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#295111 Archangel

Posted by Aj on 26 February 2011 - 09:41 PM in Homemades

Absolutely awesome project, have you ever considered making a 'heavy' version (ie higher firepower but lower mobility) - That turret coule be made into a great feeding mech for a belt rather easily.


#293717 Long Strike With Missile Blast Internals

Posted by Aj on 02 February 2011 - 02:44 AM in Modifications

Once you try this in a war I think you will be wishing you moved the pump to the front, you have to switch positions to prime it the way you have it. Very similar to the raider mod http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=19961

Haha, I made that yo

It started a "airgun in n-strike shell" revolution in Aus, which is pretty balls as all the lazy noobs have turned the game into a standoff.

However, another forum member on the OZnerf forum - Winterstrike - completed this mod about 6 months ago, using 4B internals and the same pump placement

Given the amount of n-strike shelled airguns I've seen recently, I'm rather disappointed people are all going for the super easy coupler option rather than trying to make a clip taking breach or even finding a neat place to put a chopper or something

Still the OP's is a decent example, nice and clean.


#284576 Nerf Stampede - Voltage Increase / Rof & Firing Tests

Posted by Aj on 02 September 2010 - 11:33 AM in Modifications

if you load the clip up at 22 volts does it shoot darts that fast or does it just jam? same at 16 volts etc


#284559 Pump-action Crossbow

Posted by Aj on 02 September 2010 - 01:45 AM in Homemades

I vote the RAIN-Bow

come up with some acronym for RAIN



Nepalese people


#284557 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 02 September 2010 - 01:34 AM in Modifications

Now you just need a converted drum mag.

Actually not really, I designed it to work with CDTS's so I didn't have to convert a drum mag, as apart from yours I haven't seen any other ones that dont jam, given my limited time I'm reluctant to pour time into making one work, this was kind if a 'for fun' project anyway, most wars we're doing down here now are running a game mode we designed call foam fortress (think team fortress) and this weapon is too high ROF for the sharpshooter class. Alot of my mods from now on will be for optimising weapons within the class restrictions for FFP to prepare for the national tournament in december.

I would like to paint a drum mag to match the raider though

Also thanks to everyone for the props, I consider this community the ultimate judge of something's worth nerf wise, given the experience and modding/machining skills of some of the members, to have a bunch of noobs in Australia drool over it is one thing, to have it deemed good by members on here is a different thing entirely.


#284252 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 29 August 2010 - 04:29 AM in Modifications

About as close to a legitimate double post as you can get


Breech uses 3 sizes of brass telescoped for more reliable feeding along with the ability to shoot any kind of ammo.

Pump is mounted using only 2 bolts and no glue.

Is super clean, looks hot yo

Paint was done in 1 night (6 or so hours, had a war the next day) which is much more rushed than I like. It looks sweet now but I'm a bit of a perfectionist with paint, so it'll need some touch ups, after a few years out the game I'm a bit rusty.

I dont think there is enough difference to warrant a separate write up.


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you cannot tell me this is not damn clean pump integration to the shell

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All the components

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Range tested today and yesterday at the nerf war

between 160-200 ft with CDTS, depends on how good the dart is

120' (average) with blue foam stefans

110 (average) with white foam stefans (much much tighter fit)

this is flat btw



#284096 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 27 August 2010 - 07:29 AM in Modifications

..... It's an Airgun... you pump them up.. thats kinda the deal... It has better ROF than any of the ones down here, except maybe the couple RSCB big blasts floating around, but its more consistent and about the same ROF

I dont really care about having two handles to operate, because the brass breech is super tight it takes a bit of effort to pupp out and push back in, also the strokes are not the same length (breech and pump)

I'm painting it now, I was going to take photos but figure I may as well wait till I'm done


#283965 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 25 August 2010 - 10:56 AM in Modifications

Rev 2 is complete as of tonight

After a lot of testing, some war experience etc I identified some issued with the rev 1 design
  • The trigger would occasionally not return all the way, leaving the valve open slightly
  • The 'feeding nub' on the end of the tank was too long, sometimes causing streamlines to jam
  • The hornet pump had a longer stroke than comfortable
  • The stock tubing was attached to the magstrike pump via a non barbed fitting and was prone to start leaking if you pumped the gun up more than 6-7 times
  • Look wasn't quite as clean as I thught possible
Rev 2 adresses all of these issues

It uses a Schwinn mini frame bike pump (also recently featured in the 'iron man super soaker' mod) so you dont have to ruin a magstrike.

