10:34 AM in Modifications


I'd like to see you mod an electric eel. I remmeber Baghead modded it a while ago but there haven't been any REALLY cool mods for it.... And the gun has potential.

#94283 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by nerfer34 on 12 November 2006 - 08:56 PM in General Nerf

KNowing Echo He'll shoot the gun from 5 feet away and then edit the film like he did before.

But whatever maybe I can catch him editting it this time.

#94248 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by nerfer34 on 12 November 2006 - 03:12 PM in General Nerf

Elf AVec and maverickxx you both piss me off.

Echo I'll makke you a deal over PMs.

Another thing to add, did anyone else realize how accurate the dart was?

Funny, hhuh?

While traveling 400 feet it lands in the same path as shot.

I can make a video like this saying my NF shoots 400 feet.

Like OMC says you can robably make a 20 foot airtank and have the thing shoot 1000' but it doesn't matter.

#94204 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by nerfer34 on 11 November 2006 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

I still don't believe it.

The dart could have been easily placed there.

YOur shot was also angled so badly.

There was probably a 50 MPH wind behind you.

There is no way. I know that this is a flase video, you can tell when watcing it, that it has been edited.
PLus why would you say it shoots 300 ft and then now it shoots 400.....?

#94288 I Have A Nerf Gun That Shoots Almost 400'

Posted by nerfer34 on 12 November 2006 - 09:16 PM in General Nerf

If I knew him in real life, I would go to his house, shoot the Bazooka , watch it travel 150-200' and tell him that, that doesn't equal 400'.

So, No I don't know him in real life.

#102989 Max Force: Rattler

Posted by nerfer34 on 29 April 2007 - 01:50 PM in Modifications

That's amazing.

Nice Work.

#116021 Clipped At2k

Posted by nerfer34 on 16 July 2007 - 06:36 PM in Modifications

I hate to break it to you guys, but you're acting like you all thought of this breech.

This breech has been out for a while. I think Fa 24 altered Zero's breech, to make this brass breech. So they really should get the credit. I will post a universal brass breech much like yours tomorrow. Keep a heads up for it.

I like the nail as a handle. That seems like it will bond well.


#98085 Hunterdon County, Nj Nerf War

Posted by nerfer34 on 10 January 2007 - 02:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh, my bad I am from Mass. Near Boston.

#98036 Hunterdon County, Nj Nerf War

Posted by nerfer34 on 09 January 2007 - 08:03 PM in Nerf Wars

All of you NJ guys are having a bunch of wars. I am definilty going to one of them. It is around a five hour drive for me. Maybe carpool? I am from MA, near boston.

What is the biggest NJ war?

Is this a major NJ war?(I am assuming not).

#115251 Basic Sspb Rebarreling

Posted by nerfer34 on 10 July 2007 - 08:20 AM in Modifications

Yea. I believe the ranges. I bought a cpvced sspb from an older member, forget his name, and he did the same mod you did and plugged the OPRV. Mine shoots around those ranges that you've got and the best part about this gun is the "pop" of air when shooting this thing. It sounds so cool.

Good write up.

#72018 Crossfire Coupler Mod

Posted by nerfer34 on 31 January 2006 - 06:24 PM in Modifications

Nice mod , ya I heard the crossfire was powerful in a small package. Ya the hole in the plunger will slightly affct ranges nothing much though.

#127083 Big Snap Has Balls!

Posted by nerfer34 on 23 October 2007 - 09:11 PM in Homemades


I think it actually looks cool too.

Hmmm... I wouldn't have imagined the balls woriking with the inline, then again I didn't think darts would work either....

Wicked cool. That would be my primary in a jiff-y.

#107582 Nerf Sneakshot Modification.

Posted by nerfer34 on 25 May 2007 - 07:39 PM in Modifications

Very cool mod. The only thing that I don't like is the priming system of the actual sneakshot but that's personal preference. Another mod in the books!

#115507 Brute Shot Mod

Posted by nerfer34 on 11 July 2007 - 10:55 PM in Modifications

Hot damn, that's beautiful. I want one... doesn't hurt that I'm a semi-rabid Halo fan, myself... I dearly hope I can find the time and money to make one.

Well if you already have the tools at hand:

I did everything with hand tools so it took about 90 hours.

Is that a typo? 90 hours?! Wow, I've never spent more than 1 hour on a mod.

This thing is amazing, but 90 hours?!

You must mean 9 right?

#99354 Ecno '07

Posted by nerfer34 on 05 February 2007 - 08:49 PM in Nerf Wars

That place looks sweet!

I'm 5 hours away... Is this one of the bigest wars?

#86691 If You Could Bring Back Any Nerf Gun

Posted by nerfer34 on 07 August 2006 - 01:11 PM in General Nerf

IT'd be cool if they brought back the supermax series.

#86708 If You Could Bring Back Any Nerf Gun

Posted by nerfer34 on 07 August 2006 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf

Airjet power plus would be the series with the SF and PC, I think.

#226387 Pas Ball Shooting Attachment Mod

Posted by nerfer34 on 26 April 2009 - 08:56 PM in Modifications

Ya quolf balls aren't the softest things in the world. Atleast the ones I have aren't. They would leave a bruise if one was going at the speed of a dart that's for sure.

#110532 Top 5 All Time Best Movies

Posted by nerfer34 on 10 June 2007 - 06:06 PM in Off Topic

I watched the "Pianist" Friday in school. I thought it was good but not top 5 worthy.
This list isn't in order
1)Forrest Gump
3)Happy Gilmore
4)Good Will Hunting
5)Remember the Titans
6)40 year old Virgin(Steve Carrel is the man)