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Vancouver Intermediary War

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#1 Zero Talent

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Posted 31 July 2004 - 10:41 AM

Right, so as most of you Vancouver kids know, BeWierd and Whisper are up in Vancouver around the 8th to the 12th. Now, it would hardly be proper for them to swing by an active Nerfing area and not get a war, so I'm going to try and arrange (with the help of all you Vancouver regulars) a fun day war sometime during that period. I'll cut to the chase:

We need to know: one, when this can happen, two, where this can happen, and three, what extra arsenal is available to BeWierd and Whisper.

1: Post the times you're available during those days. Here's my set:

8th - 00:00 to 13:30
9th - 00:00 to 24:00
10th - 00:00 to 24:00
11th - 00:00 to 24:00
12th - 00:00 to 17:00 if I feel like sleeping at work (graveyard shift).

As you can see, I'm pretty much available for all viable days, as I have no concrete plans for those. I doubt we'll have such luck with everyone else. The idea is that we get the times possible, superimpose, and select the best day for the war.

2: There's always Carisbrooke, but it would be nice if we changed things up a bit. I might be in Vancouver the night of the 4th, so I can do a little night time recon. If all else fails.. Well, Carisbrooke isn't much of a failure.

3: With all hope, I should have two Lock 'n Loads, a BlastFire, a Max Shot, a Wildfire, and a Secret Shot 2 in rotation. I would recommend our REN friends bring their barrels if they're bringing their own ammo, though this is easily avoided if they just use our ammo/barrels. I'd be happy to contribute some darts to our American friends. I'm not sure how much luck you kids will have getting Nerf guns across the border, what with paranoid parents and other assorted authority figures.

4: There is no four.

Unfortunately I haven't been working on anything remotely Nerf, so I'm going to feel a bit lame at this war, but luckily Hunter isn't coming, so I won't have to deal with getting pwn't by these newfangled autoloading barrels. :)
Though I do wish he was coming out, good kid, him. Hunter, any chance you can get the rest of your friends in on this? The more the merrier, after all.

[Warning to Vancouver crew: REN's going to kick our ass. Yes, even if there are only two of them. No more of this unable-to-hit-a-stationary-target tomfoolery. :D]
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#2 Hunter



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Posted 31 July 2004 - 12:37 PM

Thank you, Mike, for doing this.

1. I'll talk to Turtle and Steel Soul today, as they hardly visit the boards anymore. I'll try to get them on this one.

2. If the 2 Coquitlam boys can go, I'll gladly (and hesitantly) send up my arsenal. Mess around with it all you like, but please be gentle. That includes our crapload of micro stefans.

Actually, speaking of dart sizes. Zero, what was the barrel material on your Blastfire. It fit micro stefans, if I remember. SCH80 1/2" PVC? I was hoping to check some of that out in the meantime, hoping to get an even better barrel fit.

3. I'll just post this here. I hoping everone is ok with Carisbrooke park for VANS3. If people start rapidly dropping out, I will let you know and the location MAY be changed. I think those Alabama kids will like Carisbrooke. Surrounded by mountains, you can see downtown, the ocean. Come on...

4. There is no four.

Sorry, again.

PS. Thanks for the heads up on Canadian shipments. Now my hopes are totally dead. Wait!....... no, they are.

Edited by Hunter, 31 July 2004 - 01:13 PM.

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#3 BeWeird



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 08:39 AM

Aww... I feel so loved! w00t.
Y'all are great. Plannin' this whole war just for us two...
Ok, down to bussiness...
1.) I'm not exactly sure what WE will be doing up there at those times, I suppose I need to get on asking my dad, as this is his deal. (He wanted to have a family vacation in Vancouver. So we did. *Shrug*)
2.) I'm gonna be staying in the downtown Ramada by the airport, though I'm completely in the dark as to where that is in relation to anything important, besides the airport. *Looks up Vancouver on MapQuest* *Can't find anything* Dang. (Well, what did I expect, a big pop-up that says "Zero's House"?)
OoH! Wait. I found Carisbrooke park, and... er... Here:

The red dot is Carisbrooke (roughly) and I'll be staying at the red star (roughly).
That's a bit of a stretch, but mom says we'll be going all around anyways, so it probably might not be that much of a problem to get that far. Carisbrooke is probably OK if y'all can swing it.
Umm... OK.
3.)OoG... I hadn't even thought about troubles getting nerf guns across the border... Dang, that could be a problem. If they were just plastic (like Whisper's SF) it would be fine. But.... umm... spring guns (like my NiteFinders, TTTCrossbow, etc.) could be a little problem. As for stephans, our metal detector picks up the lead weights, so I see no reason why their fancy machine wouldn't. I don't know how well that would work.
If we could get in one or the other, it might not be that helpful either, as we only use megas (yikes...) so we might just have to mooch off of what guns and ammo y'all can provide. I hate to do it, but we might not have much choice. I think we'll try anyways, though. (I'm a spring pistol man, so I wouldn't say no to those LnL's...)
Yeah. OK. I'm flattered that you think we'll own you, but me'n Whisper aren't necissarily the best of REN. We'll see how it pans out, though. ^_^
Thanks, all. I really appreciate all this.
Cya in Vancouver...
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#4 Zero Talent

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Posted 01 August 2004 - 10:34 AM

I believe you might actually mean:
If nothing else, I'm driving on Highway 1 (the big red line) from about 100km East of there, so I can swing by and pick you guys up. Like the scary old men in LA, I also use a minivan, though I assure you I don't look half as creepy picking up young boys in it.
It's just the sentence that sounds creepy, really.

I'd be happy to get the extra darts going, and lend you my Lock 'n Loads. I've been using them too much the past two VANS, and I need to get my crossbow in working condition anyways. About how many do you guys go through per hour or so, anyways?

Also, no worries about the clan thing. We're warring for fun, that's always been the goal. Vancouver technically doesn't have a clan... Unless you count Nello's one-man-clan. ^_^
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#5 Jangadance



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 12:55 PM

You should be fine with Nerf guns of all types as long as you put them in your checked luggage. Don't even try to do carry on, my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. I flew into LAX with lots of Nerf gear last summer, no problems there. Except for the problem of the California guys not arranging a war for me. I guess Canadians really are better people after all. Have fun!
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#6 Whisper



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 01:36 PM

Hunter, what guns are in your Arsenal? I can use just about anything but Autos. I don't think it'll happen but if i get stuck with one i might just get owned. Like BW said, Were not the best of REN but i'm something like 3 or 4. BW would be better but he refuses to use anything but spring pistols... *Sigh*
Good stuff.
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#7 BeWeird



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 01:50 PM

You should be fine with Nerf guns of all types as long as you put them in your checked luggage. Don't even try to do carry on, my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. I flew into LAX with lots of Nerf gear last summer, no problems there. Except for the problem of the California guys not arranging a war for me. I guess Canadians really are better people after all. Have fun!

Hmm... That's interesting. You didn't have any problems with the nerf guns in your checked luggage? We might just do that, then. (Speaking of which, stephans would probably be OK too, then, wouldn't they?) But if we don't, can we get a list of what guns would be availible to us to use if we need to?
Extras, please, we don't want to steal anyone's weapons that they want to use...
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#8 Hunter



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 06:48 PM

Canadian Customs?
Hehe. At worst, they will ask you to get out of the car. MAYBE look through your luggage. IF they find a Nerf gun, you could easily explain what it is. At best, they will look at your passports and wave you through without having to get out of the car.

My (working condition) arsenal?
1 unmodded Blastfire
1 copper barrel EaB
1 brass BBB
1 unmodded NF
1 brass PPK w/Maglit NF (if finished in time)
1 PVC SM1500
1 4 brass barrel AT2k
1 single barrel AT2K
1 First Shot
1 Max Shot (if finished in time)
1 unmodded w/4 giant whistling bomb thingys Blast Bazooka
1 RSCB modded 5 shot clip Blast Bazooka
1 brass SM750

umm.... I think that's the just of it. A couple guns in the works that won't be ready by then. ALL of these you are welcome to use, just convince Turtle and Steel Soul to come, and they can bring it all. Or, Zero gets to drive a long way.