I also created a breech using nested and telescoping sizes of brass so that I can shoot streamlines, 'blue foam' darts that we have here and 'white foam' darts that we have here (tightish fit in 9/16, much larger than your stefans)

Finally the trigger pull feels better and the trigger return problem was solved with a nice beefy trigger return spring forcing the plate back to its starting position

looks super clean

Pump mounted using 3 screws, 1 small piece of PC and is rock solid and easily removable.

pics and writeup soon


#283623 Nerf Stampede - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by Aj on 20 August 2010 - 08:01 PM in General Nerf

Didn't see this posted yet.


what a terrible review...

"bipod for night activities"

"stampede ecx"

#282059 Nerf Camo Ammo

Posted by Aj on 04 August 2010 - 05:59 AM in General Nerf

Load the pouch up with clips, put in as many as you can. Attach to your belt. now SPRINT.

Tell us what happens.

Try again with the pouch half full...

This is the real litmus test of gear in my oppinion, I have rigs that allow me to carry a ridiculous number of guns, clips and ammo.... if I feel like 'brisk walking' the entire war. I need pouches that will hold shit when I have to start running flat out after the flag.


#282056 Amazing Paint Job - How Can I Learn This?

Posted by Aj on 04 August 2010 - 04:11 AM in Modifications

Just by looking at it I'd say there is a 95% chance that that blaster was painted using citadel miniatures paints - other wise known as games workshop. These paints are pricey but as far as acrylics go they are some of the best in my opinion.

I used to play a lot of warhammer when I was younger and particularly enjoyed painted, even winning a few local competitions for my miniatures.

So my suggestion is to look for tutorials on how to use citadel paints - gameworkshop.com is probably a good place to start.

In particular tutorials on painting tanks, especially tau or space marine tanks would be of use, as thes tanks feature large flat surfaces and panelling very similar to nerf guns.

The maverick you posted uses a lot of drybrushing, highlighting and shading. Some of the shading appears to have been done using inks, and given the smoothness I'd suspect some glazes were used on the red to smooth it out. All of these terms (using inks, drybrushing, glazing etc) are things you should search for and you'll find detailed tutorials in abundance on both GW and 3rd party hobby sites all over the web.

Also of note is that this maverick used a gloss varnish to give that deep, rich, shiny finish, which has been left off on the metallic parts to create contrasts. There should be plenty of tutorials about for applying this kind of finish also, and both matte and gloss varnish can be bought in spray and brush on form.

Hope this helps, remember take your time, have patience and look at your painting objectively, it's on of the hardest things to do, everyone in warhammer thinks their painting is super good when this is true for only about 5% of the hobbyists.. every one develops their 'own eyes' for their paintjobs, which just seem not to notice that big fleck of green you accidentally got on the black or whatever.. but try and avoid it.. get other people to point out flaws and dont be angry when they do, they're helping you become a better painter.


#281522 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 07:09 PM in Modifications

I'm pretty sure a 3K tank has more volume, but the range is negligible at about a 10 foot difference maximum.
Fantastic gun man, this is probably my favorite conversion of any gun that I've seen. I'm an airgun person, and the fact that you combined this into one of Nerf's most comfortable shells ever, while keeping the N-strike clip system in such a clean manner is great. I love the way you set up the trigger as well, it seems much more reliable than the average "bend the wire, connect and glue it to a popsicle stick" kind of thing. Major props.
I know you're Australian, so I'm guessing UPVC = Sch. 40 PVC here in the states? It's cool that it comes in orange though.... Us Americans need to switch solely to the metric system. :lol: Measurements in MM would be so much easier.

