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#162727 Manta 2k, And More Mods

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 July 2008 - 01:37 AM in Modifications

Only 50-60' on your NF with a handyman spring? Wow thats low. Put in a Double Shot spring and it will go 70'. Thats what I did to mine. Cool mods, by the way.

Ace 49 spring. Also, I don't know why but I'm not good with Nitefinders, arguably the easiest gun to mod too... I'll range test again when I back on Thursday or Friday. Then tell the results.

EDIT: By the way, Dayko, epoxy putty is like a rock when it sets. It's great stuff. I'm not sure if it will bond with Plumbers Goop though. I used it as a second adheasive, maybe you can try to peel the Plumbers Goop off? Either way, you should try the Plumbers Putty, it's extremely strong.

#162718 Manta 2k, And More Mods

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 14 July 2008 - 12:28 AM in Modifications

Wow Falcon, that's really awesome. I didn't know someone else had done this, I know people have done crazy integration's like Bag's Sicklefin and having one 2k on one side and the Manta parts on the other. Your's, at least what was your's, turned out really good. Alot better then mine...Oh well, mine functions great still. Having an excess amount of AT2K's I had to do something with them. If I could change it, I would, but as you have seen i've put excess amounts of Plumber's Putty on it. As well as Plumber's Goop. It's not coming off, unless there's alot of force involved. Thanks, for the ideas and suggestions both NerfCrazy and Falcon, if this thing ever breaks I'll definently take those idea's into consideration, although I think I'd have to use something else other than the stock plungers because mine was broken in alot of area's which led to this integration.

#162706 Manta 2k, And More Mods

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 13 July 2008 - 10:09 PM in Modifications

I'm going on a mini vacation for the next three days, so I finished another mod just in time. It's a Manta/AT2K hybrid, the Manta 2k.
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Yep, it's basically what it sounds like. A Manta Ray shell with 2 2k's, one on each side. The 2k's have basic mods done to them: 6 in PETG barrel, plugged pump. I didn't remove the goo gauge, because I didn't feel the need to. It doesn't get in the way when holding or firing the gun. To fire, there are two key rings with heavy duty fishing wire/string on the AT2k firing spring. The firing spring has had hot glue all around it, so it's like a BIC pen mod. Both 2k's normal ranges. The barrel on the left is perfectly straight and is the main one I fire out of since I can easily see down it, since I hold the gun with my right hand. The barrel on the right is a bit crooked, but it's more of a last resort weapon. This gun's great, it has the power of (2) AT2k's with the ability to block shot's like a Manta Ray. A great all around weapon.

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Basic NF, 1st Gen. PPK'd, has 3 1/2 inches of 17/32 brass nested in 1 inch of 9/16. Two ammo holders in the handle, ace# 49 spring, two o-rings. Get's around 50-60ft. I don't know how you guys get 70-80ft.

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Splifire I got from Badger, I remodded it and gave it (2) PETG barrels. No ranges at the moment, haven't got around to checking. I'd say at least 50-60, definently more than the NF.

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The Blue Tiger

Ok, normally I'd just post this in the mod/paintjob thread but these aren't mod's you see everyday so I thought I'd show them off a bit.

#162554 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 12 July 2008 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

Knud-Hansen: Thanks, I was actually suprised too, all I need to do is glue it one.

Retitate & Renegademilitia15: I'll try to make it out, but I've got to convince my mom to drive 2-3 hours for a nerf war though. W@MM was my best bet...considering I live up the hill from MaryMoor, but I had 2 baseball games that day so I couldn't make it...Anyway, I'll post in your thread if I can make it or not in a couple of days.

#162515 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 12 July 2008 - 01:39 PM in Modifications

The hotglue trigger mod is when you put hotglue on the trigger spring, basically making it the same thing as a bic pen mod.

So ya your right.

Edit- Really nice gun BTW. But it seems like loading the dart into the breech would be a little difficult. How far is the plastic from the brass breech. In the pic it looks like it's an inch, so what happens if you miss the breech? Or maybe the pic's decieving....

When relocating the air tank, you get rid of the trigger spring so you can't really do the BIC pen/hot glue mod.

In the begining I only cut the plastic for the breech to go about 1.25 in. so I redid and cut more, as you can see in my latest pictures. Now it will open 1.75 in. My darts being 1.5 in this is a perfect size.

#162414 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 05:05 PM in Modifications

10 pumps??? Wow, I've only pumped mine up 5 before and even then it can break glass with a dart tag dart. I can't imagine going that far.

Literally, four pumps from my sm5k is big blast power. I'm amazed that you can safely pump yours up that far. I wonder what the difference is?