I use micro stefans, all of my guns are modded to fit as such (except SM1500, ask Zero for some of his special blue collar darts.) I got a bunch of darts you may use, and I should be making more before I go. Speaking of darts...

Check this out, picked up some sparkly coloured hot glue at Micheal's. Comes in red, blue, green, gold, and silver. Yaaaay.

Posted Image

The back of the darts are hand painted with Krylon Neon paint, commonly used for logging and constuction marking. Very bright. And, you can see them "streak" through mid air.

Posted Image

I'll try to make more, or atleast mark them all with brightly coloured paint.

Your friendly neighbourhood Hunter.

Edited by Hunter, 01 August 2004 - 06:49 PM.

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#9 BeWeird



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 08:17 PM

Umm... yeah... but the thing is, we're not driving across (driving from Alabama to Vancouver would not be a lot of fun. It's a 15-17 hour flight...) So... we're flying over the border. And airport security is what we're worried about and is sure to be more strict. So... I'm thinking we might just use what y'all can loan us, though Whisper has this idea about just bringing it all, then if it causes trouble, mailing it home. But we'll see.
1.) Hunter, that arsenal is buff, dude. We likes. That will give us PLENTY to choose from if we use yours.
2.) I thought convincing Turtle and SS was your job... :D
3.) We have some red glitter hot glue and have made some with it. They are indeed very noice.
[not quite dead joke] 4.) There is no four. [/not quite dead joke]

Edit: WAIT! There is a four!
OK, what kinda weapons (if any) do you swashbucklers sport, or are you just gunmen? (What I'm really asking is this: Should I bring what dagger(s) I can fit in my suitcase so we can H2H, or do y'all already have some?) If you do have H2H weapons, how hard do you hit? Do you just play basically "touche" H2H where you are more gentle (and use single foamed weapons), or do you whack the holy heck out of each other (with heavily foamed weapons)? Because I, BW, am a H2H MANIAC. I may not be the best gunman in REN, but I AM the resident swordmaster and I would love to be able to h2h a bit :blush: ...

Edited by BeWeird, 01 August 2004 - 08:24 PM.

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#10 Hunter



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 09:22 PM

Oh, flying. Well then, as long as it's not in your carry on you should be fine.

I'll try to convince the Coquitlam boys. I bet you could convince them better, though. :blush:

Ask Zero about his nun-chucks.

Edited by Hunter, 01 August 2004 - 09:23 PM.

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#11 BeWeird



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Posted 02 August 2004 - 09:40 AM

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Ok. How might I get in touch with SS and Turtle, just send 'em a PM?

Zero, What about your nunchucks, what other weapons do you have, and how hard to you hit?
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#12 Zero Talent

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Posted 02 August 2004 - 10:23 AM

Nunchukas, two swords, a dagger, and an axe. I've never bothered to use any of them in a war, though, aside from the nunchukas, and at that point it was just a one-revolution wack to the shoulder when I ran out of ammo. I don't really care how hard you hit me with a plastic pipe in foam insulator, so long as you're not jabbing me in the nose with a sharp PVC pipe end. Just make sure your hitting surfaces are covered, and so long as it's not a lead pipe underneath, everything should run smoothly.
I'm not sure what kind of results you're going to get with boffing weapons, though... If we did have it, you'd likely be handicapping yourself (which, naturally, makes the whole game more interesting), as few of us have hand to hand weapons for any kind of all-boffing war.

Our Vancouver crew need to be geeks such as myself, and check their e-mail more often. But patience, the window isn't open until Sunday.
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"'Revere me as hot! All others are not! THIS, I COMMAND!'"
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#13 Hunter



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Posted 02 August 2004 - 11:42 AM

If I ever did infact H2H, it would be a simple dagger. Even then, Zero would just wack me across the face with his nun-chucks. I don't mind playing with people who H2H, honestly I don't. But, I haven't "caught the H2H bug" so to speak.

Who knows, if you can't fit a H2H in your suitcase, I may have to throw one together for you before I leave... Just tell me the specs.

I'm going on a trip until Wed or Thurs with SS, so I'll talk to him about it. If you get a Confirmation from either of them, don't expect it to be too soon. Mike, I'll call you before I go to camp to let you know of thier attendance and the transportation of my arsenal.