Nope, the MM tank is noticeably larger than a 3k tank, I have both.

UPVC = electrical conduit, not SCH40, which is basically just the 'pvc' most people refer to.

Thanks everyone for the props, rev 2 will be up soonish


#281486 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 12:16 PM in Modifications


To be honest good job, I'm actually working on the exact same thing except I'm using a 3k tank.

Amazing work.

It was my initial thought, but 3k tank = rare-ish + $$, MM tank = larger, able to take more pressure and $8.99 AUD at any TRU


#281479 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 10:34 AM in Modifications

Whilst its ROF is bad compared to the raider, it is very good compared to a regular 4B or other such weapon, as wyes are not available in Australia, so hoppers are out.

The range is about 100-120 feet, which is slightly more than a BBB usually achieves I think.


#281473 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 10:16 AM in Modifications

It's available at all hardware stores - it is the piping they run electrical wires in and is sold in long (3-4 meter) lengths. It comes in grey and orange, with both having the same OD but different IDs.

20mm is the most common, with 16mm being harder to find in Aus, it has the same dimensions as your 1/2" CPVC

16mm UPVC nests airtight inside 20mm grey, making for excellent slide breeches, whilst thick wall PETG nests airtight in orange 20mm conduit, also making it very easy to make petg slide breeches in Australia


#281471 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 10:05 AM in Modifications

Here's a shot of it all together

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Here's a couple photos on how I dremeled the shell to get the trigger to work

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Now, close your shell up, test it, make any adjustments as necessary. I had to open and dremel the shell a couple times to get unrestricted trigger pull and return.

You should have something kinda like this

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EDIT: Firing Video is here

Ranges - 100-120 feet with 4 pumps

Rev 2 is under construction, aiming to be simpler and with easier to get parts for some things (like a small widely available bike pump for the pump) along with just generally being cleaner.

So yeah, hope some people got something out of this and that its worthy content for these parts.



#281470 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 10:02 AM in Modifications

I nested the front of the 9/16th in some more 20mm UPVC and attached a handle to it through a combination of hardware, solvent weld and titan bond (super strong shit)

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Here's a shot of the breech with a streamline in it - accommodating streamline size darts is necessary if you want to use drums unless you are one of the like.. 3? 4? people who have made reliable stefan modded drums.

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now on to the pump. Magstrike pumps seem like they were made to fit in the shell... diddle it accordingly so everything will fit.

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Choose how you are going to secure your pump. if you want to use glue that is fine, I chose to use hardware - I used a 20mm conduit pipe clip, affixed by a bolt to a smal piece of polycarb.

This polycarb has a 4mm tapped hole in it allowing it to be attached to the raider shell with a bolt.I also placed a 15mm (1/2") PVC coupler on the front of the pump and attached this with a screw to the shell.. again pics will help it make sense.

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I chose to replace my pump handle with a PVC T and end cap combo, with about 10mm of PVC sticking out the T, so it 'locks' into the coupler on the front of the pump, preventing it from extending while I run around with it slung on my back.

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The T also allows me to add a foregrip

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Join the pump up to the tank - I used 4mm PVC tubing and 4mm barbed connectors, you yanks will have the proper 1/8" connectors.

Now the part that took the longest to figure out - the trigger. I wanted lever action, as I had seen how much more effective they are in the new model 4B's. In the end I came up with this..

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it's 3mm Alu, which you can buy in 3x20x1000mm strips in Aus. I cut it using a hacksaw and a metal cutting wheel on a dremel.

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The orange hinge pieces are made out of the pieces which hold the boltsled in, simply cut, sand and attach, it shouldn't be too hard to tell what to do from the pics.

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The bar which the trigger pivots on goes into a pre-existing screw port in the shell, which one of the internal pieces screwed into. drill a hole in the other side of the shell to accomodate the bar.

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Here's some pictures of the trigger.

