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#304404 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 06 September 2011 - 10:35 PM in Nerf Wars

I hate to say this, but my dad decided to plan a vacation behind my back. I don't know if were going to go or not, he hasn't made anything offical (Like booking a marina slip because its a trip on our boat), but I'm a maybe at the moment. I'll let you know as soon as I find out whats happening. At the moment I say its a maybe because my family is split in 2 on whether to go or not.

#304514 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 09 September 2011 - 06:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright guy's this is the last day to prepare for the war. Time to finish up those last minute mods and pack everything up and get a good nights sleep for it will be one awesome day of Nerfing!!

I'll see my fellow Nerfers on the battlefield tomorrow.

Just finished a reflex! Hopefully that will be my side arm (not pistol).

#304379 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 06 September 2011 - 11:19 AM in Nerf Wars

I give thee ... mobstacles.

Posted Image

Each of these is a 5' tetrahedron (measured by length of side. Height is more like 4'). Two of them have tarp sides. Two are just frames, but I know we have some stray tarpage out there.

Here's what one looks like deployed.

Posted Image

Yes, they only have 2 sides. Tarps aren't cheap. Here, they're the largest chunk out of the cost. (The duct tape to seal the edges is second.)

Cue heavenly music: AHHHHHHHHHHH

Thats awesome! Looking forward to shot some people from behind them!

#304363 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 05 September 2011 - 08:12 PM in Nerf Wars

I can't remember exactly. Bring whatever one you think is worth the trade.

#304289 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 04 September 2011 - 04:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Taer: Sounds good. I'll pick up two cases.

WickBuddy: Will you take a pullback SNAP for the Long Shot?

Tuna: Thrax and I came up with a variant of the Assassin game type. We'll try it out this time round.

FoamMaster: It's all good. Have fun at the Martial Arts demo. Out of curiosity what style is it?

Most likely, if your ok with it I would like your las more, but a nything works.

#304544 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 10 September 2011 - 11:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys. So I guess my ride crapped out on me. If anyone is going today from seattle a ride would be lovely.

where are you in seattle.

#304546 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 10 September 2011 - 11:22 AM in Nerf Wars

North. Like 145th and aurora.

Sure, can I get your address for google maps?
Also were leaving around 2-3 are you ok with that?

#304660 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 12 September 2011 - 09:01 PM in Nerf Wars


Can I haz pix, plz? Kthxbai!


Seriously, I may be selling mobstacles for $25 + S&H each. Note the 'may'. This isn't going to be a trading thread - I'm hoping those who attended can give me feedback on if it's worth that much for them. My cost in parts is about $14 each - $2.50 for the pipes, $0.50 for the rope, $0.50 for the zip ties, $2 for the grommets, $3 for the tarp sides, $2.50 for the duct tape and $3 for the stakes. The frames are dead simple, but the sides are very labour-intensive, hence my asking for a sanity-check for the price.

Again, this is not a trading thread. I'm not taking orders, nor do I have any in stock. I'm asking, "If I was offering, would you buy them, and how many?" Your answers don't commit you to anything - I'm just trying to gauge the market's opportunity for the product at the proposed price.



1. Zorn's Lemma just pointed out that you can buy inflatable paintball bunkers for $20.

2. For shipping purposes, these will need a box roughly 3' x 1' x 1', and weigh 4.5 lbs.

Could you link me to paintball bunkers?

#304732 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 15 September 2011 - 07:56 PM in Nerf Wars

I forgot his name, but I called him Mad Dog Rusher because he was so aggro with his AT. :)

him, ok cool!

#304629 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 12 September 2011 - 08:42 AM in Nerf Wars

Oh, and I loved playing Witch Doctor and calling out to my (current) team: "I'm camping their base! GET HIM!"

(Needless to say, I was quickly 're-allocated' to the other team. :) )

"GET HIM! I'M CAMPING THE TREE!!" Then a swarm of darts comes!

#304616 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 11 September 2011 - 10:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Great war! Thanks Dayko, The war was awesome, buts is easiest to explain with some;
Meeting Taerkitty at least. After having the stare down in TDMZ I see a friendly rivalry sparking.