Oh, Zero. Don't email me at Hotmail anymore. It's nerfvancouver@gmail.com. Although, if you really need to contact me, I check my PMs here more often.

Anyone realize that it's only BW, Whisper, Zero, and myself talking? Don't let us down, Vancouver boys!

UPDATE: Turtle can't attend. As much as I would have liked him to check this topic and post here... whatever. He's on vacation. I think SS should be able to attend. People, you need to POST A DATE AND A TIME. I'm assuming 9th, 10th, or 11th. BW, check with your parents. I've done what I can for now. Thank you again, Mike.

Edited by Hunter, 02 August 2004 - 12:07 PM.

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#14 BeWeird



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Posted 02 August 2004 - 08:25 PM

1.) Very well. That works for me. I shall talk to my parents about exactly what day we'll be open, though I think that just about any day would be fine with them, as they haven't made any definite plans. We're the types that get somewhere and then go "OK, what is there here to see?" So we'll probably be good for any time y'all can swing.
2.) Zero, how many of your buddies are you bringing?
3.) REALLY looking forward to H2Hing with y'all. (not in the nerf wars, just seperate nothing-but-h2h wars, though occasionally I WILL carry a small h2h dagger into a war along with my guns if I so desire, and HAVE been known to carry nothing but a sword sometimes when we're just kinda messing around anyway...)
Peace out, Nerf on, Be weird. Y'all rock.
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If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
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#15 BeWeird



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Posted 03 August 2004 - 12:05 PM

*Double postin', Oh yeah...*
Ok, the times that I have open are virtually anytime on the 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th (with the 12th, however, being out because we're heading out and have to catch a flight at about lunchtime, so fitting in a war then would probably be not good).
So... anytime that's good for y'all I'm willing to try to get there.
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If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
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#16 Raiden



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Posted 03 August 2004 - 12:19 PM

1) the only days I have off of work that week are the 9th and 10th so if I were coming those would have to be one of those days.
2) I am not sure whats up with my aresenal these days mostly its in pieces all over my room, but I should have the parts to put together at least 1 working sm1500 and of course I have MY two locknloads, I also have a blast bazooka which I have managed to make live up to its name.
3) H2H would be sweet, so if I do make it I will prolly pack something of that ilk with me as well.
4) there may or may not be a 4.
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#17 BeWeird



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Posted 03 August 2004 - 04:05 PM

Somone else!
Raiden, it would be awesome if you could come. The more the merrier.
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#18 Whisper



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Posted 03 August 2004 - 05:19 PM

Cool stuff, ^_^
I'm thinkin that we'll be using our guns and our ammo until we run out of Megas. Then We'll probly change over to y'all's guns and ammo.

...Yes I say Y'all.
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#19 BeWeird



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Posted 04 August 2004 - 07:55 AM

Yup. Prob'ly a good idea. Though we could just make more stephans now and then not run out...
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#20 Hunter



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Posted 05 August 2004 - 06:12 PM

Quite frankly, you all need to confirm a DATE and TIME RIGHT......


Ps. Someone try to bring a digital camera. More VANS pictures would be awesome. Especially with our esteem guests. :)

Edited by Hunter, 05 August 2004 - 06:12 PM.

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#21 BeWeird



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Posted 05 August 2004 - 08:13 PM

Yes. It has just occured to me that I need a date/time extremely quickly. We (me'n Whisper) are leaving for a White Water Rafting trip with our youth group tomorrow morning at about 7:30 ( :) ), and we probably will not be home again before we hit the airport on our way up to Van. Soo.... I need a date and a time. Just somebody set one. Say "We're going to do it on x and that's the way it is because I said so".
Also, to Zero, I haqve just realized that I could REALLY use your cell/real phone number sometime rather quickly (before tomorrow), so PM me, if you wouldn't mind please. I'll PM you with mine now in case you're not on tonight.
(My, my my, I squished this into a remarkably small timeframe, didn't I?)
Well, this is probably one of my last posts for this, so Van people, I shall see you on the other side...

Err... Wh00psie...
Turns out I was mistaken; Whisper and I WILL be back home after the rafting on Friday and spending Friday night here before flying out Saturday morning. So I will be back on here checking PM's and posting stuff tomorrow night/Saturday morning.