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#281469 Raider - Replaced Internals (mega Missile) - The Mega Raider

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 10:00 AM in Modifications

Hey everyone.

I've been around here for a whole, however didn't really want to post without anything decent to contribute. I'd like to thank the while community for all the great content, almost everything I've learned about nerf has been through a combination of this site, some research and good old fashioned trial and error.

Special props go to popatachi who did something similar earlier, though I did not consult his mod for this it certainly paved the way.

Raiders suck balls. Period.

I wanted to make one that didn't. Actually I wanted a clip fed gun with 4B kind of power, and the raider shell turned out to be way too perfect. It is a comfortable and cool looking shell, especially with the fron handle removed. Given that they both have the same breech this could be adapted to a recon etc

AFTER I'd done this mod a friend went "oh coop made a clipped big blast", which you can get the same functionality out of, however I like this shell so so so much more than the 4b, the pump faces fowards and is more efficient and it actually holds clips and drums well and uses the stock clip lock for additional stability.

Things I achieved
- consistent, reliable feeding from n strike clips
- greater than 100 ft range
- uses stock clip receiver
- No glue holding anything structural - all hardware
- Comfort and accuracy

So here we go. I sometimes forgot to take photos until after I had completed a stage so the pictures are not completely step by step, I apologize.

Step 1 - Open up your raider and your mega missile. Having a 2nd gen mega missle is key as the tank is not welded to the pump, but rather connected with tube.

Disconnect the tube but keep the white lock nut, and gut the raider internals save the jam door. Keep the trigger and the brackets that hold in the boltsled. Anything else is useless.

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place the tank in the raider, so the right angle connector extending from the tank is sitting just in front of a piece of shell that sticks up near the trigger.

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Mark where the large centre band of the MM tank is on the 2 internal walls of the raider shell and cut a channel so the tank can sit within the walls. This is all you need to do to fit the tank.. freaky right? it's like too easy...

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As you can see in the pics I have cut my mega missle barrel (the orange bit) off about 3-4mm above the black part of the tank. do this now if you haven't already.

Cut a 20mm conduit couple at the 3/4 mark. it should now fit onto the front of the tank with some 'persuasion'

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Now I put a piece of 20mm UPVC in the coupler and put the tank inside and closed the shell. Using a fine tipped sharpie I marked where the clip would go when placed in the stock clip receiver.

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Then I took it all apart, clipped on a nstrike clip within the lines I had drawn and traced around the top of the clip.

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Cut it all out and it will look like this

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Now to make a slide breech work correctly with clips there must be a 'nub' that the dart gets pushed back against to force it into the breech. Making this 'nub' in the limited space was challenging and this is what I came up with. most importantly it has to get fixed to the tank but not interfere with the x shaped guide which ensures the valve makes it back to correct postion after each firing. There is very little room to play with behind the breech before the tank, so it cannot be attached to the walls of the barrel or you will sacrifice some of the precious little sealing surface.

So what I came up with.. cut (roughly) 2cm of 1/2" brass and 17/32 brass. glue the 1/2 inside the 17/32 halfway down. Sand/lathe a piece of 12mm OD ALU tube until it fits inside the 17/32. glue it all together and then inside the orange stub sticking out the tank, being careful with your glue so you dont glue the tank shut. pics will help this make sense

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I used a 19/32 and 9/16th sliding breech - the part cut to match the conduit is the 19/32 while a whole piece of 9/16th slides back and forth.

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#281460 The Stitchmanta

Posted by Aj on 28 July 2010 - 04:13 AM in Homemades

I think this a cool idea, very original. However I think that heaps of people would be interested in the acrylic blanks rather than the laminated burlap finished product, have you over thought about selling the acrylic copies also?


#280796 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Aj on 20 July 2010 - 04:24 AM in Modifications

@ Lucian, you need heaps more LED's, and smaller ones too. I've found 5mm LEDS or pre made SMD strips the best to work with. I posted a blue LED maverick a few pages ago, it had 9 LEDs in it. Recently I Finished a contract to do a RED LED maverick, with this one I was able to greatly improve on the design, packing 16 LEDs into the mav without restricting function at all. The wiring is dann near invisible because I planned the runs very well.