Did you do the hot glue on the trigger mod? So it lets all the air out at once?

The OP valve kicks in around 7-8 pumps.

I'm intrigued. Hot glue on the trigger mod? Like a BIC pen mod? Please explain.

#162402 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 03:28 PM in Modifications

Retiate: Thanks for the compliments! This is the exact same stuff I used. Same package and everything. I got this from Mclendon's Hardware in Kirkland, since you live in WA that's probably near you. The nail as a handle is holding on very well. The putty is like a rock, it's not coming off.

Later today I'm going to try and get some higher quality pictures, since yesterday I've made some changes after range testing last night. I opened up the gun again because everytime I'd open the breech the barrel would move, to fix this I filled the end of the barrel with FBR to keep it nice and straight.
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Also, I wanted to be able to open the breech farther so I cut the casing a bit more, now it works much better!
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#162377 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 12:33 PM in Modifications

Thaygor: Thanks!

Salmon: I wasn't trying to make the gun look like an MP5. It's just my MP5 in COD4 has Blue Tiger camo which looks exactly like this. I was also suprised how easy this mod actually was. Who knows though, maybe I just got lucky and didn't screw anything up. I don't know if I put it in the description, but I also plugged the pump.

Doubleshot: Yeah, SM5k's are definently good. I have tried a telescoping barrel on my darts before and they results weren't good. But it's probably the way I'm making it or something.

MoonMaster: I know this gun has collectors value, I traded my Larami 1k for it. Thanks for pointing it out though.

Galaxy: Thanks for the compliments!

Uncle Hammer: Your right the Small Soldiers version isn't getting that rare. On ebay a couple of months ago I got a NIB SS SM500 for 25$ plus shipping off buy it now. Yeah I don't think I'm going to sell this gun though. Thanks for the compliments too.

#162332 Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 12:48 AM in Modifications

Ok, so recently I traded Orange a Larami 1k for a SM5k and I'm happy about it. I would have never wanted to mod the 1k in fear of something that rare breaking. When I got this gun it was awesome. The stock feels perfect and I even got 1 pink and green larami to try out the gun. It shot around 20 ft. I read over Frost Vectron's and Silent Blade's SM5k write-up's alot so I basically knew what I was going to do with the gun before I ever got it. I did the regular tank relocation mod and I was very suprised at how easily and smooth that was. Next, I had to shorten the tubing and add some plumbers goop to seal it up.
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I also wanted to do a breech like FV's but I approached it so differently. He helped me with the better barrel size I used and I chose 9/16 brass with a 19/32 brass barrel making a seal. Like FV I put 3 in. of pvc over the 3in 19/32 brass. Although, instead of using a PVC endcap and such. I used a nail. Different, but it works. I put a crapload of epoxy putty around that, and believe me, that's not going to fall off. Ok, everyone knows that nails hurt, so I then put some crappy frost king foam on the nail. To add to appearence, I then added some e-tape to it.
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The breech itself is just a 9/16 brass barrel with 2.5 inches cut out of it, to put in the dart. Then 19/32 nested brass barrel to cover the main barrel. And as previous stated with the nail ect.. Now the way I cut the shell, I cut it a bit short so I can only see 1.5 inches of the insides of the 9/16 barrel, but it doesn't matter because my darts are 1.5 inches and I slide them to the back with the breech. Here's the shell cut down fit for the breech, also the scope with I cut off.
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Here's anoter picture of the awesome breech opened.
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Now to secure the barrel and make sure that it is straight, I did something that Silent Blade did. I put etape around the end of the barrel. Pic time.
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Also, what SB did, for looks.
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Here's the awesome detachtable stock, but I'll never take it off.
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The final product:
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This gun is literally the shit. The best gun I've modded so far and my best work. I'd like to thank Frost Vectron for the help and Silent Blade for the basic mod and inspiration.

Now the 9/16 is a bit big for my darts but the 17/32 is way too tight so ultimately I chose 9/16 which is probably why my results aren't the best 5k ranges but they get the job done. Also, my OP valve takes a little big longer to kick in also. With 10 pumps I am acheiving 150' but that's pushingit. 7 pumps is more like it and I'm getting around 120'. These ranges aren't exact ranges, so please don't flame me for them. Anyway, the best part about this gun, is the way it feels. I'd have to put it up there with a crossbow. I own both guns so I'm not just going off what people say. The stock on this gun is extremely comfy. Also, this gun isn't that loud either, other than a small pop.

Sorry for the horrible quality pictures too. Camera phones suck.
Oh yeah, about the name. I've recently bought COD4 and I have a MP5 with Blue Tiger camo and I thought that name suits this gun perfectly. Thank you for reading this if you actually did too. I'm sure there's some mistakes, but I'll fix'em later.