Getting a big blast and getting to PIMP!! Also getting to eat shit dayko the other pimp. Dayko is still pimpalocious.

MOBSTACLES!!!! are amazing and great for hiding and picking other nerfers off one by one.

Having a huge attendance to play with that was awesome.

Meeting green spike as well.

Trading a shit ton!

And having a great day.

My friend bailed. 2 members of my collab channel didn't show. (Mike, and someone who moved from Utah!)

The wasps nest scared the shit out of me! I'm going to kill nisaburo for shooting that thing

For those that saw my furyfires handle just fell off! no joke those that saw will tell you. (although I did the stupidest shit to that thing)

Thats about it. Also Dayko who took home the t-shirt? just wondering. I guess the next one is on me. http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=21452 don't have to many yet but after meeting so many of you i hope you can make it. Date is november 13th. So I'm excited for next year, for those that are wondering I'll probably host 1 more this winter. But anyway thanks for the great war, I'm out!

#304547 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 10 September 2011 - 11:33 AM in Nerf Wars

Heading out to get a vigilon and for the war. cya there!

#304149 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 31 August 2011 - 06:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Well, Then if Taer says I guess I can release my catalog.
for buying or trading is:
2 Longshots (one yellow and one blue)
1 Quick16
1 modded maverick (shitty paint job though)
1 old school reactor
and 1 broken secret strike 1

What I want is:
Modded ERTL PAS (I'm to lazy to mod one)
Pullback snap
BBBB (More than BBUMB)
Overhauled 3k

#304466 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 08 September 2011 - 05:20 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there. My dad gave way! I convinced him and my brother can do something else, and my mom can just go birding and out her kayak in. So, I'll be there!

#303822 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 25 August 2011 - 04:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Congrats on winning. Was it a lot of fun? That's really cool of you to do, WickBuddy. You can give them away anyway you see fit.

ok, thanks!

#303248 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 12 August 2011 - 11:41 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm there I'll might have a few suckers with me. ALso one of my friends has a younger brother. He is mature and is in to nerf, can he come?
So I'm in (+1-3 (maybe)

#303338 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 14 August 2011 - 07:40 PM in Nerf Wars

If its on the 3rd I can't make it.

#303379 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 15 August 2011 - 07:51 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in for the 10th.
Also I havea stock longshot. I'm willing to trade it for a ERTL PAS stock, or modded.

#303772 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 24 August 2011 - 10:27 AM in Nerf Wars

Hey Dayko,
I have about 5 extra nerf nation shirts I got from NDTL (2011 nerf dart champs baby!) could we maybe make some giveaways at the war?

#303386 Effeminate 2.4

Posted by Wickbuddy on 15 August 2011 - 11:19 PM in Nerf Wars

The 10 will hopefully work way better, I wasn't going to be able to make the 27th.
@wick Amazon had PASes and RFSGs back in stock last I checked.

ahh, I see that. Thanks, My LS is still on the market though.

#315003 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 30 April 2012 - 06:48 PM in Nerf Wars

I am now a maybe. Because of my Mom's incapability to process i got a B- in a honors class (Yes, terrible I know). I am grounded, although I think I can convince to let me come. Sorry guys but at the moment don't expect to see me there until further notice.

#312582 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 08 March 2012 - 07:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm good with that. I'm not going to say I'm +1 this time because every time I do My dipshit friend always ditches me and then I have to explain that he couldn't come. XD

#313506 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 24 March 2012 - 11:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds good, Taer. Looking forward to trying it out.

I might be interested in the LS, how much you want for it?


So sorry to do this to everybody but something came up in my family for the 2nd of June and I can't make that date. How does the 19th of May sound to people? Is that doable or we can try and find a different date.

$30 Like I said I have a ton of stuff I'm planning to sell for cheap. And I can also make 5-19

#313354 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 22 March 2012 - 07:58 PM in Nerf Wars

- MDET V2s w/CPVC couplers
- Singled Mancannons w/PVC couplers
- Atomic Splats w/PVC couplers

Would you be willing to trade any of these for a stock longshot. Also I want to get rid of some stuff to get new things so I should be selling pretty cheap.