Here's some pics

play 'spot the wiring'

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I was particularly proud that I got an LED in each quarter of the 'half dome' of the maverick (around the clip lock etc) whilst keeping it looking so clean, also all LEDs are attached to the same side as the internals, so the gun can be completely opened with ease, which is necessary as the battery will run out at some point.

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And here's some lit up shots, It looks a little pink and the lights look a little yellow due to oversaturation, but IRL it's a solid rich red.

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Finally here's my 'old blue' which sold on ebay for like $110 AUD to some guy in the states

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(Aus_AJ on nerf IRC)

#279278 N-strike Barrel Break Ix-2

Posted by Aj on 02 July 2010 - 03:40 PM in News

Also, nerf confirmed on their FB page that the IX designation means the gun uses a reverse plunger - like the reflex IX-1 (eliminator)


#277409 Nerf 18 Dart Clip Video Review

Posted by Aj on 10 June 2010 - 11:19 PM in General Nerf

Both myself and JustSomeBob have posted about this already, still it's a nice review.

So far I've bought 20 of these, and have sold a bunch to guys in Aus, and I have only received 2 "legit" nerf branded ones with the screw on the side and the other 18 have been unbranded ones with no screw, which work identically to the nerf brand ones


#275870 Cs-18 Clip - Hands On

Posted by Aj on 24 May 2010 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

Did you get those from here?

If you did, how did you manage to navigate your way through the website and pay for them? I'd love to get some RF-20s from there...

I was made aware of their availability through them appearing on TB, however I got them through other channels, a business I work for has mandarin speaking staff and they have relatives still in the mainland..

Unless they were stolen from the factory or something like that, I don't think Hasbro is going to mind. As long as they're really being produced and shipped, your comments will reflect a genuine product. Just maybe via a "supply chain" that's not fully authorized. Were they packaged? I don't see any pics including packaging.

I really have no idea how legally they were obtained hence why I'm a little :/ about posting it on the net. They did not come in any official packaging.

Btw, i guess you may have thought of it by now... you have a very rare opportunity to be the first to mod 2 of those CS-18 clips together for a sort of "super-duper" 36-dart clip! :P

We joined 2 with a flip clip.... it was hilarious... I'll be uploading that photo to the thread on Oznerf later

Try using the bipod on the Longshot now!
I rather just use a 12 round super clip and not have to get my huge ass clip stuck on everything I walk by. Have you found a way to hold more on you then just in the blaster?

mmm... because that bipod was just soooooo useful before hand....

If you're getting your clip stuck on things then I think you're holding your blaster wrong, and yeah I an easily able to store more on my person..

I have a few different pouches which can hold between 1-4 of these 18 rnd clips, I can carry two on my person very easily along with one in the blaster. that is the equivalent of 9 6 shot clips..... it is much more convenient to me to carry 3 clips as opposed to 9

Finally.. Drums jam. These don't.


#275770 Cs-18 Clip - Hands On

Posted by Aj on 24 May 2010 - 03:49 AM in General Nerf

I'm not sure if I should be posting this here, as it seems we traded the freedom to leak new products for getting product releases 24 hrs before facebook....

No, I do realise it's much more complex than that and that maintaining a good relationship with hasbro along with not getting our asses sued is pretty high on the priority list, hence if this breaks any rules please let me know, I'm sorry.

but yes I have 5 CS-18 clips.. I didn't buy them from the guy on US ebay who has a few for sale

there are pics and shit in this thread


I'm really hoping to get a video done soon, but with my internet screwed I wont be able to upload it... but yes I believe I'm one of the 1st english speaking IRC member to have a hands on with these, though I think Kevinericon might have some too...

Anyways check out the thread


#275254 N-strike Alpha Trooper Cs-18

Posted by Aj on 18 May 2010 - 10:07 PM in General Nerf

Of course hasbro browses this site, it would be irresponsible not to from a corporate IP perspective on their behalf.