Wow, this took a long time to write. So finally, any questions, comments, flames?

EDIT: I don't want to make a new topic so I'll just post it here, buy my chainblazer!

#162328 Most Powerful Springer

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 July 2008 - 12:04 AM in General Nerf

Whoever voted for the xbow and maxshot must not own/have fired many powerful springers.

Based on sheer power, the Ultimator or XXL bazooka, because technically they're springers. Then comes the +bow, Maximizer (bigger, older version of the maxshot) and the pump shotgun.

Of course, that's just my opinion.

I voted the xbow because people have posted ranges of theirs being 90-130', which is pretty damn far. They may be BSing, but who knows. Also, I thought that the Maxshot and pump shotgun shot 100', but I'm probably wrong. Plus airguns are way more awesomer than spring guns, you'll see in my next post.

#162039 Good Beginner Guitar?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 08 July 2008 - 11:43 PM in Off Topic

My first guitar was an Ibanez RG4 for around 300$. I just got some bad amp at a pawn shop too, for 50$. An alternative to that is to get a Squier Strat pack. Which doesn't cost to much. Then when you get better/ are still interested, get a real strat, they have a great sound.

#161836 Other Projects

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 July 2008 - 02:17 PM in Off Topic

OK, FH I'll show what I've done.
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Ok, so I've been playing guitar for about 1 1/2 years and my dad also plays too. For christmas I bought a Squier Strat from a Pawn shop for about 80$. Now this guitar was beat up and old. So I chipped out all of the black (original) paint off it and sanded it down. Next, I painted the guitar SeaFoam green. I also added a new pick guard to it, white pearl, to give it a retro 70's feel to the guitar.

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Lastly I changed the strings and added some new, good, tuning pegs to it.

#161268 Subliminal (hidden) Messaging

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 July 2008 - 04:35 PM in Off Topic

Thanks, VACC. My statement wasn't directed at you, though. I actually have never played Super Mario Galaxies. Anyway, maybe I said it wrong, but they started a lot of things in gaming. They started things like lock-targeting and such.

Someone told me that the Hilary Duff albums can be played backwards to hear a famous Nazi Speech or something, but I highly doubt it.

I knew it! I knew hilary duff was a nazi! She must be Hitlers great granddaughter.

HAHAHA!...Your not funny at all!!

#161242 At2k, Why!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 July 2008 - 12:43 PM in Modifications

I did plug the OPV valve.

Ok, Longshot Wielder just said that he would mod my at2k for 10 dollars + shipping. Is he legit? Should I do this? :cry:

Don't do that...He doesn't seem a like a top of the line modder. I searched his name in the modification's section and he's only made one thread,this one which ended getting closed due to him just copying other's work in all of it. I haven't seen any of his gun's other than one in the modifications/paintjobs topic and it was just a nitefinder.

If you can't make stefans or find any good FBR anywhere, just make conveted stefans. All you need is a stock dart, and some bb's or a 3/0 fishing weight. Then use 17/32 brass and your problem is solved.

#161083 Question About Air Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 01 July 2008 - 01:26 PM in Modifications

On my first smdtg I pulled out the springs and it would not hold air. But I think it was somthing I did wrong.
And yes you can buy cupplers at ace,lowes,homedepo.


Anyway, they are called tubing connectors and I find all of mine at Home Depot in the irrigation section. I use 1/4 OD. I'm not sure about the springs inside of the tubing but I think saxynerfer is right about them. Also, I wouldn't bother with them unless you want to extend the tubing.

#160678 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 June 2008 - 03:33 PM in Nerf Wars

I might be able to make this one. If I come expect to see me around 3-4. I have no idea what I might be using though.

#160571 Summer Absentees Thread

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 June 2008 - 10:38 PM in Off Topic

STFU. It helps people know that you haven't fallen off of the internetz or died, and helps people planning wars know when you are open without asking. In that way, at least some people DO care. [/argument]

What's wrong with asking? If everyone decides to post in this and tells when they are gone do you really expect someone to look through 5+ pages for when people will be gone. With this thread it just seems like you were bored and had nothing to do so you made this. Honestly, this is a stupid idea.

#160511 Demotivational Posters

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 June 2008 - 03:32 PM in Off Topic

The pic is also my avatar on my youtube account.


That's not a demotivator. That's a quote. A stupid quote.

I know, I know, I just think the picture is funny. I could'nt really think of much else.
EDIT: Here's another. http://mymotivatr.com/view/624

Once again, that's not a demotivator. It doesn't even have a title, and it's just stupid.