#313353 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 22 March 2012 - 07:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I bought a chronograph. It's not here yet, but should be in plenty of time. Dayko, from the recent linkstorm to all the various dart velocity threads, it appears 250 fps should be our abso-fuckin'-loot upper limit, and that's probably too much. Some respectable century cannons barely break 200 fps, so can we say 225 fps is the max cap?

If a 4B is ok. sure. Also I am going to be +1 this time. I have a NEW friend who is willing to come.

#315224 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 04 May 2012 - 11:36 PM in Nerf Wars

I am going to have a lot of stuff to sell:
-Stock LS
-Swarmfire (Stock or Pegs removed)
-LOTS of miscellaneous pistols
-BBUMB (I would use this but the epoxy and super glue i use takes a hell of along time to dry)
Probably have about 10 things to get rid of. I'm forcing myself to get rid off stuff before i get anything else. Partially because I've run out of space to put stuff. XD
EDIT: I might have a brother coming (Not the biggest fan of nerf) But he is 12, and I'm assuming the answer is no but he might want to do 1 round, not quite sure though.

#315238 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 05 May 2012 - 10:53 AM in Nerf Wars

It's ok Dayko. Also I have a brand new game mode we could try out. Just to give you a preview it's based on the hunger games. So in a way free for all, but with a twist.

#315272 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 05 May 2012 - 08:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Well because of Langely I am going to list "Cons" then.

-Got rid of shit I didn't need
-Got 2 guns I really wanted, and money for something I'm placing an order on now.
-Shooting people
-Eating subway
-And no HUG ASS Bee's nest

-Didn't have the right time so sat in starbucks for an hour
-Having a welt on my arm
-Not getting to shoot Taer with his own weapon
-And not getting to play Hunger Games

All in All had a great time and once again thanks for hosting Dayko!

#314081 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 06 April 2012 - 11:47 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm Ok with May 19th 5th.

#315209 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 04 May 2012 - 05:24 PM in Nerf Wars

Just got a new toy today! looks like this:

Posted Image

#315159 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 03 May 2012 - 07:10 PM in Nerf Wars

[quote name='taerKitty' timestamp='1336012567' post='315122']
Weather forecast is good. It looks like my familial obligations are also clear. Any chance I can bum a ride from someone?
Probably, what area are you in? If you on the way sure!

#315060 Effeminate 3.1

Posted by Wickbuddy on 01 May 2012 - 11:02 PM in Nerf Wars

Wick: Sorry to hear that. Hope you can make it to the next one.

I think I will be able to make it from now talking to my DAD but yes, I am now back to a confirmed possibly plus 1 (which I always end up saying XD).

#300173 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 19 June 2011 - 09:37 PM in Nerf Wars

UPDATE: I'll there. I asked, and I can make it. Also, I have +2 coming.

#301807 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 18 July 2011 - 11:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry but I think I won't make it to this one. My family has a last minute vacation planned.

#300041 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 17 June 2011 - 05:16 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there. I'm 95% sure I can make it. Hopefully my friend won't bail, so maybe +2.

#301254 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 09 July 2011 - 04:41 PM in Nerf Wars

I can probably get you there, but I'm most likely leaving earlier than the war ends, so you may want to arrange a pick-up. Some money for gas would be appreciated :D

That's ok, I would need to stay overnight, and I don't think you would want to that. Besides I think I have a friend who will take me in.

#301062 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 05 July 2011 - 08:22 PM in Nerf Wars

A little bump.

Hoping to get my project done for the war. It's about 50% done.

Can't wait to see it
Also, currently my attendance is a maybe, I'm 75% sure I can make it, I'll try to convince my parents, or someone else to take me.

#300374 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 22 June 2011 - 05:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Kimchi47 contacted me, he can't make it

#300749 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 29 June 2011 - 01:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Kimchi47 told me he can make it on the 30th, he would also bring 1 friend.

#300099 Effeminate 2.3

Posted by Wickbuddy on 18 June 2011 - 12:14 PM in Nerf Wars

Nice! The 23rd is open to me currently, but I might be signing up for a sports clinic that weekend so I'm not sure. There's still over a month 'till though, so I'll update. I hope to make it!
Out of curiosity, how was the turnout at 2.2?

About 18 people, but a lot of new guys I heard. So, there should 20+ if they all come.