As far as people saying this is pointless, I hate the side mounted drum on the radier, to me this shell is more appealing ergonomically.

Also I find the 35 round mag very very bulky, so the 18rnd one is cool, but to be honest I prefer the other 18 round clip they have coming out (super clips style)

Also internally, the raider had a much much more developed boltsled, seemed much more sturdier, and in order to implement slamfire it is likely that they will have to beef up the recon's boltsled (as they have with every other design after) this means a stronger recon like base for bos, which I don't see as a bad thing.


#271261 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Aj on 03 April 2010 - 11:21 PM in Modifications

Little something I did a while ago....

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Wiring is essentially invisible on this side

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But there is some visible on this side.. was basically impossible to have none visible near the battery due to space restrictions..

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Going to attempt this again, trying for less hotspots/more even coverage

Also check it out on the YouPoops



#270356 Washer Based Plunger Heads And Replacement Plunger Tubes - Please Help

Posted by Aj on 26 March 2010 - 06:50 AM in Homemades

Last time I checked you can find Lee's tubing on amazon.

Amazon do not ship to Australia, but thanks


#270343 Washer Based Plunger Heads And Replacement Plunger Tubes - Please Help

Posted by Aj on 26 March 2010 - 12:02 AM in Homemades


The work you guys have been doing recently in here is f**kin boss. I have been incredibly impressed with the quality of blasters being produced by some of the contributors around here.

I live in Australia, and as such I don't have access to imperial size PVC, imperial size rubber washers and 1" PETG, so I have a few questions I'd like answered so that I may search for alternatives locally.

1st, everyone mentions 1" PETG coming from petco, I assume from my searching that it is a part for an aquarium gravel filter, however I'm not sure. Does anyone have the 'pet store' name for this product so that I can search for it more efficiently? is it a replacement part? does it come from a particular company or is it 'petco' brand?

I have seen some gravel filters with tubes that look about right online, however I'm reluctant to spend $25-30 to find out, and have yet to find the tube on its own. Any help information is appreciated.

Secondly, when finding rubber washers for the creation of a plunger head what relative size is appropriate?

Every thread i see says use xxx pipe with xxx washer, however I cannot tell how the washer fits in. Should i be looking for a washer that fits perfectly inside the tube? or should it be larger so that it bends into a cup like shape? if so how much larger? should the washer be closer to the OD or ID of the pipe?

I have done a lot of modding work, made breeches, machined a lot of plastics etc etc so I hope these questions are more justified than the average noob ones - I'm looking for a push in the right direction rather than the information handed to me on a platter



#269577 Electronics Question

Posted by Aj on 18 March 2010 - 09:58 PM in Modifications

Basically, without trying to sound rude, circuit building and modification is not something you can just jump right into. Some prior tuition or at least solid research is needed, along with some trial and error.

Anyways, I don't see how this is 'easier'. Wiring up LED's is one of thje simplest circuits you can create. What exactly are you trying to achieve with modification of this circuit?

You need to post a picture of both sides of the main PCB, as the side you posted has no traces on it. However as stated previosusly it's likely the blue things are the switches.

The light and sound show is controlled by the 'blob' style IC (the black blob on the LED board). Given that there are only 2 wires leading to that PCB from the 'power' PCB, it's pretty easy to deduce where the power comes from, and thus you could hook up a new power source with a rocker or push button switch very easily (as i assume you wish to trigger the lights and sounds some other way apart from spinning the gun).

If you can't work out how to do such a thing I suggest putting any dreams of electronic mods on hold, again not trying to be rude.


#269575 Slightly Improving The Stock Nitefinder "targeter"

Posted by Aj on 18 March 2010 - 09:48 PM in Modifications

It's a 5mm LED, the vasy majority of these are rated at 3-4.5v. Given that 2 AA batteries are only supplying 3V of power it shouldn't need the resistor to avoid burnout.

If you want to seriously improve it wire up a couple more LEDs in parallel with the main one. Also insulated wire is usually a better thing to dirrect current with, rather than tin foil.