#160288 Airtech 3000 Problem

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 June 2008 - 04:42 PM in Modifications

Oh no, are you the guy from NerfHQ with the poll asking about nerf or muscle? I hope not.

#158984 German Nerf Commercial

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 12 June 2008 - 04:54 PM in Off Topic

I thought you were out of the nerf hobby?

#158897 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 11 June 2008 - 09:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Will anyone else be bringing items to sell/trade? I know Blacksunshine is bringing stefans, but how about others? I have alot to trade/sell and I want to get rid of it.

Also, put me as a maybe now. I had 5 games canceled due to rain and we're rescheduling them in the last week of June, hopefully not on the 27th though!

#158425 Xbow Plunger Reinforcement

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 08 June 2008 - 04:04 PM in Modifications

Nice new plunger rod. Thanks, you've just enticed me to fix my xbow now.

#158298 A Small Nerf Related Chuckle.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 June 2008 - 08:22 PM in General Nerf

LongshotWielder, please do us all a favor and shut the fuck up! Stop talking about balls/dicks, and retards.

FA24, this is actually the first time I've seen this kind of thing. Pretty funny, nice job.

#158176 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 June 2008 - 07:56 PM in Nerf Wars

The 27th and the 20th will work for me. If I had to chose. The 27th.

#158031 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 June 2008 - 05:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Both the 20th and the 27th are good for me.

Ok, Blacksunshine said Friday's are fine for him. So if we get the same amount of people we would have on Saturday hopefully we can change the date to a Friday as this would be a better day for me. I'd like to hear more responses, I know Bomberman and Dayko live in Washington too.

#158027 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 June 2008 - 04:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey would June 20th or 27th work for anyone else?

#157916 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 June 2008 - 04:53 PM in Nerf Wars

The 21st for me is the same as the 28th. I have a game that day and won't be able to come until around 3:30. You pm'd me saying Friday's and Saturday's right? Well the 20th and the 27th are looking good for me right now.

#157522 Lnl Plunger Head Problems.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 31 May 2008 - 12:46 AM in Modifications

I had the same problem but it was on my crossbow. I used epoxy putty and it's holding great. I've had it on now for about 3 weeks and it's still perfect. Just make sure you have the right spring and everything before you epoxy putty it. That stuff dries rock hard.

#157510 Sm750 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 May 2008 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

It should be noted that the barrel should not go all the way to bottom of the airtank.

Otherwise, Nice Wright up.

Well the end of the air tank has a small white barrel around it and that's what I meant, sorry for any confusion.


Same gun, same mod.

Also, if anyone says you get more than 90 with a SM750, your lying, its not even possible I think, a 2k one is bigger and gets better ranges. I usually get 70 feet if I'm lucky.

I know it's the same gun, and mod, but's it's a different version of the gun, I also stated that in the first sentence of the write up.

90ft? It's possible. If it's not then I'm lying, and so is this guy. http://nerfhaven.com...wtopic=5448&hl= He says that with 3-4 pumps he gets this. If 90 ft isn't possible, than cxwq is also lying. You probably have something wrong with your 750 that you don't know about, because with 7 pumps those are dead on measurements for me. I don't think you can achieve 90 ft with 3 pumps though. I was only hitting 50'.

#157503 Sm750 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 May 2008 - 10:00 PM in Modifications

This writeup is essentially the one in the "modifications" part of the website but this one is the older version gun and could have different results. On the to write-up.

First here's the gun stock, well mines not completely stock.
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Anyway, you open up the gun by prying off the orange cap by the barrel as well as the one by the pump.
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Now take out the pump, and plug it using hot glue.
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Replace the barrel with about 5 inches of PETG or another barrel of your choice, and add vast amounts of etape untill it is a snug fit inside of the airtank.
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Put everything back together inside the gun.
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Screw on the screws and your done.
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Range test results:
Ok, I've seen a couple other sm750 mods and they're getting in the 90's with 2-3 pumps, that's not the case for mine.

I've found that you need 7 pumps, which is when it starts to get hard to pump, to acheive ranges of 90'.

Stefan with 7 pumps:

Stefan with 3 pumps:

This was used a a 1.5 inch stefan that has a 3/0 fishing weight inside of it. The accuracy and velocity is fantastic with this gun. Comparable to my crossbow's.

For fun, I did a range test with a streamline with 7 pumps and here's what I got:

I was really surprised to see the darts soar that far, they were extremely unaccurate, but they twirled around and stayed up for a remarkable distance. Obviously, the 68' one, twirled straight into the ground. Also, all of these range test were done on a flat surface with a 0 degree angle on the gun.