Edited by BeWeird, 05 August 2004 - 09:08 PM.

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#22 Hunter



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Posted 06 August 2004 - 11:45 AM


I'm not even attending the war, so I'll make it simple for you people who can't make up your minds. ^_^

Monday the 9th
Tuesday the 10th

Post a Day and a Time and it's on!
If your still a little slow, try one of these:
Option 1: Monday 9th, 1300 to 1600
Option 2: Monday 9th, 1000 to 1400
Option 3: Tuesday 10th, 1300 to 1600
Option 4: There is no four. Oh god, wait, there is. We need to end this 4 stuff. Curse you, Zero.
The real option 4: Tuesday 10th, 1000 to 1400.

If someone doesn't choose one, I will by 1900 hours tonight, the 6th. Thats 9 hours before I ship out at the airport.

Update 2000 hours:

SS still hasn't given me an answer, and due to lack of time I have, I will assume it's a no. Thus, my arsenal has no way of getting up there. Unfortunately, it seems that SS and Turtle aren't into Nerf as much as I hoped they would be. I'm all alone, again...

Mike, I'm calling you now. We need to see if you would be interested in bringing my guns up there if nescessary. I'll keep you posted with SS tonight...


Update 2010 hours:
SS Says he can't go.
Mike number that he gave me at VANS is a little sketch. I'm guessing it's 876? Well, your answering machine isn't kicking in. Quite frankly, if you don't get this tonight, my guns won't make it up...

Well, you could always call, I believe you have my number. If not, here it is you know the area code. 944-4645. Call my parents, talk to my dad, let him know who you are. Make sure they are home if you want to drop by and pick the guns up. I'll let them know it's OK with me.

I guess I'll check again at 2100... Other than that, I'm out. I appologize to you, BW and Whisper. I wish I could have made it.

Edited by Hunter, 06 August 2004 - 10:10 PM.

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#23 BeWeird



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Posted 06 August 2004 - 08:54 PM

I wish dad would tell me his plans BEFORE I make mine. <_<
Tuesday at 1300 to 1600 is the best, I think. I really don't think that I could swing anything on Monday, because we're gonna be staying with a friend of Dad's in Whistler on Monday and Monday night and hopefully coming back on Tuesday morning-ish. So I think I'll be home by 1300, but no promises. If it's possible, maybe even sometime later might be nice, though I think one o'clock will be OK. If we start later than that we might not have as much time to nerf.
I think one'll be cool.
Soooo.... Unless someone says otherwise, I will now assume One O'clock (1300) on Tuesday.
I'm leaving here at about 10:30 tomorrow (Saturday) morning, so I'll cya there...
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If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
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#24 Zero Talent

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Posted 06 August 2004 - 10:29 PM

It doesn't look like anyone's going to be coming anyways, so may as well stuff it on Tuesday, 1300 to 1600, then. I'll see about borrowing your arsenal, Hunter; my apologies for the late replies, I've been working long graveyards the past two nights.

I have this sinking feeling the war is going to be composed entirely of two alabama kids, and one Missionite. My group's ditched out due to full-time, weekday work, Nello isn't active on the boards, and Hunter's gang seem to be out...

Hey, if nothing else, there's always lunch and good company. <_<
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"'Revere me as hot! All others are not! THIS, I COMMAND!'"
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#25 BeWeird



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Posted 06 August 2004 - 10:34 PM

It doesn't look like anyone's going to be coming anyways, so may as well stuff it on Tuesday, 1300 to 1600, then. I'll see about borrowing your arsenal, Hunter; my apologies for the late replies, I've been working long graveyards the past two nights.

I have this sinking feeling the war is going to be composed entirely of two alabama kids, and one Missionite. My group's ditched out due to full-time, weekday work, Nello isn't active on the boards, and Hunter's gang seem to be out...

Hey, if nothing else, there's always lunch and good company. <_<

That would be very funny...
Oh well. I'd like to meet you anyways, Zero.
What about Raiden, by the way? He only posted once...
And is SteelSoul coming or not?
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If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
_bW of REN

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