#266851 Dart Tag Blaster Modification Help

Posted by Aj on 25 February 2010 - 11:22 AM in Modifications

I am asking if the spring that keeps the nozzle thing in front of the plunger tube flush with the turret necessary.
If it is necessary, how can i replace it?

Yes that spring is necessary, as it keeps the seal against the turret. as for replacing it.. simply find something of equal size and power, easier said than done


#256827 Big Lots "super Air Blaster"

Posted by Aj on 19 November 2009 - 08:04 PM in Modifications

Slightly off topic, but for future reference command F will flip your photos in photobooth

Neat find on the blaster, although cheaper made guns which use back pressure valves usually will suffer reliability issues, I mean heck you've got to be really lucky to get a working hornet and that's nerf made..


#256184 Custom Foam Job (requests)

Posted by Aj on 13 November 2009 - 08:16 AM in General Nerf

I'm sure that caulk-less seal loses usefulness in the arid climate of Australia. FBR is probably only for homes with mild summers and milder winters, but Australia's desert climate gives cold nights and hot days.

I sincerely hope you're joking in which case, lol..

If not... oh dear lord.....

Australia is not a desert. Nor are we starved for FBR, we just have a much lower number of nerfers and the majority are idiots who can't find said FBR (or any other modding materials for that matter.. they're all sold here you just need to find them..)

We are starved a little in the blaster category, but only really in the older things like the Air Tech lines and rapid fires..

The point of this foam, is not because we cant get FBR, it's to see if we can make something better than it. The guy doing this order is not ordering coloured FBR, it's from a completely different company that specialises in foam balls and toys. By doing this he hopes to have greater consistency within batches and between batches. I was pretty skeptical of the idea at first, now I'm just curious if he can pull it of.


#242943 Nerf Raider Cs-35

Posted by Aj on 21 July 2009 - 12:50 AM in General Nerf

Sorry if this is a stupid question:

Do think it would be possible to mod the magazine so it is center with the gun (longshot)?

not easily. I mean if it was something you wanted to do more than anything in the world then I'm sure you would find a way... but basically no..it would lack sturdyness and the clip design is quite intricate.

Clip internals up tonight, sorry for the delay I ended up not getting to bed sunday night and was up for 34 hrs straight.. so I needed sleep last night to say the least



#242779 Nerf Raider Cs-35

Posted by Aj on 19 July 2009 - 06:54 PM in General Nerf

I'm struggling to understand how this is any different from a thread by Ice that was made like a month ago. I would suggest you enlighten me if you want it to continue.

I believe the following quote somewhat answers this..

Very nice video and pictures.

I can tell you put forth a lot of effort and thought into the making of those. It's much appreciated.

My pictures are in focus, clear concise shots.. I dont mean to bash but ICE cant seam to hold a camera still to save his life, also my video is edited, clear. concise and relevant.. not a rambling 7 minute Effeminate replete with millions of dry fires, nerdgasms and repeated mentions of "SO MUCH ENERGY"

Shit Talio I even named the thread so it wouldn't piss you off, I know you've been mighty active with the magical padlock and banhammer of recent, but I think this thread has got to be of higher quality than the "semi-auto" or "best gun" shit you usually punish for...

Clear internals of clip are on the way, Its 9am here I have a big day of uni ahead they'll be up tonight (if this is still around)


#242707 Nerf Raider Cs-35

Posted by Aj on 19 July 2009 - 03:13 PM in General Nerf

How sturdy is the stock lock, can you whack it in with a powerful enough blow?

Seems pretty sturdy, I cant force it in when it's locked, and it hasn't magically 'unlocked' on me yet like the longshot stock...

If you really hit it hard you might but that kind of blow is not something you'd intentionally give out to a blaster..


#242698 Nerf Raider Cs-35

Posted by Aj on 19 July 2009 - 02:25 PM in General Nerf

Some Raiders arrived in South Australia (prematurely) and I managed to bag 2 on Friday. They are rather pricey in Aus ($74.99) But I thought what they hell, I wanted that clip bad. From chatting with the Toyworld staff it seems they weren't meant to be released till late September/October and that this was minor mistake or something on Hasbro's behalf.