Any questions, comments, flames?

#157298 Tech Target Gun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 28 May 2008 - 04:25 PM in Modifications

With 7 pumps, which I don't recomend, I get around 90'. I'm going to make a writeup for it later this week though.

#157228 Tech Target Gun

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 May 2008 - 10:18 PM in Modifications

For a cpvc coupler mod, try OfAll's Mod.Also, puting something like a coupler around the PETG would work to stabalize it, but I don't think it's needed.

#157072 Marvelous Salvo

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 May 2008 - 06:23 PM in Modifications

Wait, so is the object of this mod replacing the trigger with a more reliable one?

That and making it very easy to integrate to anything.

#157014 War @ Marymoor!

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 May 2008 - 12:19 PM in Nerf Wars

This sucks, I live in Redmond and won't even be able to go. I have a Baseball game that day at noon and will most likey not be attending that day. How long will the war last? I'll probably get home around 3:00-4:00, and I might be able to make it for a few hours, because it's just a short 2 min. drive down to Marymoor.

#156986 Marvelous Salvo

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 May 2008 - 01:23 AM in Modifications

Killer integration material!
I will most likely be doing this in the future.
Are the ranges still similar to the big salvo with the smaller valve on there?

I don't even know where to classify this in the directory? Anyone got any ideas?

Yeah, I'm still debating on wheather to put this on my crossbow or sawtooth. I've had this done for a while now but I haven't range tested. Again, imaseolman who made this, said that he was getting around the 100's in his thread. So I'm guessing I'd be getting around the same with PETG barrels.

For the directory thing, you could put it under integrations for both the Big Salvo and the SMDTG. Even though it's not actually another gun inside of another.

I just noticed, 3 writeups in 3 days! Expect that streak to end tommarow.

#156983 Marvelous Salvo

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 May 2008 - 12:29 AM in Modifications

So you just screw them around the tubbing?

The Big Salvo barrels? Yes.

#156980 Marvelous Salvo

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 26 May 2008 - 12:21 AM in Modifications

It's an AT2K pump and I plugged it. It takes around 20 pumps untill it is hard to pump. I got the tubing connectors at Home Depot, they are 1/4"OD(1/8"CTS). I bought around 10 of them so I'm pretty much set.

#156977 Marvelous Salvo

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 25 May 2008 - 11:39 PM in Modifications

Ok, I'd like to give all the credit to imaseolman's Marvelous Salvo, I'm pretty sure this can also work with hornet tanks also because of the way they are built. Anyway, if anyone needed a short easy way to do it with pictures, read this writeup.

First, get your Big Salvo:
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Now open it up:
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After that cut off 3 barrels leaving enough tubing so you can add tubing connectors/ barbed fittings:
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Ok, now get you SMDTG:
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Open it up and take out the internals. Cut off the orignal barrels as well as the pump. Again, leaving enough space for tubing connectors/ barbed fittings. Here's the SMDTG and the Big salvo internals:
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Lastly, get a pump and tubing connectors/ barbed fittings. Pretty obvious on what to do from here, but here's a picture:
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I used an AT2K pump, but I'm sure others would work. Once again thanks to imaseolman for thinking up this idea as well as answering a few questions a while back.

Questions, comments, flames?

#156861 Re-styled Tek 10 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 May 2008 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

I'm doing an integration inside of the Sawtooth. The only reason I got this gun was because it was 3$, don't get this gun if you ever see it though. Mine already broke and I don't really want to fix it because its performance sucks.

Re-styled Tek 10? I'll change the title of the thread.

#156819 Re-styled Tek 10 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 May 2008 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

I searched in the mods directory and I used the searched funtion for what this gun is called and I still can't figuire it out. If anyone knows please tell me. Anyway, I did a mod for the gun I found at good will for 2.99$.

Here's the gun stock:
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Before you start unscrewing all of the screws, get off the slider, keep these pieces:
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Here are the internals of the gun:
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All you need to take out is the turret here:
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Here's the air restrictors:
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In order to open the turret there's a screw at the top that you need to unscrew, next take a flat head screwdriver and pry it open carefully, don't force it:
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This is the turret exploaded:
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See all of those pegs? Sand and cut off them until it becomes smooth. Now add your barrel of choice. I chose PETG, and cut it 2 1/2 inches long. Next, glue them straight where the pegs used to be and the put the barrel assembly back together. Here's the turret now:
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The final product:
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This gun sucks, don't get it unless you find it for cheap. My ranges were around the 40's untill the cocking slider broke on me. Again, if anyone knows what this gun is called please tell! All it says on the gun is Air zone and Buzz Bee.

Any questions, comments, flames?