Who cares really? lets get on with it...

I took some footage of the gun, assembly etc and will be making a few vids, the first, a general review, is up now soon on youtube. I hope you find it a step up from the regular "13 yr old with a webcam" affair.



Overall it's a decent gun, as we've all agreed on it is virtually a Recon mounted sideways. The grips and the pump action feel very sturdy, as does the stock (surprisingly), because of the 'slam fire' mode the trigger pull is quite long but, eh so what? is anybody with this gun going to be looking for, or be able to utilise, that kind of precision?

The stock has 4 settings

1 - midget
2- 1/2 midget
3- 1/4 midget
4 - Semi-normal size person

but I guess we should all remember the actual target age of these guns (pretty sure its not 6' 3" 20y/o ,males... <_< )

The gun is a toy.. but the clip is it and a bit. Seriously.. hats off to Hasbro, it has worked flawlessly for me and it feels nice and solid. By they time you're halfway through the clip you feel as though it should be empty, simply because you're not used to this many darts in a longshot!

As Ice has put up videos and pics already I realise I'm not breaking any ground here, but I think mine might be a bit nicer quality. I plan to put up a vid with opening/assembly footage and a short vid on the clip.. rather than roll it all into one horrendously long video.

oh also.. I HAVE ONE FOR SALE... yup you heard right, I'll post a link to the ebay auction in a trading thread, if someone is willing to pay a ridiculous amount for it (like ICE did) then I guess you can PM me but I wont hold my breath and it'll be on EBAY in 2 or so days probably (with a reasonable starting bid). I WILL POST WORLDWIDE.

0k enough whoring PHOTO TIME (Images are 1024 x 786 (17" Monitor standard) if this is to big let me know)

First a few of the box

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Don't get excited leftys it's a mirrored image from the front of the box

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Bust it open and you're greeted with this sight

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Given that there are already a lot of photos floating around I'll just post a few ones I deem at least 'vaguely interesting'

A close up of the digi cam... it's so effective you almost can't see it :rolleyes:

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The much anticipated dead space in the stock, which people are already planning spring additions for...

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A layout showing all the compatible accessories I had.. for the ultra 'Tacticool' look..... :rolleyes:

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And finally a few semi-'arty' shots... not sure if they're useful but you know... they look nice....

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OK so thats me done... hope you enjoy. I'll edit in the link to the youtube video when it finally finishes loading, and for the love of god NO-ONE QUOTE THIS ENTIRE POST, it would just be cruel....


#187376 You Might Be An Aussie Nerfer If...

Posted by Aj on 03 November 2008 - 11:37 PM in General Nerf

I am a magstrike... Tidge knows what I'm talking about....

Great list mate.. very funny, I'm sure some more will get added to it after the next war


#186429 Scar-l From Crysis = Spartan Ncs-12

Posted by Aj on 30 October 2008 - 07:10 AM in General Nerf

Personally I think it channels more from the actual SCAR (try BF 2 for a look) as well as maybe a little bit of 552 thrown in..

Having said that... this topic is a little pointless... probably not really thread worthy...

Recently you've posted 2 threads on the N-Strike game guns.. all of which 'don't exist' at the moment, so it's all just hype, and this community (well the age > 13 part) gets fed up with hype and speculation pretty quickly..


#186301 The Official Nerf Haven Aussie Nerf Thread

Posted by Aj on 29 October 2008 - 06:26 PM in General Nerf

You wont find streamlines or clips in Australia at this point in time. Apparently the N-Strike Clip pack (2 x clip + 10 streamlines) is on the way and should start appearing within the next month, so keep a look out for them.

Vulcans are available from TRU's and yes they are $80

Kmarts and Targets are your best bet for FF's, keep in mind they will be Iron Man variants...

The Shotguns u mentioned is a buzzbee one I believe, I'd stay away from it personally
